

To counter U.S. hostility, China moves towards people centered policies


To counter #China, the #USA shifts to the #oligarchy. To counter #America, China shifts to the #people. Who will win?
Aside from the #ideological #underpinning, the new regulatory moves are #populist. The #masses will like them. They guarantee #President #XiJinping's #reelection at next year's national party congress. They will #strengthen China's #unity in its #competition with the #UnitedStates.

#MoonOfAlabama #MoA #globalization #economic #fundamentals #free-markets #income #disparity #investment #mgmt #legal #politics #regulations #regulators #soros #michaelhudson #healthy #society #common #prosperity


Global World vs Local Thinking

In the two recent centuries the world has rapidly transitioned to global interconnection in aspects economical, logistical, communicational, cultural and others -- we call this globalization. Actions and events taking place in America
almost directly and instantly impact people thousands of kilometers away, in other continents, via the turning wheels of overevoled capitalism and advanced communication technologies. These effect are a lot of times negative. An example of this is the business (often conducted illegally) of waste processing in third world countries, which kills many people in Africa and India, including
children. Culture, politics and opinions are also being exported in real time through the Internet.

Is globalization an issue? Like all things, it's something that can be taken advantage of in a positive manner, with the right attitude and will. However, there is a deeply rooted aspect of human thinking, exploited by politicians, that's making globalization a disaster -- it is the people's tendency to think locally.

Local thinking, the tendency to only care about events in one's immediate proximity, is something evolved in us for a good reason, and that is that the world has simply always worked locally. Until now, that is. It had never made sense to care about someone in another continent as we couldn't reach the people and they couldn't reach us. We couldn't influence each other, endanger each other, enrich each other. We only needed to care about our tribe, our village, our city.

With globalization this principle has changed, dangers and rewards from around the world are close. yet our local thinking stays in place. A decision an idividual, a company or a political group takes will echo throughout the whole world, in all its positive and negative ways. Is this good? It may or may not be, that depends solely on us. If there is anything clearly wrong, it is that we make decisions without realizing this global impact. Globalization is here to stay and can't be taken away, it is our mentality that needs to accustom to
globalization in order for it to be a good thing.

The moral of the story is, I guess, that the typical argument given by politics that goes "our country first" or "it's their country, not our thing", loses its logic. In our age, refusal to care about a country far away is equal to refusing to care about someone in close proximity. Refusing help to people in need in Africa is like refusing help to your starving neighbour -- it can no longer be
excused because distance stops being an obstacle to influence.

#globalization #capitalism #thoughtofday #politics


JavaScript developers left in the dark after #DroidScript software shut down by #Google over ad #fraud allegations

source: https://www.theregister.com/2021/04/27/droidscript_google_ban/

Hurren doubts any actual person at Google is following what's going on with DroidScript because so much of the company's #policy #enforcement is done through automated systems like scripts and bots.

#ai #sofware #gatekeeper #globalization #fail #economy #power #news #Android #support


A Better #Corporate #Tax for #America

source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-better-corporate-tax-for-america-11617813355

The tax plan not only ends U.S. participation in the race to the bottom, it also gives the whole world an incentive to give up the race. Destructive tax #competition will only end when enough major economies stop undercutting one another and agree to a global minimum tax.

#politics #economy #money #capitalism #capital #trade #globalization #news #usa


Ein interessanter Text von Zygmunt Bauman

Alte und neue Gewalt [Violence, Old and New]

"Das Ziel dieses neuen Typus von „globalem Krieg“ besteht nicht in territorialer Ausweitung, sondern darin, die letzten geschlossenen Tore für den freien Fluss des globalen Kapitals zu öffnen. In Abwandlung von Clausewitz könnte man sagen, dass dieser Krieg primär „die Fortsetzung des Welthandels mit anderen Mitteln“ bedeutete."

#Bauman #Gewalt #Violence #globaler_Krieg #globaler_Kapitalfluss #Krieg #Welthandel #global_war #global_capital_flow #war #world_trade
"[...] Die „#Nichtgewalt“, die man dem zivilisierten #Leben zuerkennt, meint nicht etwa die Abwesenheit von #Zwang, sondern lediglich die Abwesenheit von
unautorisiertem Zwang. Dies sind die primären Gründe dafür, weshalb der Krieg gegen die Gewalt nicht gewonnen werden kann und eine „#gewaltfreie“ soziale #Ordnung einer contradictio in adjecto nahekommt. [...]"
...jetzt hätt´ ich gerne eine Meinung von M. #Gandhi dazu...
"[...] Der gesamte Planet vermag keine größere #Folter zu erleiden als eine einzelne #Seele. [...]" ...ts, ts, ts, #Mitgefühl?!

"Zygmunt Bauman: #Violence, #Old and #New

The article addresses a number of critical questions concerning the definition of violence, arguing that the definition of violence depends on existing #power relations rather than on any “objective” criteria. Since patterns of social relationships are changing, the temptation to resort to violent mechanisms of “reconnaissance through battle” in order to establish or challenge power relations seems to be increasing in the long run. The most dramatic changes are currently taking place on the #global level, because the weakening of state sovereignty caused by the forces of economic #globalization leads to technically sophisticated forms of unilateral #warfare against those who try to resist the global market #economy."

DOWNLOADLINK *.pdf: Journal fĂĽr Konflikt- und Gewaltforschung - Journal of Conflict and Violence Research, Vol. 2, 1/2000

Ergänzend dazu m.E. interessant:
Das Rätsel der „ freiwilligen #Knechtschaft “
"Wie kann man sich erklären, dass Massen von Menschen politischen Kräften und Mächten in einer Art freiwilliger Knechtschaft folgen, die ihnen Schaden zufügen? Indem man versteht, dass die Dressur zum #Gehorsam in der frühen Kindheit und die ein Leben lang wirksame „Identifikation mit dem #Aggressor“ die Entwicklung der Fähigkeit zu Mitgefühl und Solidarität verhindern – mit uns und anderen."
LINK: Das Rätsel der „ freiwilligen Knechtschaft “