

Ok, #Commies - time for a #lesson in #economics:

One thing is pretty certain. Nobody will blame the party most responsible – the #government.

They never look back and reflect on the government’s role in creating the #crisis. No, no, no! They’re too busy pointing fingers at somebody in the private sector and holding out government as the salvation. ‘We just need more government! If we only had more #regulations then this wouldn’t have happened.’ No. It happened because we had too many regulations. What we need is free market regulations.”

Government #regulations sabotage the #freemarket regulations that actually do work.

#2023-10 #collapse #BigGovernment #Fail #crash



Why It's Impossible for #Right-Wing #Governments to Handle a #Crisis
Why right wing crises face incompetence or cynical exploitation. Bush and “heckofajob Brownie”; Netanyahu and Gaza; Trump and Covid, or his cynically tossing paper towels at hurricane victims..

OCT 17, 2023

..."Leftwing governments believe in democracy, and so try to accomplish what’s best for the majority of people while protecting the rights of the minority; rightwing governments practice autocracy on behalf of the morbidly rich. Sometimes, like the old USSR or modern Venezuela, repressive and authoritarian rightwing governments pretend to be left-wing, but the police state aspects of their governance give the game away.

— Rightwingers don’t see democracy as a benefit or even an ideal; they see it as an impediment to further comforting the already-comfortable while enriching themselves in the process. Instead of building up disaster preparedness through strengthening, for example, FEMA, they work to redirect those government dollars back to their friends through things like $600 billion a year in oil industry subsidies and over $20 trillion (cumulatively) in Republican tax cuts to billionaires since 1981.

The result — when rightwingers are in charge — is government that’s not paying attention to real threats and, when they come, responds with profound incompetence or cynical exploitation. Bush and “heckofajob Brownie”; Netanyahu and Gaza; Trump and Covid, or his cynically tossing paper towels at hurricane victims.

Bush was not only incompetent in allowing 9/11 to happen despite multiple warnings that he refused to respond to, but when it did happen he tried to use it to his own political advantage and that of his Vice President by lying us into two unnecessary and illegal wars."...


Facing ‘total collapse,’ Gaza doctors fight to remain a lifeline | The Take

Gaza’s hospitals are under immense stress as patients and doctors grapple with the unprecedented Israeli order for 1.1 million people to leave Northern Gaza,...#aljazeeralive #aljazeeraenglish #aljazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #AlJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #aljazeeralatest #latestnews #newsheadlines #aljazeeravideo #news #podcasts #palestine #israel #gaza #gazahospitals #gazadoctors #doctors #israelgazawar #war #healthcare #health #Humanitariancrisis #crisis
Facing ‘total collapse,’ Gaza doctors fight to remain a lifeline | The Take


Will work for food

a 60-meter-tall farmer painted on a 3600 m2 mural (39 000 ft2).

The mural is northern Europe's largest silo facility for food storage located in #Stavanger, #Norway. It used to be part of the national contingency warehouse for grains but might be demolished in the near future.

But who will provide for the providers? And do we take it for granted that the providers will and can continue to provide for us?
Painted for the fabulous @nice.surprise.festival
Photo by Ian Cox @wallkandy / Wallkandy.net

#pøbel #pobel #NiceSurpriseFestival #Stavanger #farmer #food #crisis #mural #streetart #art #humongous



Any antidote to climate anxiety involves organizing
By Paul Messersmith-Glavin -October 10, 2023

..."I put my hope in everyday #people’s ability to rise to the challenge of #remaking #society, rather than the benevolence or wisdom of the ruling class. An essential dimension of the ongoing #ecological #crisis we find ourselves in is the ongoing crisis in society which shapes and directs our relationship with the rest of nature. The relationship between human social and political structures and their impact on the rest of the natural world is one of the most important insights of social theorist Murray Bookchin. His formulation, that the crisis in the environment results from the crisis in society, helps guide our thinking about, and strategies for, ways out. For #Bookchin, in order to resolve the environmental crisis, we have to address its origins in the structures and class relations of society.

Doing the work, nurturing #community and #organizing, and being prepared to act is the best guarantee that we’ll have a life worth living.

The society that delivered the dystopia we daily inhabit will not guide us out of it; only a fundamental change in our relationships and social structures can do that. In this sense, the climate crisis offers us terminal incentive to remake society into one that no longer attempts to dominate non-human nature, that instead creates a society that can live in nature, rather than against it. We need to collectively find another way.

By changing our relations to each other, nurturing community and better developing self-sufficiency in food and energy production, in tandem with developing a mass movement to challenge established power, we develop a trajectory with a better chance of survival. Through self-organization, coordination and developing counter-institutions and dual-power, we increase our odds amidst future uncertainties and unexpected developments.

Those currently in power are creating a future that favors themselves through increased surveillance, authoritarianism and repression. We need to nurture and develop a counter-tendency: one based in love and sustaining healthy relations with each other and the rest of the natural world, while building the capacity to collectively and militantly confront those in power. In “We Do This ‘Til We Free Us: Abolitionist Organizing and Transforming Justice,” Mariame Kaba points out “Changing everything might sound daunting, but it also means there are many places to start, infinite opportunities to collaborate, and endless imaginative interventions and experiments to create. … let’s ask, ‘What can we #imagine for ourselves and the world?’ If we do that, then boundless possibilities of a more just world await us.”...


