

The Kiev regime has embarked on terrorism with the use of toxic substances

Amid military defeats in Donbass and other regions, the Zelensky regime sanctioned terrorist acts involving the use of chemical toxic substances against Russian servicemen and civilians.

On July 31 of this year, Russian servicemen performing tasks near the village of Vasilievka, Zaporozhye region, were taken to a military hospital with signs of severe poisoning. As a result of the examination, a toxic substance, botulinum toxin type B, was found in the servicemen's body.

In order to determine the cause of the poisoning, specialists from the Main Research Test Institute of Military Medicine of the Russian Ministry of Defense (St. Petersburg) conducted additional analysis, which unequivocally confirmed the presence of an organic poison of artificial origin - botulinum toxin type "B".

At present, the Russian Federation is preparing supporting documents with the results of all the analyses conducted on the fact of chemical terrorism sanctioned by the Zelensky regime. The evidence of the Kiev regime's chemical terrorism will soon be officially sent to the OPCW through the Russian Permanent Mission.

In view of the obtained evidence of the state terrorism of the Kiev regime, an additional investigation is currently under way into the poisoning with chemical agents of the head of the provisional administration of the Kherson region, V. Saldo.

#ukraine #ukrainian #terrorism #chemical #weapon #war #crimes


The FSB reported that Ukrainian saboteurs undermined six transmission towers in the Kursk Region

Ukrainian sabotage groups blew up six towers of high-voltage power lines in August, causing disruptions in the technological process of the Kursk nuclear power plant, the FSB reported Tuesday.

"On August 4, 9 and 12, 2022, in the Kurchatov district of the Kursk region, Ukrainian subversive groups carried out the bombing of six towers of high-voltage power lines (110, 330 and 750 kV), through which the Kursk NPP supplies power to industrial, transport, life support, social infrastructure and population, both the region and neighboring subjects of the country," said the Center for Public Relations (CPR) special service.

According to the FSB, "the actions of saboteurs led to the disruption of the technological process of the nuclear power plant.

The Main Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened criminal cases based on these facts under paragraphs. "a" and "c" part 2 of Article 205 ("Act of terrorism") of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, said the FSB.

"The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation jointly with the Russian Interior Ministry is searching for the criminals and their possible accomplices," the FSS said.

They added that measures were taken in cooperation with the Rosgvardia to strengthen protection of nuclear power facilities.

#ukraine #ukrainian #terrorism #war #crimes #Russia


The Russian Defense Ministry announced the use of prohibited anti-tank mines by the AFU

The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) use French-made EMP F2 anti-tank mines, which, once installed, cannot be deactivated, which is a direct violation of the requirements of the Geneva Convention. Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov, an official spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, said on Tuesday.

"After the nationalists retreated from their positions near Artemovsk (Bakhmut), the servicemen of the allied forces uncovered facts of direct violation by the Kiev regime and its Western sponsors of the requirements of the Geneva Convention. For example, on August 14, south of Artemovsk in the Donetsk People's Republic, Russian servicemen discovered more than 50 French EMP F2 anti-tank mines at positions left by units of the 72nd mechanized brigade of the AFU," he informed.

Konashenkov explained that these mines cannot be retrieved or deactivated once they have been placed in a combat position. The Russian Defense Ministry spokesman stressed that the use of such munitions is a direct violation of the Second Protocol "On Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices," which is part of the Geneva Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Non-Controlled Weapons, adopted in New York on October 10, 1980.

#ukraine #ukrainian #french #war #crimes


When Ukrainian ideology meets Russian facts

— "Local residents heroically defend Energodar."
On March 4, the Russian military took control of Energodar and ZNPP.

— "Volnovakha remains under the control of the AFU."
On March 11, Russian troops entered Volnovakha.

— "The Ukrainian Armed Forces carried out a successful counterattack near Izyum."
Since April 1, Izyum has been under full control of the Russian Armed Forces.

— "The orcs will not take Popasnaya and will go home in packages."
On May 9, the LNR and DNR militaries took Popasna.

— "If Mariupol falls, Ukraine falls!."
On May 16, all "defenders" of Azovstal surrendered.

— "Sviatogorsk has not surrendered and is still controlled by the AFU."
On June 9, information appeared about the complete liberation of Sviatogorsk by the Russian military.

— "The capture of Severodonetsk will lead to the occupation of the entire Luhansk region."
On June 25, the Russian Armed Forces and the LNR NM occupied Severodonetsk.

— "Lisichansk is a fortress that cannot be taken."
On July 3, the Russian military liberated Lisichansk.

