

https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/I/-/f/I/I-fIj.caa.mp4?u=3&b=0 If you only ever watch 1 thing on this topic, you would struggle to do better than this.

"You know why they didn't work? It turns out coronavirus is a very malleable model, and as a matter of fact, every publication on vaccines for coronavirus, from 1990 to 2018, every single publication concluded, it escapes the vaccine impulse, because it modifies too quickly for vaccines to be effective. And since 1990, to 2018, that is the published science, ladies and gentlemen."

#coronavirus #patents #drdavidkeith
#ecr #covid19 #science #mandates #terror #domesticterrorism #premeditated #publishedplans
#lockdowns #masks #vaccines
#casefatalityrate #infectionfatatlityrate #conflation #switch #scam #forprofitmedicine #genocide #anthrocide #depopulation #operationlockstep #wealthtransfer #wealthextractionmaximisation #establishedbestpractices #pathology #followthescience #europeanparliament #whosafraidofthecommoncold #bioterrorism #bioracketeering #duress #wilfulignorance #patients #healthcare #history #cleavagesite #mRNA #PCR and even in #germtheory #thisiswrong #cytokinestorm #spikeprotein #bioweapon #autopsy #leavenostoneunturned #humancull #facethehorror

"it escapes the vaccine impulse, because it modifies too quickly for vaccines to be effective"

And this was known. Even through the #fluvaccinescandal in the 00s. It is not viable to vaccinate this part of our virome. As was, known, masks don't help, and do harm, decades earlier, through many studies. As was known the benefits of vitamin D3 and sunlight, and socialising, and exercise, and fresh air, and no stress... All the things hampered or even outright insisted against. In contravention of all #establishedbestpractices.

Shows the #danger of #terror to get us to lose our ability to #think, just react and #obey a #strongman to save us. #weareinalotoftrouble. #massformationpsychosis. #racket.



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down the hole we go
#vaccinescam to #mass #murder most of the #population

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Vaccine #Pioneer #Doctor #Admits #Polio #Vaccine #Caused #Cancer - Vaccine Impact

Dr. Mercola ran an article on Dr. Hilleman back in 2011, which portrayed a completely different story from what the mainstream media reports regarding Dr. Hilleman. He featured a censored video of Dr. Hilleman that has circulated on Youtube for years. That video has since disappeared from Youtube, but others exist broadcasting the same interview with Dr. Hilleman. We have copied one below, along with the transcript.

Dr. Hilleman was the developer of Merck’s vaccine program. He developed over three dozen vaccines, more than any other scientist in history. He was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. He received a special lifetime achievement award from the World Health Organization. Hilleman was one of the early vaccine pioneers to warn about the possibility that simian viruses might contaminate vaccines. In the interview below he states: “vaccines have to be considered the bargain basement technology for the 20th century.”

Dr. Mercola’s article reveals 60 different lab studies that linked the Salk Polio vaccine to cancer, which Helleman admits was the responsibility of Merck:

It also caused #Lupus, #ChronicFatigueSyndrome and #Fibromyalgia.
But according to this new video, there was much more to the story, which traces the #SV40 back to gain of function #research back to the 60s, when a #bioweapon was being developed, and was used to secretly assassinate Fidel #Castro.
The story also involves Lee Harvey #Oswald, a woman who was working on the gain of function research, the #JFK assassination, and more.
And it reveals that the SV40 #viruses are also in the #Clot #Shot.
#Warning: some heartbreaking footage of experimental #animals being #mistreated. )

"In the summer of #1963, a young girl found herself caught up in a clandestine covert operation to eliminate Fidel Castro. This wouldn’t be a shot heard around the world, but rather, a silent shot of super cancer causing #poison, derived from a monkey simian virus called SV-40.
This tale has everything from murder, espionage, a tragic love story, to bioweapons and the genesis of gain-of-function research, weaponized in COVID-19."


#mass #murder by #vaccination
KILL SHOT: The CIA’s SV40 Cancer Weapon - Full Story w/ Shannon Joy


#lawless #government working with lawless #corporations is the definition of #fascism

The words “biological and technological weapon” have finally made it to both law enforcement and local MSM in Florida. Karen Kingston joins us to share a comprehensive letter detailing references from Pfizer and government documents every citizen can use to #commence #criminal #action.

