00:52 The Chinese Communist Party's social credit system aims to control and mold Chinese culture, effectively censoring dissent and promoting behaviors beneficial to the party's interests.
02:02 China's social credit system utilizes advanced technology to monitor and assess citizens' behavior, including their online activities, purchases, and even social interactions.
03:41 The social credit system assigns scores based on behavior, rewarding conformity and punishing dissent, affecting privileges like bank loans and travel options.
05:06 The social credit system enables severe punishment for individuals deemed "unacceptable" by the Communist Party, resulting in restrictions on travel, property ownership, and financial transactions.
07:12 The end goal of China's Social Credit System is Total Surveillance and control, with citizens' actions recorded and publicly accessible, fostering social shaming and incentivizing conformity.
08:18 China's response to the COVID-19 pandemic includes QR codes assigned to citizens, granting or denying access to public spaces based on their health status, further eroding individual sovereignty.
09:43 Western nations, including the UK, are heading towards Orwellian nightmares with increasing state surveillance, erosion of free speech, and potential adoption of social credit systems, mirroring China's authoritarianism.
11:34 The introduction of Central Bank digital currencies ( #CBDC s) could enable governments to exert unprecedented #control over citizens' financial #lives, paving the way for social credit systems in the West.
#consider, my understanding of these two labels.
terrorist : one who causes terror for political gain.
freedom fighter : one who fights for their freedom and the freedom of a people from oppression.
" #or "? the two are not mutually exclusive. can be #both.
introspect #perception, for any #judgement.
and just because one side uses terror for their political gain (and thus are definitively "terrorist"), does not mean the other side do not and are not.
[(...can you see any examples of this type hypocrisy on the world stage? seen anyone "doth protest too much"?)]
#terror #terrorist #terrorists #terrorism #politics #terminology #psyop #falsedichotomy #opposame #notmutuallyexclusive (not to mention the added complexities of #falseflag operations, #managedopposition, #agentprovokateurs, etc., and the escalating horrors of #groupthink (all the way to the #atrocity of #genocide!), and #proxywars for #massdistraction and #polarising #divisive #problemreactionsolution #divideandconquer #ploys of #theoppressor... "THEY'RE USING YOU!", not just "both" " #sides ", but the puppet masters behind them. Many #innocent #lives, and it matters not to the power-focused #ruthless #sociopaths, #oligarchs, #bankers, #cultists, #aristocrats, #fascists, #barons, etc... ... #TheCorporation = #Psychopath. thanks, #racetothebottom and #tragedyofthecommons and #dogma and #fundamentalism. ... maybe we're #now #ready to say #WeAreNotDoingThatAnyMore ... #wecanstillmendthis. )
Our Everyday Lives ~ Schumann Resonance Power 72 Higher & Higher Ready to Blow
#Michael-Newton - #PastLife #Therapy - Journey Between Lives
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=9YJiYEiGg3c
👻 Journey of Souls Audiobook Full by Michael Newton - Case Studies of Life Between Lives Part 1 of 2
👻 #Journey #of #Souls #Audiobook Full by #MichaelNewton - Case Studies of #Life Between #Lives Part 2 of 2
👻 #Journey #of #Souls #Audiobook Full by #MichaelNewton - Case Studies of #Life Between #Lives Part 2 of 2
Arbeitskampf in den USA
Der Zorn des neuen Proletariats
Von Matthias Weigand, Johannes Hör
Sie sind jung, fleißig, selbstbewusst – und wollen sich nicht länger ausbeuten lassen. Jetzt streiten Starbucks-Beschäftigte US-weit für ihre Rechte.
#taz #tageszeitung #USA #Prekäre #Arbeit #Gewerkschaft #Kapitalismus #Starbucks #Gastronomie #Black #Lives #Matter #Soziales
#ThierryBaudet: Entire generations of Europeans were taught by pro-Soviet or Pro-Mao Marxists. One good example is St Anthony’s College, in Oxford, where Sigrid Kaag got her Master’s in Philosophy.
It is little more than a training institution for Western secret services. In other words, for precisely the #globalist #elite #attempting to #plan our #lives.
Presiding #MP: (Interjects) Mr Baudet, we agreed not to make it personal in the presence of the Minister of Finance (Sigrid Kaag). Where she studied is irrelevant so spreading conspiracy theories is unacceptable. No ifs ands or buts. Please continue your speech.
Thierry Baudet: St Anthony’s college is known as the spy college in Oxford. The British Secret Intelligence Service recruited from there, that’s a fact. Look it up.
(Kaag begins walking out of the assembly).
It shows how linked #Marxism =ZIONISM has been to the #DeepState for decades.
(Several other PMs begin walking out).
Presiding MP: Your closing remarks, Mr Baudet.
Thierry Baudet: Right. Those are the people storming off. The heirs of this criminal ideology that caused the French and Revolutions, an ideology that transformed into Cultural Marxism in the second half of the 20th century.
(More PMs start walking out).
They set the agenda for modern Globalism. Why is the Cabinet walking off? It is a fact that Sigrid Kaag studied at St Anthony’s College and it’s also the perfect example of the ties between intelligence services, Marxism and the recruitment of the Global Deep State (his mic is cut).
Presiding MP: I suspend the meeting for the moment.
