

A big Shoutout to PatriotSwitch.com

PatriotSwitch.com was created to offer family and patriot owned #alternatives to the items we are normally stuck buying at these big box conglomerates every month of our lives.

How many small businesses do you know that were affected or shut down completely over the last couple of years while the mandates required us to keep making the rich, richer? It's time to start supporting the little guys and quit funding our own demise.

Thanks again Patriot Switch!

Patriot Switch - Taking back our country one purchase at a time!

#Consumer #Goods

More specifically non-durable consumer goods are the items we purchase and run out of month after month for our entire lives. The items like toothpaste, dish soap, laundry detergent, lotion, soaps, etc. By controlling the distribution of this category these corporations have created a predictable model of cashflow based on our buying habits.

The #Illusion Of #Choice

There are hundreds of consumer goods brands in our country and the vast majority of them are all owned and controlled by just a handful of mega-corporations. Even when you think you are buying natural products in many cases those natural companies have been absorbed by these giant corporations

#Where Does Your #Money Go?

Studies show that nearly 63% of the price you pay for consumer goods add no value to the end consumer. Billions of dollars each year is used to purchase advertising with media companies, fund distribution and big box stores. Spending that money on better, safer ingredients and a company that supports freedom is a better option.


A quotation from Goethe, Johann von

But heard are the voices,
Heard are the sages,
The Worlds and the Ages:
“Choose well: your choice is
Brief, and yet endless.”

[Doch rufen von drüben
Die Stimmen der Geister
Die Stimmen der Meister:
Bersäumt nich zu üben
Die Kräfte des Guten.]

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) German poet, statesman, scientist
“Symbolum” (1815) [tr. Carlyle (1843)]

#quote #quotation #choice #choosing #consequences #impact #long-term #decision #commitment
Sourcing and notes: https://wist.info/goethe-johann/55474/


The big #problem with #British #politics is that it doesn't exist. #Read some #political #history and #philosophy and you'll soon realise there is a de facto one party state in the #UK.

#Conservatives = neoliberal-globalists.
#Labour = neoliberal-globalists.
#LibDems = neoliberal-globalists.
#Green = neoliberal-globalists.
#ScotsNats = neoliberal-globalists.

The only real choice is the #colour.

The Conservatives #conserve nothing, grow #government, permit mass #immigration, support #speech crime, support thought #crime, increase #regulations, support "#multiculturalism", support "LGBTQIA+", hate #autochthonous British people, borrow #money at interest, print #currency, support #globalism, support foreign #wars, support net zero, support offshoring #industry, take part in #cronyism, don't support free market #capitalism, want to give illegal #migrants #amnesty, support the #corrupt #Ukraine puppet government, supported illegal #lockdowns, supported illegal #medical #mandates, supported #unscientific mask wearing, support illegal on-the-spot #fines, support #biometricID, support ignoring #paedophilia, support ignoring crime #statistics regarding #race, support the World Economic Forum, support #agenda2030, support "the great reset", support low #birthrates, support #miscegenation and support #depopulation.

Labour support everything the so-called Conservatives do and they don't support the #working classes and in-fact appear to hate the autochthonous British working classes and consider them, in the words of Jack Staw, a people "not worth saving."

Lib Dems are neither #Liberal, in the classical sense, or #Democratic. They wanted to overturn the #EU #referendum and reject the Democratic #vote on membership and they're #neoliberals, which is a philosophy that includes attacks on classical Liberal concepts like free speech, free thought and free inquiry. They also support everything the so-called Conservatives and Labour party do.

#Greens support the the reduction of #CO2 from the current 400ppm to zero, which will kill all life on #Earth as it will prevent #photosynthesis occurring, therefore preventing #plants growing and eliminating them as a food for #humans, #insects and #animals, destroying the food chain and the Earth's #biosphere. They don't understand how the #climate or biosphere works and are ostensibly useful idiots for plutocratic #elites and big #corporations. They also support everything the so-called Conservatives, Labour party and Lib Dems do.

The #SNP wants to take #Scotland out of the UK union and give the Scots "#independence" by signing them up to EU union. Essentially all this does is transfer dependency from #London to #Brussels and exchanges the #English for the Franco-Germans. Scotland will be no more independent and in some ways even more dependant. The SNP also support everything the other neoliberal-globalist parties do too.

In short, there is no political #choice beyond colour because there is no meaningful differentiation between political philosophies, or outcomes of voting. Whatever party you vote for, you get the same policies, the same lies, the same #corruption, the same #cronyism, the same #sophistry, the same national trajectory, the same everything, only with some minor and ostensibly superficial differences in packaging and delivery.

British politics is a total #farce that doesn't even engage in any recognisable political #debate because other than faux ad hominems, jeering and lip-service to non-existent political #principles there's nothing to debate, because they all agree...


Family Politics and Drama

I was recently telling someone that Hubby and I don’t do or tolerate family politics and drama – relative or not.

We each have various family units – whether we consciously think of them as that or not – our energy certainly does.

A family can be (but isn’t limited to):

  • Nuclear Family
    A couple and their dependent children. For me, I include pet, as they are part of the family unit.

  • Immediate Family
    There are different definitions for Immediate Family and Extended Family. For the purpose of this article, I am defining Immediate Family as including the Nuclear Family, parents and siblings.

  • Extended Family
    Those who are one household beyond the Nuclear Family (and can include Immediate Family) such as aunts, uncles, grandparents.

Other Families

We also have the following families. You may disagree with my interpretation (and that’s fine), but I think if you look at it objectively and energetically, you’ll probably see it.

  • Work/Office Family
  • Each In-Person Social Group
  • Each Interest Group (hobbies, etc.)
  • Each Online Group
  • Online Friends

And then we can have:

  • Neighborhood Family
  • City/Town Family
  • State Family
  • Country Family

But don’t forget the:

  • Actual political association family
  • The Human Being Family
  • The Inhabitants of Earth Family (including all non-human inhabitants)

And these are just a few of the families we are connected to.

Each family has its own politics. By that I mean each family unit probably has a...Read More

#3D #4D #5D #choice #opposites #equal #drama #politics #family #energy #motherearth #victim #chaotic #bizarre #clarity


This idiot misses a couple of gears in his scull

Montana state GOP Rep Brad #Tschida is arguing that a woman’s womb “serves no specific purpose to her life or well-being.”

“the womb is the only organ in a woman’s body that serves no specific purpose to her life or well-being. It is truly a sanctuary.”

“I think that’s exactly what it’s there for. It welcomes in a new life and that’s what it’s there to do, to nurture and sustain that life.”

“the womb is a place set aside for another person who arrives as a result of a choice of a man and a woman to procreate.”

#women #life #choice #GOP



Breaking -- #GQP - approved SCOTUS apparently set to overturn Roe vs. Wade, their statements about "settled law" etc. be damned.
As reported by @wendydavis and @Lawrence ...

Soon abortion will be illegal even for a 12 yr-old incestuous rape victim. Women will lose their autonomy over their own bodies. Etc.
As the U.S. rate of maternal deaths continues to grow relative to other countries.

Leaked draft opinion appears to show the Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade

==> Text of Draft - Politico

#SCOTUS #reproductive #rights #freedom #RoeVsWade #choice


So, just in from France. See link below. Rich elderly man with lots of life insurance (millions) for his family's benefit dies from covid jab (not disputed by the doctors, nor his life insurers). Insurance company refused to pay out because the taking of experimental drugs, treatments, etc., is excluded from the policy. The family take the insurance company to court, but lose. The judge states, "the experimental vaccine side effects are publicised and the deceased could not claim not to have known about them when he voluntarily took the jab. There is no law or mandate in France which forced him to be jabbed. Therefore, his death is essentially suicide". Suicide is also excluded from his policy. If anyone ever challenges you on whether these jabs are experimental or not, and that neither the pharma companies, nor govts, nor anyone else but YOU are responsible for accepting them and if you die, legally you have committed suicide. No insurance, no payouts, no refunds. You are on your own!


#experimemtal #vaccine #ireland #france #insurance
#mandate #vaccinedamage #choice #drugs #