

Here it is, from tonight's MSNBC Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
An interview with Russian-born best-selling novelist Gary Shteyngart

What watching five straight days of Russian TV reveals about Putin’s Russia

Soviet-born author Gary Shteyngart joins MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss Shteyngart article for The Atlantic titled, “I Watched Russian Television for Five Days Straight,” and why Donald Trump’s indictments worry the Kremlin.

A favorite author/mensch since seeing an interview with him about his new (soon to be bestseller) novel, Super Sad True Love Story.
It's a clever, Orwellian dystopia but now involving identity scanners ("f-ability" ratings) and all sorts of futuristic AI-ish things.

I read the book and have since greatly appreciated his "context and perspective" as a child emigrant to the US from Russia, with a keen eye for both human foible and political/social/media systems. And of course, he speaks & breathes Russia (and fine food/drink).

#GaryShteyngart #Russian #Media #propaganda #disinformation #Putin #Russia


"Tofu dreg bonanza... it's getting really out of control. China's new infrastructure is running into some serious problems... and there's a clear reason why. "

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=nfj0urPW8Ac

Regarding the video posted above
...starting at 36 minutes in, there are photographs of the huge 6 lane tunnel that was built in #China recently, which began leaking water almost immediately, and which eventually but very quickly completely filled with water while thousands of inhabited vehicles were trapped inside.
The actual death toll, in the many thousands, was much different than the statistic the CCP #propaganda reported, a few hundred.
#Drone footage of the thousands of vehicles that were removed from the tunnel and lined up in rows in empty fields, help to complete the story.
Streets in #Beijing and other large cities are bucking, massive sink holes are forming, simply because no precautions are taken when infrastruce is built. to see what lies underneath, or checked to see whether they will be subject to flooding.
Explosions, fires, flooding, buildings and bridges and tunnels collapsing suddenly, all are part of everyday Chinese life, not to mention serial killers and attacks of all kinds on citizen from other citizens, people collapsing or dying in the streets, in full view of completely unresponsive witnesses.
Life in the West is dangerous enough these days, but China is #hell #on #Earth, and yet most of this could be so easily prevented.
The CCP's propaganda claims that China is unbelievably rich, powerful and prosperous, but more and more they are stealing from their own people, and the truth is more likely that they are simply bankrupt, both morally and financially.


#Sacharowa: "Der #Westen hat keine Gefühle und Emotionen"

Ich glaube auch Sacharowa hat den "Geist" des Westen noch nicht so ganz verstanden:
Dem Westen interessiert nur der #Profit.
Westliche Ideologen kennen unabhängigen Wert für das Leid von Tieren oder Menschen. Auch Kinder sind da keine Ausnahme. Sie haben nur in sofern einen abgeleiteten Wert, da sich mit Ihnen gut #Propaganda machen lässt.


#Heuchelei #Ideologie #Faschismus #Doppelmoral #Doppelstandard


Ukraine said on Sunday its forces were on the defensive against Russian assaults near the eastern city of Kupiansk, while noting gradual progress near the hotspot city of #Bakhmut

"For two days in a row, the enemy has been actively attacking in the Kupiansk sector in the Kharkiv region. We are on the defence," Deputy Defence Minister Ganna Malyar said.

"Fierce battles are going on, and positions... change several times a day," she added.

#Ukraine last month began its highly anticipated fighback after stockpiling Western weapons and building up its offensive forces.

PS. Counter offensive is now being called "fightback", isn't #propaganda language in this war just unbelievable? /Farhad
#Russia #UkraineWar


Russische #Propaganda in #Europa

Hütchenspieler für Russia Today

Eine Luxemburger Firma hilft Russia Today dabei, in Europa zu senden. Die Regierung hat bisher wenig dagegen getan.

Das mit den SSL Zertifikatien ist IMHO ein bisschen entgleist, dennoch ein interessanter Text.


#taz #russland #putin #RTV #manipulation


There are no cats in America!

Remember "Fevel goese to #America" , the song stayed in my mind as watching #propaganda and warmongering posts, videos, TV shows and movies repeat the same thing again and again.

"power USA stands for àfreedom" and war is good, for your #stock portfolio, for your #retirement, for your way of life.

Here are a few of the most obvious ones from Jeff #Bezos #WashingtonPost.

#Polotocs #Pentagon #Media




This black-and-white film promotes the ‘Free France’ / 'Free French' #political entity led by French #General #CharlesdeGaulle. It is a short pictorial recapitulation of the events that followed the #historical date of June 18, 1940, when the French #government surrendered to #Germany and the Axis. The film is produced and edited for France Forever (France Quand Méme) in #NewYork by #CharlesClement.

#vidéo #historique #histoire #guerre #politique


Glenn Greenwald on Twitter: "The reason FBI Director Chris Wray can't define "disinformation" -- even though that's the basis for the FBI's pressure campaign on Big Tech to censor Americans -- is it's a bullshit, concocted term with no fixed meaning. That's what gives it its power (like "terrorism"):" / Twitter

#politics #control #propaganda #disinformation



(this is specially for all those who think words of Zelensky are new chapter of Bible) : On July 9, 2023, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine officially acknowledged responsibility for blowing up the #Kerch-Crimean #bridge on October 8, 2022.

This was stated by Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Anna Malyar. According to her, the goal was to disrupt the logistics of the Russian Federation Armed Forces operating in Ukraine

Noteworthy that earlier Ukraine officially denied its responsibility for undermining the bridge, with even some of Ukraine ministers repeatedly implying that it was the work of third parties or even a #FalseFlag by #Russia itself.

The bridge was damaged less than a month after the sabotage of the #NordStream 1 & Nord stream 2 gas pipelines.

As a result of the attack, 3 civilians were killed

#Ukraine #UkraineWar #Propaganda #Crimea #Hypocrisy


The #BBC use lies by omission, framing, tone, music, colour cast & linguistic manipulation as part of a strategy of social engineering #propaganda.

The BBC work with #MI5 & #Tavistock to manipulate the #British population using applied #psychology informed by mass domestic #surveillance collected by #GCHQ on behalf of technocratic societal managers masquerading as #politicians & puppeteered by elite #scions.

#socialengineering #massmedia #uk #appliedpsychology #theelite #elites #neoliberalglobalism #neoliberalism #elitism #technocracy #technocrats #bbcnews #usa #un #globalistelite #disenfranchisement #manipulation #socialengineeringpropaganda #eu #behaviouralnudges #narratives #freespeech #freeinquiry #truth #classicalliberalism #criticaltheory #hegeliandialectics


About one's favorite #propaganda

It is one of the most important aspects of our media system, and yet hardly known to the public: most of the international news coverage in Western media is provided by only three global #news agencies based in #New-York, #London and #Paris.

The key role played by these agencies means Western media often report on the same topics, even using the same wording. In addition, governments, military and intelligence services use these global news agencies as multipliers to spread their messages around the world.

A study of the Syria war coverage by nine leading European newspapers clearly illustrates these issues: 78% of all articles were based in whole or in part on agency reports, yet 0% on investigative research. Moreover, 82% of all opinion pieces and interviews were in favor of a US and NATO intervention, while propaganda was attributed exclusively to the opposite side