

Oliver Stone ~ The ‘Covert Govt’ Behind JFK’s Assassination and Biden’s Continuation of the Coverup

'Did the #CIA #kill #JFK?'

#GoingUnderground: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyV6d97Mrp0
#TheGrayZone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeEwARv4jL4

' #Stone's discussion of the #significance of the #assassination of #PresidentJohnFKennedy and its implications for #democracy in the #UnitedStates, the #CIA, #military-industrialcomplex and other actors that he alleges were involved in the assassination, the #motivations for these actors to assassinate JFK, the #Biden #Administration’s #blocking of the #release of #classified #documents related to the assassination and why #US #government refuses to #declassify documents related to the assassination even #58 #years since it took place.'

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UK rules on building with timber are a "policy car crash" says Andrew Waugh


Andrew Waugh

Rules restricting the use of wood in UK buildings are hampering the switch to low-carbon building methods, according to timber architecture expert Andrew Waugh.

Waugh attacked recent government legislation and new funding rules for affordable housing in London, both of which make it harder for architects to specify timber.

Andrew Waugh portraitTimber architecture expert Andrew Waugh

"It's a car crash," said Waugh, describing the restrictions as "pseudo common sense not based on any expert opinion."

Last month, London mayor Sadiq Khan unveiled rules governing the allocation of funds worth £3.46bn to build 29,456 homes in the capital.

The rules include a "ban on combustible materials being used in external walls for all residential development, regardless of height."

The rule goes further than recently introduced UK-wide regulations, which outlaw the use of combustible materials on the external walls of any building over 18 metres tall.

Rules introduced after Grenfell fire

Both rules have been introduced in the wake of the 2017 Grenfell Tower disaster, in which 72 people died after the plastic-and-aluminium cladding on the London housing block caught fire.

Waugh described the rules as a "politicised knee-jerk reaction" that confuse combustibility with fire performance and contradict efforts to tackle carbon emissions from construction.

"Carbon taxes on building materials are an inevitability," Waugh said, referring to the fact that construction accounts for around 40 per cent of global emissions.

"Carbon will have to be accounted for and as soon as that happens, then we will need to be building in low-carbon building materials."

Building site using timberWaugh Thistleton is building an all-timber structure office in Shoreditch

"At the same time, there's a politicised knee-jerk reaction against anything combustible, meaning that you won't be able to build in low-carbon materials," he added.

"That is going to create a policy car crash where they're legislating against something while at the same time legislating for it."

Waugh said that the London mayor's office has been unable to explain whether the ban applies to window frames and lintels, which are commonly made of timber.

[ Photograph of Andrew Waugh


BREEAM and LEED green certification schemes are "meaningless" says Andrew Waugh


Embodied carbon, which describes emissions caused during the construction process, has come under the spotlight recently.

These emissions account for around half of all emissions from the built environment but have been neglected when compared to operational carbon, which is the term for emissions caused by buildings in use.

"This needs to change," Waugh said. "I think governments are still wrapped up in talking about operational carbon [emissions caused by the building in use] but actually the western world is already really efficient at building efficient buildings."

Green certification schemes "meaningless"

In an interview with Dezeen earlier this year, Waugh described green certification schemes such as BREEAM and LEED as "meaningless" since they focus on reducing operational emissions while overlooking embodied carbon.

"They're meaningless," he said. "They are awards that prop up the existing systems."

Interest in biomaterials including timber, hemp, cork and mycelium has surged recently as architects explore ways of reducing the embodied carbon of their projects.

Several countries and cities have introduced legislation to encourage the use of biomaterials. Natural materials must now make up at least half of all the raw materials used in new public buildings in France.

In New York, the city council just approved the use of mass timber for the construction of buildings of up to 85 feet (25.9 metres) tall.

Shoreditch office buildingThe studio claims it is London's first multi-storey timber office to since the 17th century

Waugh is co-founder of London timber specialist Waugh Thistleton Architects. London projects by the studio include a demountable office block featuring a hybrid frame made of steel and cross-laminated timber, and a nine-storey timber residential building that was at the time of construction the tallest of its type in the world.

The studio is currently building a five-storey office building in Shoreditch, London, which features an all-timber structure. The architect claims it is the first multi-storey timber office to be built in the city since the 17th century.

A member of the Architects Declare steering committee, Waugh contributed to the RIBA's Built for the Environment report on how to decarbonise architecture. This was published last month ahead of November's COP26 climate conference.

The post UK rules on building with timber are a "policy car crash" says Andrew Waugh appeared first on Dezeen.

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The #illegal #events take place after the fair of #justice made in Rimini in #August 2008 #Rai was present in Rimini after this gathering you did not #interview the #Ministro #Angelino #Alfano? I seem to have seen the interview where he #illustrated new #re-education solutions, also showing #stainless #steel #sanitary ware for #prison #cells art. 41bis for #mafia, you will not have been the only ones, there will have been all the #pluralism of #public #information (paid for with #national #funds) #ANSA, #Sky, #Tgcom24, there is no #trace of these #interviews.
There is only this video before the interviews on the network (I do not recommend the vision that serves only to test the guarantee of the event that took place) =====> https://youtu.be/ptiIJS5WhmE
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The truth remains uncomfortable for many who can make a difference, they ignore you after dragging you into their crap. HELLO!
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2000leo.home.blog › 2019/12/30 › these-are-my…
Dec 30, 2019 — This is #proprietà of #Comune #Rimini before 2008 was a … of 2008 after the #fiera of #giustizia or #meeting is mounted a … shortly after it becomes the #deposito #giudiziario of #Tribunale of #Rimini … the #prove #processuali of #telefonate of #emergenza and the #video … STATE OMISSIONS.

