

The amazing helicopter on Mars, Ingenuity, will fly no more

Ingenuity has spent more than two hours flying above Mars since April 2021.

Something has gone wrong with NASA's Ingenuity helicopter on the surface of Mars. Although the US space agency has not made any public announcements yet, a source told Ars that the plucky flying vehicle had an accident on its last flight and broke one of its blades. It will not fly anymore. (Shortly after this article was published, NASA confirmed the end of Ingenuity's mission).

When it launched to Mars more than three years ago, the small Ingenuity helicopter was an experimental mission, a challenge to NASA engineers to see if they could devise and build a vehicle that could make a powered flight on another world.

This was especially difficulty on Mars, which has a very thin atmosphere, with a pressure of less than 1 percent that of Earth's. The solution they landed on was a very light 4-lb helicopter with four blades. It was hoped that Ingenuity would make a handful of flights and provide NASA with some valuable testing data.

But it turns out that Ingenuity had other ideas. Since its deployment from the Perseverance rover in April 2021, the helicopter has flown a staggering 72 flights. It has spent more than two hours—128.3 minutes, to be precise—flying through the thin Martian air. Over that time, it flew 11 miles, or 17 km, performing invaluable scouting and scientific investigations. It has been a huge win for NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, one of the greatest spaceflight stories of this decade.

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#Ingenuity #NASA #Mars #helicoptor #Perseverance #space #science #engineering #innovation #ArsTechnica


Macht Knappheit erfinderisch? Wie hängen Innovation und Produktivitätswachstum zusammen? Und welches Marktdesign braucht eine grüne Wasserstoffwirtschaft? Unser Host Thomas Ramge spricht mit der Ökonomin und Wirtschaftsweisen Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm. 🎙️#Produktivität #Erfindungsreichtum #Innovation #VeronikaGrimm #Wirtschaftsweise #Produktivitätswachstum #ITTech
SPRIND: #70 Veronika Grimm


Sa maison est en carton...

À Brest, des maisons en carton sont en train de voir le jour. De futurs logements sociaux solides et durables. La structure, une ossature bois, est sur pilotis, il n’y a pas de béton entre le sol et la maison. Tout le reste, plancher, toiture, murs, cloisons, est fait en carton recyclé. Ce sont des blocs constitués de feuilles de carton assemblées et séparées par des alvéoles d’air.
— "On n'a pas l'impression de taper dans un mur qui va s'effriter. C'est un produit très dense, 93 kilos par mètre cube, c'est pour ça que c'est aussi un bon isolant thermique, acoustique et phonique, parce qu'il est lourd. Il y a dix ans, on me prenait pour un fou, avec une grosse dose d'utopie. On a une maison à Belle-île-en-mer, où les vents vont jusqu'à 200 km/h, rien ne bouge depuis dix ans".

#Bretagne #bâtiment #construction #innovation #développement-durable


In a groundbreaking development, researchers have announced a revolutionary breakthrough in #renewable #energy #storage that could reshape the future of sustainable power sources. The #innovation, dubbed "EcoCell," promises to overcome the longstanding challenges of storing renewable energy efficiently and affordably.

#EcoCell employs an advanced nanomaterial matrix, engineered to optimize energy absorption and retention. This matrix enables unprecedented energy density, allowing for significantly longer storage durations without significant loss. Furthermore, the design incorporates a self-regulating thermal management system, ensuring stable operation even under extreme temperature conditions.

Dr. Emily Rodriguez, lead scientist on the project, expressed her excitement: "EcoCell represents a leap forward in energy storage #technology. With its ability to store vast amounts of renewable energy, we could eliminate the intermittent nature of sources like solar and wind power. This could have a profound impact on global energy distribution, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels."

The implications of this discovery are far-reaching. By addressing energy storage limitations, EcoCell could accelerate the adoption of renewable energy on a global scale, significantly reducing carbon #emissions. While practical applications are still in the testing phase, #industry experts are optimistic that this breakthrough will reshape the landscape of sustainable energy production, bringing us closer to a greener and more sustainable future.


Breakthrough EV battery pack could last 2 million kms, or 130 years of average driving, with 1,000km range: Goes into mass production 2024

These incredibly high cycle numbers mean the battery could essentially last 2 million km before it starts to deteriorate. To put that into context, the average Australian car travels around 15,000 km per year so it would take 130 years worth of average driving to reach 2 million km mark.

Gotion High-Tech says the battery single-cell density is 240Wh/kg and that improvements in pack design have increased overall battery pack energy density to a point where 1000km range pack is possible with the highly durable chemistry.

Well, this does take EV batteries up to a new level not seen before. If that 18-minute fast charging is also true, then this is pretty well much the watershed moment for EV batteries.

See https://thedriven.io/2023/05/24/breakthrough-ev-battery-pack-could-last-2-million-kms-or-130-years-of-average-driving
#Blog, #environment, #EV, #innovation, #technology