

A quotation from Gaiman, Neil

I hope you will have a wonderful year, that you’ll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you’ll make something that didn’t exist before you made it, that you will be loved and that you will be liked, and that you will have people to love and to like in return. And, most importantly (because I think there should be more kindness and more wisdom in the world right now), that you will, when you need to be, be wise, and that you will always be kind.

Neil Gaiman (b. 1960) British fabulist
“Another Year,” blog entry (2008-12-31)

#quote #quotes #quotation #blessing #creativity #dreaming #friendship #kindness #love #NewYear #wisdom
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/gaiman-neil/65861/


Robert Edward Grant is a polymath, #visionary #thinker, and esteemed scholar who has made significant contributions to various fields of study, including #quantum #physics, #mathematics, #technology, and #ancient #civilizations. With a fervent curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Grant has embarked on a quest to unravel the mysteries that lie at the intersection of #science, #history, and #consciousness.
Beyond his profound understanding of quantum physics, Grant possesses a profound fascination with ancient civilizations. His research has unearthed #hidden #knowledge and #wisdom from the #ancient #world, shedding light on the profound connections between these ancient cultures and the principles of quantum mechanics.


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An #albatross named #Wisdom, the #oldest known #wild #bird at 70 years old, at least, has once again returned to the Midway Atoll National #Wildlife Refuge in the Pacific. A volunteer spotted the septuagenarian at the refuge on Friday, #December 1, #2023. And she looks good for her age!

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) first tagged Wisdom at Midway, in the 1950s. The tag bears the designation Z333. Experts estimate that she was hatched at least as early at 1951, if not earlier. That would put her at a minimum of 72 years old.
Albatross - The #Shadows #music


The #Wisdom #of the #Ancients left us a #legacy of #maxims #engraved in the #Temple of #Apollo at #Delphi. You're probably already familiar with some of them, but did you know that there were 147 more?

Here they are:

  1. Follow the Gods
  2. Obey the law
  3. Worship the gods
  4. Respect your parents
  5. Fight for justice
  6. Learn from your experiences
  7. Analyze what you've heard
  8. Know yourself
  9. Cultivate the desire to marry
  10. Act at the right time
  11. Think like a mortal
  12. If you're a stranger, act like one
  13. Honor your home
  14. Control yourself
  15. Help your friends
  16. Control your anger
  17. Exercise caution
  18. Esteem providence
  19. Don't give oaths
  20. Love friendship
  21. Persists despite difficulties
  22. Seeks honor
  23. Be a friend of wisdom
  24. Praise what is good
  25. Denigrate no one
  26. Praise virtue
  27. Do what is right
  28. Support your friends
  29. Watch out for your enemies
  30. Exercise the nobility of your character
  31. Abstain from wickedness
  32. Be impartial
  33. Protect what is yours
  34. Do not covet what belongs to others
  35. Listen to everyone
  36. Keep a good reputation
  37. Do your friends a favor
  38. Don't overdo it
  39. Don't waste your time
  40. Take care of your future
  41. Despise insolence
  42. Respect beggars
  43. Be accommodating in all things
  44. Educate your sons
  45. Be generous with what you have
  46. Beware of deception
  47. Always speak well of others
  48. Be a seeker of wisdom
  49. Give preference to what is sacred
  50. Act only when you know
  51. Turn away from the desire to kill
  52. Pray for things that are possible
  53. Consult the wise
  54. Test your interlocutor's morality
  55. Offer to others what you have received
  56. Don't suspect anyone
  57. Use your skills
  58. Do what you set out to do
  59. Honor all those who benefit you
  60. Don't be jealous of anyone
  61. Be vigilant
  62. Always be hopeful
  63. Despise the slanderer
  64. Earn your living with honesty
  65. Praise good men
  66. Know the judge
  67. Preserve your marriage
  68. Seize your chance
  69. Avoid making promises
  70. Let your word be unequivocal
  71. Make friends with those who are like you
  72. Control your spending
  73. Be happy with what you have
  74. Respect the shame of those who admit they were wrong
  75. Be willing to help
  76. Pray for happiness
  77. Learn to love your lot
  78. Analyze what you've heard
  79. Work for what you want to have
  80. Despise conflict
  81. Despise shame
  82. Hold your tongue
  83. Refrain from insolence
  84. Judge fairly
  85. Use what you have
  86. Judge incorruptibly
  87. Accuse only if your defendant is present
  88. Speak only if you know
  89. Do not act violently
  90. Live without sorrow
  91. Be gentle with others
  92. Finish the race without being intimidated
  93. Treat others with kindness
  94. Don't curse your children
  95. Guide your wife (my favorite)
  96. Be kind to yourself
  97. Be courteous
  98. Answer on time
  99. Fight gloriously
  100. Act in a way you won't regret
  101. Repent of your sins
  102. Control what your eye sees
  103. Decide in time
  104. Act quickly
  105. Preserve your friendships
  106. Be grateful
  107. Pursue harmony
  108. Keep a secret
  109. Fear those in power
  110. Seek your own interest
  111. Accept the necessary measure
  112. Get rid of your enemies
  113. Accept old age
  114. Do not boast of your strength
  115. Cultivate discretion
  116. Avoid hatred
  117. Acquire your wealth fairly
  118. Do not forsake honor
  119. Despise evil
  120. venture prudently into danger
  121. Never tire of learning
  122. Be thrifty
  123. Respect the oracles
  124. love those you teach
  125. do not criticize someone who is absent
  126. Respect the elders
  127. Teach the youngest
  128. Don't trust wealth
  129. Respect yourself
  130. Don't let pride be born in you
  131. Honor your ancestors by placing wreaths on their graves
  132. Sacrifice yourself for your country
  133. Don't be dissatisfied with life
  134. Do not mock the dead
  135. Share the burden of the unfortunate
  136. Be generous without ulterior motives
  137. Don't be sad about everything
  138. Give birth to children of noble lineage
  139. Make no promises to anyone 140 Don't try to deceive the dead
  140. As a mortal, be happy
  141. Don't rely on luck
  142. As a child, behave yourself
  143. Control your passions as a teenager
  144. Adult, be just
  145. Old man, give good advice
  146. At your last moment, have no regrets

