

Pearson’s #correlation coefficient is the #test that measures the #statistical relationship between two continuous #variables. It is known as the best method of measuring the #association between variables because it is based on the #covariance #method. The PCC gives #information about the #magnitude of the correlation as well as the direction of the #relationship.

If the #coefficient value lies between ±0.50 & ±1, then it is said to be a #strong correlation.

If the #value lies between ±0.30 & ±0.49, then it is said to be a #medium correlation.

If the value #lies below +0.29, then it is said to be a #small correlation.



Why do the media continue to protect Trump, endangering the rest of us?
(That's a rhetorical question, of course. Most of the media are participants in/supporters of the plutocracy. This article presents a concrete implication of that fact.)

Donald Trump is unraveling, and the media is covering it up

#Media #Trump #Lies





• Despite the common refrain in the media, there is no evidence that a gradually warming planet is affecting the frequency or intensity of hurricanes, storms, droughts, rainfall, or other weather events. The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has expressed low confidence such weather events can be linked to human activities. Still, “it is a fertile field for cherry pickers,” notes Pielke.

• Extreme weather events, such as wildfires and flooding, are not claiming more human lives than previously. The human death toll is largely caused by cold weather, which accounts for eight times as many deaths as hot weather, and overall weather-related mortality has fallen by about 99% in the past century. “People are safer from climate-related disasters than ever before,” statistician and author Bjørn Lomborg has said.

• Climate science has been hijacked and politicized by activists, creating a culture of self-censorship that’s enforced by a code of silence that Koonin likens to the Mafia’s omerta. In her 2023 book, “Climate Uncertainty and Risk,” climatologist Judith Curry asks: “How many skeptical papers were not published by activist editorial boards? How many published papers have buried results in order to avoid highlighting findings that conflict with preferred narratives? I am aware of anecdotal examples of each of these actions, but the total number is unknowable.”

• Slogans such as “follow the science” and “scientific consensus” are misleading and disingenuous. There is no consensus on many key questions, such as the urgency to cease and desist burning fossil fuels, or the accuracy of computer modeling predictions of future global temperatures. The apparent consensus of imminent disaster is manufactured through peer pressure, intimidation, and research funding priorities, based on the conviction that “noble lies,” “consensus entrepreneurship,” and “stealth advocacy” are necessary to save humanity from itself. “One day PhD dissertations will be written about our current moment of apocalyptic panic,” Pielke predicts.

• The warming of the planet is a complicated phenomenon that will cause some disruptions but will also bring benefits, particularly in agricultural yields and increased vegetation. Some climate skeptics, including the CO2 Coalition, say CO2 is not a pollutant – it is “plant food.”



#globalwarming #lies


The Satanic Essence of Globalism

The #Archbishop explains the nature of modern Babelism and why it seeks to #erase every aspect of #Christianity from #society:

The essence of #globalism is #satanic, and the essence of #Satanism is #globalist. Because #Satan’s plan is to establish the #reign of the #Antichrist, allowing him to parody #Christ’s earthly life, to imitate His miracles with grotesque wonders, to lead crowds not with the simplicity of #Truth but with #deception and #lies. Globalism is, so to speak, the staging, the script and the scenario that must prepare humanity for the political ascent of the Antichrist, to whom the leaders of the world – his servants – will cede #national #sovereignty so that he becomes a kind of global tyrant.

But the kingdom of the Antichrist is not created out of nothing: it is first necessary to erase what remains of the kingdom of Christ in the institutions, in the culture and in the daily life of the citizens. Moral dissolution is one of the simplest means of subjugating the masses, encouraging them to vice, ridiculing virtue; and, of course, by destroying the natural family, the fundamental cell of society. Once the family is demolished, the children become commodities, products that those with money can order over the Internet, fuelling the vast and growing criminal network, not to mention the surrogacy industry. #Divorce, #abortion, #euthanasia, #homosexuality and #pansexualism, #mutilation for #gender #transition have proven to be effective tools for eliminating not only the revealed #Faith, but also the most sacred principles of #NaturalLaw.

And it is indeed a #religion, the one that is being established with the #Woke ideology; a religion which, like the true Religion but with diametrically opposed goals, intends to impose itself in society, to imbue its #dogmas into the #institutions, the #laws, the #education, the #culture, the #arts and human activities. The globalists apply the Catholic principles of “social kingship,” but proclaim Satan king of society: Te nationum præsides honore tollant publico: colant magistri, judices; leges et artes exprimant. May the rulers of the world publicly honour and extol Thee; May teachers and judges reverence Thee; May the laws and the arts bear Thy mark. These are the words of the hymn of Christ the King, but we see them applied blasphemously by the priests of the #NewWorldOrder to their king, the prince of this world, and to the Antichrist in his time.

Beware though: globalism, as an emanation of #Masonic and revolutionary thought, apparently proclaims #democracy and condemns #absolute regimes; but in fact, it knows very well that the #Monarchy of #DivineRight is the best possible form of government, because it subjugates everyone – including the king himself, who is the #Vicar of Christ in temporal things – to a #transcendent law to which everyone owes #obedience.

It’s a hard thing for many #Americans to accept that the revolutionary concepts of #freedom and #liberty and #equality around which the original #Republic was founded were #evil #philosophical #seeds planted during the #Enlightenment. But the #wicked #nature of their fruits, and the #bitter #harvest they have entailed, can hardly be denied.


When Are We All Finally Going to Stop Living in Fear?

Back in the 1950s, this psychology professor at Swarthmore had an idea. He wondered just how powerful peer pressure was.

So he rounded up 123 students.

They were male.

He put them in groups of five or seven. He told one dude in every group he was conducting vision tests. He told the rest of the group he was really studying peer pressure. He told them all to give the right answer the first two times. After that, they were supposed to give the same wrong answer for almost every question. The wrong answer wasn't just a little wrong.

