

De macht van de dictator is óók de macht van de straat

Caroline de Gruyter (NRC)

(...) „Autoritaire regimes zijn onverslaanbaar, totdat ze dat ineens niet meer zijn. De geschiedenis is bezaaid met afgezette keizers en tsaren”, schreef oud-Financial Times-commentator Philip Stephens deze week in een blog onder de hoopvolle titel ‘Een slecht jaar voor autocraten. Xi en Poetin zijn de grote verliezers van 2022’.

Stephens heeft gelijk: we moeten de kop niet laten hangen. Toch moeten we ons evenmin illusies maken over volksprotesten en wat die anno 2022 kunnen uitrichten. Moderne autocraten laten zich minder makkelijk uit het pluche jagen dan de generaties voor hen. (...)

(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)

Foto van Caroline de Gruyter
Caroline de Gruyter

De dictators van nu zijn gelikter. Ze proberen populair te blijven onder de bevolking. Ze doen amper nog aan massamoorden en maaien demonstranten niet meer voor CNN-camera’s neer, maar lichten hen achteraf stilletjes van het bed of produceren ‘bewijs’ van een zedendelict. En ze houden referenda en opiniepeilingen, en chatten met burgers. Door die democratische façade rennen buitenlandse investeerders niet weg, waardoor de economie blijft draaien en burgers brood op de plank houden. (...)

Omdat dictators de meeste media dankzij moderne technologie compleet in hun zak hebben, bepalen ze goeddeels wat mensen lezen of zien. (...)

Volgens onderzoekers aan Harvard is de kans van slagen van straatopstanden onder dit nieuwe type machthebber zesmaal kleiner dan in 2000. Ook werd volksprotest vroeger langzaam, vanaf de grond, opgebouwd. Dat bevorderde cohesie en solidariteit. Nu worden demonstranten via sociale media gemobiliseerd. De clubgeest is zwakker. Straatprotest verpietert sneller. Bovendien gebruiken de autoriteiten tegenwoordig óók geavanceerde technologie voor propaganda, infiltratie en intimidatie. Niet alleen Polen en Hongarije bespioneren opponenten met Pegasus-software, maar zelfs Griekenland en Spanje – al zeggen ze stug dat ze van niets weten. We leven in een tijd van „digitaal autoritarisme”, aldus het Harvard-onderzoek. (...)

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Tags: #nederlands #protest #straatprotest #opstand #revolutie #dictator #staat #staatsmacht #sociale_media #social_media #media #propaganda #censuur #volksopstand #hongarije #orban #iran #china #polen #referendum #opiniepeiling #democratie #investeringen #buitenlandse_investeringen #electorale_autocratie #digitaal_autoritarisme #brazilie #bolsonaro #vs #verenigds_staten #trump #griekenland #spanje #pegasus #pegasus_software #spionagesoftware #repressie


Double-Standard #Taiwan and #Japan are as insane but are not demonized at all

#China central of course gets all the hate. Did you see the #German President praising the brave demonstrators? Well, he called demonstrators in Germany #Nazi-scum and #terrorists and destroyed their livelihood. Or did you see the Canadian Premier warning the Chinese government against taking actions against peaceful demonstrators? Well, he prosecuted EVERYONE in #Canada for peacefully protesting his tyranny. British unelected Prime Minister, a brown person from India or Pakistan, I forgot, said China was doing genocide. This, while #London is genociding white Englishmen and killing their culture.


Unsere Leerdenker fühlen sich wie Chinesische Protestler 😱

Schließlich protestieren alle gegen die Diktatur. Nur unsere "die Merkeldiktatur muss weg" - Leerdenker übersehen dabei, dass sie Demonstrationen anmelden dürfen und dann unter Polizeischutz ihre Verschwörungsideologien zum Besten geben dürfen. Ausserdem durften sie ihre eigene Schwubbelpartei gründen. In #China hingegen gab es nie eine #Verschwörung, dass der #Coronavirus nicht real wäre.

#Vergleich #problem #politik #Solidarität #verarschung #diktatur #Freiheit #polizei #gewalt #Corona #Pandemie


Melissa Chen on Twitter: "Chinese social media users report Huawei phones automatically deleting* videos of the protests that took place in China, without notifying the owners. *Not sure if it’s from the cloud or device level Our sci-fi movies have not even imagined this level of dystopia… https://t.co/BKtJcRnus5" / Twitter

#politics #China



Helen Hai was “born in Changchun, Jilin province, in 1978,” according to Chinese state-run media outlet China Daily.
enter image description here
enter image description here
Helen Hai “was educated on a Beijing scholarship in the UK,” according to the Financial Times.

