

#Chemtrails: What in the world are they #spraying?

#PeterKirby has a book he spent 10 years researching and writing that almost no one is interested in reading. It frustrates the hell out of him that so many people only peep at disjointed aspects of the atmospheric modification program without gathering it all together into a complete(ish) picture of what's involved and who is doing it. His book does that, chapter by chapter, and almost no one has read it.

Why is nobody else talking about the #MITRE #Corporation?
enter image description here
The Abstract - 13 days ago

The MITRE Corporation is the only organization in the world capable of bringing together all of the New Manhattan Project’s sub-operations and making it all into one cohesive whole. They have an extensive history of doing just such things. Don’t you think that they deserve to be exposed?



The Microsoft-Dilemma - Europe as a Software Colony | Full Documentary

Many state and public administrations from Helsinki to Lisbon operate with the #software of the US #corporation. It makes them vulnerable for hackers and spies, violates European public procurement law, blocks technical progress and costs Europe dearly.
Harald Schumann and his Investigate Europe research team have spoken to insiders and managers throughout Europe about this. Martin Schallbruch, the former head of IT at the German Government, reports how the states are becoming increasingly dependent on Microsoft. A top Dutch lawyer describes how the EU Commission and governments are violating European procurement law. In France, the Ministry of Defence has bypassed parliament in concluding secret contracts with Microsoft, so Senator Joelie Garriaud-Maylam now wants to set up a committee of inquiry. The Hamburg data protection officer Johannes Caspar warns that the Microsoft systems could expose private data of citizens to investigation by the US secret services. Internal documents prove that the Federal Office for Information Security shares this mistrust.
#privacy #security - #mistrust #Microsoft, close the #windows


KPMG Corporate Anthem

The anthem that KPMG doesn't want you to hear


They first came on my radar in 2001 when they sent a legal threat to a blogger for linking to their website without permission

The actual link was to KPMG's corporate anthem, which remains, to this day, a banger

KPMG's Corporate Anthem

The time is now to lead the way,
We share the same the idea
That may win by the end of the day.
Our strength is here to stay.
Identity, one energy,
One strategy, with sympathy.
These are the words that will lead us into a new world.

Notice the link is to a page on the Wayback Machine.

more about KPMG from Cory's blog

They're the architects of Microsoft's tax-evasion plot:

And they were behind Canada's dysfunctional covid contact-tracing app, which never worked, but generated tens of millions in billings to the government of Canada, who used KPMG to hire programmers at $1,500/day, plus KPMG's 30% commission:

KPMG's most bizarre scandal is literally stranger than fiction. The company bribed SEC personnel help its own accountants cheat on ethics exams. The corrupt officials were then given high-paid jobs at KPMG:

But all of that is just scene-setting (and a gratuitous plug for my book) for the latest KPMG scandal, which is, possibly, the most KPMG scandal of all KPMG scandals. The Australian government hired KPMG to audit Paladin, a security contractor that oversees the asylum seekers the country locks up on one of its island gulags (yes, gulags, plural).\
Ever since, Paladin has been the subject of a string of ghastly human rights scandals – the worst stuff imaginable, rape and torture and murder of adults and children. Paladin made AU423 million on this contract.\
And here's the scandal: KPMG audited the wrong company. The Paladin that the Australia government paid KPMG to audit was based in Singapore. The Paladin that KPMG audited was a totally different company, based in Papua New Guinea, who already had a commercial relationship with KPMG. It was this colossal fuckup that led to the manifestly unfit Singaporean company getting nearly half a billion dollars in public funds:

#kpmg #cory #doctorow #cory-doctorow #corporate-anthem #corporation #corporations #scandal #paladin #canada #australia #singapore #bezzle #corruption #dishonesty #scum-bags #brunchlords #gulags #australian-gulags


��0,4 ► �1,0YouTube�� :: https://youtu.be/YGab9nUjTjg :: Web Environment Integrity, The Nuts and Bolts :: Duration: 18:34 :: Views: 8 :: Uploader: Nephitejnf :: Uploaded: 2023-08-16 :: 0 likes :: 0 dislikes :: 0 favorites :: 0 comments�

"clearly not oriented to users. it's more oriented to stakeholders and businesses and big businesses and companies"

#web #trust #corporation #centralised #webenvironmentintegrity #mitm #thecorporation #attesters #publickey #freedom #autonomy #privacy #sense #Nephitejnf


When a #Government becomes a #BEAST #corporation, what you need to know

“In as much as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them.”
S.C.R. 1795, Penhallow v. Doane’s Administraters (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54)

When a Government becomes a corporation, what you need to know

If a Councillor or MP. opens it's mouth, it is lying. They are not Councillors or MP's, they are members of an incorporated Legal entity


#Ancient #warning to #society but it has only made things worse...

