

Das hat Ernst Wolff herausgefunden | Es wird 2 Klassen geben!


Krissy Rieger

Unsere Themen:
ARD will AUF1 Ausstrahlung verbieten
Markus Krall bei Degussa freigestellt
Operation Winterschlaf
Ölpreisdeckel - wem schadet es wirklich?
Warum weltweit unterschiedliches Vorgehen?
Digitale Zentralbankwährung und die neueste Erkenntnis

Buch "Weltwirtschaftsforum" Ernst Wolff ►► https://bit.ly/3hdZj7V
Buch "Das System" ►► https://bit.ly/3D6sodG

#ErnstWolff #2Klassen #KrissyRieger #ARD #AUF1 #Ausstrahlung #Verbot #MarkusKrall #Degussa #OperationWinterschlaf #Winterschlaf #Ölpreisdeckel #weltweit #DigitalesGeld #Zentralbankwährung #Weltwirtschaftsforum #WEF #DasSystem


So... Supposedly Klaus Schwab has had a heart attack.

Certainly not vax related since there's no way he got any clot shot.

Hope its painful and fatal, but his kids and other stooges will continue his evil... That jewfag Yuval Noah Harari is his 2nd in command and a real globohomo pedophile.

#WEF #globalism #EatZBugs


Helen Hai was “born in Changchun, Jilin province, in 1978,” according to Chinese state-run media outlet China Daily.
enter image description here
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Helen Hai “was educated on a Beijing scholarship in the UK,” according to the Financial Times.

#HelenHai, who formerly holds the title of Binance Vice President, oversees such a wide swath of Binance’s global operations, that the argument can be made that it is Hai, and not Binance’s CEO, Sino-Canadian entrepreneur Changpeng ‘CZ’ Zhao, who is calling the shots at #Binance.
Either way, both Hai and Zhao appear to work for the CCP.

#China’s ‘unrestricted warfare’ doctrine includes economic warfare, in addition to lawfare, network warfare (financial, transportation, communication, power grid), technological warfare, terrorism, biological warfare, information warfare (propaganda), cyberwarfare, and election cyberwarfare.

The extensive list of Binance executive appointments held by Helen Hai include the Senior Vice President of Binance, Binance Head of Global Fiat Exchange, Binance Head of Africa (until September 2022), and Binance Head of NFT & Fan Token (until October 2022). Additionally, Hai previously held the positions of Binance Head of #Europe and #UK and Binance Head for M&A.

Hai earned an executive MBA from Xi Jinping’s alma mater Tsingua University, where President Barack Hussein Obama’s former ‘Depopulation’ Science Tsar John P. Holdren was appointed Distinguished Visiting Professor. Holdren advised the US government to lift the ban on gain of function research eleven days before President Trump’s inauguration.
Enter Klaus Schwab’s #WEF
Helen Hai was a World Economic Forum (WEF) Young #Global #Leader, and the World Economic Forum Co-chair of #Future council of #Consumption, according to Hai’s LinkedIn profile.

“Linda Fried, the aunt of Bankman-Fried, is the dean of Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and a co-chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on the Future of Human Enhancement,” The Daily Wire reported on November 18, 2022.


When we have massive corporations owning big corporations, owning medium corporations, owning small corporations, it doesn't take as many conspiritors as a person might imagine to control vast numbers of people and affect significant influence in the world. This is true for many human oganisational structures that rely on a pyramidal hierarchy for order.

#blackrock #vanguard #statestreet #environmentalsocialgovernance #uk #esg #usa #woke #wokeideology #eu #corporatism #conspiracy #schwab #builderberg #worldeconomicforum #wef #bigcorp #biggov #bigtech #usa #elitism #nietzscheanism #control #conspiracies #bigpharma #CCP #un #statecapitalism #collusion #crime #cronycapitalism #globalism #elites #corruption #cfr #harvard #oxford #lse #cityoflondon #manhattan #nyc



50 Groups Target Bill Gates on Farming and Technology: ‘You Are Part of Creating the Very Problem You Name’

Fifty organizations dedicated to food sovereignty and food justice issues signed an open letter calling out Bill Gates over his latest claim that technology is the solution to world hunger and food sovereignty and asking the media to do a better job of covering the issue.

#food-scarcity #depopulation #Bill-Gates #NWO #WEF



#WEF #TDS #NWO #globalism #fear-porn


Renske Leijten over het veel te snel invoeren van digital wallet en basisregistratie burgers eID

https://odysee.com/@BLCKBX:2/renske-leijten-over-het-veel-te-snel:f #cbdc #eid #wef #tirannie #schwabinet #agenda2030 #control

En het eerste commentaar laat zien dat ze al bezig zijn!:

"Renske Leijten over het veel te snel invoeren van digital wallet en basisregistratie burgers eID"

Hoe bedoeld ze?
We roepen dit al veeeel langer, maar nee, dat waren complotten.
CBDCs waren BullShit, UBI is ook BullShit, maar wacht, er is al getekend bij het kruisje, en nu doen alsof er een debatje over komt.