J Leonardo Fedrigucci - المنوورات | ييسبوهar-ar.facebook.com › › › المنوورات
https://www.facebook.com/Tribunale-Di-Rimini-355829454504839/ with judges … in fact, always ready to hide the evidence, the trials are always won? … OF RIMINI IN AUGUST 2008 WITH THE FORMER MINISTER OF JUSTICE, … ربما تتتوي الوورة عله: ن一 معاده ’ DESPA PUNTI DOVE CARABINIERI FERMAV.

Indifference Procura Repubblica Rimini and overpowering … www.facebook.com › › › Posts
Indifference Procura Repubblica Rimini and overpowering updated their cover photo. … (for 11 years) emergency telecommunications 112 and video recordings … Implementation of #direttiva 2006/22/EC, on minimum standards for the application of … I renew the omissions of procedural evidence by an Italian court, …
Missing: carabinieri gros
2000leo.home.blog › 2019/12/30 › queste-sono-le-mie…
30 dic 2019 — Questo è di #proprietà del #Comune di #Rimini prima del 2008 era un … del 2008 dopo la #fiera della #giustizia o #meeting viene montato un … poco dopo diventa il #deposito #giudiziario del #Tribunale di #Rimini … le #prove #processuali di #telefonate di #emergenza e la #video … OMISSIONI DI STATO.

J Leonardo Fedrigucci - المنشورات | فيسبوكar-ar.facebook.com › … › المنشورات
https://www.facebook.com/Tribunale-Di-Rimini-355829454504839/ con giudici … nei fatti, sempre pronti a nascondere le prove, i processi si vincono sempre? … DI RIMINI IN AGOSTO DEL 2008 CON L’EX MINISTRO DELLA GIUSTIZIA, … ربما تحتوي الصورة على: ‏نص مفاده '‏‎DESPA PUNTI DOVE CARABINIERI FERMAV.

Indifferenza Procura Repubblica Rimini e sopraffazione …www.facebook.com › … › Posts
Indifferenza Procura Repubblica Rimini e sopraffazione updated their cover photo. … (da 11 anni) le telecomunicazioni di emergenza 112 e la video registrazioni … Attuazione della #direttiva 2006/22/CE, sulle norme minime per l’applicazione dei … Rinnovo le omissioni di prove processuali da parte di un tribunale Italiano, …
Mancanti: #carabinieri ‎#gros


Explaining the difference between net-zero and carbon neutrality "is a challenge" says The Carbon Trust


Wind farm

Companies wanting to achieve net-zero carbon emissions are being hampered by confusing jargon and inaccurate information, according to UK organisation The Carbon Trust.

"We recognise making this accessible is a challenge, but equally this is a technical area and there is a risk of oversimplifying," said Diane Millis, communications manager at The Carbon Trust.

In particular, companies are struggling to understand the difference between net-zero and carbon neutrality, she said.

"Many companies and organisations are only just beginning to understand [that] net-zero is fundamentally different to carbon neutrality so there is a lot of information out there that isn’t accurate, unfortunately."

"Net-zero and carbon neutrality are quite different"

The Carbon Trust helps businesses, governments and organisations reduce their emissions.

Millis wrote to Dezeen after reading its guide to carbon, which included simplified definitions of both net-zero and carbon neutrality.

She said the statement in the guide that the two terms meant "more or less the same thing" was incorrect (the guide has since been updated).

"Net-zero and carbon neutrality are quite different," she wrote. "Net-zero is considered the benchmark standard for decarbonisation."

No internationally recognised standard for net-zero

Net-zero has become a global rallying cry in the race to tackle climate change.

"Put simply, net-zero means we are not adding new emissions to the atmosphere," says the United Nations, which is coordinating the global Race to Zero campaign.

"Emissions will continue, but will be balanced by absorbing an equivalent amount from the atmosphere."

However, there is no internationally recognised standard for net-zero, whereas carbon neutrality is defined by the PAS 2060 standard.

Race to Zero aligns with scientific targets to put the world on track to meet the climate goals set out in the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement. This aimed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

To achieve this, the entire global economy will need to become net-zero by 2050.

Net-zero considers emissions generated by the entire value chain

Net-zero is harder to achieve than carbon neutrality. One key difference is that net-zero involves eliminating indirect emissions generated by the entire value chain, which includes all suppliers and customers.

These emissions are known as Scope 3 emissions and include emissions generated by purchased goods and services, third-party distributors and "use of sold products", which means the emissions generated when customers use a company's products.

To become net-zero, a company must eliminate these emissions on top of its Scope 1 emissions, which are emissions it is directly responsible for, and Scope 2 emissions, which are emissions generated by "purchased electricity, heat and steam".

These emissions must be reduced on a timeline that is compatible with the 1.5 degree Celsius target of the Paris Agreement.

By contrast, carbon neutrality only covers Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.

