

And part 3 of 3 in my daily sweep of X (nee Twitter) "so you don't have to" ... A busy news day!!

Lavrov complains to the UN that his invading Russians keep getting killed while murdering people in Ukraine.

#Russian #genocide #projection #Lavrov #UnitedNations #Ukraine #Russia #propaganda


Don't expect those with #Ukraine flags on their profile sharing this : Evidence Suggests Ukrainian Missile Caused Market Tragedy

Witness accounts and an analysis of video and weapon fragments suggest a Ukrainian missile failed to hit its intended target and landed in a bustling street, with devastating consequences.

The Sept. 6 missile strike on Kostiantynivka in eastern Ukraine was one of the deadliest in the country in months, killing at least 15 civilians and injuring more than 30 others. The weapon’s payload of metal fragments struck a market, piercing windows and walls and wounding some victims beyond recognition.

Less than two hours later, President Volodymyr Zelensky blamed Russian “terrorists” for the attack, and many media outlets followed suit. Throughout its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has repeatedly and systematically attacked civilians and struck schools, markets and residences as a deliberate tactic to instill fear in the populace. In Kostiantynivka in April, they shelled homes and a preschool, killing six.

#media #ukrsinewar #propaganda #zelensky #politics #Russia #Propaganda #Missinformation



The Mass-Media Memory Hole – Blair, Ukraine and Libya

Media Lens

A key function of state-corporate media is to keep the public pacified, ignorant and ill-equipped to disrupt establishment power.

Knowledge that sheds light on how the world operates politically and economically is kept to a minimum by the ‘mainstream’ media. George Orwell’s famous ‘memory hole’ from ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ signifies the phenomenon brilliantly. Winston Smith’s work for the Ministry of Truth requires that he destroys documents that contradict state propaganda. (...)

(Text continues underneath the photo.)

Photo of NATO leaders

In today’s fictional ‘democracies’, the workings of propaganda are more subtle. Notably, there is a yawning chasm between the rhetoric of leaders’ professed concern for human rights, peace and democracy, and the realpolitik of empire, exploitation and control. (...)

If we broaden the scope to British military interventions around the world since 1945, there are as many as 83 examples. (...)

The criminal history of the US in terms of overthrowing foreign governments, or attempting to do so, was thoroughly documented by William Blum, author of ‘Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions since World War II’ and ‘Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower’. (...)

These multiple invasions, coups and wars are routinely sold to the public as ‘humanitarian interventions’ by Western leaders and their propaganda allies of the ‘mainstream’ media. (...)

The mass-media memory hole is proving invaluable in protecting the public from uncomfortable truths about Ukraine. Western leaders’ expression of concern for Ukraine is cover for their desire to see Russian leader Vladimir Putin removed from power and Russia ‘weakened’, as US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin admitted earlier this year. (...)

Australian political analyst Caitlin Johnstone noted recently that:

‘Arguably the single most egregious display of war propaganda in the 21st century occurred last year, when the entire western political/media class began uniformly bleating the word “unprovoked” in reference to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.’

Pointing out that the West ‘provoked’ Russia is not the same as saying that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was justified. In fact, we were clear in our first media alert following the invasion:

‘Russia’s attack is a textbook example of “the supreme crime”, the waging of a war of aggression.’ (...)

‘We know that western actions provoked the war in Ukraine because many western foreign policy experts spent years warning that western actions would provoke a war in Ukraine.’

But, ultimately, the US blocked the peace efforts. Sachs paraphrased Bennett’s explanation as to why:

‘They [the US] wanted to look tough to China. They were worried that this could look weak to China.’

Incredible! The US’s primary concern is to look strong to China, its chief rival in world affairs. This recalls the motivation behind the US dropping atomic bombs on Japan at the end of the Second World War as a show of might to the Soviet Union. (...)

The memory-hole phenomenon is a huge factor in media coverage of Libya which, as we wrote last week, has suffered terribly in recent flooding and the collapse of two dams. The city of Derna was washed into the sea after 40cm of rain fell in twenty-four hours, leaving 20,000 people dead.

But vital recent history has been almost wholly buried by state-corporate media. In 2011, NATO’s attack on Libya essentially destroyed the state and killed an estimated 40,000 people. The nation, once one of Africa’s most advanced countries for health care and education, became a failed state, with the collapse of essential services, the re-emergence of slave markets and raging civil war. (...)

More on this, and the propaganda blitz that enabled NATO’s attack on Libya, can be found in our 2016 media alert, ‘The Great Libya War Fraud’. (...)

Very little of the above vital history and context to the recent catastrophic flooding in Libya is included in current ‘mainstream’ news reporting. At best, there is token mention. At worst, there is deeply deceitful and cynical rewriting of history. (...)

