

Accelerating Downfall
I am so fucking #angry all the time. Everything is getting worse, and the rate is accelerating. The #price of #everything I #buy to live has gone up more than 100% in the last two years. The #pricegouging and #profiteering is #endless. #Inflation is 7%, not 50%, and everyone else is… I have always been human fucking garbage. I always will be. My life is getting worse every year. It's unrelenting. I have to fucking commit #suicide. There is no way out. It's all getting worse and accelerating. I am already behind. I am already a loser piece of shit. I am #fat. I am #old. I am #ugly. I am #poor. I am #worthless. And there is NO WAY OUT. I have to commit suicide. I #hate my life more and more every day. I hate everyone around me. I hate myself. There is no path away from this. Don't respond saying that there is a path, but it's not an easy path. All that is saying is that I could get out, but I am #lazy. And I have already established that I am #fucking #worthless #human #garbage who should kill himself. But I am too much of a #coward to kill myself. I have to go on pointlessly suffering for some reason. I just hope someone kills me. If you know who I am, please kill me. I deserve a slow, painful death, but I ask for #mercy, and that you please make my #death #quick and #painless. I won't fight. I mean, I won't fight if I don't know what's coming. Shoot me in the back of the head or something. I #hope you get away with it. But ultimately I don't fucking care (See? Worthless Human Garbage). There is no point to your fucking worthless life either. But for what it's worth I hope you succeed and evade #legal #problems for my #murder, which I #deserve, I assure you. Kill me, please. There is no point in this going on.


"You are going to hear our voices"

Don't fear the word "poor," Barber says: If poor people voted in large numbers, that would change everything.

... Politicians don't talk about them most of the time. They talk about the middle class, the upper class or those desiring to the American Dream. But we need to say the word "poor."

If you look at the number of poor people — 52 million without a living wage, 140 million [overall] — you have to talk to them as human beings. Second of all, say to them, "I am not here to ask you to vote. I am here for you to join a movement that says there's something wrong with our policies that this many people can be left disinherited." Thirdly, I am asking you to believe that democracy is not just an idea, but democracy and justice are on the ballot.

So who you are going to elect is going to determine health care. It is going to determine if you can push them to do the right thing because if people who get elected tell you upfront, "Don't come to me about a living wage, don't even talk to me," then you don't have a real chance with them. And lastly, let people know how much power they have. There is not a battleground state where the presidential election has been decided within three percentage points where poor and low-wealth people don't make up 45 percent of the electorate. There's not a state in the country where poor and low wealth people don't make up 33 percent of the electorate. In my state, North Carolina, it wouldn't take more than 19 percent, which is right around 120,000, of the 600,000 poor and low-wealth people who didn't vote [to make a difference]. ...

#poor Rev. William J. #Barber


Singapore solved their #housing problem with a massive #social-housing program. Nordic countries are doing something similar. Meanwhile, in #Australia, we march to the tune of #US #imperialism and allow people to sleep in the streets rather than provide basic human needs. One exception I take with this article is the reference to #working people being #homeless. Yes it's worse when #employed #labour can't even put a roof over their heads but it's also a hint at the undeserving #poor. This has permeated #Australian media and culture ever since John Howard stupidly followed the lead of trickle down. We know it doesn't. It was never going to. Now entire generations of people will not own their own homes unless we regulate this #vulture-capitalism. And even poor people deserve housing.



Cuba and U.S. Government

#NoamChomsky ~ #RogueStates


' #Cuba continues to be a #stimulus to #poor and #underprivileged #people. It keeps making that clear, for example, by sending #doctors all over the #world at a rate way beyond any other country despite its current straits, which are severe, and by maintaining, unimaginably, a #health #system that is a deep #embarrassment to the #UnitedStates. Because of concerns such as these, and because of the #fanaticism that goes way back in #American #history, the #US #government, for the moment, at least, is continuing the #hysterical #attack, and will do so until it is #deterred.'

#chomsky #sanctions #embargo #kennedy #castro #coldwar #invasions #haiti #venezuela #panama #latinamerica #doctrinal #system #endtheembargo