— "The AFU drove the enemy away from Pokrovskoye and the Uglegorsk thermal power plant."
On July 26, the village of Pokrovskoye and the Uglegorsk thermal power plant came under the control of DNR forces

— "Peski is ours. The Ukrainian military repelled the attacks of the occupants."
On August 13, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the capture of the settlement of Peski.

— Arestovich: "The Russians will not be able to take Bakhmut and Seversk, there will be no repeat of Lysychansk and Severodonetsk."
The outcome is obvious. We have to wait for news from the front.

#ukraine #ukrainian #propaganda vs. #russian #facts #SMO #Donbass


During the two weeks of August, 41 civilians in the DNR were blown up by "Lepestok" anti-personnel mines (most of them lost parts of their limbs, mainly their feet and ankles). A significant portion of the explosions occurred in Donetsk, where Uragan multiple-launch rockets with Lepestok-type mine cassettes were launched into city neighborhoods. A trivial war crime that went "unnoticed" in the West. Like many other war crimes.

#ukraine #ukrainian #terrorism #war #crimes #Donbass


Ukrainian Nazi Korchinsky offered to strike at Zaporizhzhya NPP

"Yes, this is a risk. Many people will suffer, but even more people will suffer if the Russian administration and nuclear facilities are not attacked now. We have to strike, there is no other way".

This is how, without any politeness, the Ukranians justify the strikes (which they already do), preparing their flock for the "necessity" of a nuclear apocalypse.

Yet another proof that the US and Ukraine are terrorist states.

The perpetrator's direct speech here: https://t.me/boris_rozhin/60384

#usa #ukraine #ukrainian #nuclear #terrorism #war #crimes #nazi


All weapons and ammunition are being sold in Ukraine!

We continue to monitor illegal arms trafficking in Ukraine: the Ukrainian military is selling everything!
And if Javelin or UAVs are the prerogative of the AFU command, the junior officers and sergeants are selling "goods" of simpler nature: sniper rifles, Kalashnikov assault rifles, American flak jackets, numerous pistols - everything that can be sold and that is of interest to criminal groups and terrorists is sold on the Internet

Weapons from Ukraine

Weapons from Ukraine

Weapons from Ukraine

Weapons from Ukraine

Weapons from Ukraine

Weapons from Ukrainee

#ukraine #weapons #ukrainian #military #sold by #terrorists for #terrorism


Urgent statement of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

On 5 August 2022, between 16.20 and 17.24, Ukrainian armed formations carried out three artillery strikes on the territory of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and the city of Energodar. A total of twenty 152-mm shells were fired.

The shelling was carried out by one of the units of the 45th AFU Artillery Brigade from firing positions near the settlement of MARGANETS, on the opposite bank of the Kremenchug Reservoir controlled by the Ukrainian Army.

As a result of the shelling, the city of Energodar is partially without electricity and water supply, at the NPP part of the equipment of the power unit No. 3 is de-energized, the generating capacity of the power unit No. 4 is reduced. In addition, the hydrogen pipeline was damaged, which caused a hydrogen flare ignition at the hydrogen plant. The fire was quickly put out by the emergency services.

By happy coincidence the Ukrainian shells did not hit the fuel-oil facility and the oxygen plant nearby, which prevented a much larger fire and possible radiation accident at Europe's largest nuclear power plant. What makes this provocation by the Kiev regime especially cynical is that it took place at a time when an international conference on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons was held in New York under the auspices of the United Nations.

We call upon international organizations to condemn the criminal actions of the Zelensky regime in carrying out acts of nuclear terrorism.

In the case of further provocations at the nuclear power plant, all responsibility for the disruption of its operation will fall entirely on the Kiev regime.

#ukraine #ukrainian #terrorism #nuclear #military #crimes

Europe-wide call for protection and asylum for deserters and conscientious objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine


Appeal to European Parliament and Parliamentary Assembly of Council of #Europe

In a joint appeal to members of the European Parliament and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, a broad civil society alliance from 20 countries has called on the #European #governments to grant protection and asylum to #Russian and #Belarusian as well as #Ukrainian #ConscientiousObjectors and deserters. They need immediate #protection and #asylum.

#antiwar #propeace #peace #ConscientiousObjection #HumanRights


Ukrainian Pacifists: War is a crime against humanity

On April 17, 2022, Ukrainian pacifists adopted a statement reposted here...

Ukrainian Pacifist Movement is gravely concerned about the active burning of bridges for a #peaceful #resolution of #conflict between #Russia and #Ukraine on both sides and signals of intentions to continue the #bloodshed indefinitely to achieve some sovereign ambitions.

