

‘Slavery was wrong’ and 5 other things some educators won’t teach anymore


In the following, Greg Wickenkamp is an eighth-grade social studies teacher, and Noll is Superintendent Laurie Noll. This was Iowa.

She continued: “To say ‘Is slavery wrong?’ — I really need to delve into it to see is that part of what we can or cannot say. And I don’t know that, Greg, because I just don’t have that. So I need to know more on that side.”\
As Wickenkamp raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips, she added, “I’m sorry, on that part.”\
Wickenkamp left the Zoom call. At the close of the year, he left the teaching profession.\
Contacted for comment, Noll wrote in a statement that “the district provided support to Greg with content through a neighboring school district social studies department head.” She did not answer a question asking whether she thinks teachers should be permitted to tell children that slavery was wrong.

#education #public-education #slavery #freedom #liberty #academic-freedom #history #teaching #teachers #curriculum #curricula #schools #public-schools #conservatives #conservatism #racism #social-studies


Will Republicans become a Christian nationalist party? Can they win if they do?

Almost 70% of Americans answered no to all or most of those statements. About 10% were in very strong agreement — a group that PRRI dubbed Christian nationalism adherents. Another 19% were sympathizers — agreeing with the statements, but not always strongly agreeing.

Among Republicans, the picture was very different: More than half qualified as adherents (21%) or sympathizers (33%).

As the PRRI study found, Christian nationalist beliefs correlate strongly with anti-Muslim, anti-Black, antisemitic and anti-immigrant views.

Among Americans overall, for example, roughly 6 in 10 say that the “growing number of newcomers from other countries strengthens American society.” But among white, Christian nationalist adherents and sympathizers, nearly 7 in 10 disagree. About 8 in 10 of them say that “immigrants are invading our country and replacing our cultural and ethnic background.”

Support for Christian nationalism also goes along with at least a rhetorical acceptance of political violence. Four in 10 Christian nationalist adherents agree with the statement that “because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.” About 8 in 10 Americans overall reject that statement.

#LATimes #GOP #Religion #Nationalism #Conservatism


That about sums it up. Good synopsis by Farage. Apparently Conservatism is dead in the UK and the global central banking system decides UK economic and monetary policy.

In short, the UK has been usurped by neoliberal-globalists and the British people have been completely disenfranchised. UK Democracy is dead. Neoliberal-globalist coup.


#nigelfarage #americasvoice #uk #britishgovernment #borisjohnson #liztruss #rishisunak #queenelizabeth #kingcharles #charliekirk #globalism #usa #internationalmonetaryfund #economicpolicy #monetarypolicy #conservatism #conservativeparty #britishconservativeparty #farage #neoliberalism #neoliberalglobalism


The new McCarthyism is built on four pillars: the economy, national security, whatever “anti-wokeness” happens to mean at any given moment, and the promise of relentless Benghazi-like investigations into the Biden administration. (So there’s a touch of the old McCarthyism as well.) McCarthy’s hope is that throwing some substance (or some substance-like substance) into the discourse might help the GOP retake some midterm momentum. But the agenda itself—which won’t be formally unveiled until September 19—reeks of desperation and only underscores the Republican Party’s biggest problem heading into the midterm elections: its utter lack of viable, noninsane policy ideas.

Kevin McCarthy’s Desperate Bid to Prove the Republican Party Has Ideas

#TNR #GOP #CDU #Conservatism


A quotation by Atherton, Gertrude

There is a strong conservative instinct in the average man or woman, born of the hereditary fear of life, that prompts them to cling to old standards, or, if too intelligent to look inhospitably upon progress, to move very slowly. Both types are the brakes and wheelhorses necessary to a stable civilization, but history, even current history in the newspapers, would be dull reading if there were no adventurous spirits willing to do battle for new ideas.

Gertrude Atherton (1857-1948) American author, essayist
The Living Present, Book 2, ch. 1, sec. 1 (1917)

#quote #quotation #change #conservatism #novelty #progressivism #stability #status quo
More notes and sourcing: https://wist.info/atherton-gertrude/55318/


Puppet one or puppet two,
The system has a choice for you,
Puppet Brown or puppet White,
Be sure to get your choices right.

Puppet blue or puppet red,
No other choice for you instead,
Puppet Right or puppet Left,
Of principles they are bereft.

Puppet women puppet man,
Believe the puppets if you can,
Puppet young puppet old,
Vote for puppets like you're told.

#rishisunak #liztruss #conservatives #ukconservatives #conservatism #conservativeparty #leadership #uk #britishconservatives #toryparty #usa #britishpolitics #ukpolitics #puppets #westerncivilization #nietzscheanism #plutocraticelites #scions #elitism #judeoangloamericanempire #eu #un #westernpoliticians #westernpolitics #corporatism #corporatocracy #wef #worldeconomicforum #builderberg #globalism #globalists


A quotation by Wilhoit, Frank

The task is to throw all those things on the exact same burn pile as the collected works of all the apologists for conservatism, and start fresh. The core proposition of anti-conservatism requires no supplementation and no exegesis. It is as sufficient as it is necessary. What you see is what you get:

The law cannot protect anyone unless it binds everyone; and it cannot bind anyone unless it protects everyone.

Frank Wilhoit (contemp.) American composer and software architect

Crookedtimber.org, “The Travesty of Liberalism,” Comment #26 (22 Mar 2018)

#quote #quotation #conservatism #control #law #power #protection

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/wilhoit-frank/53277/