

Concerns about Wikipedia

I have been concerned about political articles on #Wikipedia and how they effect people reading them

From what i've seen the #bias in them is so obvious and common that i don't put any value in what they say at this point and i've stopped reading them. (In areas that are not connected with politics or economic interests i sometimes use Wikipedia though)

In my view wikipedia
* reflects #corporate/mainstream #western #narratives and #propaganda (which comes with problems described by #Chomsky and #Herman in their work on the #PropagandaModel)
* uses language that mixes #facts and #evaluations (ex using the term "conspiracy theory"), and in that way communicates to the user what they "should" believe

(The first issue is something that you would see in a normal encyclopedia, but the second issue is unique to Wikipedia in my experience. A normal #encyclopedia would be more objective in their descriptions)



The #Maine #Coon #cat is one super-sized, super-cool kitty! Here are 8 pawesome facts about this loveable breed:
enter image description here
That luscious, long fur isn't just for looks - it protects them from cold winters and water due to their history as mousers on ships and farms!
Main Coons can grow up to 4 feet long - making them the largest domesticated cat breed! 😲
Their water-resistant coats and big paws made them great rodent hunters back in the day. The best mousers in town! 🐭
Those adorable tufted ears and lion-like ruff help Main Coons survive harsh northeastern US winters. Fuzzy warm! ☃️
Main Coons are known for their intelligence, friendliness, and chatty voices. They love to converse with humans! 🗣
Legend says they're the descendants of cats belonging to Marie Antoinette. Fancy meow-yalty! 👑
Male Main Coons can reach up to 15-25 pounds in size! But all that fluff makes them look even bigger. 💪
The breed's name comes from the northeastern state of Maine, where they were popular on farms and ships.
#caturday #facts


There’s something to be said here about the analytic model that prevails in our time - there’s a machine that instantly springs to life, taking in rumors and partial information in an environment of extreme uncertainty and spitting out formulaic results that match #ideological presuppositions. #Information is not evaluated neutrally, but forced through a cognitive filter that assigns it meaning in light of predetermined conclusions. #Russia is supposed to collapse and undergo regime change (Fukuyama said so) - therefore, #Prigozhin’s actions had to be framed in reference to this assumed endgame.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, we saw some similar measure of aggressive model-fitting from “Trust the Plan” Russia supporters, who were confident that the #Wagner uprising was just an act - an elaborate ruse concocted in concert by Prigozhin and #Putin to fool Russia’s enemies and advance the plan. The analytic error here is the same - information is parsed only for the purpose of buttressing and advancing a pre-concluded endgame; except it is Russian omnicompetence which is assumed instead of Russian state collapse.

#news #facts #propaganda #wishes #manipulation #believe


Media: One Side "Says" - The Other "Provides No Evidence"

The recent reporting on the conflict in Ukraine in 'western' media has reveled a deceiving scheme in which baseless claims from Kiev are taken for granted while everything Moscow says, even when based on facts, is put into doubt.

However, East or West are telling stories.
The Complete Defeat Of The Ukrainian-NATO Forces.
The title is not valid, because even though the Ukrainian Forces had loses, they are not completely defeated.
The first 18 min of the video give an overview about the fighting and destruction along the frontline, showing a lot of photos and videos.
The last minute of that report talks about a missile attack on the Ukraine and its response to that. There is no video confirmation of that missile attack, I wonder why it was placed at the end of that video?

The missile attack on the children camp is briefly reported by Tass.

#facts #evidence #proof #truth #propaganda


i know, #antisemites dont care about #historical #facts but
Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

is much more accurate then the alternative facts
Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

but if you object with historical facts, you get blocked
#Israel #Palestine #cancer #colonizing #capitalism #genocide

ps calling "jews" "cancer" is very classical antisemitism, not to mention the "colonizing"/"genocide" bullshit, get a damn history book!

ppps und so n vollpfosten wie birne teilt sowas auch noch vollfröhlich


Information that was fact in the past has since transpired to be falsehood in the present. Some of today's facts will be the falsehoods of the future. A fact is very strong evidence that supports a particular assertion, interpretation or observation logically & consistent with the current schema of understanding.

Facts can be true & can be false but truth is always true. Many facts of the past were considered true by the people of the past, but have since transpired to be completely or partially false. We must always keep in mind the epistemological limitations of knowledge and the influence of time on information deemed factual.

