

Nicht kommentarlos zitierbarer Artikel der Nachdenkseiten

Soeben habe ich folgenden Leserbrief an die Nachdenkseiten-Redation geschrieben:

Sehr geehrtes Nachdenkseiten Team,
"Die Grünen und die Landesverräter" - dieser Artikel ist meiner Meinung nach nicht kommentarlos zitierbar, und zwar wegen der Aussagen über das Hofreiter-Zitat.
Dass Hofreiter grundsätzlich recht hat, wenn er sagt, die AfD sei gefährlich für Deutschland, ist offenbar keine Erwähnung wert. Das kommt zwischen den Zeilen so rüber, als wäre sie eine wirkliche Alterntive, die man gut wählen könnte.
Außerdem kann man im Hofreiter-Zitat nicht einfach "AfD" durch "Grüne" und "Russland" durch "USA" ersetzen, um das Zitat zu einer Eigendiagnose der Grünen zu machen. Die USA mögen zwar aggressiv sein, aber sie als Diktatur zu bezeichnen, was durch ein Austauschen dieser Begriffe geschehen würde, ist nicht korrekt, abgesehen davon, dass die Aussage durch das Verbleiben des Wortes "China" im Text zusätzlich absurd würde. Auch sind die USA keine "gegnerische Macht", und zwar ganz einfach deshalb, weil Deutschland sich offiziell an der Seite der USA befindet.
Will Tobias Riegel hier mit gleicher Manipulations-Münze heimzahlen? Wenn dem so ist, dann sollte das explizit gemacht werden und nicht einfach so zwischen den Zeilen zu lesen sein, als wäre es die Meinung des Autors.
Wenn schon reißerisch formuliert wird - in Antort auf eine ebenso reißerische und teilweise unsinnige Politikeraussage - dann sollten die Aussagen inhaltlich hieb- und stichfest sein.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
J. S.

Artikel: https://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=102977

Ich finde den Artikel bedenklich, und er scheint mir eine Tendenz auf den Nachdenkseiten abzubilden, die hin zu immer reißerischen Formulierungen und fatalen Flüchtigkeitsfehlern geht. Das ist schade, denn dieNachdenkseiten waren für mich sonst eine einigermaßen gute Quelle für Informationen jenseits des Mainstreams.

#nachdenkseiten #leserbrief #ukraine #russland #afd #politik #jounalismus #hofreiter #usa #china #krieg #diktatur #propaganda


1984 ist noch nicht 2014 und 2024 wird nicht viel anders sein.
Dieser Artikel aus dem Jahre 2014 kann nicht als absolute Wahrheit gelten, denn wer wusste schon alles?
Auch neuere Artikel können nicht als absolute Wahrheit gelten, denn wer weiß schon alles?
Mögen ich und andere davon ablassen, an die Wahrheit dessen, was gesagt wird, zu glauben und nicht alles zu glauben, was wir wahrnehmen.
#Medien #Propaganda aktuelle und alte #Geschichten


Newly declassified US intel claims Russia is laundering propaganda through unwitting Westerners

“These influence operations are designed to be deliberately small scale, the overall goal being US [and] Western persons presenting these ideas, seemingly organic,” a US official authorized to discuss the material told CNN. “The co-optee influence operations are built primarily on personal relationships … they build trust with them and then they can leverage that to covertly push the FSB’s agenda.”

The campaigns have sometimes been effective at planting Russian narratives in the Western press, according to the intelligence. Maxim Grigoriev, who heads a Russian NGO, made multiple speeches to the UN presenting a false study that claimed the humanitarian group the White Helmets – which operates in Syria – was running a black market for human organs and had faked chemical attacks by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, with whom Russia is allied. Those claims eventually found their way into a television report on the far-right OANN in the United States, according to open-source materials provided by the official.

Yep, even here on the #fediverse ... sadly

#Russia #propaganda #FSB #CNN #news


Russia lied about ship inspection in Black Sea

Note: The image displayed is independent from this article. The map image shows the track of the cargo ship during and after the alleged event. The speed of the Sukru Okan remained between 7.2 and 9.8 knots during the displayed track. The track will be available for a few days after which it will only be available to those with a paid account at #MarineTraffic Ref: https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:29.8/centery:44.7/zoom:9

InformNapalm, a Ukrainian open-source intelligence outfit, reported on Aug. 13 that the Russian authorities had lied about a Russian ship firing warning shots in the Black Sea earlier on the same day.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported on Aug. 13 that Vasily Bykov, a Russian patrol boat, had fired warning shots after the captain of the Palau-flagged cargo ship #SukruOkan failed to respond to a request to inspect the vessel.

According to InformNapalm, the ministry also lied about the successful inspection of the vessel.

