

"This morning, the Israeli forces blocked the last remaining escape route for the residents of #Jabalia, trapping hundreds of families inside the camp to face ongoing genocide. They are now enduring relentless killing, bombing, executions, starvation, and thirst."

#aparthied #usa #SaveNorthGaza #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @palestine @israel


When will the US finally act to hold Israel accountable?

While the U.S. has waged war in the name of spreading democracy, it blatantly refuses to hold Israel accountable for its deeply undemocratic actions and violations of international law in Gaza and the West Bank, including its treatment of prisoners like my cousin. There are many days when I wake up and I feel like I’m in the twilight zone. As a Palestinian, the gaslighting rhetoric of the Israeli and American governments feels deeply dissonant. On one hand, I am force-fed the American values of democracy, justice and morality, while on the other I watch my people slaughtered by Israeli soldiers using weapons and tax dollars that we give them, abducted and imprisoned without regard for human rights or international law, all for the purpose of maintaining a brutal system of apartheid.

#Impunity #WarCrime #History #WestBank #US #Hypocrisy #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Urgent: Northern Gaza is once again target of IDF merciless attacks and massive bombings.

#Netanyahu seems to have received the green light from #GenkcodeJoe and the Orange Hitler to declare northern Gaza a "special military zone" and forbid all Palestinians from EVER live, farm or even visit those areas

A majority of the food produced in Gaza came from the farms that Israel have destroyed, and 100s of thousands of Palestinians used to live there before the Israeli occupation started.

This criminal and outrageous act can't be tolerated. Please contact your politicians asking them to act to end this madness.

Save Gaza Now

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @palestine @israel


Het verwegconflict in Soedan komt hier

Carolien Roelants (NRC)

Omdat alle, in elk geval bijna alle, aandacht is gevestigd op Israëls vele-fronten-oorlog wil ik het vandaag hebben over het verwegconflict in Soedan. Met stilletjes het grootste aantal ontheemden en vluchtelingen, bij elkaar elf miljoen, in de wereld, weer een paar miljoen meer dan toen ik er zes maanden geleden over schreef. Met de ergste hongercrisis in de wereld; de helft van de bevolking, 25 miljoen mensen, heeft hulp nodig. Het aantal doden door oorlogsgeweld is er in vergelijking nog relatief laag – zo’n 15.000 in anderhalf jaar tegen de 41.000 in één jaar in Gaza – maar hulporganisaties verwachten dat zich daarbij nog talloze hongerdoden zullen voegen. (...)

(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)

Foto van Carolien Roelants
Carolien Roelants

Het conflict in Soedan in een beukenotendopje: twee generaals die elkaar het licht in de ogen niet gunnen, Burhan van het reguliere leger en Hemedti van de RSF (Rapid Support Forces), ex-Janjaweed, berucht van Darfur.

Hun oorlog wordt mede in stand gehouden door wapenleveranties van buitenaf, van een gemengd gezelschap waaronder China, Rusland, Iran en Servië. De belangrijkste leverancier aan de zijde van de RSF zijn de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten. (...)

Met de oorlogen in Gaza en Libanon heeft de oorlog in Soedan dit gemeen: de machteloze oproepen om het vuren te staken van de kant van president Biden. In dit geval in zijn toespraak tot de VN-Assemblee op 24 september. (...) [H]et leidde allemaal tot niks.

Behalve tot verder geweld – op dit moment een bloedig legeroffensief in Khartoum – en tot verdere uithongering doordat beide partijen op grote schaal voedsel als wapen blijven inzetten. (...)

[A]ls er niet meer hulp komt, dan komt Soedan hier, zo heeft de chef van de VN-vluchtelingenorganisatie UNHCR Europa al een paar maal gewaarschuwd. Enkele aanwijzingen. In Libië zijn sinds april vorig jaar honderdduizend Soedanese vluchtelingen gearriveerd, op weg naar Italië en verder. (...) [D]e oorlog in Soedan laat zich niet meer verstoppen.

