

Books that I read in 2021 - number 19:

Right after the first part, I have now read the second part of the Copenhagen trilogy by this great female writer. Youth is the title and that is exactly what this unfortunately very slim book is about. With a clear, humorous style, she describes her years after leaving school and her path to becoming a poet. Now I have really turned into a Tove Ditlevsen fan.

#ToveDitlevsen #copenhagen #denmark #kindheit #buch #autorin #femalewriter #worker #workingclass #dreissigerjahre #autofictional #trilogy #recomendation #books #literature #fan #office #poet #artworld #verleger #vesterbro


#chair #office
May 28, 2021
Lucky Day

Where was I before all of my ID went missing? Oh yes. I was looking for a comfortable office chair to sit in for long hours at my computer. My back was breaking. When I returned home earlier in the day, the Office Manger stopped me. He asked if I would like a free Office chair. They are remodeling and he knew of my back problems, and that I needed a good chair. Well. Once again, I was astounded by my exceptional good fortune today. He brought the wonderful chair up to my apartment, and it is indeed, very comfortable.


« la surveillance exercée par les services de renseignements américains sur les données personnelles des citoyens européens était excessive, insuffisamment encadrée et sans réelle possibilité de recours»

«.... les transferts de données personnelles depuis l'Union européenne vers les Etats-Unis sont contraires au Réglement européen sur la protection des données ( #RGPD), et contraires à la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne»

L'analyse de la Cnil est une conséquence de la décision de la Cour européenne de justice, le 16 juillet 2020, d'invalider le «privacy shield», l'accord UE/USA régissant les transferts de données entre les deux continents.


#cnil #surveillance #google #microsoft #amazon #facebook #enseignement #word #office #365office #zoom #skype #slack #visioconférence #bureautique #cloud #nextcloud #pricacyshield #chatons #framasoft #europe #france #cloudsouverain #souverain


Suche hobby/profi Hacker für kleine Aktion auf Office365

bitte um Empfehlungen und Weitervermittlungen, sowie hilfreiche Tipps jeder Art.

Looking for hobby/professional hackers** for a little action on Office365.
For recommendations and referrals, and for all kinds of useful tips.

Zoek hobby/professionele hackers** voor kleine actie op Office365.
Voor aanbevelingen en verwijzingen, en voor allerlei nuttige tips.

#hacker #hacking #office #microsoft #arbeit #darknet #deutsch #english #nederlands


#Court clears 39 #post #office operators convicted due to ‘corrupt data’

source: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/apr/23/court-clears-39-post-office-staff-convicted-due-to-corrupt-data?source=techstories.org

Campaigners believe that as many as 900 operators, often known as subpostmasters, may have been prosecuted and convicted between 2000 and 2014.

In his written judgment, Lord Justice Holroyde, sitting with Mr Justice Picken and Mrs Justice Farbey, said of the 39 cleared: “Many of these appellants went to #prison; those that did not suffered other penalties imposed by the courts; all would have experienced the anxiety associated with what they went through; all suffered financial losses, in some cases resulting in bankruptcy; some suffered breakdowns in family relationships; some were unable to find or retain work as a result of their convictions – causing further financial and emotional burdens; some suffered breakdowns in health; all suffered the shame and humiliation of being reduced from a respected local figure to a convicted criminal; and three … have gone to their graves carrying that burden.”


In the high court, Mr Justice Fraser found the Fujitsu-developed #Horizon #system contained “bugs, errors and defects” and that there was a “material risk” shortfalls in branch accounts were caused by the system.

#software #bug #justice #fail #wtf #omg #news #uk