

#Google Had Secret #Project to ‘Convince’ #Employees ‘That #Unions Suck’

source: https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7d7j9/google-had-secret-project-to-convince-employees-that-unions-suck

Google’s director of #employment #law, Michael Pfyl, described Project #Vivian as an initiative “to engage employees more positively and convince them that unions suck.”

I think with too much #power and #wealth, the words: "Don't be #evil!" lose their meaning and are interpreted in the opposite way.

#Technology #SiliconValley #Ethics #Moral #economy #Union #employee #fail #problem #politics #news #USA


There is a real popular #uprising in #Kazakhstan now, and from the very beginning the protests were of a social and class nature, since the doubling of the cost of liquefied gas on the stock exchange was only the last drop in the overflowing cup of patience. After all, the performances began just the same in #Zhanaozen on the initiative of oil workers, which became a kind of political headquarters of the entire #protest movement.
And the dynamics of this movement is indicative, since it began as a social protest, then it began to expand, and labor collectives used rallies to put up their demands for a 100% increase in wages, cancellation of optimization results, improvement of working conditions and freedom of trade #union activity. As a result, on January 3, the entire Mangystau region was engulfed in a general #strike, which spread to the neighboring #Atyrau region.

http://socialismkz.info/?p=26810 #repression #tokayev


Man muss der Frau doch erst mal die Zeit geben ihr #Handy zu löschen wie es die kriminelle Tradition in der #Union ist ...

siehe: https://fragdenstaat.de/blog/2021/12/20/keine-sicherungsanordnung-was-passiert-mit-merkels-sms/

Wenn es um Transparenz in der Demokratie geht, damit Historiker einmal den ganzen Sumpf aufarbeiten können ist Deutschland leider nur ein finsterer Bananenstaat. Weder die Akten werden ordentlich geführt noch elektronische Spuren vernünftig archiviert.

#Justiz #Freiheit #Transparenz #Demokratie #Politik #Kanzlerin #Merkel #SMS #Geschichte #Problem



This #Generation continues to #Surprise and #Inspire: City University Student Union (CSU) Passes Motion Favouring BDS

Friends of #Palestine said: “The Friends of Palestine society is proud to announce that the #motion calling for #Boycott, #Divestment and #Sanctions ( #BDS ) has been passed during the #Students Members’ Meeting (AGM). We are indebted to our #allies who attended, #voted and championed our motion. Today is a #victory for the #Palestinian cause and for the BDS #movement."

“Now that the #BDS movement is included in the ‘#DecoloniseCity’ campaign, the Friends of Palestine society will work with the #University and the #Union to initiate an #investigation into its involvement with #companies complicit in #Israel’s #illegal actions within #internationallaw."

#AntiZionism #Activism #HigherEd #KulturKampf #SapereAude #Arya #Aryanism #Heroes #Youth


#GreatReset : le " #monde d'après" est un #cauchemar - #Politique & Eco n°320 avec Marc-Gabriel Draghi

"Beaucoup se demandent quand les choses reviendront à la normale. La réponse est courte : jamais". Voilà comment le #président du #Forum #économique #mondial, #KlausSchwab, a présenté le fameux " #mondedaprès" dont tout le monde rêve, il est sous nos yeux...
L'invité de "Politique & Eco", le #juriste Marc-Gabriel Draghi qualifie ce nouveau monde ainsi : une domestication des masses combinée à une #destruction des #structures indépendantes par une #soviétisation de l' #économie. Le gestionnaire d'actifs américain #BlackRock tient désormais dans sa main la Réserve fédérale #américaine et donc toute l'économie #occidentale.
Aujourd'hui, toutes les #banques centrales utilisent une planche à #billets qui n'aura qu'une conséquence : le gonflement d'une #dette qui sera irremboursable. Et à terme, mais cela a déjà commencé, tout notre #patrimoine servira à éponger les pertes.
Pour faire face à la #catastrophe, Marc-Gabriel Draghi propose une #union #latine entre la #France et l' #Italie qui grâce à leur stock d'or pourront résister à la grande vague de défiance de la #monnaie qui viendra inexorablement...

#politique #covid #banque