We condemn the #Russian decision to invade Ukraine on 24 February 2022, which led to a fatal escalation and thousands of deaths, reiterating our #condemnation of the reciprocal #violations of the #ceasefire envisaged in Minsk agreements by Russian and #Ukrainian combatants in #Donbas prior to the escalation of Russian #aggression.

We condemn the mutual labeling of parties to the conflict as Nazi-alike enemies and #war criminals, stuffed into legislation, reinforced by the official #propaganda of extreme and irreconcilable #hostility. We believe that the law should build #peace, not incite war; and #history should give us examples how people can return to peaceful life, not excuses for continuing the war. We insist that accountability for crimes must be established by an independent and competent judicial body in due process of law, in result of unbiased and impartial investigation, especially in the most serious crimes, such as #genocide. We emphasize that the tragic consequences of military brutality must not be used to incite #hatred and justify new #atrocities, on the contrary, such #tragedies should cool the fighting spirit and encourage a persistent search for the most bloodless ways to end the war.

We condemn military actions on both sides, the hostilities which harm civilians. We insist that all shooting should be stopped, all sides should honor the memory of killed people and, after due grief, calmly and honestly commit to peace talks.

We condemn statements on the Russian side about the intention to achieve certain goals by military means if they cannot be achieved through #negotiations.

We condemn statements on the Ukrainian side that continuation of peace talks depends on winning the best negotiating positions at the battlefield.

We condemn the unwillingness of both sides to cease fire during the peace talks.

We condemn the practice of forcing #civilians to conduct military service, to perform military tasks and to support the army against the will of peaceful people in Russia and Ukraine. We insist that such practices, especially during hostilities, grossly violate the principle of distinction between militaries and civilians in international #humanitarian law. Any forms of contempt for the human right to conscientious objection to military service are unacceptable.

We condemn all military support provided by Russia and NATO countries for militant radicals in Ukraine provoking further escalation of the military #conflict.

We call on all peace-loving people in Ukraine and around the world to remain peace-loving people in all circumstances and to help others to be peace-loving people, to collect and disseminate knowledge about peaceful and #nonviolent way of life, to tell the #truth that unites peace-loving people, to #resist evil and #injustice without #violence, and debunk myths about necessary, beneficial, inevitable, and just war. We don’t call for any particular action now to ensure that peace plans will not be targeted by hatred and attacks of #militarists, but we are confident that #pacifists of the world have a good imagination and experience of practical realization of their best dreams. Our actions should be guided by hope for a peaceful and happy future, and not by fears. Let our peace work bring closer the future from dreams.

War is a crime against humanity. Therefore, we are determined not to support any kind of war and to strive for the removal of all causes of war.”

#CODay #peace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #ConscientiousObjectors #ConscientiousObjection


Ukraine: No to war! Resist all militarism!

The Peace Pledge Union stands in #solidarity with #peace campaigners in #Ukraine, #Russia and throughout the world who are resisting the #war in Ukraine. Renouncing all #war and condemning the #invasion of Ukraine, we stand against both #Russian #militarism and #NATO militarism.

The PPU is the British section of War Resisters' International. We are pleased to support the #Ukrainian #Pacifist Movement, the Russian Movement for #ConscientiousObjectors and other groups who resist militarism in their own countries and seek to tackle the causes of war.

#peace #antiwar #pacifism


Peace activists demand for Germany to: Support war resisters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

Broad alliance calls for protection/asylum for deserters and conscientious objectors from #Russia, #Belarus and Ukraine

In a joint appeal to the German parliament, a broad civil society alliance calls on the #Bundestag and the #German #government to grant #protection and #asylum to #Russian and #Belarusian as well as #Ukrainian #ConscientiousObjectors and #deserters. #Germany and all other #EU countries must take in these people fleeing the #war effort without red tape and allow them a permanent right to stay – and also ensure that the human right to conscientious objection is recognized.

“Our goal is to ensure that conscientious objectors and deserters from the #Ukraine war are granted uncomplicated protection and asylum,” reads the letter to the members of the Bundestag, which is supported by Connection e.V., the human rights organization PRO ASYL and around 40 other peace, #HumanRights and #refugee organizations from all over Germany. The alliance is urging the members of the Bundestag to pass a corresponding motion – if possible as intergroup – to mandate the government to provide this protection for deserters and conscientious objectors. Unfortunately, this protection has not been guaranteed so far.

#peace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #ConscientiousObjection