

#Africrypt brothers deny involvement in #Bitcoin 'heist'

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-57582805

The law firm said Bitcoin valued at $3.6bn had been "dissipated in its entirety", in a complaint sent to an elite South African #police unit, known as the Hawks.

The #investigation into where the bitcoins went had been hampered by the use of "various dark web tumblers and mixers", the law firm wrote.

Of course it was a #hack from North Korea 😉 Bank #robbery and #cyvercrime have never been so easy with #bitcoins...

#news #crime #finance #heist #money #btc #technology #internet #hacker #software


Fired by #Bot at #Amazon: ‘It’s You Against the #Machine’

Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-06-28/fired-by-bot-amazon-turns-to-machine-managers-and-workers-are-losing-out

Amazon knew delegating work to machines would lead to mistakes and damaging headlines, these former managers said, but decided it was cheaper to trust the algorithms than pay people to investigate mistaken firings so long as the drivers could be replaced easily.

Brave new world.

#job #work #algorithm #news #economy #politics #democracy #humanRights #fail #usa #society #finance


#NFC Flaws Let Researchers #Hack ATMs by Waving a #Phone

Source: https://www.wired.com/story/atm-hack-nfc-bugs-point-of-sale/

"You can modify the #firmware and change the #price to one #dollar, for instance, even when the screen shows that you're paying 50 #dollars. You can make the device useless, or install a kind of #ransomware. There are a lot of possibilities here," says #Rodriguez of the point-of-sale attacks he discovered.

#atm #news #money #security #desaster #economy #hack #hacker #Android #smartphone #problem #finance #manipulation #vulnerability #malware


#Antivirus that mines #Ethereum sounds a bit wrong, right? #Norton has started selling it

Source: https://www.theregister.com/2021/06/03/norton_crypto/

#NortonLifeLock is now dangling a product that promises better #security and that it might eventually pay for itself. And not just pay for itself but also pay handsomely in the long run: the value of Ethereum has risen almost 1,000 percent in the past twelve months, and more than 10 per cent in the past 24 hours alone.

#internet #news #fail #business #software #money #finance #miner #cryptocurrency


What is the best #alternative #currency in the #crisis?

First of all, forget Bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies, because we are talking about a crisis without electricity and internet. In many countries with currency crises, the dollar has established itself as the best alternative currency, as it is easy to obtain and can be easily divided into pieces. But what happens if the crisis occurs in the U.S. itself, then the dollar itself would be the problem.

First of all, what are bad exchanges:
- Jewelry, watches, gems - too valuable, attracts criminals, you get too little for their value
- Gold - too valuable
- ...

Good exchanges:
- Silver coins - can attract criminals
- Cigarettes or tobacco - addicts are always there, well fragmentable
- Canned food - long shelf life, high usefulness in the crisis
- High-proof alcohol - medical benefits, alcoholics are numerous in the crisis.
- Toilet paper - high usefulness, very popular in crises, well fragmentable
- ...

#crisis #future #finance #money #currency #guide #Preparation #supply #trade #exchange


Public SĂ©nat on Twitter: "📣 Les sociĂ©tĂ©s du #CAC40 ont versĂ© 51 milliards d’euros de dividendes en plus que l’annĂ©e derniĂšre soit une augmentation de 22% des revenus : « 100% des membres du CAC40 ont reçu des aides publiques liĂ©es au COVID » @MaximCombes #ALPL https://t.co/tYEvAaabut" / Twitter

#politique #Ă©conomie #finance #ploutocratie



DerriĂšre le succĂšs des « prĂȘts garantis par l’État », une bonne affaire pour les grandes banques

GrĂące aux prĂȘts garantis par l’État, des milliers d’entreprises sont aidĂ©es pour affronter la crise sanitaire. Au 23 avril 2021, on atteint les 136 milliards d’euros de prĂȘts accordĂ©s par les banques Ă  plus de 670 000 entreprises, allant de micro-sociĂ©tĂ©s Ă  des grands groupes comme Renault, Air France ou l’armateur CMA-CGM. Mais en laissant les grandes banques privĂ©es au centre du dispositif, les pouvoirs publics continuent de favoriser la financiarisation. https://www.bastamag.net/PGE-prets-garantis-par-l-Etat-sans-condition-marches-financiers-BNP-Societe-Generale-Allo-Bercy-destruction-d-emplois

La campagne #AlloBercy continue ! Mobilisez-vous pour forcer le pouvoir exĂ©cutif et les entreprises Ă  rendre des comptes 👉 https://kisskissbankbank.com/fr/projects/allo-bercy/

#PretGarantiParLEtat #PGE #Entreprises #Banques #PrĂȘt #Multinationales #AirFrance #Renault #Suppression #Emploi #BCE #BanqueCentraleEuropeenne #Finance #Interets #Dividendes #ParadisFiscal