Offsetting must permanently remove atmospheric carbon to achieve net-zero

A second key difference is that under net-zero, any residual emissions – emissions that prove impossible to eliminate – must be eliminated by purchasing greenhouse gas removals (GGRs) that permanently remove an equivalent amount of carbon from the atmosphere.

This can include afforestation "providing the trees remain in the ground for around 100 years," Millis said. It can also include "direct air carbon capture and storage, where emissions are physically removed from the atmosphere".

Carbon neutrality, by contrast, allows residual emissions to be dealt with by purchasing offsets that lead to carbon reductions or efficiencies.

"There is work to be done to raise general knowledge in this area so people are better able to identify meaningful action and targets," Millis said. "It may not be easy to simplify entirely, so hence we need to explain what terms mean."

Companies that have set net-zero targets include Danish furniture brand Takt, which expects to achieve the benchmark within two or three years.

Earlier this year, the Intenational Energy Agency said achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 is "the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced".

Carbon revolution logo

Carbon revolution

This article is part of Dezeen'scarbon revolution series, which explores how this miracle material could be removed from the atmosphere and put to use on earth. Read all the content at: www.dezeen.com/carbon.

The sky photograph used in the carbon revolution graphic is byTaylor van Riper via Unsplash.

The post Explaining the difference between net-zero and carbon neutrality "is a challenge" says The Carbon Trust appeared first on Dezeen.

#carbonrevolution #interviews #all #climatechange #carbonneutraldesign #netzero


Blue bubbles helped "make the cause of climate change visible" say visualisers behind viral video


Still from data visualisation by Real World Visuals showing New York City's emissions

A 2012 animation showing New York City being buried under a mountain of giant bubbles allowed people to appreciate the scale of carbon emissions for the first time, according to its creators Real World Visuals.

Released in 2012, the computer-generated timelapse shows the city being buried under a mountain of bubbles representing the city's 54 million tonnes of annual CO2 emissions.

"Carbon emissions are invisible and that's a core part of the problem," said Real World Visuals co-founder Antony Turner. "If carbon dioxide was purple, we would start taking notice."

Making abstract concept of emissions more understandable

In the video, the communications agency depicted the city's annual emissions as 54 million bubbles, each ten metres in diameter, which gradually subsume the city.

Nine years later, the iconic image of the blue mountain towering above the Empire State Building remains one of the highest-ranking climate change images on the internet.

Despite the fact that the three-minute video features almost no audio, it has been viewed almost half a million times on YouTube and was picked up by outlets including the Guardian and Scientific American.

The simple animation helps to make the abstract concept of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions more understandable to the general public.

Still from data visualisation by Real World Visuals showing New York City's emissionsThe animation shows New York being buried under a mountain of blue bubbles representing its carbon emissions

"Part of the problem is that some people are very cut off from quantitative information," said the agency's creative director Adam Nieman.

"You put numbers and graphs in front of people and they bounce straight off."

This is compounded when it comes to the issue of atmospheric carbon, he argues, which is "a problem with an invisible cause".

"Our [aim] is to make the cause of climate change visible because very few other people are approaching it like that," Nieman added.

Viewers can relate to spheres on a physical level

Based in England, Real World Visuals was originally founded in 2009 under the name Carbon Visuals with the aim of visualising imperceptible environmental challenges such as emissions, air pollution and ozone depletion.

The New York City emissions animation, which the agency created for the Environmental Defense Fund, is its most successful project to date.

Since it was published, the city of New York has managed to decrease its carbon emissions slightly to 50.7 million tonnes of CO2e in 2017 and committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2050.

Still from data visualisation showing the rate of global emissionsReal World Visuals has also used the blue spheres to represent the rate of global emissions for the 2018 G7 Summit

Meanwhile, Real World Visuals has used the same blue spheres to show the carbon footprint of entire countries from Ireland to the United States, as well as visualising the rate of all global emissions – 112 million tonnes of CO2e a day – for the G7 summit in 2018.

The agency has also been using the spheres to demonstrate how much carbon can be captured and stored in timber building elements or aquatic "blue carbon" sinks such as salt marshes and peatlands.

"We've been doing this for a long time so we've thought through all of the different ways you can show quantities of carbon dioxide gas," said Nieman.

"And the nice thing about spheres is you can relate to the shape," he added. "Because you can relate to it on a physical, visceral level, people were responding to it."

Showing emissions in real-time

Real World Visuals calculated that each tonne of CO2 would fill a sphere with a diameter of 10 metres.

New York City emissions amounted to two of these bubbles every second in 2010, which is the year the animation's data is based on.

The video initially shows these spheres ballooning up in real-time, before visualising the emissions that are generated after an hour, a day and ultimately a year when a panoramic view from the Statue of Liberty shows the city's skyline buried underneath a mountain of the blue balls.

"A really powerful way to turn an abstract number like 54 million tonnes a year into something that people can relate to is to show it in real-time," Neiman explained.

"A day is a period of time that we can imagine and feel like we inhabit. A year is an accountancy term but it's not something we can relate to that well."

Using a mountain of smaller spheres rather than one large sphere to represent the emissions helps to give viewers a more accurate sense of scale, Neiman said.

"As human beings, we're quite good at estimating discrete quantities but we're really bad at comparing volumes," he said."If you put two spheres with twice the volume next to each other, people will think that they're pretty much the same."

Prompting rather than answering questions

Contrary to most data visualisations, which Neiman says provide answers to specific questions, Real World Visuals hopes to provoke questions instead.

