

A. Skelton, head of the #UN Committee on the Rights of the Children, told Al Jazeera:


The situation of #children in #Gaza is catastrophic and most of the victims are children

We have not seen a similar situation for the children of Gaza, especially those who have lost their families

We demand an immediate #ceasefire in the Gaza Strip

We want to continue the work of #UNRWA because it is the only organization capable of providing support

We must start psychological support for children in the Gaza Strip

We demand respect for international laws to protect children in Gaza

#Israel #Genocide #Inhumanity #StopIsrael


where is the love ?

its so sick #they just brutally #murder #children
#every fucking #day and the world evil powers cheer them on

„Human rights group #Amnesty International said four sites hit by #Israel in separate targeted attacks in #Rafah that killed 95 civilians — including 42 children — were not lawful military targets, accusing Israel of direct war crimes for #indiscriminate #attacks.“

The Black Eyed Peas - #Where Is The #Love? (Official #Music #Video)


"Are They 'Hamas'?" 12,300 Children Killed by Israeli Forces in Gaza

Gruesome new data shows that kids make up around 43% of the death toll from Israel's assault on the #Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces have killed more than 12,300 Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip in just over four months, a staggering toll that’s likely to grow as the Netanyahu government ramps up its assault on and prepares to invade the overcrowded city of Rafah.

New figures that Gaza health authorities provided to The Associated Press show that children make up roughly 43% of the total death toll in the Palestinian enclave since October 7. Women and children combined account for three-quarters of the death toll, according to the new data.

“Are they ‘Hamas’?” Kenneth Roth, former executive director of Human Rights Watch, asked in response to the numbers, referring to Israel’s claim that it is targeting militants despite the massive and growing body of evidence to the contrary.

An Amnesty International report released Monday examining four recent Israeli airstrikes on Rafah. Amnesty said that “in all four attacks,” it did not find “any indication that the residential buildings hit could be considered legitimate military objectives or that people in the buildings were military targets.”

#gaza #palestine #children #hamas #Genocide #WarCrime #Politics #StopTheWar #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveRafah #PeaceNow #CeaseFireNow


The world is waging war on its children, in an obscene mockery of international law

The Guardian

From Gaza to Ukraine, from Sudan to Myanmar, youngsters are being raped, abducted, maimed, killed and even recruited as soldiers.

(Text continues underneath the photo.)

Photo of Palestinian child looking for food
A Palestinian child carries empty containers to get food distributed by charities as Israeli attacks continue in Rafah, Gaza, on 25 January. Photograph: Anadolu/Getty Images.

Callous disregard for civilian lives and safety is a disturbing feature of modern armed conflict. From Ukraine and Gaza to Sudan and Myanmar, respect for the “laws of war” is being eroded or is non-existent. Non-combatants are deliberately targeted. Most shocking, and unforgivable, is the wanton harm – the UN term is “grave violations” – done to children.

In his latest report on children and conflict, UN secretary general António Guterres warned that children “continued to be disproportionately affected” by war-related violence and abuses. By this, he meant killing and maiming, rape, sexual violence, abductions, school attacks and recruitment of child soldiers. All were on the rise, he said. (...)

How shaming all this is. How truly shocking. That adults and nations choose to fight each other is normal, though regrettable. But a world war on children? How did it come to this?

Complete article

Tags: #laws_of_war #international_law #Ukraine #Gaza #Sudan #Myanmar #isael #russia #children #Ethiopia #tigray #Boko_Haram #nigeria #Ecuador #Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo #Palestine #Somalia #Syria #Afghanistan #Yemen #Burkina_Faso #Mali


"Jeder ist willkommen! Egal woher er/sie kommt!"
Bild von meiner Tochter, 9 Jahre alt.
Gemalt am Donnerstag, dem 25.Januar 2024.
Ein Foto mit Kindern aus ihrer Schulklasse.
Die zwei Fotos sagen mehr als 1000 Worte. ☮️🌈❤️🍀🌞

#Bild #Bilder #Frieden #Toleranz #Gerechtigkeit #Gleichheit #Vielfalt #Kinder #Demokratie #Demonstration #Demo #Foto #meinFoto #mywork #Image #Images #Peace #Tolerance #Justice #Equality #Diversity #Children #Democracy #Demonstration #Demo #Photo #myPhoto



Looming crisis: Millions at risk as #WIC funding hangs in balance
By Alexandra Jacobo -January 18, 2024

..."The clock is ticking for #Congress to address this looming crisis. Without immediate action, the ramifications could be dire. A failure to meet President Joe Biden’s emergency funding request for WIC by the impending deadline would lead to a substantial budget shortfall. This financial gap threatens to force states to reduce WIC participation, potentially leaving up to 2 million eligible young #children and #pregnant and #postpartum adults without crucial support.

The situation is exacerbated by the current legislative gridlock. The possibility of a government shutdown looms large, adding further uncertainty to the already precarious funding state of WIC and other essential programs.

Behind the statistics are real families whose lives are intertwined with WIC’s support. A survey by ParentsTogether Action highlights the program’s impact: 64% of WIC recipients reported they would struggle to afford necessary infant formula without the program, and over half would face challenges in meeting their own nutritional needs.

The personal accounts are poignant. Families express how WIC has enabled them to access nutritious foods, critical for their children’s development, which they otherwise couldn’t afford. The threat of reduced funding isn’t just a policy debate; it’s a potential blow to the well-being of millions of vulnerable Americans.

The debate over WIC funding has taken a distinctly partisan tone. Progressive advocates, including Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal and Rep. Cori Bush, have been vocal in their criticism of the opposition to fully funding WIC. They argue that such resistance, primarily from Republican lawmakers, prioritizes tax breaks for the wealthy over essential support for low-income families."...


#China's #population drops for second year, with record low #birth rate

Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/china/chinas-population-drops-2nd-year-raises-long-term-growth-concerns-2024-01-17/

The country's retirement-age population, aged 60 and over, is expected to increase to more than 400 million by 2035 - more than the entire population of the United States - from about 280 million people currently.
The state-run Chinese Academy of Sciences sees the #pension #system running out of money by 2035.

Population reduction is good for the #environment. Perpetual growth is nonsense on a finite planet. Why not solve this problem now while we are still doing relatively well? I forgot, because it means work for politicians and they're not so good at that. Besides, many people don't want to change and adapt and believe that everything was better in the past. We used to cause the problems in the past that are now threatening to ruin our #future!

#economy #growth #news #statistics #children #youth #politics #earth #problem #civilization #humanity #capitalism #collapse #finance #resources