Complete article

Tags: #media #news_media #bbc #propaganda #govrenment_propaganda #the_guardian #regime_change #red_line #nato #humanitarian_interventions #military_interventions #ukraine #libia #blair #starmer #us #united_states #iraq


The media needs to cover the climate crisis as seriously as it covered Covid

The Guardian

With some exceptions, the news industry is still not responding to the true scale and danger of global heating. (...)

Despite our living through the hottest summer in history, as well as wildfires, tropical storms and crazy-hot oceans, the news media continues to be outdone by the rest of popular culture when it comes to covering the most urgent story of our time.

(text continues underneath the picture.)

Photo of climate protest
‘With the planet on fire, more and better news coverage is itself an essential climate solution.’ Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images.

Inexplicably, climate crisis remains a niche concern for most mainstream news outlets. In the US, most TV coverage of this summer’s hellish weather did not even mention the words “climate change” or “climate crisis”, much less explain that the burning of oil, gas and coal is what’s driving that hellish weather. Too many newsrooms continue to see climate as a siloed beat of specialists. (...)

Dramatic changes in climate have made increased news coverage of extreme weather unavoidable. But explaining the climate connection to extreme weather is a different task. Linking changes in the weather to the decisions being made by industry and government, that have overheated the planet is where news coverage needs to end up. (...)

In every newsroom in every community, climate crisis needs to be thought of not as a beat, but as a through-line involving everything we do. No corner of the newsroom is exempt – not business or culture, not sports or city hall. (...)

Can politics reporters and editors scale back their fixation on horse-race coverage and instead provide the kind of coverage that voters need to make informed choices? Election coverage should help audiences understand what the candidates will do about the climate crisis if elected, not just what they say. It should hold candidates accountable by asking them not (as Fox did at the first US Republican debate last month) whether they believe in climate change but rather, “What is your plan to deal with the climate crisis?”

Overall, we also need much more and better coverage of climate solutions. (...)

What else does “more and better” climate coverage mean? We expect some answers to emerge this week at Climate Changes Everything: Creating a Blueprint for Media Transformation, a conference at the Columbia Journalism School in New York. (...)

With the planet on fire, more and better news coverage is itself an essential climate solution. Only when the general public understands what is happening, why and what needs to be done, can large enough numbers of people compel governments and corporations to change course. (...)

But the news industry as a whole is still not matching the scale of the crisis with the kind of coverage that’s required. (...)

Complete article

> See also: Climate Collapse – The Grim Silence Of Our Leaders (Media Lens)

Tags: #climate #climate_change #climate_crisis #fossil_fuels #co2 #pollution #air_pollution #global_warming #extreme_weather #forest_fires #flooding #heat_waves #health #climate_deniers #propaganda #fake_news #disinformation #capitalism #industrial_capitalism #media #news #news_media #journalist #journalism #Covering_Climate_Now


#theignorancethatdiesisnotyou :)
#chrishedges #stellaassange
#julianassange #danieleverettehale #garywebb #edwardsnowden #tomvalone

#wakeup #rights #now
#thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike #espionageact
#statewithinastate #unaccountable #antiscrutiny #surveilancestate #after911 #paramilitary #copcity #cia
#military #rome #masssurveillance #panopticon #scaredsilent #orwellian #totalitarian #totalitariantiptoe #morallybankrupt #censorship #agnogeny #attercoparchy #theydidntwanttohearit #sochildish #racism #agnogensis #reductivism #theonetruetruth #thetimes #propaganda #agenda #parrots #silo #dividedandconquered #realitytunnels #echochambers #nopriceforlies #othering #polarisation #groupthink #notevenrootedinverifiablefact #liesofomission #mythicidentities #somanymassshootingsitsnotnews #contextless #dependencegeneration #agnogeny #agnotology

"... and so now it's over, the, the, ~
and that's really frightening.

It means there's no~

Power is in no way accountable.
There's no transparency.
And we know, history has taught us when that kind of secrecy imposed on autocratic power, it just, it, it~
abuse grows upon abuse grows upon abuse.
And that is why they're just determined to crucify Julian.
That's the crisis that we're in.
We've lost the ability
to know
what power is doing."

#restorehumanrights #humanrights #law #democracy #journalism
#whistleblowers #journalists #people #speakup #peopleofconscience #integrity


Climate Collapse – The Grim Silence Of Our Leaders

Media Lens

None of us has previously witnessed a barrage of extreme weather events of the kind that has been devastating lives across the globe this summer. (...)

Almost as astonishing has been the indifference of our leaders. The silence has been deafening. Where are they? Why is no-one joining the dots and demanding some kind of serious response? (...)

(Text conitinues underneath the picture.)