Hele artikel

Tags: #nederlands #soedan #vn #gaza #israel #conflicht #honger #vluchtelingen #asielzoekers #wapens #wapenhandel #servie #china #rusland #iran #vae


Gilad #Atzmon #2023
This is what I wrote exactly a year ago, my first reflection on #7October, it is almost upsetting being right all the time:

I have been following the Israeli media and social networks 24/7 in the last 3 days. I must admit that I don’t see a single moment of self reflection. They all tend to agree that the Hamas has performed a spectacular military operation. They agree that the IDF, its intelligence, the Mossad the Shabak have failed catastrophically. Many of them blame Bibi and his government (despite the fact that it was actually Ehud Barack who made the Israeli army ‘small and clever’, clearly not as clever as the enemy).
Yet not one voice in #Israel asks what did WE DO that brought such hatred upon us. What did WE DO that made these Palestinians so revengeful. No one in Israel asks whether being locked and besieged for decades as refugees contributed somehow to this aggression. NO ONE in Israel delves into the thought that the People of #Gaza are, at large, refugees from a land that was plundered back in 1948.
It is indeed devastating to learn that 260 party enthusiasts were slaughtered in a horrific massacre on the sand of Gaza border, but the question I myself ask is who came with the sickening idea putting a 24 hours dance and drugs party next to a besieged concentration camp? What was the purpose of this party and what kind of people would attend such a party in such a location,… I don’t see one voice in Israel who attempts to see the the suffering in the other side. I don’t see one voice who considers reconciliatory act or any form of changing direction. They all parroting the same mantra: they want to see Gaza wiped out. And if this is not enough they are all cheered by the support they receive from the Bidens of this world.
The tragic truth is that there is nothing Israel can do to wipe out the unimaginable #Hamas operational victory. For the same reason that there was nothing Israel could do to wipe the Egyptian victory on 6 October 1973. It took Israel 6 years to understand that and in 1979 it accepted the Egyptian offer and entered a peace negotiation. Israel then gave back the whole of Sinai to Egypt and secured a peace deal. Israel has never recovered from its 1973 humiliating Yom Kippur War. It took the soldiers 5 decades to open this wound but the nation has learned literally nothing. This week they fail into the exact same trap. Sadly the hubris is that which keeps them together and happy in between the disasters they inflict upon themselves. Those amongst the nation who against, all odds, learned something, most often turn their back to the tribe. I guess you should consider me as one…

#history #genocide #Palestine


Israels Armee weitet Libanon-Offensive aus

Israel weitet seine Bodenoffensive im Süden des Libanon aus. Neu verlegte Einheiten seien an der Küste aktiv, so die Armee. Die Hisbollah schoss Raketen auf Haifa ab und signalisierte Verhandlungsbereitschaft.#Nahost #Israel #Libanon #Hisbollah
Israels Armee weitet Libanon-Offensive aus


Il est urgent de mettre fin à la folie meurtrière de l’État d’Israël (et autres textes)

AFPS : Il est urgent de mettre fin à la folie meurtrière de l’État d’Israël
Israël/Palestine : Une année d'horreur
Interpellez le conseil de sécurité pour demander l’ouverture d’un corridor humanitaire à Gaza
Peace Now : Il est temps d'en finir et de prendre un nouveau départ
Patrick Cockburn : Israël-Liban-Iran. La nouvelle phase d’escalade militaire présidée par Netanyahou. Et « la Realpolitik » cynique de Biden
Contre le génocide et la colonisation en Palestine, l’AFPS, Attac et BDS France lancent la campagne « Banque complice » et ciblent BNP Paribas
Juives et Juifs Révolutionnaires : Refusons l’escalade guerrière au Liban
Des ex-musulman·es exigent la fin de la guerre, de l'occupation, des viols et du terrorisme
Liens vers d'autres textes


#international #palestine #liban #israel