

Once #Russia withdraws, I expect NATO to withdraw too. Moving the pieces around is OK & providing Ukraine with DEFENSIVE hardware & training is OK, but as Russia concludes its "military exercises" NATO must mirror this by concluding its own "military exercises" & draw down.

#Ukraine has a large #military of its own, but it lacks the more sophisticated #weaponry of #NATO. Leaving it with high-tech defensive hardware & #training in its use will improve Ukraine's theoretical #defensive capability & therefore increase confidence in the #West in Ukraine's ability to #defend itself without requiring any significant #Western #intervention.

Any #persecution of ethnic Russians in Ukraine must stop now.



Employers in denial over success of digital skills training, say exasperated staffers in 4 First World Countries

The report is the result of two surveys taking in over 2,000 managers and more than 4,000 employees across the US, UK, France, and Germany. It found that 59 per cent of employers state that not having enough skilled employees is having a major or moderate impact on their business.

I can imagine the impact is surely even greater in 3rd World Countries, unless miraculously the digital training is far better in 3rd World Countries… My opinion (no facts) is possibly that external consultants “sell” transformational improvements to managers (who don’t fully understand these themselves), and employees have to grapple at the coal-face with the changes. I’ve similarly seen external turnaround strategists coming in, and disrupting working processes, which end up destabilising a company. Sometimes solid incremental improvements can be better for many companies.

See https://www.theregister.com/2022/01/25/employers_in_denial_over_success/

#technology #digitaltransformation #skills #training
#Blog, ##digitaltransformation, ##skills, ##technology, ##training


Spannende einblicke in die maschinerie und maschinisten ausbildung von einem ausbilder bei der deutschen berufsfeuerwehr in NRW:

Tankfüllstutzen vs Sammelstück

Bin grad erst zufällig über den kanal gestolpert... Durchaus interessanter kontent. ;)

#Feuerwehr #Berufsfeuerwehr #Freiwillige-Feuerwehr #Maschinen #Maschinist #Pumpe #Fahrzeuge #randomshit ;)
#german #professional #fire #fighters #engines #pumps #training #vehicles #randomshit ;)

.oO( Scotty ́s Maschinisten Channel ;) )



Transforming Biodegradable Waste, Integrating Plant and Animal Systems,
Deindustrializing Agriculture, Reducing Carbon Emissions, Sequestering
Carbon, Decommodifying Foodand Restoring Biodiversity

"This essay has seven major themes, as its title indicates. Small farmers transform
#biodegradable #waste at the highest possible level, they closely integrate plant and
animal #systems, and they #deindustrialize the production of #food. These three
strategies allow them to play a major role in reducing #carbon #emissions and in
sequestering carbon. Furthermore, small #farmers participate in #social enterprises
that share and integrate waste #resources and waste #technologies, that provide
#education and #training, and that take care of all aspects of selling to #consumers.
With all of these elements in place, small farmers are able to #decommodify the sale
of food. Food is not just another commodity to be traded in the #global #marketplace.
The market value of food should never be allowed to override broader issues relating
to food #safety, food #security, food #justice, food #sovereignty, #income #inequality, the
#health of the #environment and the #biodiversity of our #planet. [...]"

By Dr. Paul Olivier
May 25, 2017
1-337-447-4124 (rings in Vietnam)
#EPWT-website: Empowering the Poor trough Waste Transformation

Essay: Transforming Biodegradable Waste, Integrating Plant and Animal Systems,
Deindustrializing Agriculture, Reducing Carbon Emissions, Sequestering
Carbon, Decommodifying Foodand Restoring Biodiversity

"Small Farmers", ppt: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22013094/Paper/Presentations/Meme/Small%20Farmers.ppsx

#permakultur #welthunger #nahrungsmittelsicherheit #bio #biolandbau #umweltschutz #deindustrialisierung #co2 #emissionen #kleingärtner #bauern #landwirtschaft #biodiversität #planeterde #entwicklungshilfe #NGO #regierung #WHO #UN #agrarbusiness #Gesundheit #Sicherheit #nachhaltig #entwicklung

Thank you for supporting Paul Olivier!
Who can make this availiable to some government agencies or NGOs?

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