

75 Jahre NATO - Jubiläumsgipfel in Washington ist gestartet

75 Jahre NATO - Biden sagt Ukraine weitere Hilfen zu

US-Präsident Biden hat Kiew zum Auftakt des NATO-Gipfels in Washington weitere Unterstützung zugesagt.#KrieggegendieUkraine #NATO #WASHINGTON #NATO-Jubiläum
75 Jahre NATO - Jubiläumsgipfel in Washington ist gestartet


US Has Spent $1B on Houthi Attacks But Militants’ Arsenal Unfazed: Intel

🔶️ American warships have spent a great deal of munitions to intercept Houthi drones and missiles targeting ships in retaliation for Israel’s war(Genocide ) in #Gaza.

🔶️ “Houthi stockpiles appear nowhere near exhausted, even as sporadic #US and #UK strikes against them continue,” said Behnam Ben Taleblu of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies think tank.

🔶️ The assessment is contrary to a previous statement by US #AirForces Central Commander Lt. Gen. Alexus Grynkewich, who said the Iran-backed rebels appeared to be running low on drones and anti-ship #ballistic #missiles.

🔶️ Earlier this year, #Pentagon undersecretary for acquisition William LaPlante hinted that the cost of countering Houthi attacks in the Red Sea was increasing.

🔶️ He said at a defense conference that efforts to take out hostile #drones exceed $100,000 per shot.

🔶️ Even the #Yemeni group had mocked its American adversary, saying #Washington is launching $2 million defense missiles to stop $2,000 Houthi drones.

🔶️ Because of this, the US #military is being urged to find alternative counter-attack solutions that only cost tens of thousands of dollars per shot.



According to #Biden administration officials, there have been discussions about potentially negotiating a "unilateral deal" with Hamas to release five Israelis holding American citizenship detained in Gaza if current cease-fire talks involving Israel fail.

These negotiations would not involve Israel and would be conducted through Qatari interlocutors, similar to current talks.

The officials, all briefed on the discussions, did not know what the United States might offer Hamas in exchange for the release of the #Americans. However, they suggested that Hamas might be incentivized to pursue a unilateral deal with #Washington to strain U.S.-Israel relations further and exert additional domestic political pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu.

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


US government’s verbal assaults on Russia expose Washington’s despair — diplomat

#US #government ’s #verbal #assaults on #Russia #expose #Washington ’s #despair#diplomat #Putin #Biden #offensive #remarks #80th #anniversary of the #Allied #landing #Normandy


"I am sure that the participants of the heroic achievements were perplexed when they heard outright insults against great Russia and its leadership. They didn’t understand why the Soviet Union was not mentioned among the victors, why throw mud at their brothers-in-arms," the ambassador said. "At the same time, President Putin, despite the seriousness of the international situation and the rudeness of the public abuse of Washington politicians, never stoops to statements of this nature."



#Netanyahu criticized #Washington’s refusal to impose sanctions against the #ICC – Politico

The publication has obtained an excerpt from an interview with the Israeli prime minister, which is due to be released on Sunday. In it, Netanyahu expressed surprise and disappointment that the #Biden administration would not support sanctions against the war crimes court seeking his arrest.

The statement by the Israeli leader indicates an increasing difference in opinion between Washington and Tel Aviv regarding military operations in the Gaza Strip.


George Washington: Wie der erste US-Präsident das Amt prägte

George Washington - Das Erbe des ersten "Mr. President"

George Washington war der erste US-Präsident. Vor 235 Jahren legte er seinen Amtseid ab und beeinflusste von da an, wie sich ein Mr. President inszeniert.#Geschichte #US-Präsident #Washington
George Washington: Wie der erste US-Präsident das Amt prägte


Quand les #Américains voulaient #gouverner la #France par #AnnieLacroix-Riz

aperçu - Suite
C’est une page peu connue de l’ #histoire de la seconde #guerre #mondiale : dès 1941-1942, #Washington avait prévu d’imposer à la France — comme aux futurs vaincus, #Italie, #Allemagne et #Japon — un #statut de #protectorat, régi par un #Allied #Military #Government of #Occupied #Territories ( #Amgot). Ce #gouvernement #militaire #américain des #territoires #occupés aurait #aboli toute #souveraineté, y compris le #droit de battre #monnaie, sur le #modèle fourni par les #accords Darlan-Clark de novembre 1942.