This is achieved by stripping back any evaluations of the data and letting the visuals speak for themselves. The New York animation, for example, is presented without any context about climate change.

"People responded by saying 'this is rubbish because climate change isn't real', which is an interesting response because we didn't mention climate change at all," Neiman explained.

"We just said: this is the carbon dioxide that is entering the atmosphere as a result of human activity in New York City. We didn't say this is a lot, we didn't say it's good or bad. And that provoked lots of discussions."

Carbon revolution logo

Carbon revolution

This article is part of Dezeen'scarbon revolution series, which explores how this miracle material could be removed from the atmosphere and put to use on earth. Read all the content at: www.dezeen.com/carbon.

The sky photograph used in the carbon revolution graphic is byTaylor van Riper via Unsplash.

The post Blue bubbles helped "make the cause of climate change visible" say visualisers behind viral video appeared first on Dezeen.

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New York City's greenhouse gas emissions as one-ton spheres of carbon dioxide gas

Natural materials "lack investment and focused innovation" says Allbirds sustainability head


Futurecraft.Footprint trainer by Adidas and Allbirds

Plant-based materials need the same amount of funding as fossil materials in order to tackle carbon emissions, according to Hana Kajimura of Allbirds, which has launched a low-carbon trainer with Adidas.

"We lament how natural materials maybe don't perform as well as synthetics," said Kajimura, head of sustainability at the New Zealand footwear brand.

"But this is just because of the lack of investment and innovation in this space."

The new collaboration with Adidas, called Futurecraft.Footprint, is the latest in a series of moves by the sneaker industry to reduce the carbon footprint of its products. The two brands believe it is the lowest-carbon trainer ever made.

Last year, Belgian brand Norm managed to whittle the footprint of its unisex 1L11 shoe down to 6.5 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) by using recycled plastic while Nike's lowest-carbon trainer to date, the 2020 Space Hippie, weights in at 3.7 kilograms of CO2e.

Close-up of carbon footprint label on Futurecraft.Footprint trainer The carbon footprint of the Futurecraft.Footprint trainer (top) is labelled on its midsole (above)

The new Futurecraft.Footprint pushes this even lower to 2.94 kilograms of CO2e.

By contrast, the average sneaker emits around 13.6 kilograms of CO2e throughout its life and is constructed from 65 distinct components – most of them plastics.

But to create a zero-emission trainer, Kajimura believes the industry needs to invest in developing plant-based materials that are capable of storing carbon while rivalling the performance of petroleum-based plastics.

"We've been innovating on synthetics for decades, since the 1800s when we discovered and started drilling for oil," she said.

"And we just haven't placed that same amount of investment on natural materials and really figuring out how to increase their performance."

Sneakers responsible for 1.4 per cent of all global emissions

Sneaker production is singularly responsible for 1.4 per cent of all global greenhouse gas emissions compared to the 2.5 per cent that is contributed by air travel.

To mitigate this, Adidas has committed itself to going climate neutral by 2050 in line with the targets set out in the Paris Agreement.

So far, the brand has created an endlessly recyclable trainer and one made from recycled ocean plastic but has not declared the footprint of these products.

Now, the company has teamed up with footwear brand Allbirds, which has created its own carbon footprint calculator and has been declaring the emissions associated with all of its shoes since last April.

The brand was also among the initial signatories of the B Corp Net Zero 2030 pledge, committing itself to reaching net-zero emissions 20 years ahead of the Paris targets.

Low-carbon trainers by Adidas and AllbirdsCreated by Allbirds and Adidas, the trainers emit 2.94 kilograms of CO2e throughout their whole life

Adidas and Allbirds worked together over the course of a year to develop the Futurecraft.Footprint trainer, which will be available in limited quantities from the end of 2021.

According to the brands, the sneaker emits 63 per cent less carbon throughout its life than a comparable running shoe such as the Adizero RC3, which emits 7.86 kilograms of CO2e.

"What's really exciting about this project is that we were able to get from 7.86 to 2.94 kilograms in 12 months with stuff that's completely available today," Kajimura said.

"It basically proves that maybe we can't get to zero with what exists today but we can get the majority of the way there. And if we can do that with this one shoe, imagine what that could do for the industry."

Simplifying construction drives down footprint

According to Kajimura, simplifying the trainer as much as possible and reducing its components down to seven had the single biggest impact on its carbon footprint.

Among other things, the design cuts out the many layers of polyurethane (PU) foam that are normally used in trainers to support the runner's foot and replaces them with a strategic embroidery pattern on the shoe's upper.

The final Futurecraft.Footprint trainers weigh only 154 grams, around as much as a bar of soap.

"That really plays out across every element of the carbon footprint," she said. "It doesn't just help with the materials aspect but it means fewer transportation emissions and less energy use."

The lining, laces, embroidery and 70 per cent of the upper are made from recycled polyester and a portion of the shoe is already made from natural and plant-based materials.

Tencel, a type of cellulose fibre derived from wood pulp, was used to form the remaining part of the upper, while 10 per cent of the outsole is made from natural rubber and the midsole, sock liner and tongue consists of between 18 and 28 per cent of a sugarcane-based bioplastic called SweetFoam.

Natural materials can act as carbon sinks

But a significant part of the shoe is still made from virgin, petroleum-based plastics, such as the thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) used to form more than 80 per cent of the midsole.