Contributed by Alexandra Bruce
" #EasyOS 3.1.17 has #LiVES 3.0.2, which seems to basically work." https://bkhome.org/news/202201/lives-problems-and-more-problems.html #gnu #linux #deletegithub
Facebook’s “Metaverse” Must Be Stopped
' #Facebook founder #MarkZuckerberg's #metaverse is no #utopian #vision — it's another opportunity for #BigTech to #colonize our #lives in the name of #profit. #SiliconValley tends to feel it can do whatever it wants. Its major companies have ignored #regulations with little consequence and shaped how we #communicate to #increase #profits despite causing #social #harm. We should instead imagine how #tech can be developed for the #public #good.'
#virtual #worlds #environment #surveillance #technology #industry #science #video #games #internet #workers #rights
Generation Now
#ElizabethWathuti at COP26: "Please open your hearts"
'Today’s #young #people are coming of age just as the #stable #climate that has allowed #previous #generations to #thrive on our #planet begins to visibly #break #down—and just before our last chance to stop it falls out of reach. #Leaders keep #praising young people for standing up and #protesting. But #saving the #world needs #decisions from the leaders. Decisions that #prioritize the #lives of the #people and the planet.'
#GenerationNow #COP26 #youth #activists #protests #strike #climatechange #movement #gnd #future #environment #gretathunberg #janegoodall #fridaysforfuture #climate #justice #hope
Prozess gegen das Milchgesicht
2020 folgte Kyle Rittenhouse dem Aufruf einer rechten Miliz gegen Antirassismusproteste. Dann erschoss er zwei Menschen. Jetzt steht er vor Gericht. http://www.taz.de/Rittenhouse-Verfahren-in-den-USA/!5808817/ #taz #tazgezwitscher #tageszeitung #Black #Lives #Matter #Proteste #Milizen #USA
Einig für einen Tag
Tausende Menschen sind dem Aufruf des Unteilbar-Bündnisses in Berlin gefolgt. Sie machten sich für unterschiedliche Themen stark. http://www.taz.de/Unteilbar-Demonstration-in-Berlin/!5799104/ #taz #tazgezwitscher #tageszeitung #Rassismus # #Unteilbar #Black #Lives #Matter #GNS #Demonstration #Klimabewegung
OUT TODAY (30/08)
"My symbol was stolen from me", sighed wistfully the troll
And began to hum his heart a comfort—a rainbow.
#music #surrealism #experimental #ambient #pop #jazz #symphonic #electronic #instrumental #spoken-word #whispers #soundtrack #dark #chill #chillout #industrial #art #downtempo #surreal #first #design #album #cover #short #rainbow #troll #pop #metaphysical #mystical #symbolical #symbolism #dark #matter #lives #ginger #sushi #sashimi #shamisen #japanese #piano #bedroom #release
Robbing the soil, 1: Commons and classes before capitalism
“The #soil is the great #connector of #lives…. Without #proper #care for it we can have no #community, because without proper care for it we can have no #life.” #WendellBerry
#MetabolicRifts #IanAngus #robbingthesoil #commons #classes #capitalism #progress #agriculture #food #farming #history #degradation #environment #ecosocialism #fields #pastures #farmers #workers #land #property #inequality #class #karlmarx #marx
Zeit für Forderungen
Seit George Floyds Tod geht #BlackLivesMatter verstärkt auf die Straße. Doch systematische Unterdrückung von BIPoC wird nicht allein mit Demos beendet. http://www.taz.de/Ein-Jahr-nach-Tod-von-Georg-Floyd/!5769848/ #taz #tazgezwitscher #tageszeitung #Black #Lives #Matter #USA #George #Floyd #GNS #Anti-Rassismus
Dentro de las celebraciones de nuestro 4° aniversario de vida Socialpatriota, no podíamos pasar por desapercibido sin hacer un alto y dedicar un directo en YouTube a magna fecha conmemorativa.
No te pierdas el live hoy, en el que con la participación de varios camaradas, hablaremos de nuestra historia como movimiento, los grandes hitos que marcaron nuestra existencia, los desafíos y tropiezos, pero también los logros, alegrías y metas para el futuro.
Nos vemos a las 20:00 en YouTube.
#youtube #lives #SocialPatriotas #DefiendeChile #MSP #vivachile #aniversario #Chile
No te puedes perder el live del dia de hoy a las 21:00 horas, con el que iniciamos una sección dedicada a los traidores a Chile.
Esta vez hablaremos del hombre que manchó y persiguió al nacionalismo, para darle poder a economistas neoliberales, que quiso ser el nuevo padre de la Patria comparando su persona con la de gran Bernardo O'Higgins, y que aseguró salvar a Chile del marxismo; pero que en la práctica organizó el aparato jurídico que permitiría que los delincuentes de la Concertación vendieran el país a potencias extranjeras, dio el golpe final a la ya decadente industria nacional, quiso entregarle mar a Bolivia, traicionó a sus camaradas de armas, su hijo amasó una fortuna con los pinocheques, y lavó dinero en cuentas del Banco Riggs.
Pd. Para la derecha rancia que cree que por tocarles a su Tata somos de izquierda, no se preocupen, ya que en su momento también hablaremos del marxista y antichileno Salvador Allende.
#Pinochet #youtube #lives #SocialPatriotas #Chile #MSP #DefiendeChile
Hoy tenemos un nuevo live, donde trataremos un tema muy utilizado y poco conocido: El Populismo.
Hablaremos de todo lo que debes saber sobre este término, su origen, contexto y descomposición de la palabra.
No te pierdas este directo hoy a las 21:00 en nuestro canal de YouTube.
¡Nos vemos!
#SocialPatriotas #lives #youtube #populismo