

#Wagenknecht & Co.: Neue #Friedensbewegung ?

#Monitor. 02.03.2023. 08:28 Min… #ard Von Georg #Restle , Silke #Diettrich

Ob Friedenstauben oder “Schwerter zu Pflugscharen”:
Rein optisch erinnerte vieles an die alte Friedensbewegung beim “Aufstand für den Frieden”, zu dem Sahra Wagenknecht und Alice #Schwarzer aufgerufen hatten.

Doch was hat dieser Protest mit #Frieden in der #Ukraine zu tun? Die russischen #Kriegsverbrechen wurden in #Berlin ignoriert. Dafür gab es jede Menge russische #Kriegspropaganda . MONITOR-Leiter Georg Restle war in Berlin unterwegs und hat vieles gesehen – nur keine neue Friedensbewegung.
#Schwarzerknecht #Russland #Krieg #Terror #FuckPutin #Butscha



#Doom The Way it Was Meant to Be Played - v1.1 #Multi-monitor - #TechTangents

Doom originally supported #multimonitor #gameplay through the most overkill method possible by using a separate #computer for each #monitor. Even if you have the #hardware, it's a lot of work to set up, but I've always wanted to give it a shot. So today I finally did!

#game #jeux #retrogaming #config


How worker #surveillance is backfiring on employers

Source: https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20230127-how-worker-surveillance-is-backfiring-on-employers

Workers who are watched against their may also devote more energy to finding creative ways to subvert the very controls employers have put in place. In one case, recalled Siegel, a lorry driver with GPS used tin foil to cover the antenna of the #tracking #system. In another case from the field of automation, employees who were being monitored were more likely to kick and box the robots they used at work.

“It raises our #stress levels to be under observation all the time, and it impinges on our sense of autonomy and dignity,” says Levy. “So, managers who over-monitor workers may also see people leave for workplaces where they feel more respected.”

#economy #privacy #Monitor #work #job #problem #humanRights #news #management #productivity #orwell


Wind Power Was Second-Largest Source of U.S. Electricity Generation on 3/29

On Tuesday, March 29, wind turbines in the Lower 48 states produced 2,017 GWh of electricity, making wind the second-largest source of electric generation for the day, only behind natural gas, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Hourly Electric Grid Monitor.
#eia, #generation, #electric, #hourly, #monitor, #grid, #development, #u.s.