

Meat as #manliness. We explore the origins of “soy boy” and the rise of internet sensation #LiverKing (aka Brian Johnson) who looks like a cartoon caveman on steroids and calls himself a lifestyle coach, CEO, and “primal” — all while owning a mansion, a fleet of vehicles, an array of guns and even a private jet. Behind his carefully crafted social #media shenanigans, of course, Liver King owns a dozen companies selling a vast array of supplements to his followers.
Manclan is a new #podcast series by Annie Kelly and Julian Feeld exploring the digital world of #masculinity influencers, esoteric manliness rituals, and alpha men. Covering everything from pick up artists to weightlifters, from #NewAge #health perverts to #neo-fascist|s, it’ll also be touching on the pre-internet #history of masculinity and men’s movements.

https://soundcloud.com/qanonanonymous/qaa-presents-manclan-e1-liver-king-vs-the-soy-boys #rightwing #sexism #religion


I have said this before, but I think I am going to say it again:

The only actually meaningful notion of equality is Equality of Outcomes.
Right wing pundits spend a loooooooot of time railing against Equality of Outcomes, but I think it is clear this is simply because they (and their employers) do not want a meaningful notion of equality.

Let's say you have equality of the sexes, but women consistently end up with a paycheck that's 8% lower than that of male counterparts, and - say - a significant underrepresentation in the upper echelons of companies.

In any meaningful sense, this means that there is not equality of the sexes.

I am having a hard time explaining this, because it's so goddamn blatantly obvious, and explaining the obvious is always a bit weird, you know?

Another example, let's say your society doesn't have racist inequality, but black communities in your society strongly tend to be less wealthy than comparable white communities, and underserved by all public services, then your society is not in fact without racist inequality.

It really is that simple.

#inequalities #therightwingalwayslies #racism #sexism


The smartphone app #Replika lets users create chatbots, powered by machine learning, that can carry on almost-coherent text conversations. Technically, the chatbots can serve as something approximating a friend or mentor, but the app’s breakout success has resulted from letting users create on-demand romantic and sexual partners — a vaguely dystopian feature that’s inspired an endless series of provocative headlines.
Replika has also picked up a significant following on #Reddit, where members post interactions with chatbots created on the app. A grisly trend has emerged there: users who create #AI partners, act abusively toward them, and post the toxic interactions online.

https://futurism.com/chatbot-abuse #sexism #women #violence #technology


“DDT Is Good For Me-e-e!”

"...everyone can enjoy health, comfort, and safety through... DDT"

#Activism #SocialJustice #Justice #CivilRights #Equality #Diversity #Pluralism #Freedom #Liberty #HumanRights #Humanitarianism #Humanitarian #Organize #Organization #Collaboration #FunctionalCollaboration #Coordination #Cooperation #Empowerment #Culture #CulturalHealth #CulturalFreedom #CulturalPluralism #CulturalDiversity #HealthyCulture #MonoCulture #Philosophy #SocialTheory #SocialScience #Government #Politics #PoliticalJustice #PoliticalScience #PoliSci #PublicPolicy #Policy #Democracy #MaintainingDemocracy #FunctionalDemocracy #ParticipatoryDemocracy #ParticipatoryEducation #Citizen #Citizenship #CitizenCommunications #Education #LiberateEducation #EducationLiberation #Socialism #Mutualism #MutualAide #SocialEcology #Anarchy #Anarchism #Anarchist #Christian #MessianicJew #Religion #Faith #Collectivism #Capitalism #AntiFacist #AntiFa #Civilization #EconomicJustice #Law #FightPropaganda #Propaganda #Truth #Corruption #Lies #USA #America #Environment #Environmentalism #EnvironmentalJustice #Ecology #EcoActivism #Climate #ClimateJustice #ClimateActivism #ClimateActivist #ClimateChange #Carbon #AirQuality #WaterProtectors #Water #Pollution #Sustainability #Gender #LGBT #LGBTQ #Violence #ToxicCulture #ToxicConformity #Hate #Racism #WhiteSupremacist #WhiteSupremacy #Sexism #Misogyny #Chauvinism #Chauvinist #Fascism #Fascist #Paternalism #AntiSemitism #XenoPhobia #Nationalism #Nationalists #Discrimination #StopDiscrimination #Oppression #Persecution #Slavery #Nazi #NoNazis #PsuedoScience #KnowThyEnemy #Righteous #Righteousness #Vigilance #ReWild #Wild #ReWildorDie #KnowThySelf #Health #HealthCare #HealthFood #Food #Nutrition #Eating #Diet #Natural #Veg #Vegetarian #Vegan #FoodJustice #FoodSecurity #FoodSupply #FoodShortage #FoodShortages #Famine #SupplyChain #Agriculture #AvianFlu #H1N5 #BioWeapon #BioSecurity #MonkeyPox #Medical #Medicine #Wellness #WellBeing #Psychology #Psych #Sociology #Power #COVID #COVID19 #COVID-19 #Coronavirus #Pandemic #Pandémie #Pandemie #Quarantine #Lockdown #Lockdowns #Vaccine #Vaccins #InformedConsent #ClinicalTrial #Autonomy #Pfizer #BionTech #Shot #Jab #Vaxx #NoVax #PasseVaccinal #VaxPass #EndAllMandates #AdverseReactions #LongCOVID #PostCOVID #PostCOVIDSyndrome #Survival #Prepper #Prep #Preppers #SelfCare #BushCraft #DeColonize #DeAssimilate #InformationJustice #EducationJustice #EducationalJustice #GrassrootsEducation #KnowledgeIsPower #Luddite #Union #Science #BioTech #Tech #CBDC #DigitalCurrency #Currency #SocialMedia #CleanHumor #Humor #Funny #Jokes #Democrat #Republican #Progressive #WEF #Anonymity #Cybercrime #Eugenics #Genocide #BioTerror #Resistance #Electric #Cars #ElectricCars #Rockefeller #Oil #Pesticides #PetroChemicals #BigPharma #Pharma #Scientism


