

NHS preparing for 'significant excess deaths' this winter

Health chiefs are in talks with funeral directors to ensure cremations and burials can keep pace with demand in the event of “significant excess deaths” this winter.

Board papers from #NHS Lanarkshire also note that additional mortuary capacity created to help manage the Covid pandemic could be called upon to cope with a potential surge in mortality over the coming months.

The documents state: “The resilience planning officers of North and South Lanarkshire are working alongside local undertakers to ensure there is sufficient ‘pace’ of funeral services – both burials and cremations – to support the eventuality of a significant excess of deaths over the winter period.

“Additional mortuary capacity identified for Covid is still in place and will continue to be available over the winter period.”


#ExcessDeaths #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver #SaveOurNHS #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #pandemic #deaths


Today I was irked if not irritated by a #covid19 denier (COVIDiots pretend either that it's "old news" or "fake news"). My mom did what the government said -- "back to normal" so to speak -- and got #covid (last night). this isn't something you can wish away, she takes is very hard and it already killed many people. You can see #nhs mortality graphs in https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/weekly-all-cause-mortality-surveillance-2021-to-2022



#WeOwnIt #SaveOurNHS #NHS #ourNHS #ToryProfiteers #ToryCorruption #ToriesOutNow #JohnsonTheCorruptPM #JohnsonTheButcher #JohnsonOut #ToryCriminals #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #DemocracyInDanger #ToryDictatorship #dictatorship