Aerial photo of burnt town

Broadcaster and author Stephen Fry said on the BBC:

‘Extraordinary that you can have a conversation with an economics minister in Labour who didn’t even mention the climate catastrophe coming, that there’s a tsunami coming towards us… yet everyone is talking about just doing the same thing only better. It’s catastrophic.’ (...)

Or compare with NASA climate scientist Peter Kalmus, previously arrested for defending the Earth:

‘Dear journalists of the world: We are at risk of losing basically everything. This – what we’re experiencing now – is how that process unfolds. The more fossil fuels we burn, the further in that process we go.

‘You MUST begin to tell 5 critical truths. Civilization depends on it.’

Despite the overwhelming evidence that climate catastrophe is not just a looming threat, it is here; despite the desperate pleading for help from climate scientists; and despite the surreal silence and indifference of Western political leaders, a stubborn rump of opinion continues to insist that the climate crisis is a cynical scam promoted by vested interests. (...)

It is crucial to look deeper because the reality becomes clear when we ask even the simplest of rational questions:

How does the [media] coverage afforded to climate collapse compare to coverage afforded to other comparable threats?

How much of this coverage recognises the true severity of the threat, its true corporate causes and the business-unfriendly revolution in priorities required if it is to be addressed? (...)

As recently as April 2019, even after the start of the mass climate protests a year earlier, Columbia Journalism Review reported:

‘Yet at a time when civilization is accelerating toward disaster, climate silence continues to reign across the bulk of the US news media. Especially on television, where most Americans still get their news… Many newspapers, too, are failing the climate test. Last October, the scientists of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a landmark report, warning that humanity had a mere 12 years to radically slash greenhouse-gas emissions or face a calamitous future in which hundreds of millions of people worldwide would go hungry or homeless or worse. Only 22 of the 50 biggest newspapers in the United States covered that report.’ (...)

Corporate media are not making this the World War Three-style crisis it clearly is. Indeed, the deepest causes and solutions of the crisis are rarely even mentioned. The irony is that climate deniers are convinced the ‘mainstream’ is giving climate collapse heavy coverage precisely because the ‘mainstream’ has obscured the true scale of a crisis that actually merits vastly more coverage. (...)

Thus, while it is, of course, true that our world is currently awash with corporate propaganda downplaying the reality of climate collapse, the disturbing truth is that these deceptions often find a receptive audience. Why? Because many people don’t want to consume less or less cheaply; they don’t want to drive or fly less or less cheaply; they don’t want to be denied ever-expanding consumption. (...)

When industrial capitalism tries to impose infinite economic growth on a finite planet, loss of freedom is the inevitable ultimate result. At this point, we have a painful choice between losing some personal freedoms and losing literally everything.

Complete article

Tags: #climate #climate_change #climate_crisis #fossil_fuels #co2 #pollution #air_pollution #global_warming #extreme_weather #forest_fires #flooding #heat_waves #health #climate_deniers #propaganda #fake_news #disinformation #capitalism #industrial_capitalism


Disgusting propaganda. : On September 11, 2023, Azeri and Israeli channels shared an curious video statement by the Sephardic Rabbi Zamir Isayev, the Chairman of Georgian-Sephardic Community in Azerbaijan.

On the Statement, the Georgian-Azeri Rabbi called on all Armenian Jews to move to Azerbaijan or Israel in face of the recent events, claiming that Armenia is "too dangerous and antisemitic" to tolerate its Jewish community

— “I urge Jews who remain in Armenia: in a country where you are threatened because other Jews in another country have a different opinion, it is simply dangerous to remain.

I understand that you are under a lot of pressure to publicly speak out against the opinions of leading rabbis in Europe, Israel and Muslim countries who are outraged by the use of the Holocaust theme by Armenian propaganda.

If at least one of your parents is Jewish, and you have a birth certificate issued before 1991, contact me, I will help you move to Azerbaijan. Even in Israel they directly state that Azerbaijan is one of the safest countries in the world for Jews. Don’t wait until someone in Armenia decides to take out their hatred on you.” , said the Rabbi on the video statement.

Interestingly this comes amid renewed tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as mysterious cargo planes arriving from Israel to Azerbaijan from IDF military camps.

#Armenia #Azeebaijan #Israel #Politics #Propaganda #Antisemitism #IDC


Didn't know Russia was burning Ukrainians like Hitler did!

I guess the mobile chemical weapons labs of the Saddam has now turned to this!

Isn't propaganda just lovely? Just repeat them long enough and it becomes the fact in the minds of the gullible NATO megaphones.

#Ukraine #Russia #Propaganda #WTF


Image published by Azxeber, a state-linked Azeri media outlet:

#Propaganda like this has been spreading, not only by Azeri nationalist accounts, but even by state media.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the use of the "∀", seen a few days ago painted on several Azerbaijani military vehicles, is expanding. Its meaning is still unknown to us, but it is being used as war propaganda (and possibly as identification) in the same way as the famous Russian "Z's".

