

Scott Ritter on the fall of the US empire

The United States isn't just facing defeat against the Houthis in Yemen. [...] Looks like we're withdrawing from Syria. And it looks like we're going to withdraw from Iraq. It's over! The American experiment is finished.

--- https://www.youtube.com/live/hshWycPYwV8?si=wAjmH9bwyrflfSpj&t=2990

[NATO's Steadfast Defender] is a joke. This exercise is actually underscoring how weak and pathetic NATO is.

--- https://www.youtube.com/live/hshWycPYwV8?si=KJVKpJLwleg_bJOk&t=3127

America, the empire, has run it's course. And i hope we find a way to peacefully retrograde back to our soil, and begin looking to heal ourselves here in America, and spend that money where it needs to be spent.

--- https://www.youtube.com/live/hshWycPYwV8?si=_jAKVDLHOns7jBxY&t=3274

We've lost Garland, we've lost. [...] Anything we touch gets diseased and dies. I hope to God that the Taiwanese are looking at this saying "don't touch us, don't touch us, we don't want any of this"

--- https://www.youtube.com/live/hshWycPYwV8?si=9KH-ENXEJpEj4Eqk&t=3314

NATO is finished. It's over for NATO. It may last another ten years, but NATO has killed itself, because it cannot afford what it wants to be, even though there is no need for it to be that. Russia is not going to attack NATO. It just isn't in the works.

--- https://www.youtube.com/live/hshWycPYwV8?si=-eIkrUABulinTYkN&t=3645

#UnitedStates #empire #imperialism #NATO #ScottRitter



Standing askew as the inexorable boot commands.
Squeezing out gems, polished and pure.
Paid in bread and circuses.
Bathed in raw privilege ambitions:
ravaging, raping at will
drinking to blood lust’s
ecstatic thrill.
Casting out doubt that promised reward
be assured.
Cold, this world.
Shadow sans Sun.
Listless lap at sparkling carbonation.
Sinking below matter and form
into terror tales.
Battering warmth from smoldering coals.
As tomorrow continues today
dissolving heart
bleeds sharp diamonds bereft of wisdom.

#poetru #empire


He likewise provided a liberal education for the sons of the chiefs, and showed such a preference for the natural powers of the Britons over the industry of the Gauls that they who lately disdained the tongue of Rome now coveted its eloquence. Hence, too, a liking sprang up for our style of dress, and the toga became fashionable. Step by step they were led to things which dispose to vice, the lounge, the bath, the elegant banquet. All this in their ignorance, they called civilization, when it was but a part of their servitude.
tags#agricola #tacitus #history #civilisation #consumerism #occupation #romans #britons #uk #empire ">


#CraigMokhiber #Yemen #UnitedStates #UnitedKingdom #empire



So the people who try to spin and twist around the narrative still play with this idea that they are the ones who are interested in diplomacy and that the Russians and the Chinese are the evil ones who only want to solve all problems with weapons. It's a fantastic, phenomenal spin on actual reality in which it is the west and NATO that is pushing as hard as possible on getting war and getting more war [...]

--- Pascal Lottaz, https://youtu.be/J9oF4QUJTcU?si=pk2VKP4um2-cTPe0&t=898

#propaganda #projection #NeutralityStudies #PascalLottaz #empire #UnitedStates #NATO #Russia #China


Nobody really knows when Christ was born.

Most scholars think that December 25 was chosen when the Romans decided they needed a new state religion, to give a little extra umph to their collapsing empire— and this was just the most convenient time to celebrate.
From the Coliseums to Cathedrals
The Romans had noticed that Christians were pretty dedicated—going to their deaths in the Coliseum—not perhaps cheerfully—but strengthened by their beliefs. The Romans respected courage and loyalty.

Although Constantine is credited with legalizing Christianity—there had been a movement towards toleration, if not inclusion, well before him—with various generals issuing edicts of toleration to recruit Christians into the legions.

Early Christians were apparently not all pacifists.

These…umm ”Christians” were also not of one mind.

Christianity began as an offshoot of Judaism—one might say created by Paul, who was a Jew and therefore believed in only one God— and had never met Jesus while he was alive. In his writings, Paul does not specifically say that Jesus is God. In fact, many early Christians did not believe that Christ was divine.

