

Ukraine On Fire
#Ukraine #IWF #Bandera #Eu #Russia #NGO #CIA #Congo #Lumumba #Indonesia #Sukarno #Guatemala Árbenz #Cuba #Castro #Iran #Mosaddegh #NED #Chile #Allende #Activists #Journalists ... #Nayyem #Facebook #Maidan ... #Chornovol
#Staged-Murder #coup-d’état
#Snipers killed many
59:04 #Klitschko urged the protestors to continue
59:21 59:51 #Negotiations between the government and the opposition with the help of #Fabius,#Steinmeier, #Sikorski led to a truth.
1:00:35 The right sector will not let down the arms, will not lift a blockade from a single government building and was not interested in negotiations.
failed assassination of #Yanukovych
the Procedure of the impeachment wasn't followed.
A new Government took over.
The US government immediately acknowledged the new government as legitimate.
#Crimea didn't like to follow a regime of #Neo-Nazis
#Money for the corrupted...


While no one was paying attention, last month the #Kiev gang #sold #Ukraine to $8.5 trillion-worth #BlackRock. Just like that. The deal was sealed between the Government of Ukraine and BlackRock’s VP Philipp Hildebrand.

Meanwhile, away from the battlefield, the #Russians are very much aware of the frantic geoeconomic activity.

It’s fascinating to see how these patriotic/independent #journalists are now playing a role similar to the former political commissars in the USSR, all of them, in their own way, deeply committed to guiding Russian society towards draining the swamp, slowly but surely.

It’s clear Putin not only understands their role but sometimes, “shock to the system-style”, the system he presides actually implements the journalists’ suggestions. As a foreign correspondent working all over the world for nearly 40 years now, I have been quite impressed by the way Russian journalists may enjoy a degree of #freedom unimaginable in most latitudes of the collective West.



#Journalists should have an oppositional relationship with power, and that means all power. Not only should they have an aggressively oppositional relationship with their government and its oligarchs, they should have an oppositional relationship with the mass media itself. They should spurn the approval of other journalists and media institutions; all the best journalists do.

It's not okay for journalists to let themselves become tools of power. It's not okay for journalists to be friends with politicians and government officials. It's not okay for journalists to have tribal loyalty to other journalists or seek to ingratiate themselves to them.

Journalists should have loyalty to the truth and the truth only. Not to the high-level people they schmooze with at the nation's capital. Not to government officials in the name of maintaining "access". Not to their government's geopolitical interests. Not even to each other.

And of course everything I just described is career suicide to anyone who's looking to make it anywhere in the mass media. If what you want is to have the story of "being a journalist" and all the social clout that comes with it, you're going to do the exact opposite of what I said. That's a big part of what makes western journalists such herd-minded, approval-seeking losers; that's the only type of personality that can make it to any level of prominence in the mass media today. That's a problem, and if we're ever going to have a healthy society it's going to have to change.

The only way to do real critical reporting and still keep your job is to go independent, but that means going without all the resources people have at mainstream news outlets to get their information. Nobody's found a great solution to this yet, which is perfectly understandable because we live in a sick society where money and power are closely related and it takes money to produce good investigative journalism. So you'll see things like "independent" media outlets cozying up with plutocrats to pay the bills, and they always run into problems down the track.

Really it's a bit of a catch-22; we can't have healthy media until we have a healthy society, and we can't have a healthy society until we have healthy media. We just muddle through as best we can, telling the truth the entire time, come what may.
#Politics #Populism #Media
(from her post on FB)


Over 100K people have been disappeared in the destructive drug war waged in Mexico over the past 20 years. Among the deceased are more than 150 journalists murdered for their work to expose a dense network of corruption.

Over 150 journalists have been assassinated in Mexico since 2000. Behind the killings is a nexus of corruption and violence that links organized crime, police, and government.

Just imagine if this was #Cuba!
#mexico #politics #politicalmurder #hypocrisy #journalists


There is no outcry over #Twitter’s arbitrary suspension of Said Arikat, longtime D.C. correspondent for Al-Quds newspaper.

It was big news when #ElonMusk suspended the Twitter accounts of at least nine tech #journalists last week & then reinstated them this week after Twitter users demanded.

But in yet another demonstration of anti-Palestinianism in the U.S. mainstream, there has been scarcely any attention given to the arbitrary suspension of Said Arikat.

#Israel #Apartheid #AlQuds
#Palestine #Politics #Censorship