

#Kino #Cinema #Köln #JulianAssange #FreeAssange #WikiLeaks #FreePress

Samstag 21.1.2023 - 20 Uhr
Free Julian Assange

Plakat zur Veranstaltung: Free Julian Assange &<br>ITHAKA

USA 2021 - OmU - 106 Min. - digital
Buch & Regie Ben Lawrence
Kamera Niels Ladefoged
Musik Brian Eno
Mit Stella Morris, John Pilger, John Shipton, Ai Weiwei, Vivienne Westwood


Eine Veranstaltung von #Filmclub 813, #FreeAssange #Köln, Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft - Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen e.V. (DFG-VK) Gruppe Köln und Amnesty International e.V. Bezirk Köln

Kölner Premiere mit Diskussion und begleitendem Kunstprojekt Belmarsh Live

Sonderveranstaltung – Reservierung unter reservierung@filmclub813.de

"ACHTUNG: zur Zeit haben wir 90 Reservierungen (Stand: 18.1.2023) – verfügbare Plätze: 170" #Kino


The Chris Hedges Report podcast with Kevin Gosztola on Julian Assange and the End of Press Freedom


The legal action against #JulianAssange is poised to culminate in a #trial in the United States in 2023, and this book will help the #public understand the proceedings.

This new #book by #KevinGosztola, (2/21/2023) who has spent the last decade covering #Assange, #WikiLeaks, and the wider #war on #whistleblowers, tells the full story based on #testimony from dozens of witnesses. It examines #abuses-of-power by the #CIA and the #FBI, including a #spying operation that targeted Assange's #family, #lawyers, and #doctors. It outlines how WikiLeaks exposed the reality of American #wars, the #US #government's #unprecedented #indictment against Assange as a #publisher, and the #media's role in persuading the #public to " #shoot-the-messenger." #Guilty-of-Journalism offers a #balanced and #comprehensive #perspective on all the events leading up to what #press-freedom advocates have called the #trial-of-the-century.

#chrishedges #podcast #journalism #freepress #freespeech #politics #freeassange #weareallassange


This article, published in April 2021, tears the cover off the lies told about Julian #Assange, but few can shake off the disinformation they've absorbed from major media sources.

What made a Special Rapporteur on Torture work on the Assange case and write a book on it?

“When Julian Assange was still at the embassy in December 2018, his legal team actually reached out to my office. I remember it was just before Christmas, I saw this message pop up on my screen and I swiped it away immediately. I had this intuitive reaction: what does that guy want? He’s a rapist, a narcissist, a hacker, this isn’t serious, so I just discarded it. I have around 15 requests per day, and I can do one, it’s very routine for me to decide quickly, but I remember those negative emotions I had, that I usually don’t have.

Three months later his lawyers came back to me in March 2019, and they also sent me Dr. Sondra Crosby’s medical assessment. And I knew Dr. Crosby was a big name as an independent medical expert, who was not associated with Assange activists. I read these objective assessments by Dr. Crosby, by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, I also read an article by James Goodale the Pentagon Papers man. I realised that I had strong prejudices against Assange, even though it’s my profession as a Human Rights expert to be objective. I started investigating further, scratching the surface of this case. The deeper I got into the case, the more dirt and contradictions came to the light. I also knew that I could not rely on information in the media and in the press, because that’s precisely the source that had deceived me in the first place. To be objective, I had to go visit him in prison, and, to be sure, I took not one medical doctor, but even two medical doctors with me, who are independent from each other and are not employed by the UN; they work as external experts for the International Criminal Court, the International Committee of the Red Cross and so on.

We spent 4 hours with Julian Assange, I spoke to him for one hour, and the forensic expert had one hour for a physical examination, and the psychiatrist did a two-hour psychiatric examination. Each medical examination was done separately from the other, so they wouldn’t influence each other. All three of us at the end compared our conclusions and agreed that he showed all the signs that are typical of victims of psychological torture. I must admit that I didn’t expect such a clear result.

#uk #us #sweden #hypocrisy #corruption #freepress #journalism #torture #wikileaks #julianassange



The President and the Press ~ April 27, 1961


WikiLeaks 'tweets' Kennedy speech on secrecy in 2010:

"The very word ' #secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our #traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official #censorship and #concealment."

#president #jfk #johnfkennedy #address #press #american-newspaper-publishers-association #27april1961 #history #speech #audio #transcript #news #freespeech #freepress #firstamendment #secrecy #wikileaks #julianassange


A late entry for Hypocrite of the Year


"No member of the #press should be #threatened, #harassed, #attacked, #arrested, or #killed for #doing-their-job. On the #International-Day-to-End-Impunity-for-Crimes-Against-Journalists, we #vow to continue #protecting and #promoting the #rights of a #freepress and the #safety of #journalists." ~ #antonyblinken #quote

#julianassange #secantonyblinken #hypocrite #freeassange #freespeech #wikileaks #journalism #weareallasange #dropthecharges