

Big Tech accused of shady #lobbying in #EU #Parliament

Source: https://www.politico.eu/article/big-tech-companies-face-potential-eu-lobbying-ban/

The MEPs asked for an #investigation into #Google, #Facebook's parent company #Meta and #Amazon, as well as large lobbying groups including #tech #trade association the #Computer & Communications #Industry Association (CCIA) and advertisers' group IAB #Europe. Three other lobbies representing small and medium-sized companies — SME Connect, Allied for #Startups and Connected Commerce Council — are also targeted by the complaints.

#corruption #cybercrime #lobby #lobbyism #politics #fail #news


Used #Solar Panels Are Powering the Developing #World

source: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-08-25/used-solar-panels-are-powering-the-developing-world

Across the developing world, homeowners, farmers, and businesses are turning to cheap, secondhand solar to fill power gaps left by governments and utilities. To meet that demand, businesses ranging from individual sellers on Facebook Marketplace to specialized brokerages are getting into the trade. Earlier this month, Marubeni Corp., one of Japan’s largest trading houses, announced that it’s establishing a blockchain-based market for such panels. Collectively, these businesses will likely play a crucial role in bringing renewable energy to the world’s emerging markets — and keeping #high-tech #waste out of the #trash.

#economy #trade #business #energy #Africa #news #environment


The Hidden #Fees Making Your Bananas, and Everything Else, #Cost More

source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/the-hidden-fees-making-your-bananas-and-everything-else-cost-more/ar-AAYxrNt

#Hapag had made it “extremely difficult” to return empty #containers, the trucking company said, and it was often left holding them for a month, all while Hapag continued to charge the firm $400 a day for each container that wasn’t returned on time. One trucking company that the importer contacted said it almost had to shut down temporarily because all the chassis — the steel frames with wheels that attach to trucks — that it needed to pull new loads from the ports were sitting under 70 empty containers that Hapag refused to take back.

#inflation #profit #capitalism #economy #trade #problem #news #truck #transport #container


#finance #eBooks #trade

   Morningstar cuts 'various' drove of Chinese works, moves ops somewhere

The US-based Morning Star said Wednesday that it has cut or relocated hundreds of jobs at its Chinese hub in Shenzhen and is moving its business to other countries.

A financial services company that provides investment trusts and investment research for asset management said in a statement that it employs about 1,000 people in cities in southern China.

Some employees will be transferred to Mumbai, Toronto, Madrid, or Chicago (Global Headquarters) in the coming months. A spokesman for another company added that most of them are involved in "supporting global operations."

In his statement, Morning Star said that the "strategic shift" in China's business was to "fully focus on the domestic market" and that China's service team would not be affected by headcount reductions. ..

"We are in the process of defining a new strategy for the growth of the Chinese market," he said without going into detail.

Bloomberg first reported on the move on Wednesday.As China continues to tighten its privacy and cybersecurity rules, global financial companies operating in China are increasingly concerned that transferring corporate or customer data abroad can be more cumbersome. doing.

Earlier this month, cybersecurity regulators, the world's second-largest economy, announced a set of rules for assessing outbound data from companies doing business in the country starting September 1.

After entering China 20 years ago, Morningstar embarked on global equity research and portfolio management.

credit:the dough roller


The #advertising #propaganda in #Russia is the same as here: you hire a few #models and make them pretend to eat #FastFood and still have a slim #body.

Unfortunately, I have to admit to myself that Mc Donalds is something like #international #understanding. All over the #world they eat fast #food although they should know better. While I was in China, I actually went to #McDonalds because I knew what I was getting and didn't accidentally order some jelly. Let them all be full, #fat and happy rather than at #war with each other.

enter image description here
source of the image: https://www.businessinsider.com/mcdonalds-russia-sold-record-burgers-opening-day-vkusno-tochka-rebranded-2022-6

#health #humanity #knowledge #economy #fail #problem #philosophy #humanRights #diplomacy #politics #trade #globalization


Pesticides interdits en Europe : cessons de les vendre à l’étranger et de les importer dans nos assiettes


Les #pesticides interdits en #Europe sont parmi les plus toxiques. Or, ils sont encore produits sur notre continent et vendus à l’étranger. Les résidus de ces pesticides reviennent ensuite en #boomerang dans nos assiettes via les importations de #fruits et #légumes par exemple. Face à cette situation peu tolérable, nous avons lancé la campagne « boomerang pesticides » et avons obtenu des promesses… qui ne sont toujours pas adoptées. Elles se révèlent même menacées par #Bayer, #Syngenta ou encore #BASF et les accords de #commerce.

Vidéo : https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Gpp9dgZGxaU ou https://youtu.be/Gpp9dgZGxaU

#Politique #Pesticide #ToxicTrade #Toxique #Phytosanitaire #Chimie #Pollution #France #Allemagne #UE #EU #Lobby #Lobbyistes #Trade #FreeTrade #Libre-Échange #EffetBoomerang #UnionEuropéennne #Macron #Néolibéralisme #Capitalisme #GreenWashing #GreenNewDeal #FoodWatch #CorporateEuropeObservatory #PublicEye #PanGermany #Health #Santé #Environnement #Écologie #écologie


#Brexit #Stupid #Trade

Just what you could expect.. What a mess!
One positive note, my package from the UK is already in the Netherlands, so a Trade-war will not affect my stupidly expensive coffee grinder buy. Just in time so to say, and yes that is a 'tad' egotistical.

Is there some UK citizen that can explain to me why Boris is driving the UK-Brexit-Bus further over the cliff? Is the man simply insane? Or is there a target on the horizon that will give all of this a meaning?