Watch: https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1678489786600120.webm

Be careful there is high danger because the following URI goes to #YouTube. Click here only if you are aware of the #danger and effects and have taken appropriate countermeasures for your own protection. Otherwise you will play directly into the hands of the exploitation system. I strongly advise against using YouTube without appropriate protection.


#privacy #surveillance #tracking #internet #economy #capitalism #advertisement #politics #consume #system #soul #finance #money #society #Religion #problem #manipulation #propaganda #fake #life #freedom #democracy #monitoring #America #entertainment #song #music #smartphone #corporation #bigdata


What #Mastodon #server could I #choose?

It's a real #problem you don't know much about the #administration of the servers. A Mastodon server could be a "Trojan Horse" to get your data. Now that they are leaving #Twitter many new servers appear and many admins will close their server next year again because it's too expensive or too much #work.

So here are some points you can check:

  • Don't go to #fosstodon because I am there. Choose fosstodon only if most of the ther points of this list fitt your needs.
  • The donain of the server shouldn't include "Mastodon" because most of the new users search their server via #Google. If they all choose servers with "Mastodon" inside of the #domain it's against #decentralization and the servers are soon overcrowded with much work for the administration.
  • Check the server #information and #background. It's better to choose a server operated by a #community and not a single person. The server should have been only before the #hyoe because not many of the new servers will survive one year.
  • Check the domain. It should be #cool and fitting to the spirit of your posts.
  • Check the servers blocked on your server. Don't choose a server where nothing is blocked because then you know there is no #moderation on your server. If right wing servers are not blocked you are maybe choosing a server of a right echo chamber. If your server is blocked on many others there is something wrong with the administration.
  • At the end its the best to open your own server and be your own #admin. But don't forget that Mastodon isn't running properly on a raspberry pi. The server needs money and time for updates and moderation. So think of donating to your server if possible.
  • Learn about the #Fediverse. You are here on #Diaspora and now you think about going to Mastodon because Elon #Musk is killing Twitter. But why should you go to Mastodon only because the #press #filterbubble is talking about it? Maybe you can be wiser than all the lemmings out there and learn something first with a search engine of your #trust. With #Friendica you can post to the Fediverse and read it on Diaspora and Mastodon.
  • At the end it would be nice if you can follow me on Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/@anonymiss - @anonymiss@fosstodon.org :)

Please let me know what you think in the comments and thank you for reading :)

#knowledge #wisdom #internet #instructions #news #software #education #help #todo #tutorial #advice #privacy #security #online #communication #trend #trending #ElonMusk #economy #corporation #freedom #donate #alternative #blog #microblogging #microblog


More Children Die From the COVID Shot Than From COVID


#thisisnotwhathealthcarelookslike #depopulation #sellop #wealthtransfer #deskkillers #covidshot #clotshot #fauxine #covid19 #corporation #psycho #justfollowingorders #duress #VAERS #ignorance #nonreporting #worsethanwethink #worsethanthedatashows


Story at-a-glance

  • According to Collette Martin, a practicing nurse who testified before a Louisiana Health and Welfare Committee hearing December 6, 2021, children are having “terrifying” reactions to the COVID shot, yet her concerns are simply dismissed
  • The average number of adverse event reports following vaccination for the past 10 years has been about 39,000 annually, with an average of 155 deaths. That’s for all available vaccines combined. The COVID jabs alone now account for 983,756 adverse event reports as of December 17, 2021, including 20,622 deaths — and this doesn’t include the underreporting factor, which we know is significant
  • Children are at risk for potentially lifelong health problems from the jab. Myocarditis (heart inflammation) has emerged as one of the most common problems, especially among boys and young men
  • Myocarditis is inversely correlated to age, so the risk gets higher the younger you are. The risk is also dose-dependent, with boys having a six fold greater risk of myocarditis following the second dose
  • British data show deaths among teenagers have spiked since that age group became eligible for the COVID shots. Between the week ending June 26 and the week ending September 18, 2020, 148 deaths were reported among 15- to 19-year-olds. During those same weeks in 2021, 217 deaths occurred in that age group — an increase of 47%

come join the millions not capitulating this this totalitarian cull of the tyrant's unwanted. #nocullnecessary

"normal people save everybody."

and there are even worse things than death to be saved from.

posting this while happened to be on the #isolation tag, and the recentmost post is very relevant to this issue too:
diaspora://digit@joindiaspora.com/post/556cb8c04f0d013ac6180cc47a7ae1b0 regarding menticide, terror, and mass psychosis.

and... is it worth again listing some more of the clues...