#HelenHai, who formerly holds the title of Binance Vice President, oversees such a wide swath of Binance’s global operations, that the argument can be made that it is Hai, and not Binance’s CEO, Sino-Canadian entrepreneur Changpeng ‘CZ’ Zhao, who is calling the shots at #Binance.
Either way, both Hai and Zhao appear to work for the CCP.

#China’s ‘unrestricted warfare’ doctrine includes economic warfare, in addition to lawfare, network warfare (financial, transportation, communication, power grid), technological warfare, terrorism, biological warfare, information warfare (propaganda), cyberwarfare, and election cyberwarfare.

The extensive list of Binance executive appointments held by Helen Hai include the Senior Vice President of Binance, Binance Head of Global Fiat Exchange, Binance Head of Africa (until September 2022), and Binance Head of NFT & Fan Token (until October 2022). Additionally, Hai previously held the positions of Binance Head of #Europe and #UK and Binance Head for M&A.

Hai earned an executive MBA from Xi Jinping’s alma mater Tsingua University, where President Barack Hussein Obama’s former ‘Depopulation’ Science Tsar John P. Holdren was appointed Distinguished Visiting Professor. Holdren advised the US government to lift the ban on gain of function research eleven days before President Trump’s inauguration.
Enter Klaus Schwab’s #WEF
Helen Hai was a World Economic Forum (WEF) Young #Global #Leader, and the World Economic Forum Co-chair of #Future council of #Consumption, according to Hai’s LinkedIn profile.

“Linda Fried, the aunt of Bankman-Fried, is the dean of Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and a co-chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on the Future of Human Enhancement,” The Daily Wire reported on November 18, 2022.


Jiang Zemin: An die Spitze dank der Tiananmen-Krise | DW | 30.11.2022

Chinas ehemaliger Präsident Jiang Zemin ist tot. Unter seiner Regierung wuchs die Wirtschaft rasant, politische Freiheiten lehnte er ab. Dabei wäre er ohne die chinesische Demokratiebewegung wohl nie ganz oben angelangt.#JiangZemin #China #Nachruf
Jiang Zemin: An die Spitze dank der Tiananmen-Krise | DW | 30.11.2022


An die Spitze dank der Tiananmen-Krise - Nachruf auf Jiang Zemin | DW | 30.11.2022

Chinas ehemaliger Präsident Jiang Zemin ist tot. Unter seiner Regierung wuchs die Wirtschaft rasant, politische Freiheiten lehnte er ab. Dabei wäre er ohne die chinesische Demokratiebewegung wohl nie ganz oben angelangt.#JiangZemin #China #Nachruf
An die Spitze dank der Tiananmen-Krise - Nachruf auf Jiang Zemin | DW | 30.11.2022


#Foxconn apologizes for #wage #dispute that sparked violent protests at Chinese #iPhone #factory

source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/foxconn-apologizes-violent-protests-apple-iphone-factory-china/

Videos shared on social media earlier this week appeared to show one particularly large demonstration involving thousands of people in #Zhengzhou, wearing masks and facing rows of #police officers wearing protective suits and holding riot shields. Police kicked and hit a protester with clubs after the person grabbed hold of a metal pole that was being used to strike him. Witnesses also said that employees at the iPhone factory were beaten and detained amid the protests.

#China #protest #Apple #economy #HumanRights #labour #work #politics #news #violence


Ending Primacy to End U.S. Wars


The United States must reconceive its fundamental commitment to primacy and recognize that, in the emergent multipolar world, it can no longer dictate terms in its relations with others as it has in the past.

This insight provides guidance for how to navigate current U.S.–China tensions. The United States and China will be on a collision course if U.S. policy is driven by a desire to sustain primacy in East Asia. U.S. and Chinese leaders must accept that neither country can dominate the other and that #mutual #recognition is #essential if we are to avoid a disastrous, potentially nuclear war.

#quincy-brief #danielbessner #primacy #us #wars #intervention #gulf-war #hegemony #asia #china