#Bitcoin, even better than gold?

source: https://mondediplo.com/2022/02/08bitcoin

Bitcoin is particularly vulnerable to fraud and market manipulation. The absence of #regulation and supervision, inherent to its operation, allows the largest investors to use their full weight to directly influence prices with a very low risk of incurring sanction. Yet Bitcoin distribution is highly unequal: in November 2021 just over 2,000 accounts (0.01% of 20 million) held 42% of Bitcoin wealth (10). In crypto jargon, these big accounts are known as ‘whales’. Some belong to wealthy investors; others are owned by trading platforms which sometimes act on behalf of their clients and sometimes on their own account.

#fraud #scam #btc #bitcoins #crypto #crime #news #finance #money #trade


In #Germany, people without #cash are currently starving in front of full supermarkets because the electronic #payment system has failed nationwide due to an expired #certificate.

#FirstWorldProblems at their best. And there are still weirdos who believe they will survive the end of the world with #Bitcoins when not even much simpler #technology runs smoothly.

enter image description here

#btc #fail #software #banksters #money #pay #supermarket #trade #economy #problem #security #finance #news


78,000 pounds of #infant formula arrives in US

source: https://apnews.com/article/biden-health-indianapolis-00f39fd46778ecdd543c22f3630d79ba

A #military plane carrying enough specialty infant formula for more than half a million baby bottles arrived Sunday in #Indianapolis, the first of several flights expected from #Europe aimed at relieving a #shortage that has sent #parents scrambling to find enough to feed their #children.

I am surprised that the #situation is now so bad that the U.S. is relying on #aid shipments.

#help #problem #trade #food #politics #economy #news #apocalypse


Pirate Site #Blocking is Making its Way Into Free #Trade Agreements

source: https://torrentfreak.com/pirate-site-blocking-is-making-its-way-into-free-trade-agreements-220508/

The new free trade #agreement between #Australia and the #UK includes a site blocking paragraph. The text requires the countries to provide injunctive relief to require ISPs to prevent subscribers from accessing pirate sites.

#piracy #copyright #torrent #freedom #p2p #download #filesharing #internet #news #politics #censorship


#finance #eBooks #trade

    After equities plunged, meta investors are bracing for a rough quarter

Meta experienced a historical nosedive in cost in advance this yr amid a prime rebrand and shake-americato its enterprise version – and buyers are bracing for another tough quarter.

Meta misplaced a record $230bn in market value after a disappointing earnings file in February, wherein it discovered facebook had recorded its first-ever drop in every day user numbers.

while buyers could be eagerly watching Meta’s first quarter report on Wednesday for symptoms of recovery, a “full turnaround is not expected”, stated Debra Williamson, most important analyst at marketplace studies firm Insider Intelligence.

“it's miles going to be slow progress for Meta after its big stock decline last quarter,” she said. “however we – and advertisers particularly – are hoping to see a few progress.”

Meta’s battle changed into no longer completely surprising: chief executive officer Mark Zuckerberg had warned that new privacy guidelines from Apple should value the agency $10bn in lost sales this yr. The policies prevent Meta from gathering sure person data and have prompted the business enterprise to shift a number of its core advertising and marketing enterprise fashions.

One such shift is putting huge emphasis on Reels, its shortform video content material that it has yet struggled to monetize. The organisation warned in final quarter’s record that year-over-year increase may want to continue to be affected within the first quarter of 2022 through those problems.

“We expect persisted headwinds from each multiplied opposition for humans’s time and a shift of engagement inside our apps in the direction of video surfaces like Reels, which monetize at lower fees than Feed and stories,” said the CFO, David Wehner, in a guidance announcement.

Meta’s pivot to video represents an effort to hold younger customers – a key advertising and marketing demographic that has been leaving fb and Instagram in droves. advertising makes up 97% of Meta’s sales, files leaked by way of the company whistleblower Frances Haugen have proven.

Meta has a “ambitious competitor in TikTok”, stated Williamson, and has but to create a sustainable enterprise model in response. “They stated closing region they have been going to figure out how to better monetize Reels,” she stated. “This quarter, we are looking for signs that is actually happening.”

in the meantime, the business enterprise’s proprietary virtual reality platform, the Metaverse, is sucking away big quantities of funding from middle companies inclusive of fb and Instagram. Meta funneled $10bn in funding into the platform in 2021 alone – greater than 10 instances what it paid to gather Instagram in 2012.



Glazyev: Transition to the new world economic order will likely be accompanied by systematic refusal to honor obligations in dollars, euro, pound, and yen. In this respect, it will be no different from the example set by the countries issuing these currencies who thought it appropriate to steal foreign exchange reserves of Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, Afghanistan, and Russia to the tune of trillions of dollars. Since the US, Britain, EU, and Japan refused to honor their obligations and confiscated wealth of other nations which was held in their currencies, why should other countries be obliged to pay them back and to service their loans?

Remember no child can be born in debt.

Time for the empire of debt to fall.

#russia #dollar #currency #money #trade #economy


#Shutdown of #3M plant may affect #semiconductor sector: analysts

source: https://focustaiwan.tw/business/202204030010

The indefinite closure of 3M's semiconductor coolant plant in #Belgium could have a major impact on the global semiconductor industry, which Taiwan has a leading role in, market analysts said Sunday.

The 3M #plant in #Zwijndrecht was closed on March 8 due to tightened Flemish environmental regulations, according to a report in Korean magazine Business Korea on April 1.

#environment #pollution #economy #trade #news #problem #Europe #EU #technology