The #Sacred #Revolution #of #Spirit;

#Awaken the Hidden to Reclaim the Forbidden
#NDE - #Wisdom with #MariaLupitaGurule, #Soul-Reader

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=qfeIymQ68-0

The title and her discussion of the meaning of "forbidden" struck a nerve with me.
She starts talking about forbidden at 9:12

We now define forbidden as being "cannot "go to/access a forbidden matter or we will be punished

She deconstructs, I think RIGHTLY, that the word forbid is "for" and "bid"

which holds the meanings For as in "in front of", in advance of something, or before
and Bid as in call forth. Something "bidden" is something called forth.

The word is actually about how we can in advance bring forth a matter. OK, that points to the way we are meant to take responsibility to make known what we expect to bring in to our "reality" and see it manifest.

I was disturbed because though I COULD recognize a much more uplifting understanding of forbidden, I cannot automatically have a changed definition appear in my thoughts when saying "forbidden". I have to consciously change the meaning over and over if thinking the word.

What that says to me is that language has been so distorted that we cannot even easily regain meanings and certainly must deconstruct what we have in our minds.


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#ShiningOnes And #Magic In #Ireland - #Secret #Wisdom #Of The #Gods - #Ancient Pages

Ancient sources tell the priests were capable of weather manipulations. During the Roman and Christian invasion of Britain, the Druids are said to have cast horrific spells, which resulted in severe climate changes such as heavy flooding and snowfalls. This made it more difficult for the invaders to reach the island, although they finally overcame these obstacles. On the coastline of the Menai Strait, the soldiers became terrified and paralyzed as the watched the Druids casting spells upon them. Tacitus related as follows:

"On the coastline, a line of warriors of the opposition was stationed, mainly made up of armed men, amongst them women, with their hair blowing in the wind, while they were carrying torches. Druids were among them, shouting terrifying spells, their hands raised towards the heavens, which scared our soldiers so much that their limbs became paralyzed. As a result, they remained stationary and were inquired. At the end of the battle, the Romans were victorious, and the holy oaks of the Druids were destroyed."

The #Druids were also renowned soothsayers and they were familiar with the secrets of #levitation. It is therefore not particularly surprising that the locals, who were regularly, confronted with these "miracles" considered these Celtic priests to be true magicians, standing in direct communication with the ancient gods themselves.

They Came in a Dense and Dark Cloud

In an Irish manuscript, it is written that:

"All who are adepts in Druidical and magical arts are the descendants of the Tuatha De Danaan."
Who were the legendary Tuatha De Danaan?
The true origin of the Tuatha De Danaan is unknown. The name means literally "the folk of the god whose mother is Dana." These fabled Irish gods appeared one day, on 1st May (Beltane) out of nowhere.

Actually, the Tuatha De Danaan were neither demons nor men. They were the alien gods, the ancient spacemen, and a group of blond, fair-skinned, and handsome beings, who ruled the Earth in prehistoric times. Their superior intelligence, artistic skills, and magical powers, which were based on highly advanced technology, laid the foundation of Druidism. Before the Tuatha de Danaan came to Ireland, they spent seven years in Scotland and some years in Scandinavia.



How deep is the #rabbithole really and how far did you turn into the right aisle?

What we want to believe can easily distort the #truth. Believing does not mean knowing. The #problem is that we can't know what we don't know. If you know that you can never know everything, you have already learned the most important thing. However, if you believe you know everything and can prove it with alternative facts, you're hopelessly lost on the right side of the rabbit hole.

#filterbubble #conspiracy #ideology #politics #fake #wisdom