A en croire certains #historiens #américains, ce #projet tenait à la #haine qu’éprouvait Franklin D. #Roosevelt pour Charles #deGaulle, « apprenti dictateur » qu’il eût voulu épargner à la France de l’après-Pétain. Cette #thèse d’un #président américain soucieux d’établir la #démocratie #universelle est séduisante, mais erronée.

#histoire #guerre #politique #géopolitique


Le #PlanMarshall ? une corde qui a pendu l' #Europe.

Il n'est pas besoin d'être mort pour se souvenir du "Plan Marshall". Il évoque des #Américains gentils venant, en #dollars, au #secours de l'Europe meurtrie par la #guerre. Charité bien ordonnée... Avec son "aide" la priorité de #Washington était de continuer de faire turbiner son #industrie. Désormais privée de ce grand #marché qu'était la guerre. (Jacques-Marie BOURGET)

L' #historienne #AnnieLacroix-Riz a découvert des kilos d' #archives montrant l'incroyable #cynisme des #États-Unis.
Liste de diffusion d'Annie #Lacroix-Riz - www.historiographie.info


Oh ! qu’ils sont gentils les Américains, charitables et bienfaisants, certes ces dernières 30 années les #guerres #étasuniennes ont provoqué la #mort de plus de trois millions de #pauvres #gens. Mais on ne construit pas la #démocratie sans un bon tas de #cadavres pour l’asseoir. Je radote mais ne me lasse pas de la réponse faite par #MadeleineAlbright, Secrétaire d’état de la #Washington coloniale, à une question de #journaliste « 500 000 enfants sont morts à cause des sanctions privant l’Irak de nourriture, médicaments et matériel médical. Est-ce que ça en valait la peine ? Je pense que c’est un choix très difficile. Mais que cela en valait la peine ». Le #pays dont la #liberté éclaire le #monde est entre autres celui de la guerre au #Vietnam, de #Guantanamo, de la peine de mort, du non à l’ #avortement et de la chaise électrique promise à #Assange. Comme #aide #mémoire je vous propose la #lecture du Talon de fer écrit en 1908 par Jack London et de L’Amérique Empire, un résumé des horreurs « made in USA », décrites par Nicola Mirkovic.

Ajoutons, par amour du détail, que Washington reste sous le feu de la rampe – de lancement – avec ses livraisons explosives qui pulvérisent les familles et le béton de #Gaza. Pour #Israël comme pour les #EU, tout ce qui tombe du ciel est béni, même les shrapnels. Bon. L’auteur du présent libelle abuse ! C’est un portrait écrit en noir, en triste, alors qu’on a compté à la Maison-Blanche des types rigolos comme Nixon ou Trump. Tout n’y est pas mauvais et il fallait être le mauvais coucheur De Gaulle pour refuser d’assister aux cérémonies du débarquement de Normandie. .....

Document intégral : https://we.tl/t-oh2wqtA0Lc
Date d'expiration : 23 avril 2024

#histoire #politique #géopolitique #pdf #livre #UE


#GenocideJoe haa no morals: The UN security council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire, a hostage release and large-scale delivery of food aid, was passed last Monday. By Friday, the #Washington Post was reporting on the latest consignment of billions of dollars worth of #US bombs and planes for Israel.

It's truly sickening to see people still defending this monster and act like he is any better than #Trump.

The genocide supporting maniac has shown his true face but that doesn't stop the cult of worship to give up on him and holding him accountable for complicity in ongoing genocide in #Gaza and daily war crimes in occupied West Bank and Golan heights.

#FoodAsWeapon #Genocide #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


#Microsoft #Security Breaches Rile U.S. #Government Customers

source: https://www.theinformation.com/articles/microsoft-security-breaches-rile-u-s-government-customers

Microsoft became the world’s biggest seller of cybersecurity software by bundling it with Office and Teams apps. But after a series of hacks exploited that software in the past year, several of Microsoft’s biggest customers are considering whether their reliance on Microsoft’s #software bundle puts their security at risk.