Trust the Scientism

Scientism Knows Better Than You

Don't Question the Scientism

The Scientism Knows All

Scientism is Absolute Truth

Scientism is Unquestionable

Scientism is Perfect

Scientism has Never Been Wrong

You are Not as Smart as Scientism

You are Insignificant Compared to Scientism

Obey the Scientism

You are Bad to Question the Scientism

You are Obscelent to Question the Scientism

You are Arrogant to Question the Scientism

You do Not Deserve to Question the Scientism

You are Disobedient to Question the Scientism

You are Disrespectful to Question the Scientism

You are a Bad Citizen to Question the Scientism

You are Not Worthy to Question the Scientism

You are Not a Worthy Community Member if You Question the Scientism

The Scientism is Better Than You

You are Not Good Enough to Question the Scientism

The Scientism Will Reject You

You Will Be Shamed

You Will Be Shunned

You are Inferior to the Scientism

You are a Failure if You Question the Scientism

You are Stupid if You Do Not Believe the Scientism

Follow the Scientism

You are a Fool if You Do Not Follow the Scientism

Only an Idiot Questions the Scientism

You are Backwards if You Question the Scientism

You are Unsophisticated if You Question the Scientism

You are a Loser if you Question the Scientism

Scientism is the Solution

People who Disobey the Scientism are The Problem

You Need the Scientism

You Must Not Displease the Scientism

Scientism is High Tech

High Tech is Scientism

Scientism is the Future

You Cannot Win Without the Scientism

You Are Nothing Without the Scientism

You are Helpless Without the Scientism

You are Defenseless Without the Scientism

Only the Scientism Can Keep You Safe

You Want the Scientism

Everyone Would Want the Scientism

You Are Stupid to Dislike the Scientism

Scientism is the Only Way

Smart People Follow Scientism

Smart People Trust Scientism

Your Ancestors Trusted #Scientism

#Activism #SocialJustice #Justice #CivilRights #Equality #Diversity #Pluralism #Freedom #Liberty #HumanRights #Humanitarianism #Humanitarian #Organize #Organization #Collaboration #FunctionalCollaboration #Coordination #Cooperation #Empowerment #Culture #CulturalHealth #CulturalFreedom #CulturalPluralism #CulturalDiversity #HealthyCulture #MonoCulture #Philosophy #SocialTheory #SocialScience #Government #Politics #PoliticalJustice #PoliticalScience #PoliSci #PublicPolicy #Policy #Democracy #MaintainingDemocracy #FunctionalDemocracy #ParticipatoryDemocracy #ParticipatoryEducation #Citizen #Citizenship #CitizenCommunications #Education #LiberateEducation #EducationLiberation #Socialism #Mutualism #MutualAide #SocialEcology #Anarchy #Anarchism #Anarchist #Christian #MessianicJew #Religion #Faith #Collectivism #Capitalism #AntiFacist #AntiFa #Civilization #EconomicJustice #Law #FightPropaganda #Propaganda #Truth #Corruption #Lies #USA #America #Environment #Environmentalism #EnvironmentalJustice #Ecology #EcoActivism #Climate #ClimateJustice #ClimateActivism #ClimateActivist #ClimateChange #Carbon #AirQuality #WaterProtectors #Water #Pollution #Sustainability #Gender #LGBT #LGBTQ #Violence #ToxicCulture #ToxicConformity #Hate #Racism #WhiteSupremacist #WhiteSupremacy #Sexism #Misogyny #Chauvinism #Chauvinist #Fascism #Fascist #Paternalism #AntiSemitism #XenoPhobia #Nationalism #Nationalists #Discrimination #StopDiscrimination #Oppression #Persecution #Slavery #Nazi #NoNazis #PsuedoScience #KnowThyEnemy #Righteous #Righteousness #Vigilance #ReWild #Wild #ReWildorDie #KnowThySelf #Health #HealthCare #HealthFood #Food #Nutrition #Eating #Diet #Natural #Veg #Vegetarian #Vegan #FoodJustice #FoodSecurity #FoodSupply #FoodShortage #FoodShortages #Famine #SupplyChain #Agriculture #AvianFlu #H1N5 #BioWeapon #BioSecurity #MonkeyPox #Medical #Medicine #Wellness #WellBeing #Psychology #Psych #Sociology #Power #COVID #COVID19 #COVID-19 #Coronavirus #Pandemic #Pandémie #Pandemie #Quarantine #Lockdown #Lockdowns #Vaccine #Vaccins #InformedConsent #ClinicalTrial #Autonomy #Pfizer #BionTech #Shot #Jab #Vaxx #NoVax #PasseVaccinal #VaxPass #EndAllMandates #AdverseReactions #LongCOVID #PostCOVID #PostCOVIDSyndrome #Survival #Prepper #Prep #Preppers #SelfCare #BushCraft #DeColonize #DeAssimilate #InformationJustice #EducationJustice #EducationalJustice #GrassrootsEducation #KnowledgeIsPower #Luddite #Union #Science #BioTech #Tech #CBDC #DigitalCurrency #Currency #SocialMedia #CleanHumor #Humor #Funny #Jokes #Democrat #Republican #Progressive #WEF #Anonymity #Cybercrime #Eugenics #Genocide #BioTerror #Resistance #Transportation #PublicTransportation #Electric #Streetcar #Cars #ElectricCars #Rockefeller #Oil #Bus #Buses


Coercive Control is a Pattern of Coercive Behaviors used to Gain or Maintain Power and Control of One Person over Another.

Coercive control is a strategic form of ongoing oppression and terrorism used to instill fear.

It is illegal in some countries.

"Coercive control creates invisible chains and a sense of fear that pervades all elements of a victim’s life. It works to limit their human rights by depriving them of their liberty and reducing their ability for action. Experts like Evan Stark liken coercive control to being taken hostage. As he says: “the victim becomes captive in an unreal world created by the abuser, entrapped in a world of confusion, contradiction and fear.”

