

Is #Bitcoin broken by #design?

#Bitcoins are supposed to be a #decentralized alternative global #currency. Originally, everyone was supposed to participate in #mining with their #CPU and thereby achieve decentralization. If this were the case, cryptocurrency could be operated today via Raspberry Pies in a power-saving manner, because the complexity of the mining adapts to the CPU #power that is available. But #greed tempted some participants to use server farms to earn more via mining. Of course, this increased the pressure on others to follow, since they also wanted to get a piece of the pie. Consequently, more and more #hardware and energy was wasted on mining.

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#capitalism #environment #energy #waste #crypto #blockchain #problem #fail #gpu #technology #future


A #RaspberryPi with #RISC-V is quite unlikely in the near future

source: https://www.theregister.com/2022/02/28/pi_at_10/

As for the future, a Raspberry Pi 5 is inevitable but, in a blow to those hoping for something even more exotic in the usually #Broadcom Arm #SoC, RISC-V isn't on the cards, certainly not in the timeframe for the next generation of Pi. "I can't go out today and license a RISC-V core," says Upton, citing the current state of the ecosystem, "which is even as good as the core of the Raspberry Pi 4."


The implosion of the #Nvidia / #Arm deal has also reduced the chances of a RISC-V Pi (in the 2030 timeframe), down from 20 per cent to 10 per cent, according to #Upton.

#hardware #news #opensource #freedom #economy #interview #cpu #gpu