“Son of God”?

The term “Son of God” was often used in Israel to designate virtuous and godly people —and cannot be taken literally. Paul and others tend to use expressions of this kind in this way.

In any event, Constantine could not have a state religion with so many different interpretations—hence the Council of Nicaea— which among other things dumped about 80 Gospels in favor of just four— and created a creed – “I believe in the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost”— a sort of compromise polytheism— which the Romans found easy to accept.

At this time, up to 50% of Christians, especially Ebonites and Arians, did not believe in the divinity of Christ.

In any case, the rulers of the empire got their new state religion— the question was how to sell it. How to convince people to accept the transition? The Trinity was helpful, but something more was needed.


Since the festival of Saturnalia was held December 25—the birthday of Sol Invictus and Mithras – what better day to celebrate the birth of Christ! I'm not sure how the sex orgies, gluttony, and drunkenness fitted in. But….what's life without a little ambivalence?

#Jesus #Christ #Christmas #Roman #Empire #Saturnalia


[T]he #Christmas story actually is a Palestinian story, par excellence. It talks about a family in Nazareth, in the north of #Palestine, that is ordered by an imperial decree of the Romans to evacuate to Bethlehem, to go there and register. And this is exactly what our people in #Gaza has been experiencing these 75 days. It talks about Mary, the pregnant woman, on the run, exactly like 50,000 women in Gaza who are actually displaced. Jesus was born actually as a #refugee.
And you have this message that the angels declared here, “Glory to God in the highest, #peace on Earth”, which was actually a critique of the #empire, because glory belongs to the Almighty and not to the mighty. And the peace that #Jesus came to proclaim is not the peace, the Pax Romana, the peace that is based on #subjugation and #military operation, but on human #dignity, #equality and #justice. And this is actually what we call for.

— Rev. Mitri Raheb, source

#Gaza #Palestine #genocide #Christmas #PaxAmericana #PaxRomana


enter image description here
#Altar of #Zeus ? at #Pergamon, #Turkey: the #Throne-of-Satan
And to the angel of the congregation that is in Pergamon write: “Thus says the one who has the sharp, two-edged sword:

‘I know where you dwell, where the throne of #Satan is, and you hold fast to my name and you did not deny my faith even in the days of Antipas, my witness, my faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.’”

(Revelation 2:12–13)

On a symbolic level, the “throne of Satan” mentioned in this passage represents a power in opposition to #God, a power that is embodied in Roman imperial might. Throughout Revelation, a system of symbols associates Satan, depicted as a #dragon or #serpent, with the #Roman #Empire and emperor depicted as a #beast.

Unlike other early Christian writers, #John the #prophet did not encourage his audience to honor and obey the emperor, but instead encouraged—by means of his symbols and rhetoric—resistance.

In principle, during the first century C.E., Roman officials tolerated believers in #Jesus as the Messiah insofar as they could be regarded as Jews. Jews were expected to honor the emperor and to pray for his welfare, as well as for the welfare of the empire. As monotheists, however, they were normally not expected to worship the emperor, as most Greeks and Hellenized provincials did with enthusiasm. Nero’s police action against the Christians of Rome in 64 C.E., however, apparently set a precedent for executing Christians merely for being such, and by the time of Trajan (emperor from 98–117 C.E.). Christians who refused to curse Jesus Christ and to worship the emperor, along with the traditional gods, were liable to execution as stubborn adherents of “superstition.” #Nero’s action marks the beginning of the end of Roman acceptance of Christianity as a Jewish movement.

John’s imagery in #Revelation is more than symbolic, however. The very explicit association the author makes between the “throne of Satan” and the city of Pergamon suggests that something visible in the city inspired the phrase. Taken together, the #archaeological and textual #evidence points to the same candidate: the Great Altar of Pergamon, one of the most significant (and stunning) monuments to survive from the Greco-Roman world. To John of Revelation, it is the “throne of Satan.”

Pergamon (modern #Bergama, in Turkey) is located on the Caicus River in western #Asia-Minor in the region traditionally called Mysia. In John’s time, Mysia was part of the Roman province of Asia.