#DomesticAbuse #GovernmentAbuse #Activism #SocialJustice #Justice #CivilRights #Equality #Diversity #Pluralism #Freedom #Liberty #HumanRights #Humanitarianism #Humanitarian #Organize #Organization #Collaboration #FunctionalCollaboration #Coordination #Cooperation #Empowerment #Culture #CulturalHealth #CulturalFreedom #CulturalPluralism #CulturalDiversity #HealthyCulture #Theory #Philosophy #SocialTheory #SocialScience #Government #Politics #PoliticalJustice #PoliticalScience #PoliSci #PublicPolicy #Policy #Democracy #MaintainingDemocracy #FunctionalDemocracy #ParticipatoryDemocracy #ParticipatoryEducation #Citizen #Citizenship #CitizenCommunications #Education #LiberateEducation #EducationLiberation #Socialism #Mutualism #MutualAide #SocialEcology #Anarchy #Anarchism #Anarchist #Christian #Scientism #Collectivism #Capitalism #AntiFacist #AntiFa #Civilization #Economics #EconomicJustice #Law #Journalism #News #History #FightPropaganda #Propaganda #Truth #Corruption #Lies #USA #Canada #America #Europe #Asia #Africa #Environment #Environmentalism #EnvironmentalJustice #EcoActivism #EcologyActivism #Nature #Climate #ClimateJustice #ClimateActivism #ClimateActivist #ClimateChange #Carbon #AirQuality #WaterProtectors #Water #Pollution #Sustainability #Gender #LGBT #LGBTQ #DomesticAbuse #DomesticViolence #Violence #ToxicCulture #ToxicConformity #Hate #Racism #WhiteSupremacist #WhiteSupremacy #Sexism #Misogyny #Chauvinism #Chauvinist #Fascism #Fascist #Paternalism #AntiSemitism #TransPhobia #HomoPhobia #QueerPhobia #XenoPhobia #Nationalism #Nationalists #MonoCulture #Discrimination #StopDiscrimination #Oppression #Persecution #Slavery #NoNazis #KnowThyEnemy #Privacy #Righteous #Righteousness #Vigilance #ReWild #Wild #ReWildorDie #KnowThySelf #Health #HealthCare #HealthInsurance #Food #Nutrition #Diet #FoodJustice #FoodSecurity #FoodSupply #FoodShortage #FoodShortages #Famine #SupplyChain #Agriculture #AvianFlu #H1N5 #BioWeapon #BioSecurity #Medical #Medicine #Wellness #WellBeing #Psychology #Psych #Sociology #Power #Control #Sustainability #COVID #COVID19 #COVID-19 #Coronavirus #Pandemic #Pandémie #Pandemie #Quarantine #Lockdown #Lockdowns #Vaccine #Vaccins #InformedConsent #ClinicalTrial #Autonomy #Pfizer #BionTech #Shot #Jab #Vaxx #NoVax #PasseVaccinal #VaxPass #Mandates #EndAllMandates #AdverseReactions #LongCOVID #PostCOVID #PostCOVIDSyndrome #Survival #Prepper #Prep #Preppers #SelfCare #DeColonize #DeAssimilate #Police #PoliceBrutality #PoliceReform #Cops #CopWatch #ExcessiveForce #DefundThePolice #DefundTheMilitary #LawEnforcement #LEO #BLM #PublicSafety #ReImaginePublicSafety #Guns #GunControl #GunSafety #SecondAmendment #RightToBearArms #AssaultRifle #MassShootings #Crime #Firearms #Homeless #Homelessness #Houseless #Housing #HousingJustice #InformationJustice #EducationJustice #EducationalJustice #GrassrootsEducation #KnowledgeIsPower #Luddite #Union #Science #BioTech #Tech #IT #CBDC #DigitalCurrency #Currency #Democrat #Republican #Progressive #WEF #Anonymity #Cybercrime #Encryption #Eugenics #Genocide #BioTerror #Resistance #Transportation #PublicTransportation #Bus #Buses


