

Westliche Medien erkennen Unterdrückung von Dissens in Ukraine an

acTVism Munich

In diesem Video, das exklusiv auf unserem Kanal veröffentlicht wird, erörtert der mit dem #Pulitzer-Preis ausgezeichnete #Journalist Glenn #Greenwald, wie die westlichen #Medien oft behaupten, dass #Kriege geführt werden, um #Demokratie und #Freiheit zu verteidigen, während die wahren #Beweggründe oft #geostrategischer Natur sind oder mit #Ressourcen und #Kapital zu tun haben. Er untersucht den Fall des Krieges in der Ukraine, wo die Medien nun die Geschichte des #Dissenses unter dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr #Selenskyj und die Einschränkungen der #Pressefreiheit und der demokratischen Rechte anerkennen.

Dieses Video wurde von System Update produziert und am 19. Juni 2024 auf YouTube veröffentlicht. Wir haben es ins Deutsche übersetzt und veröffentlichen es heute erneut, um die #Meinungsbildung zu diesem Thema in #Deutschland und darüber hinaus zu unterstützen.





#edwardsnowden #snowden #glenngreenwald #greenwald #democracy #secrecy #security-state #deep-state #government
The entire #speech: Glenn Greenwald: “Edward Snowden and the Secrets of the National Security State”


#greenwald "said earlier this year that the virulent fascists Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson, and the “2016 iteration of Donald Trump” are “socialists” – a thoroughly bizarre characterization. I’m not making this up (you can’t make something like that up)." https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/09/24/glenn-greenwald-is-not-your-misunderstood-left-comrade/


Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters


#GlennGreenwald was one of the first #reporters to see — and #write about — the #EdwardSnowden #files, with their #revelations about the #UnitedStates' extensive #surveillance of #private #citizens. In this searing #talk, Greenwald makes the case for why you need to care about #privacy, even if you’re “not doing anything you need to hide."

#greenwald #mass-surveillance #journalism #tedtalk #freespeech


First Look Media's publication is The Intercept, which Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, and Jeremy Scahill introduce:

We are very excited to welcome everyone to The Intercept, a publication of First Look Media (FLM). The Intercept, which the three of us created, is the first of what will be numerous digital magazines published by FLM....

The Intercept has a two-fold mission: one short-term, the other long-term.

Our short-term mission is limited but critically important: to provide a platform and an editorial structure in which to aggressively report on the disclosures provided to us by our source, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. We decided to launch now because we believe we have a vital and urgent obligation to this story, to these documents, and to the public....

Our longer-term mission is to provide aggressive and independent adversarial journalism across a wide range of issues, from secrecy, criminal and civil justice abuses and civil liberties violations to media conduct, societal inequality and all forms of financial and political corruption. The editorial independence of our journalists will be guaranteed, and they will be encouraged to pursue their journalistic passion, areas of interest, and unique voices.

Naturally, The Intercept has RSS feeds. You might want to take a moment to add All, News, Dispatches from Glen Greenwald, and Documents to your newsreader now. Additional staff feeds are listed at the link above.

And if you check the staff pages you'll find that each has a PGP key listed. Interesting to note on the staff page: each reporter has a GPG key, they're accessible from public keyservers (as they should be), and they're at least self-signed. It'd be better if they were mutually signed, though a meet-up might have to be arranged for that. Micah Lee (former Chief Technologist for EFF) has signed Greenwald & Gallagher's keys.

Key lengths are 2048 or 4096. Greenwald, Poitras, Lee, Novack, and Gallagher have 4096 bit keys.


(Also posted at the dreddit)

#greenwald #firstlook #media #poitras #news