Senior Adidas designer Florence Rohart says this is currently still necessary to guarantee the performance of the running shoe.

Material anatomy of the Futurecraft.Footprint trainerParts of the shoe are constructed from recycled and plant-based materials

"We want to have a shoe that allows runners to perform to their highest level," she said.

"So having good durability, good responsiveness, [a structure that is] lightweight but strong enough – these are elements of designing for performance that define how low we can go."

In the future, to get all the way to zero and beyond, Kajimura says more money needs to be poured into ensuring that natural, plant-based materials can fulfil these same performance requirements.

"It really requires innovation and it requires really focused investment in natural materials," she said.

"To balance out whatever emissions are created in other parts of the shoe, the materials have to be carbon negative and act as carbon sinks."

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Carbon revolution

This article is part of Dezeen'scarbon revolution series, which explores how this miracle material could be removed from the atmosphere and put to use on earth. Read all the content at: www.dezeen.com/carbon.

The sky photograph used in the carbon revolution graphic is byTaylor van Riper via Unsplash.

The post Natural materials "lack investment and focused innovation" says Allbirds sustainability head appeared first on Dezeen.

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Mineral Carbonation International aims "to lock a billion tonnes of CO2 into products by 2040"


Pollution from a steel and iron works

Industrial carbon emissions can be captured and turned into useful materials on a vast scale, according to Sophia Hamblin Wang, chief operating officer of Mineral Carbonation International.

"We're trying to embed emissions into as much of our everyday life as possible," said Hamblin Wang. "We turn waste into new products. And we aim to do it in a way that makes money."

The Australian company turns CO2 into raw materials that can be put to a huge range of uses, according to Hamblin Wang.

"We're looking at carpet products, detergents, you name it. Anything that can have carbonates in it can be made from our synthetic carbonates."

Portrait of MCi COO Sophia Hamblin WangAbove: Sophia Hamblin Wang is chief operating officer of MCi. Top: the company captures carbon emissions from industries such as steel to turn it into useful materials

Hamblin Wang joined Mineral Carbonation International (MCi) as its first employee in 2013 after the startup received funding to build a pilot plant in Newcastle, New South Wales.

It is now looking to scale up the technology to handle bigger volumes. "Our aim is to lock a billion tonnes of CO2 into usable products by 2040," said Hamblin Wang.

$5.9 trillion construction materials sector "needs to decarbonise"

MCi is initially focussing on producing construction materials, particularly new types of cement and drywall products to replace carbon-emitting Portland cement and gypsum-based materials.

"We know that cement is a heavily emitting industry, like four billion tonnes of CO2 per annum," Hamblin Wang said.

"The industry needs to decarbonise. Our silica products can displace ordinary Portland cement and we're working with giant cement majors on new products."

The construction materials sector is worth $5.9 trillion and, according to Hamblin Wang, there is "an explosion of interest" in low-carbon alternatives.

"Holy moly," she said. "It's been tumultuous in the past two years. We're working with some of the largest companies in the world on charting their path to zero carbon. We're helping them plan the decarbonisation of whole industries and whole facilities."

Slow natural processes can be compressed "into a matter of hours"

The Canberra-based company uses chemical processes that imitate natural weathering to remove carbon from factory emissions and sequester it in solid minerals.

"The earth naturally stores CO2 through a process called weathering, or mineral carbonation," said Hamblin Wang. "It's slower and less glamorous [than other carbon-capture methods] but it's one of the largest ways that the earth currently absorbs CO2."

Carbon dioxide dissolves in rainwater, forming weak carbonic acid. This slowly weathers rock, with the carbon combining with elements released from the rock by the weathering process to form new carbonate minerals.

"This happens over thousands or millions of years," Hamblin Wong explained. "What we've done is we've compressed that process into a matter of hours."

Mineral Carbonation International's pilot carbonisation plantMCi received funding to build its first pilot plant in New South Wales, Australia, in 2013

Instead of rock, MCi takes industrial waste such as steel slag, mine tailings and bottom ash from incinerators as well as quarried minerals such as serpentinites.

To make its raw materials, MCi bubbles CO2 through the industrial waste, approximating the way water-borne carbon interacts with rock in the natural weathering process. This creates new minerals such as magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate and silica.

"The minerals absorb the CO2, which effectively gets turned from a gas into a solid," said Hamblin Wang. We then process it into myriad materials and products for everyday life."

MCi buys carbon dioxide from polluting industries

The process is exothermic, meaning the chemical reaction creates heat, so does not involve vast amounts of power.

However, crushing the industrial waste in the first place is energy-intensive. MCi uses renewable energy "where we can," says Hamblin Wang, but future plants will need to switch entirely to renewables if they are to offer a viable contribution to global decarbonisation efforts.

MCi buys its carbon dioxide from polluting industries that have fitted scrubbers to their chimneys to capture the gas before it reaches the atmosphere.

"Right now we take our emissions from an ammonium nitrate factory, which captures its emissions every day," said Hamblin Wang.

"We can carbonate raw flue gas," she said, meaning that MCi is able to purchase emissions containing low percentages of carbon that have few other commercial uses. "We can take it [in concentrations] as low as 15 per cent [CO2]."