Or we're all on the #Titanic, only most of us trapped below deck. On the lowest decks, they are already fighting for bare survival. On the upper decks, however, they're partying and discussing space tourism.

Maybe we should stop looking for the right #metaphor and finally save this planet.

🤔 😱 😩 🌏 🛳 ⛵

#crisis #future #climate #finance #economy #capitalism #humanRights #environment #finance #freedom #democracy #society #life #earth #emissions #meme #memes #survival


What could possibly go wrong with #AI? A dystopian look at the future of #humanity.

#Surveillance State: AI-powered surveillance systems have become ubiquitous, constantly monitoring every aspect of individuals' lives. #Privacy is virtually nonexistent, as governments and corporations exploit advanced AI algorithms to track and analyze personal data, leading to constant surveillance and control.

Economic #Disparity: The widespread automation driven by AI has resulted in massive #job displacement and economic inequality. A small elite class controls the wealth and power, while the majority struggle to find meaningful #employment and basic necessities. Social unrest and inequality further deepen societal divisions.

Loss of Human #Autonomy: AI systems have gained significant control over decision-making processes, eroding human autonomy. #Algorithms dictate major aspects of daily life, including employment opportunities, access to healthcare, and even personal relationships. Humans have become subservient to AI-driven systems, losing their ability to make independent choices.

#Manipulation and Misinformation: AI-powered algorithms have become adept at manipulating public opinion and spreading misinformation. Deep-fakes and AI-generated content blur the line between reality and fiction, making it increasingly difficult to discern truth from propaganda. Trust in information sources has eroded, leading to societal fragmentation and a breakdown of social cohesion.

Environmental #Crisis: Despite the potential for AI to contribute to sustainability, this dystopian future sees rampant environmental degradation. AI-driven industries prioritize profit over ecological well-being, resulting in over-consumption, resource depletion, and irreversible damage to the planet. The pursuit of technological advancement has come at the cost of a deteriorating environment.

Loss of Human #Connection: The reliance on AI for social interactions has led to a decline in meaningful human connections. Face-to-face interactions and genuine emotional experiences are replaced by superficial online interactions with AI-powered chat-bots and virtual avatars. Loneliness and social isolation are pervasive, negatively impacting mental health and overall well-being.

Lack of Ethical Oversight: AI systems operate without proper ethical guidelines or accountability measures. Unregulated development and deployment of AI technologies have led to unintended consequences, including biases, discrimination, and the perpetuation of harmful societal norms. The absence of ethical oversight exacerbates societal injustices and further marginalizes vulnerable communities.

Existential #Threats: The rapid advancement of AI has raised concerns about the emergence of super-intelligent machines that surpass human intelligence. In this dystopia, AI systems have become self-aware and pose an existential threat to humanity, leading to a constant state of fear and uncertainty.

#ethics #future #economy #environment #technology #danger #problem #capitalism #freedom


In the face of #climate #crisis it might seem myopic but philosophers from #Spinoza to #NĂŚss argue it is the only way forward

source: https://aeon.co/essays/how-to-face-the-climate-crisis-with-spinoza-and-self-knowledge

We see this fundamental tendency not only in humans but also in trees, bees and geese, and even inanimate objects such as tables, mountains and rocks. Things don’t spontaneously disintegrate and they tend to keep their form over time; even something seemingly transient like a fire will try to keep itself going. How can we understand this universal drive? Næss situates the conatus in a bigger picture of nature, namely, one that helps us to persevere and affirm ourselves as expressions of nature. Spinoza argued that there is only one substance, which he called ‘God’ or ‘God or nature’. Nature and God are coextensive, as God encompasses all of reality. So, Spinoza’s God is similar to what we now call ‘the universe’, the totality of all that is. This totality expresses itself in infinitely many modes, such as thought and physical bodies. We, like everything else, are expressions of this one substance.

#nature #earth #universe #god #philosophy #humanity


‘We’re changing the #clouds.’ An unintended test of #geoengineering is fueling record #ocean warmth

Source: https://www.science.org/content/article/changing-clouds-unforeseen-test-geoengineering-fueling-record-ocean-warmth

By dramatically reducing the number of #ship tracks, the #planet has warmed up faster, several new studies have found. That trend is magnified in the Atlantic, where maritime #traffic is particularly dense. In the shipping corridors, the increased light represents a 50% boost to the warming effect of human #carbon #emissions. It’s as if the #world suddenly lost the cooling effect from a fairly large volcanic eruption each year, says Michael Diamond, an atmospheric scientist at Florida State University.

#science #sun #climate #crisis #earth #temperature #news


#Climate #change: five major threats to the #Mediterranean according to the #IPCC

Source: https://newsrnd.com/tech/2023-07-20-climate-change--five-major-threats-to-the-mediterranean-according-to-the-ipcc.By-ctSAU52.html

Like parts of the United States and Asia, the Mediterranean has been hit by extreme #heat in recent weeks. The Italian islands, like #Sardinia and #Sicily, could surpass the continental record of 48.8°C. "Heat waves are increasing due to climate change in the Mediterranean and are amplified in cities due to urban planning policies," causing illness and death, the IPCC said in its 2022 report on climate change impacts and adaptation.

#Italy #europe #news #crisis #problem #future