The clearest sign that Microsoft may face real consequences for its security lapses can be seen in #Washington. After the company disclosed last summer that Chinese hackers had broken into customers’ systems, including the U.S. State Department’s, the agency began to move its stored data into servers of other cloud providers such as #Amazon Web Services and #Google #Cloud, according to a technical adviser to the agency and an executive at one of the rival companies. And the agency has been discussing possible bigger cloud deals with those rivals, these people said.

#news #security #hack #hacker #exploit #cybersecurity #usa


NYT Confirms Putin’s Accusations

#Zerohedge summarizes the genuinely shocking expose by The #NewYorkTimes concerning 12 #secret #US #military #basis inside #Ukraine near the Russian border that have been there since 2016:

On Sunday T_he New York Times_ published an explosive and very belated full #admission that US #intelligence has not only been instrumental in Ukraine wartime decision-making, but has established and financed high tech command-and-control spy centers, and was doing so long prior to the Feb. 24 Russian invasion of two years ago.

Among the biggest revelations is that the program was established a decade ago and spans three different American presidents. The Times says the #CIA program to modernize Ukraine’s intelligence services has “transformed” the former Soviet state and its capabilities into “Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the #Kremlin today.”

This has included the agency having secretly trained and equipped Ukrainian intelligence officers spanning back to just after the #2014 #Maidan #coup events, as well constructing a network of 12 secret bases along the Russian border—work which began eight years ago. These intelligence bases, from which Russian commanders’ communications can be swept up and Russian spy satellites monitored, are being used launch and track cross-border drone and missile attacks on Russian territory.

This means that with the disclosure of the longtime “closely guarded secret” the world just got a big step closer to #WW3, given it means the CIA is largely responsible for the effectiveness of the recent spate of attacks which have included direct drone hits on key oil refineries and energy infrastructure.

“Without them [the CIA and elite commandoes it’s trained], there would have been no way for us to resist the Russians, or to beat them,” according to Ivan Bakanov, former #head of the #SBU, which is Ukraine’s domestic intelligence agency.

A main source of the #NYT revelations—disclosures which might come as no surprise to those never willing to so easily swallow the mainstream ‘official’ narrative of events—is identified as a top intelligence commander named Gen. Serhii Dvoretskiy.

Clearly, #Kiev and #Washington now want #world to know of the deep intelligence relationship they tried to conceal for over the past decade. It is perhaps a kind of warning to #Moscow at a moment Ukraine’s forces are in retreat: the US is fighting hand in glove with the Ukrainians. And yet the revelations contained in the NY Times report also confirm what #President #Putin has precisely accused Washington of all along.

The Russians obviously know about these bases since they presumably have had control of them for most of the last two years. So, why is Washington suddenly admitting to them now? Are the neoclowns attempting to establish some basis for arguing that since the #USA has been actively waging #war on #Russia for a long time, more aid and even direct military support for Ukraine is justified?

At some point, the anti-Russian Narrative is going to collapse, as one lie after another is exposed, and it eventually turns out that the Russians were doing nothing but telling the truth about The Empire of Lies and its activities in Ukraine all along.

It also documents how the CIA not only kept #PresidentTrump in the dark with regards to its anti-Russian activities, but consistently undermined him and his policies.


Bütikofer fordert mehr europäisches Engagement für die Ukraine

Scholz in den USA - Bütikofer fordert mehr europäisches Engagement für die Ukraine

Kanzler Olaf Scholz habe bei seinem USA-Besuch davon abgelenkt, ob Europa bereit sei, die Ukraine stärker zu unterstützen, sagt Grünen-Politiker Bütikofer.#OlafScholz #JoeBiden #USA #Washington #Ukraine
Bütikofer fordert mehr europäisches Engagement für die Ukraine


Barack Obama: Als der Hoffnungsträger ins Weiße Haus einzog

Vor 15 Jahren - Als Hoffnungsträger Barack Obama ins Weiße Haus einzog

Es war ein historischer Moment: Am 20. Januar 2009 wurde mit Barack Obama der erste afroamerikanische Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten vereidigt.#BarackObama #USA #Washington #US-Präsident #Capitol
Barack Obama: Als der Hoffnungsträger ins Weiße Haus einzog