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Perhaps you would be kind enough to allow me to declare a few theses on the #geopolitics of the U.S.

1) If #Ukraine loses the war, it would be a step backwards towards a liberal #world order. Autocracies would be on the rise and #China could feel empowered to invade #Taiwan.
2) If the #West had not supported Ukraine, the #war would already be over. It seems immoral to only half-heartedly #support Ukraine and thereby prolong the suffering for #power games.
3) If #Biden now denies Ukraine #military support for tactical #election maneuvers and fails to deliver urgently needed #ammunition, then his office is more important to him than the well-being of the world and the #future of #freedom.
4) If Biden were to supply the ammunition and thus lose the election, not only would #Trump win but #democracy would be damaged.
5) Geopolitics is a cynical #dilemma that costs many lives.

#nato #europe #Russia #politics #problem #humanRights #justice #cynicism #terror #business #warfare #ethics


#Instagram Throttles 404 Media #Investigation Into #Drug #Ads on Instagram, Continues to Let People Advertise Drugs

source: https://www.404media.co/instagram-throttles-404-media-investigation-into-drug-ads-on-instagram-continues-to-let-people-advertise-drugs/

This means #Meta continues to take money from people blatantly advertising drugs on the platform while limiting the reach of reporting about that #content #moderation #failure. Instagram's Recommendation #Guidelines limit the reach of posts that "promotes the use of certain regulated products such as tobacco or vaping products, #adult products and services, or pharmaceutical drugs."

#economy #internet #socialMedia #Media #politics #news #business