

Klage gegen #Wikileaks :
#Assange und die #Heuchelei der #USA

Internationale Medien fordern ein Ende des Verfahrens gegen #Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange.
#Präsident und #Justizminister der USA schweigen dazu.

#taz #pickert #Garland #Obama #biden


Will Bidens Regierung in diesen Fragen wieder glaubwürdig werden, muss sie endlich handeln und die Anklage gegen Assange fallen lassen. Noch besser: endlich jene vor Gericht stellen, deren Kriegsverbrechen in den von Wikileaks veröffentlichten Dokumenten bekannt wurden. Wer von der ganzen Welt – zu recht! – Solidarität mit der von Russland angegriffenen Ukraine einfordert, um demokratische Werte zu verteidigen, sollte seinen eigenen Laden auch in Ordnung bringen.


One of the most active accounts on Twitter who's only purpose is to label the Iranian NIAC group in US as lobby of IRI regime,

I know many of the members of the group, including one of their founders Trita Parsi, despite our differences, the group is nothing even remotely supportive of the regime and the attacks against them is mostly from AIPAC "persian" branch. Pahlavi supporters, MKO/Rajavi cult members and neocons of various organizations in US.

NIAC was built mostly to provide impartial information to American media and politicians about the real costs of the US sanctions on average Iranians. They had strong presence at #WH during #Obama and helped John Kerry during his negotiations with Iran that led to #JCPOA.

The massive, well funded and vicious attacks in the past few weeks to use the uprising in Iran to destroy the legitimacy of the group is very similar to the campaign in UK against Corbyn and progressive members of the Labour party.

Sadly, many people unaware of the hands behind these campaigns, naively re-share and like their posts and helping them to spread their lies and character assassination of #NIAC members and anyone who comes to the defense of them.

#Iran #MahsaAmini #AIPAC #MKO


UN Human Rights : #Libya: Widespread & systematic rights violations & abuses against migrants are compounded by lack of protection pathways within & outside the country – new UN report. Acting Human Rights

Chief @NadaNashif calls on Libya to act urgently: http://ow.ly/MbPO50L6EAq


We have to thank #Obama, #Dsrkozi, #Nato and other #EU countries including #Sweden for turning one of the most prosperous countries in Africa into a disasterous hell hole.

#Politics #Africa


Widespread misperceptions of long-term attitude change

source: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2107260119

Most voters would have vehemently rejected a Black presidential candidate in the 1970s; a few decades later they elected Barack #Obama twice. #Climate #change, denied and dismissed even 20 years ago, is finally accepted as a real and serious problem by most Americans. Belief in #God has gone from ubiquitous to uncommon. A deluge of mass shootings has sapped what used to be near-universal support for #gun rights. Meanwhile, Donald #Trump’s presidency reversed long-growing support for #immigration.

#president #society #america #usa #politics #government #refugees #migration #science #news


There are different levels of #reality #denial among Trump supporters:

1) Realists: On the left is the cheering crowd at #Trump's #inauguration and on the right is #Obama's.
2) Conspiracy ideologues: The images were taken at different times to make Trump look worse.
3) Alternative facts: Obama on the left and Trump on the right.
4) Hardcore Trump fans: Left is Trump but it's more people than right.

#usa #society #problem #split #politics #Washington #democracy #difference


Why is There War in #Ukraine? by Chris #Hedges

A very interesting article, from an unusual source. Highly recommended.

Source: https://dgrnewsservice.org/featured/chris-hedges-why-is-there-war-in-ukraine/

President Mikhail #Gorbachev reached out to Washington and #Europe to build a new security pact that would include Russia

There was a near universal understanding among diplomats and political leaders at the time that any attempt to expand #NATO was foolish, an unwarranted provocation against Russia that would obliterate the ties and bonds that happily emerged at the end of the Cold #War.

How naive we were. The war industry did not intend to shrink its power or its profits. It set out almost immediately to recruit the former Communist Bloc countries into the European Union and NATO. Countries that joined NATO, which now include Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, and North Macedonia were forced to reconfigure their militaries, often through hefty loans, to become compatible with NATO military hardware.

There would be no peace dividend. The expansion of NATO swiftly became a multi-billion-dollar bonanza for the corporations that had profited from the Cold War

The consequences of pushing #NATO up to the borders with #Russia — there is now a NATO missile base in Poland 100 miles from the Russian border — were well known to policy makers. Yet they did it anyway.

The #Obama administration, not wanting to further inflame tensions with Russia, blocked arms sales to Kiev. But this act of prudence was abandoned by the #Trump and #Biden administrations.

Once NATO expanded into Eastern Europe the #Clinton administration promised Moscow that NATO combat troops would not be stationed in Eastern Europe, the defining issue of the NATO-Russia Founding Act on Mutual Relations. This promise again turned out to be a lie.

The full-throated cries for war, echoed shamelessly by the #press, are justified by draining the conflict of historical context, by elevating ourselves as the saviors and whoever we oppose, from Saddam #Hussein to #Putin, as the new #Nazi leader.

#USA #history #media


Jessica Ashooh: The Taming of Reddit and the National Security State Plant Tabbed to Do It How and why did a hawkish young mandarin hothoused at elite universities and in the halls of state power end up an executive at an anarchic messageboard site with

Reddit is one of the world’s most influential news and social media platforms. The website attracted over 1.2 billion visits in April 2021 alone, making it the United States’ eighth most visited site, ahead of other leviathans like Twitter, Instagram and eBay. Now majority-owned by a much larger corporate publishing empire, Reddit is also far ahead of more established news sites, garnering three times the numbers of Fox News and five times those of The New York Times.

That is why it was so surprising that so little was made of the company’s decision to appoint foreign policy hawk Jessica Ashooh to the position of Director of Policy in 2017, at which time it was also the eight most visited site in the U.S. Ashooh, who had been a Middle East foreign policy wonk at NATO’s think tank the Atlantic Council, was appointed at around the same time that the Senate Select Intelligence Committee was demanding more control over the popular website, on the grounds that it was being used to spread disinformation. In her role as Director of Policy, she oversees all government relations and public policy for the company, in addition to managing content, product and advertising. Yet a Google search for “Jessica Ashooh Reddit” filtered between late 2016 and early 2017 (after she was appointed) elicits zero relevant results, meaning not one media outlet even mentioned the questionable appointment.
#politics #socialmedia #reddit #NSA #Propaganda #MiddleEast #Clinton #Bush #Obama #ManufacturingConcent


How the ‘new Cold War’ between the US and Russia started

This will document that the ‘new Cold War’ between the US and Russia did not start, as the Western myth has it, with Russia’s involvement in the breakaway of Crimea and Donbass from Ukraine, after Ukraine — next door to Russia — had suddenly turned rabidly hostile toward Russia in February 2014. Ukraine’s replacing its democratically elected neutralist Government in February 2014, by a rabidly anti-Russian Government, was a violent event, which produced many corpses. It’s presented in The West as having been a ‘revolution’ instead of a coup; but whatever it was, it certainly generated the ‘new Cold War’ (the economic sanctions and NATO buildup on Russia’s borders); and, to know whether it was a coup, or instead a revolution, is to know what actually started the ‘new Cold War’, and why. So, this is historically very important.

#USA #Russia #Ukraine #Donbass #Crimea #NATO #war #Nuland #Obama #politics