#information #fact #past #falsehood #facts #future #evidence #understanding #truth #people #epistemology #knowledge #time #informationera


enter image description here
10 #Facts About #Baby #Panthers
Baby Panthers Are Born Blind
Panthers can’t see a thing at birth! Although they are apex predators, panther cubs are born completely helpless, with their eyes closed. This blindness lasts for 10-14 days. After this, the cubs’ eyes open. Before they gain their sight, the cubs rely on their keen sense of smell to locate their mother. Ironically, once they reach adulthood, panthers have incredibly sharp eyesight.
Newborn Panthers Don’t Eat Meat
They drink milk from their mother like any other mammal until they reach three to four months of age. Then their mother begins introducing scraps of meat to their diet. Eventually, panther cubs learn how to hunt for themselves and become the apex predators they were born to be.
Baby Panthers’ Eyes Change Color
Baby panthers often start life like many other felines: with astonishingly blue eyes. Over time, panthers develop their signature golden or emerald green eyes. As nocturnal creatures, they typically hunt at night, an apt choice for dark-furred predators. Their eyes are well-suited to the darkness, though they also rely on their incomparable sense of smell to locate prey.
Baby Panthers Enjoy Swimming
Baby panthers are able to swim and, in some cases, even enjoy it. This comes as no surprise, given that both leopards and jaguars are capable swimmers. Being able to navigate the water is a useful adaptation in the tropical rainforests, woodlands, and swamplands panthers call home.
Young Panther Cubs Don’t Hunt With Their Mother
Until the age of four months or so, baby panthers are too small and inexperienced to hunt with their mother. This means she has to leave them behind in the den while she goes out in search of food, sometimes for days. During this time, they are incredibly vulnerable to attacks from predators like lions, hyenas, and large birds of prey.
Baby Panthers Practice Hunting
They learn this by “hunting” inanimate objects like leaves, twigs, and rocks. They also engage in vigorous horseplay with their siblings. When their mother deems them ready to accompany her on a real hunt, she has them practice with small animals like rabbits. By the age of 10-12 months, most young panthers can bring down mid-sized prey like warthogs.
Baby Panthers Live In Nurseries
Panther mothers keep their babies in nurseries, a special type of den that protects them from predation and other threats. Lucky observers may catch a glimpse of a panther, leopard, or jaguar carrying their cubs from nursery to nursery, changing location every two to three days to throw off predators.
Young Panthers Remain With Their Mothers for up to Two Years
Despite being solitary creatures by nature, baby panthers stay with their mothers for as long as one and a half to two years after birth. During this time, they sharpen their survival techniques and prepare to seek out mates.

Like other leopards and jaguars, panthers confine themselves to ranges, areas they mark out as their own territories. Young panthers eventually leave their mothers to establish their own ranges. During this transition time, they may move in and out of their mother’s range as they grow accustomed to life on their own.
Panther Babies Are Black Due to an Excess of Pigment
Panthers are not a separate species; rather, they are a melanistic color variant of big cat species in the Panthera genus. This means that baby panthers have a high concentration of melanin, a pigment responsible for dark coloration in animals. Panthers may be black leopards (Panthera pardus) or black jaguars (Panthera onca). So panther cubs are really leopard or jaguar cubs, just with unusual black fur. The distinctive leopard and jaguar rosettes (spots) may still be present in panther cubs, but they are almost impossible to see against their black fur.
Some Baby Panthers Are Born To Spotted Parents
Because panthers aren’t a separate species, panther cubs are often born to parents who don’t look like them. They gain their dark coloration from their parents’ genes, which are either recessive or dominant. In leopards, the dark mutation is the result of recessive genes. Therefore, spotted parents who both have the recessive gene may produce black offspring. In jaguars, however, the mutation is the result of dominant genes. A black jaguar can give birth to both black and spotted cubs. A spotted jaguar, on the other hand, can only produce spotted cubs.


Mathematically undeniable evidence is not "antisemitic." It's legitimate to identify connections & form hypotheses based on available evidence.

Free speech exists to protect all speech. This includes unpopular, fringe &/or offensive speech.

Free speech is protected by English Common Law, the US Constitution & is a fundamental human right that will be upheld by any society that characterises itself as free.

There are no privileged group rights. Only the Monarch has supralegal rights.

#ukparliament #rishisunak #covid #mrna #jews #jewish #antisemitism #mathematics #facts #freespeech #conspiricytheory #anthropology #etymology #history #law #humanrights #crime
