

Hegemony or Survival --- book by Noam Chomsky

Chomsky's main argument in Hegemony or Survival is that the socio-economic elite who control the United States have pursued an "Imperial Grand Strategy" since the end of World War II to maintain global hegemony through military, political, and economic means. He argues that in doing so they have repeatedly shown a total disregard for democracy and human rights, in stark contrast to the US government's professed support for those values.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hegemony_or_Survival

#NoamChomsky #UnitedStates #ImperialGrandStrategy


Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman about “worthy” and “unworthy” victims

Reports of the abuses of worthy victims […] also become the basis of sustained propaganda campaigns. If the government or corporate community and the media feel that a story is useful as well as dramatic, they focus on it intensively and use it to enlighten the public. This was true, for example, of the shooting down by the Soviets of the Korean airliner KAL 007 in early September 1983, which permitted an extended campaign of denigration of an official enemy and greatly advanced Reagan administration arms plans. As Bernard Gwertzman noted complacently in the New York Times of August 3I, 1984, U.S. officials “assert that worldwide criticism of the Soviet handling of the crisis has strengthened the United States in its relations with Moscow.” In sharp contrast, the shooting down by Israel of a Libyan civilian airliner in February I973 led to no outcry in the West, no denunciations for "cold-blooded murder,” and no boycott. This difference in treatment was explained by the New York Times precisely on the grounds of utility: "No useful purpose is served by an acrimonious debate over the assignment of blame for the downing of a Libyan airliner in the Sinai peninsula last week.” There was a very “useful purpose” served by focusing on the Soviet act, and a massive propaganda campaign ensued.

From the book Manufacturing Consent, by Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky

#propaganda #PropagandaCampaigns #NoamChomsky #EdwardHerman


#Estratégias com que a #Mídia nos manipula - Noam Chomsky -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KImDBRWe7A -
in https://faconti.tumblr.com/post/23911113408 -
Decálogo: “Estratégias de Manipulação”
do livro “ #Armas Silenciosas para #Guerras Tranquilas ”:
10 estratégias com que a mídia nos manipula
.1. A Estratégia da Distração
.2. Criar problemas e depois oferecer soluções
.3. A Estratégia da Gradualidade
.4. A Estratégia de Diferir
.5. Dirigir-se ao público como a criaturas de pouca idade
.6. Utilizar o aspecto emocional muito mais que a reflexão
.7. Manter o público na ignorância e na mediocridade
.8. Estimular o público a ser complacente com a mediocridade
.9. Reforçar a auto culpabilidade
.10. Conhecer os indivíduos melhor do que eles mesmos se conhecem -
Via Um pouquim da net - #NoamChomsky -
[ Já esteve aqui. É tão bom que voltou ] - 2013 -


The Republican strategy, which I described, has been successful: Do as much damage as you can to the country, blame it on the Democrats, develop all sorts of fanciful tales about the hideous things that the communists, the Democrats, are doing to your children, to the society, in a country which is subjected to social collapse, to atomization, to lack of organized ability to respond in ideas and actions that can be successful.

--- Noam Chomsky (dec 9 on Democracy Now)

#quote #NoamChomsky #politics #UnitedStates