Steel industry doesn't have "viable decarbonisation options"

Carbon scrubbing, also known as post-combustion capture, is a long-touted technology that could theoretically remove greenhouse gases from factory flues, preventing them from reaching the atmosphere.

The drawbacks are the cost of retrofitting plants, the fact that it could encourage polluting industries to continue burning fossil fuels, and the issue of efficiency: for a factory to be carbon neutral, one hundred per cent of its greenhouse gas emissions need to be captured.

Carbonate bricks by Mineral Carbonation InternationalMCi uses carbon to create building materials such as carbonate bricks

However, Hamblin Wang argues that some key industries will struggle to decarbonise due to their high-intensity energy needs, which can currently only be provided by burning and processing fossil fuels.

"The problem is that the steel and cement industries don't currently have viable decarbonisation options," said Hamblin Wang.

"The kind of heat that you need in order to make steel, for instance, you just can't get through electrification. These thermal processes don't have pathways [to net-zero]. You will still need metallurgical coal in order to create steel."

Company aims to make carbon emissions "not only inert but profitable too"

In addition, minerals such as nickel, lithium, cobalt and copper that are vital to making batteries, among other things, all involve carbon-intensive processing.

"There are technologies being developed like hydrogen, but it's still looking like it's 20-plus years in the future," said Hamblin Wang. "If we're looking at a gradient to get to net-zero, those industries are the ones that really need help."

"So our real mission is to help with this transition to capturing the emissions, say, of a steel plant's stack pipe and then rendering those emissions not only inert but profitable too."

Infographic showing carbon-capture processesCarbon can be captured and put to use in a range of different ways

Hamblin Wang sees mineral carbonisation as one of several emerging approaches that need to scale up and work together to tackle climate change.

These include: dramatically reducing new greenhouse gas emissions; removing anthropogenic CO2 from the atmosphere; and storing or utilising that captured carbon on earth.

MCi is "trying to embrace the circular economy"

Direct air capture technologies such as that developed by Climeworks could one day scale up to significantly reduce atmospheric CO2 but the problem, according to Hamblin Wang, is where to put all the captured carbon.

"Even if we captured all of the CO2 emissions from all of our industry right now, and we suck CO2 out of the atmosphere in the volumes that required, we currently don't have enough places to put the CO2," she said.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS), which involves burying carbon, is "a linear business model where they pump it underground and it costs money and you monitor it forever," said Hamblin Wang.

The alternative is carbon capture and utilisation (CCU), whereby the carbon is put to use.

"We're trying to embrace the circular economy where you turn your waste from your industry and your waste gas into valuable products that can be used in the economy," she said.

"Those products also displace products that would need to be mined or that may have high carbon intensity embedded in them. So the benefit is twofold."

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Carbon revolution

This article is part of Dezeen'scarbon revolution series, which explores how this miracle material could be removed from the atmosphere and put to use on earth. Read all the content at: www.dezeen.com/carbon.

The sky photograph used in the carbon revolution graphic is byTaylor van Riper via Unsplash.

The post Mineral Carbonation International aims "to lock a billion tonnes of CO2 into products by 2040" appeared first on Dezeen.

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Shopify to spend $5 million per year "to kickstart demand in carbon removal"


Shopify Sustainability Fund animation

Shopify's Sustainability Fund is pumping $5 million into projects that remove atmospheric carbon and publishing the results so other companies can follow its lead, fund director Stacy Kauk told Dezeen.

Established in September last year, the fund "intentionally overpays for carbon removal, funding pilot projects and generating demand to kickstart the market and drive down future prices."

The Canadian e-commerce brand is sharing its research on its website and in a free downloadable 50-page "playbook" document.

Portrait of Stacy Kauk, director of Shopify's Sustainability FundAbove: Stacy Kauk is director of Shopify's Sustainability Fund. Top: Shopify has created an animation illustrating types of businesses its Sustainability Fund is backing

"We wanted to share those commitments so that people can get familiar with the companies and learn about our selection process and the research that we've done," Kauk said.

"It allows folks that don't have an engineer or a scientist on staff doing deep dives into the technical world of carbon removal to know that these are vetted companies. It can give you the confidence to follow along."

Shopify provides services including payment and shipping tools to over 1.7 million online retailers. It is committing money to climate initiatives because it's "on a mission to be a 100-year company," Kauk explained.

"We want to be able to use our $5 million annual climate fund to kickstart demand in carbon removal but to also leverage our platform and use commerce for good."

Shopify has offset its own emissions and is helping its customers offset theirs

Under its climate strategy, the brand has already offset all its emissions going back to 2004 when CEO Tobias Lütke launched Snowdevils, a snowboard e-commerce site that became Shopify in 2006.

"We have offset all our scope 1 and scope 2 emissions, as well as corporate travel, back to 2004," said Kauk, referring to the way greenhouse-gas emissions are categorised by types, or "scopes".

Scope 1 emissions are emissions directly caused by a company, scope 2 covers emissions caused by utilities it buys while scope 3 are indirect emissions caused by the supply chain.

Shopify helps its customers with their own carbon-reduction strategies through its Shop Pay checkout system, which Kauk says is "the first carbon-neutral way to pay".

In addition, Shopify automatically calculates the emissions generated by each shipment, allowing retailers to offset them.

Shopify Sustainability Fund supports companies tackling climate change

The Shopify Sustainability Fund is separate from these initiatives. It is a capital-expenditure project that supports young companies that are developing innovative ways to tackle climate change.