  • "Covid19" appears on government planning documents as early as 2015.
  • "when the terrorist thing wears off, we're going to have people running scared of a disease without symptoms."
  • censorring of scientists (!!!)
  • media owned by blackrock & vanguard.
  • event 201, in late 2019, depicted what was to happen.
  • string of patent frauds on the sars-cov-2 virus since 2002.
  • contraventions of all prior established best health practicies, both in medical profession and out. (a long list in itself.)
  • psychopathy of "The Corporation", and it's "regulatory capture", owning the government, nothing to hold them back... ...historical precidence? corporatocracy, combining big business with government, aka, fascism.
  • biggest wealth transfer in history. the richest tripling their wealth, and ongoing.
  • those most invested in (and behind the planning for) covid19 also assert there are too many people, and espouse the virtues of depopulation (human culls), so they can maintain their parasitic rentier control and deny us the clean technologies of emancipation.
  • politicians who insist on and promote all the insane (and harmful) rules, do not believe in the rules themselves, and do not follow them.
  • the "solution" in this particular "problem-reaction-solution", is worse than the problem.
  • bill gate's history. (a long and very damning list)
  • inventors of PCR testing, and mRNA technology, speak out against such deployment as fundamentally wrong, harmful, deceptive.

still think it's like the ruthless profiteers would have us believe it is?

P.S., I'm pro-vaccine.

what's on offer, is not a vaccine.

go look back again to the flu vaccine scandal we should have learned from.

coronavirus (like colds and flus) vaccination's fundamentally on dodgy ground in the first place, without these ruthless psychopathic opportunist crooks stepping in.


Until we remove the corruption, corporate crimes will continue.

Though corporations in America routinely break the law, often with fatal consequences, it's fair to say America has no corporate criminals, because to have criminals, you need a criminal system that identifies criminal conduct and holds it to account. America does not have that.

When American corporations break the law, the individuals in the corporation are generally insulated from criminal liability because it's considered unfair to hold anyone – even the millionaire top execs paid to be the person with whom the buck stops – criminally liable for institutional crimes.

#CoryDoctorow #corporation #crime #justice #law #criminal #liability



There are no corporate criminals in America

The FBI estimates that corporations commit 20 times more crimes than natural persons

corporate criminals


Corporate personhood serves an convenient fiction, in keeping with Frank Wilhoit's observation that conservativism consists of one proposition: "there must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."\
Or as Robert Reich once put it: "I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one."

And while the US may not have a corporate criminal system, it has a fuckton of corporate crime. The FBI estimates that corporations commit 20x more crimes than natural persons, crimes committed on a vast scale that even the most prolific human criminal can't touch, thanks to the enormous resources that corporations can mobilize to criminal ends.

Boeing was a repeat offender that had killed people before with faulty products that resulted from these corporate defects. It had already settled corporate criminal cases related to these murders.\
You couldn't ask for a corporate criminal defendant more deserving of punishment. Instead, Boeing paid a fine equivalent to 3.3% of its revenues (12.7% of its profits) – if Boeing was the median American, that would be a fine of $4,315 – for killing 346 people.

#corporate #crime #criminals #corporation #corporations #impunity #corporate-personhood #corporate-criminals


#Attention this is about #Facebook: The #Hacker Way vs Forced Happinesses

To really drive the point home, let’s consider an example entirely outside the realm of engineering: happiness. We all know that we smile because we are happy. That is a causal relationship. What is surprising is that if we #force ourselves to smile we can actually improve our mood. Smiling more makes you happier whether or not the smile was natural. The #brain is a complex system which apparently struggles with causality and we can take advantage of that to achieve a better result for ourselves. It is cheating. It shouldn’t work. But it does. Hacking can literally make you happier.

So they hacked themself - no shit Sherlock :( First of all, this really works. I use this trick when I'm totally bummed and don't want anyone to know. But how inhumanly broken must the exploitation machinery in commercial software development be, if this is part of the standard for the staff. Please promise me that you will immediately run away if your project management ever asks you to do something like that.

enter image description here

#news #hacker #capitalism #corporation #Psychology #social #internet #industry #software #development #coder #fail #wtf #omg #happinesses #problem #stress #happy #brainwashed