En heel toevallig lag er vandaag een brief in de bus van de gemeente.
We kunnen €250,- gratis CBDC (UBI) geprogrammeerde tokens krijgen voor energiebesparende middelen, want oh de prijzen rijzen spontaan de pan uit, stoute Putin toch.
Alleen te besteden bij goegekeurde winkeltjes.
De schapen staan al te trappelen van blijdschap, gratis tokens ( #HelicopterMoney )
Laten we het maar een proefballonetje noemen.
Ze kunnen die €250,- tokens ergens steken waar de zon niet schijnt, aangezien je de APP (digital wallet) moet downloaden, enz.
Stuur maar een tegoedbon, dan besteed ik die nep €250,- wel.
Maar het is natuurlijk veel energiebesparender als je een APP download, die al je gegevens verzameld, in energieslurpende datacenters van de staat, dan gewoon die achterlijke brief te vervangen door een simpele tegoedbon.
En zo word je langzaam, maar zeker, aan het staatsinfuus gehangen.

Noem mij maar een WAPPIE.

Renske, onder welke steen heb je gelegen?

Welcome to #ClownWorld 🤡🌍


#Who #Rules The #World And Starts #Wars And #Pandemics? This Mep Has The Answer:
Who rules the world? Who starts wars and pandemics? Is it Biden? Is it Putin? Believing that the pharmaceutical industry wants healthy citizens is like believing that the military industry strives for world peace, #MEP #MislavKolakusic said in the #European# Parliament.

#BlackRock, #Vanguard and State Street — investment funds most #people have #never heard of — manage more than $15 trillion in assets. These asset managers have interests in all major pharmaceuticals, #media, #transport companies, #arms #manufacturers and #banks.

#Insatiable #Greed
They are the largest shareholders of #Pfizer, #Moderna and Johnson & #Johnson, among others. They have a majority stake in six of the 10 largest pharmaceutical giants. They have a majority stake in all the companies that have manufactured corona vaccines.

The fact that we are experiencing skyrocketing #inflation, which affects ordinary citizens the most, is not an economic phenomenon, but the result of the insatiable greed of the owners of these asset managers who set prices, Kolakusic argues.
Completely clear
They also have the #military industry in the pocket. BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street own the largest weapons manufacturers, including Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Northrop Grumman.
It's absolutely clear who rules the world and makes all the important decisions, be it wars or pandemics, says Kolakusic.
Blackrock & Vanguard are both connected to #WEF #Agenda2030 & #NetZero2050 #Tyranny!


Bill Gates, largest owner of private farmland in U.S. in 2021


Ever wondered why Bill Gates(actually William Henry Gates III..), who hates OpenSource, is propagandized as 'philanthropist' ?
If you can't see it, i can paint a picture;
- Microsoft, in it for the money$ ( he hates opensource )
- Vaccination, in it for the money$ (e.g. https://odysee.com/@BehindTheMatrix:7/Bill-Gates---ROI-for-vaccines:1 )
- ClimateHoax, in it for the money$ (e.g. Farmers are forced to quit because xyz, and Bill on Ted explains this: https://odysee.com/@Ron.Hagberg:2/Bill-Gates-TED-talk:5 )
- FoodHubs, in it for the money$ (e.g. http://PicNic.app Many countries have local webstores! )

Just like his WEF partners 2016 slogan goes
"We You will own nothing and be happy"

But there's also another part of Bill, which isn't that obvious..
For more info. A full on documentary https://odysee.com/@corbettreport:0/whoisbillgates:3
Can you connect the dots to the WEF and Agenda2030?

#2021 #Gates #scamdemic #plandemic #socialism #capitalism #communism #climate #co2 #energy #environment #philanthropy #WEF #foodhubs #farmers


Hier is bewijs (uit #WOB verzoeken)dat dit #WEF kabinet contracten heeft ondertekend met WEF zonder dat de Nederlandse burgers dat willen.

Hier is bewijs dat dit #WEF #kabinet #hoogverraad en #landverraad pleegt tegen het Nederlandse volk.

Door dit bewijs zal dit WEF kabinet moeten worden afgezet door het Nederlandse volk.

Het is tijd voor actie!
Tijd van praten is voorbij. Dit WEF kabinet zal niet opstappen maar zal moeten worden afgezet.

Het Nederlandse volk heeft niet voor WEF gekozen.

De democratie, grondrechten, voortbestaan en vrijheid van het Nederlandse volk is verraden door #VVD, #D66, #CDA en #CU.

#WEFTaskForce #Schwabinet #GreatReset #plandemic #scamdemic #democratie #grondrechten #vrijheidv #Nederland