

Udo Rauchfleisch beleuchtet ein Problem, das in den letzten Jahrzehnten immer drängender geworden ist, aber kaum angemessen diskutiert wird: Einsamkeit. Eine Rezension

Udo Rauchfleisch beleuchtet ein Problem, das in den letzten Jahrzehnten immer drängender geworden ist: Einsamkeit. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Einsamkeit von Udo Rauchfleisch)#Einsamkeit #Alleinsein #Alter #Anonymität #Beziehung #Isolation #Krankheit #Psychologie #Gesundheit #Tod #Trennung #Vereinsamung #PsychologieHirnforschung #Kultur
»Einsamkeit«: Wir werden einsamer


Konflikte, häusliche Gewalt, Krankheits- oder Todesfälle: Frédérick Wolfes Buch hilft Kindern dabei, eine Sprache für den Umgang mit ihren Gefühlen zu finden. Eine Rezension

Wie lernen Kinder auszudrücken, was sie belastet? Praktische Antworten und wertvolle Tipps bietet dieses Buch. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Die Taschen voller Steine von Frédérick Wolfe)#Kinder #Gefühl #Jugendliche #Psychologie #Traurigkeit #Enttäuschung #Sorge #Angst #Einsamkeit #Isolation #Scheidung #Trennung #Sprachlosigkeit #Bewältigung #Überforderung #Rückzug #artikulieren #psychischeGesundheit #Unsicherheit #Streit #Vertrauen #PsychologieHirnforschung #Kultur
»Die Taschen voller Steine«: Befreiung aus der Sprachlosigkeit


various more interesting insights and ideas in this, more than i rabidly sporadically jotted down and paraphrased here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zwq0pnLdX0
#who and #wef on the day of announcement of covid crisis unleashed their action plan which was obviously pre planned part of their global thinktank corporate-superstate-autocracy totalitarian technarchy devoid of #democracy (which we can still mend and re-implement all over).

"totalitarianism's ultimate goal is to render human beings redundant to its functioning as a system of governance"

when cbdc comes we must resist it with everything we've got.

no one could want this horror, unless #problemreactionsolution raised on a series of appocalyptic threats, our #children, raised on #austerity, on national decline, on banking crises, environmental crises, on health crises. they graduated to #lockdown, and #masks and #vaccinemandates. they've been bombarded by fear. and they're being offered as a way out of that explicit~ out of that terror, these transhuman programs. and that's why it's up to us. one of the things we can do, is reaffirm the human being.

#imagine and #create a #better #future, #now.
a future not at fear.
not scared of each other. at our most human.
individual acts of #noncompliance
question capitalism, and the horrible society capitalism created.
#decentralise #decentralisation.
#presrvedata #presrvehistory #makedigitalbackups #makehardcopies #hardcopy #books #buybooks
... if you are reading this, you are the resistance. ;)

we can do better.

#isolation #totalitarianism #virtuesignalling #obedience #fascism #fundamentalism #environmentalfundamentalism
#perpetualreich #cbdc #dystopia #centralisedglobalgovernment #anthrocide #ratchetting #smartphone #panopticon #toolsofourenslavement #digitalid #digitalcamp #orwellian #rewritinghistory #digitalbookburning


#jumpoutofwater #disobey



#refriend #reclaimthespace #read


I noticed that nobody talks to me that I don't know with positive intent. I get all the "drive away your car", "please move", "did you look at my girlfriend" statements, but never a "hey how are you, how was your day going so far". Ever. And I can say that because I do talk to people I don't know with that intent. But nobody does with me. Also, nobody tells me what is off about me when I catch yet another person looking funny at me, so I ask them what it's about. When asked, people claim everything was alright, when it's not. #socialinteraction, #communication, #introspection, #selfawareness, #perception, #misunderstanding, #isolation


#freespeechsaveslives #censorshipcostslives


"it's hard to believe other people didn't see it."

"it's so blatantly out there."

#whywegaveupourfreedoms #gooddoctors #DrKatLindley #nursing #nursingcare #criticalcare #urgentcare #administrativemeddling #medical #freedommedicalmovement #nursespeaksout #anotherdoctorspeaksout #anothernursespeaksout #nurses #nursesarethebest #totalitarian #totalitarianism #didntmakesense #storyunfolding #littlelies #logic #hardtobelieveotherpeopledidntseeit #myopia #SoBlatantlyOutThere #ifyoucantreatthereisnoneedforthevaccines #establishedbestpractice #somuchfear #turnOFFtheTV #crisismanagementtraining #fearuncertaintydoubt #followingorders #justfollowingorders #justdoingyourjob #criticalthinking #linearthinking #latteralthinking #challengingstatusquo #hierarchy #autonomy #NHS #USA #privatisationofNHS #backdoorprivatisation #worstoutcomes #changingdefinitions #orwellian #conspiracies #wakeup #bodilyautonomy #doctorautonomy #anxiety #tyrantssayifyouspeakoutagainsttheirtyrannyyouareaterrorist #democracysaysitisyourdemocraticdutytospeakouttopreventtyrants #flashbacks #freedomtradedforelusivesafety #westerncountriesarenaive #fear #allnazishadtodowasmakeyoufearandyougavefreedomaway #pandorasbox #obsoletion #medicineisnotexpensive #forprofithealthcare #apatientcuredisacustomerlost #middlemen #independentdoctors #isolation #bargaining #threats #fakecines #tactics #totalitariantactics #educateyourselvessoyoumayeducateothers #decentralise

her words early in this, remind me of conversations i heard nurses having with each other, when i was in hospital in 2002, where they seemed quite astute to the mask issue, aware of studies, and their own experiences, and the logic, prominently revealing how masks not only dont work to prevent (or even reduce) the spread of disease, but worsen outcomes, and how they were up against it with stupid harmful orders coming from administration, contrary to evidence. this was a long time coming in the crooks' pipeline.


Quand le marché des pompes à chaleur capte les aides publiques au détriment de l’efficacité énergétique

Des sociétés profitent de l’engouement pour l’installation des pompes à chaleur, massivement subventionnées à coups de MaPrimRenov’ et de crédits d’impôts, pour pratiquer des prix exorbitants, voire même parfois des arnaques. https://basta.media/Quand-le-marche-des-pompes-a-chaleur-capte-les-aides-publiques-au-detriment-de-l-efficacite-energetique

Une enquête basta! à lire en ligne en accès libre et à retrouver également en version papier dans le dernier numéro de l’hebdomadaire Politis 👉 https://www.politis.fr/editions/qui-pourra-se-chauffer-en-2023/

#Energie #Chauffage #Sobriete #PompeAChaleur #Isolation #Renovation #Batiment #Hiver #Economie #Electricite #AidesPubliques #MaPrimeRenov #CreditsDImpots #Ecologie #Logement #Climat #Enquete #Capitalisme #profits #CoupureDelectricite #FactureDelectricite


L'isolation thermique expliquée de façon très technique.

Comprendre les caractéristiques de l'isolation thermique pour choisir la meilleure isolation pour sa maison.
00:00 Les bases de l'isolation thermique
02:29 La résistance thermique d'un isolant, qu'est-ce que c'est ?
05:34 Comprendre le déphasage thermique
08:24 L'inertie thermique d'un isolant
10:09 La densité de l'isolant thermique
12:38 Quel est le meilleur isolant pour une maison ?
(avec un peu d'pub à la fin de la vidéo).

#société #habitat #énergies #thermique #isolation