It was obviously wrong.

Epically wrong.

The professor expected the one dude to hold his ground most of the time, that he wouldn't conform. The professor was wrong. Only about 25 percent of his test subjects resisted the urge to conform. About a third of them conformed almost all of the time, and 5 percent conformed completely.


#fear #PeerPressure #academic #CriticalThinking #society #social #pressure #facts #lies #OKdoomer #independence #freedom #psychology


Russia lied about ship inspection in Black Sea

Note: The image displayed is independent from this article. The map image shows the track of the cargo ship during and after the alleged event. The speed of the Sukru Okan remained between 7.2 and 9.8 knots during the displayed track. The track will be available for a few days after which it will only be available to those with a paid account at #MarineTraffic Ref: https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:29.8/centery:44.7/zoom:9

InformNapalm, a Ukrainian open-source intelligence outfit, reported on Aug. 13 that the Russian authorities had lied about a Russian ship firing warning shots in the Black Sea earlier on the same day.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported on Aug. 13 that Vasily Bykov, a Russian patrol boat, had fired warning shots after the captain of the Palau-flagged cargo ship #SukruOkan failed to respond to a request to inspect the vessel.

According to InformNapalm, the ministry also lied about the successful inspection of the vessel.

“Sukru Okan did not comply with the demand to stop, but temporarily changed its course in the direction of Turkish territorial waters,” the report reads. “There was no helicopter and no warning shots either. There were only threats from the Russians over the radio.”


#RussiaInvadedUkraine #BlackSea #RussianPropaganda #InformationWarfare #blockade #GrainExport #lies #propaganda #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine


When science is beholden to capitalism

GPT4, after additional training, forgets about prime numbers

This happened because GPT is a hack. It's not artificial intelligence. It's nothing but brute force memorization of language corpora. It does nothing more than repeat what people have said. And people have said lots of stupid shit.

At one point (i.e., earlier this year), this approach seemed promising. Everyone was singing GPT's praises. Except for some of us.

At one point, it seemed that GPT even knew some impressive things, such as very large prime numbers. "Could it be that GPT is truly intelligent?," some intelligent and well-informed people asked.

"Could it be that it's just memorizing shit people have said?," other intelligent and well-informed people asked? "And could it be that its performance is simply a function of its training?," those same intelligent an informed people asked. "Could it be that GPT is nothing more than a very expensive look-up table," those people asked, "devoid of any actual intelligence?"

Those people, among whom I count myself, appear to be right:

FTA: When OpenAI released its latest text-generating artificial intelligence, the large language model GPT-4, in March, it was very good at identifying prime numbers. When the AI was given a series of 500 such numbers and asked whether they were primes, it correctly labeled them 97.6 percent of the time. But a few months later, in June, the same test yielded very different results. GPT-4 only correctly labeled 2.4 percent of the prime numbers AI researchers prompted it with—a complete reversal in apparent accuracy. The finding underscores the complexity of large artificial intelligence models: instead of AI uniformly improving at every task on a straight trajectory, the reality is much more like a winding road full of speed bumps and detours.

GPT isn't intelligent, folks.

It's nothing but an exercise in brute-force AI. How much can lots of money, computer power, energy, and greenhouse emissions accomplish without any intelligent thought behind it?

GPT is mindless capitalism meets mindless engineering.

It is worse than a waste of time because people in power take it seriously. It is a danger, not because it's actually smart, but because people in power trust it.

As a statistical engine, it is nothing more than a reinforcement of our existing biases. Don't trust a single lying motherfucker who tries to tell you otherwise.

#AI #GPT #Intelligence #Lies



In addition, Western propaganda has come out with so many egregious #lies, that anything they claim has to be viewed critically.

Just Google “Russia” and “war crimes”— you will get no less than 130,000,000 results. Now look at this list. You will see multiple entries, using almost identical phrasing, indicating the same sources.

Now Google “UAF war crimes”. 234,000 results.

Yet, while there is almost no hard #evidence of Russian war crimes, there is more than enough of UAF crimes. 15,000 dead in Eastern Ukraine testify to that. Not to mention the well-documented shelling of civilian sites, in addition to random #atrocities such as #rape and #murder and, of course, numerous Ukrainian videos of the #mutilation and #execution of POWs.

#Bucha massacre”? A miniscule 1,160,000 results. Yet all the photos showed fresh bodies who apparently remained fresh for 3 weeks. Those chicken cutlets in my fridge go bad in about a week. But they don’t have white arm bands, indicating they are Russian chickens.

We must assume the laws of Nature are different for Russians. Not to mention basic psychology.

The Western #Media would have us believe the Russians are self-destructive. Massacring their own. Blowing up their own pipelines. Attacking their own nuclear power plants, shelling their own hospitals, schools, and shopping centers.

Again, this is not to say that individual Russians or Wagnerites have NOT done some bad stuff— just as American and Brit soldiers did in WWII — just not on the same scale as the UkroNazis. Don’t #believe what you read uncritically.

I didn't give the source. I wonder if the text can be googled. Yes, it can be found!
#media #ukraine #russia #google #war-crimes


Go George!

Bigly #truth here... "It is what it is!"
As seen by #GQP insider George Conway...

'Sociopathic criminal' Trump committed 'multiple felonies' on tape

"He's saying he doesn't have the cookie jar. You put the cookies there. The jar is mine. The cookies are mine. The story changes from moment to moment to moment.

It's like the narcissist's prayer, which is, if I did it, I didn't do it. if I did it, you made me do it. It was okay anyway. "

#GeorgeConway #TrumpVirus #criminal #sociopathic #psychopathology #felonies #narcissist #lies #truth #justice