Here are some examples that we have seen on nationalist/pan-Turkish and military social media accounts.

#Armenia #Azerbaijan #Fascists #StabdWithArmenia #StopAliyev #Politics


It is one of the most important aspects of our media system, and yet hardly known to the public: most of the international news coverage in Western media is provided by only three global news agencies based in New York, London and Paris.

The key role played by these agencies means Western media often report on the same topics, even using the same wording. In addition, governments, military and intelligence services use these global news agencies as multipliers to spread their messages around the world.

A study of the Syria war coverage by nine leading European newspapers clearly illustrates these issues: 78% of all articles were based in whole or in part on agency reports, yet 0% on investigative research. Moreover, 82% of all opinion pieces and interviews were in favor of a US and NATO intervention, while propaganda was attributed exclusively to the opposite side.



Direkte #Demokratie - Fluch oder Segen?

Mir ist aufgefallen, dass Teile der #AfD das Konzept der direkten Demokratie befürworten. Die direkte Demokratie wurde auch von der @piratenpartei@pirati.ca unterstützt. Damit wird direkte Demokratie sowohl von Links als auch von Rechts unterstützt aber mit unterschiedlicher Motivation und Zielen.

Was sieht Links in der direkten Demokratie?
In linken Kreisen liegt das Urvertrauen, dass Menschengruppen sich schon auf das richtige einigen werden. Diese Gruppen lassen sich nicht so leicht von Wirtschaftslobbyisten korrumpieren wie es die Regierung oft tut indem sie Gewinne privatisiert und Verluste die Gesellschaft tragen lässt. Ein bisschen schwingt da der Mythos der alten griechischen Marktplätze mit wo sich dir Bürger versammelt haben, um die korruptesten Politiker aus der Stadt zu verbannen.

Was sieht Rechts in der direkten Demokratie?
In Sachen Fake-News und Propaganda macht niemand den Rechten etwas vor. Damit verbreiten sie Angst und verleiten Wähler für sie zu stimmen auch wenn dies für diese offensichtlich zum Nachteil ist. So kann man nach einem Terroranschlag oder Fall von Kindesmissbrauch die durch die Medien aufgeheizte Stimmung nutzen, um Sicherheitsgesetze zu erlassen, die mit einer freiheitlich demokratischen Grundordnung nicht mehr vereinbar sind. Schnell ist man dann in einem Überwachungsstaat, der den Rechten gefällt aber wo die Sicherheit sie Freiheit abgeschafft hat.

Tolle These aber hast du auch ein Beispiel? Ja hier kommt es ...
In Hamburg haben linke Gruppen den Senat dazu gebracht einen Bürgerentscheid zuzulassen, um an der Politik mitzuwirken. Kaum waren die Gesetze dazu erlassen haben rechte Gruppen sie genutzt um auf die Bildungsreform in Hamburg einzuwirken. Das Gymnasium sollte abgeschafft werden und es sollte nur noch Gemeinschaftsschulen geben auf denen man auch Abitur machen kann. Dies missfiel den Rechten Kreisen, da sie sich gerne Absetzen und das Abitur abgewertet und in Gefahr sahen. außerdem wollen sie ihre Kinder nicht auf Schulen senden wo auch der Pöbel unterrichtet wird. Also strengten sie einen Bürgerentscheid an und vergifteten die Debatte dermaßen, dass sie sogar ärmere Familien für die, die Reform mehr Chancengleichheit für ihre Kinder bedeutet hätte, für den Erhalt des Gymnasiums zu stimmen. Es kam wie es kommen musste, dass Gymnasium blieb erhalten in Hamburg und damit wurde die Gemeinschaftsschule zum Sammelbecken für sozialschwache Kinder.

#politik #zukunft #direkteDemokratie #Problem #Propaganda #FakeNews #rechts #links


Remember the BS story about Russia had a bounty on American troops?

Well I guess, making money out of this war is a whole new line of business.

Ex ukrainian armed forces officer started probably the most dangerous ad campaign in the world

You can get the coolest advertising in the world.
We have an AN-2 airplane in stock
We will customize it for your brand (painting logo, slogan)
We will load it with explosives (500-900 kg) and install an unmanned control system.
And we will send it to Russian enemy positions or other Russian targets.
We'll give you a video.
The best advertising in the world.”

#ukraine #warprofiteering #ukrainewar #Russia #Propaganda #Europe


Ukraine says that the drone attack on the Russian airport in Pskov was launched from inside Russia.

If this is true, it means Mr Z lied about their development of long distance missiles, what a shocker!

I guess the news is probably because people were starting to understand that this had the hands of NATO all overeir. But I am sure saying so means you are a Putin propagandist!

#Ukraine #Russia #NATO #Politics #Zelensky #Propaganda