A 🧵 exploring gender differences in education. Nationally, girls do better, are more likely to go to Uni, but are less likely to do STEM subjects. What causes these differences?

First 4 studies on parenting, second 6 on schooling. Strap in, some of these findings are wild…


#feminism #inequality #sexism #education



This aged well: 2 days ago presidential hopeful, US-trained judge Sergio Moro, commended Atlas Network coup cheerleaders MBL on their trip to "help Ukraine".

Today one of them was heard in leaked audio describing female Ukrainian refugees as "easy because they're poor".


#sexism #Brazil #Ukraine #explotation #women #men #war


#Marxism = #oppressed / #oppressor #political paradigm.
#Racism = #race Marxism.
#Sexism = #gender Marxism.
#Homophobia = #sexuality Marxism.
#Islamophobia = #metaphysical Marxism.
Anti-Westism = #cultural Marxism.

Look into what people-group #Marx was a member of and then perform an #ethnographic #statistical #analysis of the ethno-linguistic composition of the upper echelons of #Western #power #hierarchies to determine #proportionality and you'll find Marx's ethno-linguistic people-group is heavily over-representated.

Marxism is a political attack on Western #civilisation by a tiny, powerful #elite.


A quotation by Stanley, Jason

To many white Americans, President Obama must have been corrupt, because his very occupation of the White House was a kind of corruption of the traditional order. When women attain positions of political power usually reserved for men — or when Muslims, blacks, Jews, homosexuals, or “cosmopolitans” profit or even share the public goods of a democracy, such as healthcare — that is perceived as corruption.

Jason Stanley (b. 1969) American philosopher, epistemologist, academic

How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them, ch. 2 (2018)

#quote #quotation #anti-semitism #corruption #fascism #islamophobia #lgbt #order #presidency #racism #religious-persecution #sexism #tradition

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/stanley-jason/50386/


German press, quality press everywhere, and no tabloids. Absolutel.. oh, wait, what?

At Axel Springer, Politico’s New Owner, Allegations of Sex, Lies and a Secret Payment

Mr. Reichelt did not, as he feared, lose his job when his relationship with the woman, as well his conduct toward other women at Bild, became public. Instead, Mr. Reichelt, who denied abusing his authority, took a brief leave and then was reinstated as perhaps the most powerful newspaper editor in Europe after the company determined that his actions did not warrant a dismissal.

See? Everything's clean.

Except it is not, and the full story with the juicy details, courtesy of research facts compiled by a competing newspaper, was stalled. Absurd theatre.

#bild #reichelt #sexism #billionaires