“Sukru Okan did not comply with the demand to stop, but temporarily changed its course in the direction of Turkish territorial waters,” the report reads. “There was no helicopter and no warning shots either. There were only threats from the Russians over the radio.”


#RussiaInvadedUkraine #BlackSea #RussianPropaganda #InformationWarfare #blockade #GrainExport #lies #propaganda #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine


Concerns about Wikipedia

I have been concerned about political articles on #Wikipedia and how they effect people reading them

From what i've seen the #bias in them is so obvious and common that i don't put any value in what they say at this point and i've stopped reading them. (In areas that are not connected with politics or economic interests i sometimes use Wikipedia though)

In my view wikipedia
* reflects #corporate/mainstream #western #narratives and #propaganda (which comes with problems described by #Chomsky and #Herman in their work on the #PropagandaModel)
* uses language that mixes #facts and #evaluations (ex using the term "conspiracy theory"), and in that way communicates to the user what they "should" believe

(The first issue is something that you would see in a normal encyclopedia, but the second issue is unique to Wikipedia in my experience. A normal #encyclopedia would be more objective in their descriptions)



"We need to make them pay the price by killing Russians? Yes."

Former #CIA director Mike #Morell openly discusses his desire to use deadly means against Iranians and Russians in order to bring them to the diplomatic table.

PS. Remember the #propaganda stories about #Russia paying #Taliban to kill Americans in #Afghanistan?

Always accuse your enemy for what you are doing!

PS. I don't share the views of the channel.

#Iran #politics #AddictedToWar


Russian high-school textbooks promote war in Ukraine

Russia's Education Ministry introduced updated history textbooks that include segments about the war in Ukraine that Russia calls a “special military operation,” the annexation of Crimea, and Western sanctions, CNN reports on Aug. 9.

The recently published textbooks incorporate maps depicting occupied Ukrainian areas as Russian territories, endorsing Russian officials' narrative that Ukrainians and Russians are "one people." Ukraine is also portrayed in the textbooks as an "ultranationalist state" where all things Russian are regarded hostile and persecuted.


#RussiaInvadedUkraine #InformationWarfare #propaganda #WarCrimes #Russia #RussianWarCrimes #textbooks #schools


Conspiracy theories and disinformation mar UK local election

Conspiratorial narratives and rampant misinformation were used to influence the result of a recent local election in the United Kingdom, Euronews has learnt.

Ahead of the Uxbridge and South Ruislip byelection in July - which saw the Conservatives narrowly beat the opposition Labour Party by some 500 votes - there was a dramatic increase in false claims and conspiracy theories around ULEZ, a controversial environmental policy.


#conspiracy #UnitedKingdom #UK #ToryFascistDictatorship #London #elections #ConspiracyTheories #conservatives #misinformation #propaganda #Uxbridge #ULEZ #InformationWarfare


Ist das die neue #Propaganda von der Stange oder ist das etwa besonders #kreativ?

Hier wurde wirklich nichts ausgelassen, von dem Fummel der Moderatorin bis zur Gegenüberstellung von #jung und und mittel-alt, Piercing und Brille schlang und Doppelkinnansatz.


#Propaganda #ARD #WDR #Medien #reich #arm #Gesellschaft #Manipulation #Actuarium #Klima #fake #Penny


The power/dangers of propaganda (as though you didn't already know... still, it's alarming to see concrete examples)

Fox News is creating a forcefield around Trump as indictments pile up: report

FTA: ... A whopping 91 percent of GOP voters who rely on right-wing media don't believe Trump committed serious crimes...

Republicans live in a completely different "reality" than the rest of us. The "culture war" has moved beyond culture and is now a war over the nature reality itself. Of course reality will decide this contest in the end, but there are likely to be numerous casualties on both sides along the way.

More interesting from a psychological/sociological/cultural/historical perspective is the question What makes this pattern, which has repeated itself numerous times throughout history, so seemingly inevitable for our species? Is there something "wrong" with us as a species? Or worse, is this pattern a necessary consequence of evolutionary game theory: Is any sufficiently advanced species guaranteed to suffer this fate? Is this why we don't see evidence of other advanced civilizations in the Universe? Is advanced life necessarily self-destructive?

What a horror to contemplate: Every other advanced civilization in the Universe might have collapsed before it could embark on interstellar travel because every such civilization inevitably produces (numerous instances of) its own Trump (sub Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Putin, Lenin, etc.).

On the bright side, perhaps this is Nature's way of keeping things fresh: If a species/civilization could survive long enough to explore the galaxy (or more), then who would be left to wonder about important stuff like "what the fuck can we do to survive Trump"?

#Trump #Republicans #Fox #Propaganda