"We have uncoupled our climate fund from our corporate carbon neutral commitments," Kauk explained. "That allows us to spend our $5 million in the most impactful way possible."

In its first year, the fund has funded the removal of sixteen times more carbon from the atmosphere than Shopify itself emits.

"To put it in perspective, our corporate carbon footprint in 2020 was around 6,000 tonnes [of carbon dioxide equivalent]," said Kauk.

"With our first $5 million that we committed through the sustainability fund, we've actually committed to buy well over 100,000 tonnes."

Fund investing in ten industries it believes can reverse climate change

The goal is "to seek out those companies with solutions that we need to spend money on today so that they're there in 5, 10, 15 years," Kauk explained. "When we can no longer reduce our emissions any further, we need these products and solutions to be available to buy."

The fund is putting cash into ten high-potential industries that it believes "can help reverse climate change globally" by permanently capturing and storing carbon.

Almost a quarter of the budget goes to biomass initiatives, supporting companies that turn organic material into renewable energy or carbon-capturing materials including biochar, a high-carbon, charcoal-like substance that increases soil carbon levels as well as being a highly effective fertiliser.

The second biggest spend is on direct air capture, which mechanically removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere via machines such as those developed by Climeworks.

Next is product, which sees carbon sequestered in useful products such as concrete.

The other areas are soil sequestration, afforestation and transportation, collaboration (including education and sponsorship), renewable energy, mineralisation (storing carbon underground) and ocean sequestration.

Shopify has created a market for high-quality carbon-capture projects

The fund came about in 2019 when Shopify was exploring ways of becoming carbon neutral.

"Our CEO is incredibly passionate about climate and carbon removal and has spent a lot of time learning about this space," Kauk explained. "We have this historical carbon footprint that we wanted to address."

"But we didn't just want to go out and buy a low-cost carbon offset so we could wave our hands and say 'Oh we did it, we're carbon neutral!'"

But after looking for high-quality solutions, the company came to the conclusion that "the product we wanted to buy actually doesn't exist in the market."

So it decided to create the market itself through its sustainability fund.

Companies should not delay committing to carbon removal, Kauk says

Kauk offers advice to companies that are daunted by the complexity of climate change and confused about how to address their own contribution to it.

She suggests a two-track approach: companies should strive to understand their emissions and reduce them as far as possible. But they should not wait until this work is finished before committing money to carbon removal.

"Start that now because it's going to give three benefits," she said.

"One, you're going to get familiar with the market; you're going to learn about carbon removal: what it is, what works and what doesn't. That learning is invaluable."

"The second part is that you're going to have made relationships with these companies who are providing carbon removal as a service," she continued.

"These are gonna pay off down the road because I would hypothesize that we may not have demand matching supply when a lot of these net-zero commitments start to become due."

"And then the third part is that it's going to provide a benefit to that company later on. If a company spends a small percentage of its sustainability budget on carbon removal now, that money is going to help develop these technologies, drive the cost down faster and make these solutions and these high-quality credits more affordable and more accessible sooner."

"This means that in the long run, you'll end up spending less."

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Carbon revolution

This article is part of Dezeen'scarbon revolution series, which explores how this miracle material could be removed from the atmosphere and put to use on earth. Read all the content at: www.dezeen.com/carbon.

The sky photograph used in the carbon revolution graphic is byTaylor van Riper via Unsplash.

The post Shopify to spend $5 million per year "to kickstart demand in carbon removal" appeared first on Dezeen.

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Polestar's aim to produce a climate-neutral car is a "moonshot goal" says sustainability head


Polestar 0 project

Plans to produce the Polestar 0 electric car without creating any carbon emissions is a challenge comparable to putting a man on the moon, according to Fredrika Klarén, the brand's head of sustainability.

The carmaker is aiming to eradicate all CO2 emissions from the entire supply chain of the vehicle, which is due to launch in 2030.

"This is truly a moonshot goal," Klarén told Dezeen.

"Just like JFK, we don't know how to land on the moon but we know that we need to do it," she said, referring to US president Kennedy's 1961 speech that pledged to put a man on the moon within a decade.

"Building the roadmap as we go"

"We're putting the goal out there and then we're building the roadmap as we go along."

Polestar will take the next nine years, starting from when the project was first announced this April, to develop the Polestar 0 and its production process so that it generates zero carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions.

This forms part of Polestar's wider goal of reaching climate neutrality by 2040.

The electric carmaker, which was founded in 2017 by Volvo and Chinese car brand Geely, has committed to undertaking lifecycle assessments of all new vehicles starting with the Polestar 2 model launched in 2019.

Silver Polestar 2 carAbove: the Polestar 2 is the brand's current electric vehicle. Top: Polestar visualised the emissions associated with its different components in a video made by Wang & Söderström

"We will declare this for all of the coming models," Klarén said. "And when we get to Polestar 0, you will see clearly that it has zero carbon footprint."

The production of the electric Polestar 2, which sold just over 8,700 units in the last half of 2020, creates 26.2 tonnes of CO2 emissions while a comparable petrol car generates only 16.1 tonnes, the brand claims. The next step is to get this down to zero for the Polestar 0.