The oldest part of the city is the acropolis, which is considerably higher and steeper than the acropolis of Athens. The earliest record of settlement comes from Xenophon, a Greek who lived in the fourth century B.C.E. He writes about Pergamon’s role in the Spartan campaigns of 399 B.C.E.1 In the third century B.C.E. Pergamon was the center of the Hellenistic kingdom of the Attalids. When the last Attalid king died in 133 B.C.E., he willed his kingdom to Rome, and the Romans transformed the old Attalid kingdom into their province of Asia. Pergamon was one of the three most prominent cities of that province (along with Ephesus and Smyrna). Pergamon continued to be a leading city until the fourth century C.E.

The ruins of the ancient city visible today include a temple dedicated to the emperor Trajan and a theater on the top of the acropolis. The base of the Great Altar lies prominently on a terrace on the southern slope of the acropolis. A lower city circled the base of the acropolis. A road led from there to a compound dedicated to the god Asklepios. This compound served as a medical center, a spa and a center for rhetoric and the arts, as well as a shrine to the deity.

The Pergamon altar itself is now housed in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. In the second half of the 19th century, stones from the ancient citadel on the acropolis of Pergamon were being burned in order to procure lime, so excavations sponsored by the Berlin Museum were carried out between 1878 and 1886. The Great Altar and many of its sculptures were removed with permission of the authorities in Turkey and taken to the museum in Berlin.

The purpose of Pergamon’s Great Altar is uncertain and continues to provoke debate. Was it a real altar on which meat from sacrificed animals would be burned or was it a victory monument with no sacrificial function?2

As for its date, however, a consensus has emerged that the Great Altar was constructed during the reign of the Attalid king Eumenes II, who was born in 221 B.C.E. and reigned from 197 to 159 B.C.E.3 It is likely that the altar was intended as a monument celebrating the victories of Eumenes II’s predecessors, as well as his own, including the Roman victory over the Seleucid king Antiochus III, with the assistance of Eumenes II, in 189 B.C.E. The altar was never completed,4 but it was unquestionably one of the city’s most important landmarks in antiquity.


#ShawnRyan #Show - 84 - #NickBryant Part 2 - Did #JeffreyEpstein #Clone Himself?
1 hour 23 minutes - Nov 21, 2023

Part two is a complete breakdown of Jeffrey Epstein's #vile #empire and the systems that enabled his rise to a position of power in "high society." Bryant details the origins of the "Little Black Book" and uncovers the names within it. This is the account the #mainstream #media won't cover.
SRS #84 Part 2

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Fo2LWDUUNT8


Cycle de vie des sociétés dites modernes, avec des individus dits modernes :

Naissance Croissance Reproduction ̶M̶o̶r̶t̶ Transition ^^

Ou le tabou de la #mort dans le monde dit civilisé, à l'image des #sciences :

Recherche sur schéma de cycle de #vie Searx et il apparaît très clairement qu'aucun de ces schémas n'intègre la mort.

Donc.... Bien évidemment, l' #immortalité est de mise, et donc notre mort n'est pas une option : bien sûr que nous allons " #transitionner" !!
Un peu comme le papillon, de la larve au papillon, qui lui aussi, bien sûr, ne meurt jamais, il se #métamorphose seulement :

Le #symbolisme, explique souvent bien plus que le #réel directement visible, car tout ce qui est #symbolique, dans nos actes, est bien plus profond.
Si on s'intéresse à cette approche, comment ne pas comprendre, dès lors, qu'à vouloir obstinément ne pas faire face à notre propre mort, on fait tout pour la provoquer encore plus, encore plus fortement, et encore plus vite ?

Le matraquage médiatique sur la fameuse #transition, est peut-être même un signe, de ce qu'il faut convaincre qu'il y a transition possible, parce qu'il n'y en a pas dans les faits... (Rappel FRESSOZ, chercheur au CNRS)

Si !!.. Une fin existe. À toute chose. Y compris aux empires...

D'autres #cultures humaines font une place centrale à la mort. Nous, nos morts sont mis à l'écart, loin de nos yeux, au cimetière...
#Transition #Naissance #Croissance #Reproduction #Collapse #Effondrement #Civilisation #Écologie #Meadows #ArthurKeller #Consommation #Surconsommation #Énergie #Energy #Empire #Impérialisme #Déni #Occident #Moderne #Progrès #Philosophie #Ethnologie #Anthropologie