Electric battery responsible for most emissions

Higher emissions in EV production are largely due to the manufacturing of the sturdy steel-and-aluminium platform that houses the heavy battery as well as the lithium-ion battery itself, which contains metals such as cobalt and nickel that have to be mined and refined.

"With the Polestar 2, it's the battery and the big chunks of aluminium and steel that stand for maybe 70 per cent of the CO2 footprint," Klarén said.

"It is the raw material extraction and the processing of these three areas that are really the biggest culprits."

Pouch cells from the battery pack of the Polestar 2The battery pack of the Polestar 2 contains emissions-intensive metals

"We also have direct emissions stemming from aluminium production, for example, that will have to be eliminated or captured either through carbon capture or changing processes somehow," she added.

The lifetime emissions of an electric vehicle are highly dependant on the energy mix of the area where it is being charged and how much of it comes from renewable sources.

Hence the Polestar 0 project focuses only on eliminating emissions generated from cradle to gate – meaning from the sourcing of the raw materials to the time the finished car leaves the factory.

Recycling metal from scrapped cars

Polestar 2's life-cycle assessment, which is published online, is being used by the company's R&D department as a baseline for the Polestar 0 model to help them tackle the most carbon-intensive stages of creating a car.

As well as transitioning its entire supply chain to renewable energy, Polestar will minimise the number and quantity of raw materials used in the Polestar 0, Klarén said.

The team is also looking into reusing materials such as aluminium from scrapped cars.

"If you look at a car, you have a very high recyclability but somehow we are not completing the loop," Klarén explained.

"We don't have a large recycled content today in cars so that would be a challenge going forward."

Polestar is partnering with UK blockchain company Circulor to audit the emissions generated by the supply chains of metal components.

Circulor's technology works by creating a digital representation of the material in question, known as a digital twin, which serves as the material’s real-time counterpart so it can be traced on its journey from mine to factory.

Every transport or refinement step along the way is recorded on the blockchain. Here, the information cannot be altered or tampered with, so it can be used to hold suppliers accountable.

"We are setting hard targets for climate emission reductions and use of renewable energy," Klarén said. "The same goes for recycled content."

Using recyclable over bio-based materials

While the R&D department is investigating new materials and processes, Polestar's design team is looking at ways of decarbonising the surface materials and finishes that will be used in the Polestar 0.

"In terms of impact, these things are not as big as the mining and refining," said the company's head of design Maximilian Missoni.

"But if you want to really get to zero, at the last stage they become extremely crucial."

Render of Polestar 0 project labelling on a carPolestar 0 aims to emit zero tonnes (0t) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)

Here, the team is prioritising materials with a high degree of recyclability such as Econyl, a kind of regenerated nylon made from plastic waste that generates 50 per cent less emissions in its production than virgin nylon.

The company is also investigating the possibilities of flax-fibre composite panels created by Swiss company Bcomp, which Missoni says can rival the strength and lightness of carbon fibre but is recyclable.

"Everything generates emissions; even natural fibres," Missoni said.

"Sometimes you think if you use natural materials it must be better. But what we've learned is that if you use materials that are recycled and can be recycled, that can be a better solution from an emission point of view than if you use natural materials."

Unavoidable emissions will be offset

Polestar aims to cut out emissions from the production of the Polestar 0 entirely but says it will use offsets as a fallback to cover any potential gaps that might remain.

Klarén hopes that over the next nine years, direct air capture (DAC) technologies such as those pioneered by Climeworks will be scaled up and made more affordable, which would allow Polestar to pay to have unavoidable emissions removed from the atmosphere.

Polestar 2 cars in a dealership with poster about associated CO2 emissionsThe carmaker will display life-cycle assessment results prominently in dealerships

But the company will only use permanent, reliable offsetting methods rather than afforestation, which it regards as a less secure form of sequestration.

"When we are in 2030, hopefully, there will be direct capture methodologies to capture CO2 that might remain from some processes but we will not offset something that has too weak a link," Klarén said.

"So hopefully we will see capture technologies being developed and implemented because I think that they would be needed. But we will aim for zero regardless."

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Carbon revolution

This article is part of Dezeen'scarbon revolution series, which explores how this miracle material could be removed from the atmosphere and put to use on earth. Read all the content at: www.dezeen.com/carbon.

The sky photograph used in the carbon revolution graphic is byTaylor van Riper via Unsplash.

The post Polestar's aim to produce a climate-neutral car is a "moonshot goal" says sustainability head appeared first on Dezeen.

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Transcript: Dr. Deborah Birx on "Face the Nation," January 24, 2021

MARGARET BRENNAN: Dr. Deborah Birx, the former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, is now at the CDC as a special advisor to the Center for Global Health. We sat down with her Friday--she had wanted to wait until after President Biden had taken office to talk about her time in the Trump administration.

MARGARET BRENNAN: The Biden coronavirus czar, for lack of a better term, told reporters, "When it comes to the vaccine, what we're inheriting is so much worse than we could have imagined." Is that a political statement? Is that accurate?

DR. BIRX: You know, I've been trying to process all the last 11 months because I- it's really important that we understand what worked and what didn't work. I took extensive notes during the entire process because I didn't want to lose track of what we need to do to make our response better in the future. One of those critical areas is this idea of federalism on which the United States was built. But that can be taken to extremes. And so the mantra always was federally supported and state-managed, locally executed. ...

Long-form inside look at the recently concluded shitshow.


h/t @Bob Lai

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