Access Karen’s letter here: https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/the-intelligent-and-brave-have-been

#Maria #Zeee & #KarenKingston - BOMBSHELL! We Are Coming for the #Bioweapon Pushers! #Documents &



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Mirrored from Humanity is under attack https://rumble.com/v2lz7gy-edited-bbc-doesnt-want-you-to-see-this-stew-peters-goes-head-to-head-with-b.html
Source: https://rumble.com/v2lw3e0-bbc-doesnt-want-you-to-see-this-stew-peters-goes-head-to-head-with-bbc-watc.html Links: Stew Peters goes into the lion’s den and teaches the BBC a lesson.
Watch behind the scenes footage the BBC doesn’t want you to see.
The BBC attempts and fails to discredit the wildly successful documentary “Died Suddenly”.
Stew financed and released “Died Suddenly” to save lives from the murderous Covid cult.
Throughout the #interview Stew exposes the pro-vaxx lies parroted by the #mainstream #media.
The BBC continues to promote a #bioweapon #injection that is #killing #children.
The fake news “journalists” were completely caught off guard and not prepared to answer Stew’s questions about why embalmers are finding white fibrous clots inside the vaccinated dead.
Stew reminds the BBC of vaccinated Damar Hamlin’s sudden collapse on national television.
The average number of professional athletes who have collapsed during competition is 5 to 10 per year.
In the last year that number has climbed to over 1000.
The United States is funneling #money into the fake construct of a country called #Ukraine.
The #Covid-19 #pandemic was used to enact a massive #worldwide #depopulation event.
People must be held accountable for their blatant #crimes #against #humanity and that also includes lying journalists.


... CONFIRMED: #GrapheneOxide Found In SHOTS Pfizer SUED For $3 TRILLION Over “Safe & Effective” LIES! 14:06

Stew Peters Network
16 hours ago

“Safe and effective” was always a lie and it always will be!

#KarenKingston is back with Stew to discuss the 3 trillion dollar lawsuit against Pfizer brought by Robert Barnes.

Will this lawsuit finally be the end of Pfizer?

The pegylated lipid nanoparticle can interact with electromagnetic devices.

#Graphene oxide has now been confirmed to exist in the #bioweapon which is manufactured in #China.

No one signed up for this but the world was deceived by Pfizer and Big Pharma’s lies.

The #mRNA shots contain nanotechnology, create non-human structures inside the human body, and attack the central nervous system by crossing the blood-brain barrier.

Bring on Nuremberg 2.0!
https://rumble.com/v2c505u-confirmed-graphene-oxide-found-in-shots-pfizer-sued-for-3-trillion-over-saf.html See less

CONFIRMED: Graphene Oxide Found In SHOTS Pfizer SUED For $3 TRILLION Over “Safe & Effective” LIES!


CV19 bioweapon vax truth warrior Dr. Betsy Eads has been warning of a “ #Tsunami #of ‘vaccine’ #deaths coming in the next two years.” The number of people dying and getting permanent disabilities is increasing. That is no surprise with 600 million CV19 injections being administered in America alone. There have been about 13 billion CV19 injections given worldwide. The estimation of dead and permanently disabled is stunning and criminal. Dr. Eads explains, “In my personal opinion that a billion #people #will either #die or be permanently disabled. A new “Expose” article shows 5,162% increase in deaths (in Australia) from this bioweapon shot since 2020. . . . Those are just stunning numbers, and we are seeing it all over the world. From the UK that is on shot number 6, to Israel that is on shot 7 with complete medical chipping. . . . The entire country of Israel is now medically chipped with portable medical records and vaccine records. . . . We are seeing death and permanent disability in huge numbers. It is causing huge increases in all-cause mortality. Just look at Ed Dowd’s numbers. They are as high as 40% (increase of all-cause mortality) in that young working category. We have never seen this many death and disability numbers. There are over 7,000 a day, in America, with death and disability – a day. This is incredible. The CV19 injections are a true bioweapon. . . . this was never a vaccine, it has always been a bioweapon.”


DIED SUDDENLY | OFFICIAL TRAILER - Streaming November 21st


We are at a 800 year outlier mass death event

#COVID #COVID19 #COVID-19 #Coronavirus #Pandemic #Quarantine #Lockdown #Lockdowns #Vaccine #Vaccination #Shot #Jab #Vaxx #NoVax #AntiVax #Pfizer #BionTech #VaxPass #ClinicalTrial #Autonomy #InformedConsent #EndAllMandates #AdverseReactions #Activism #Activist #SocialJustice #Justice #CivilRights #Freedom #Liberty #HumanRights #Humanitarianism #Humanitarian #Empowerment #Culture #CulturalHealth #CulturalFreedom #HealthyCulture #SocialTheory #SocialScience #Government #Politics #PoliticalJustice #PoliticalScience #PoliSci #PublicPolicy #Policy #Democracy #MaintainingDemocracy #FunctionalDemocracy #ParticipatoryDemocracy #ParticipatoryEducation #Citizen #Citizenship #CitizenCommunications #Education #EducationJustice #EducationalJustice #Socialism #Mutualism #MutualAide #SocialEcology #Anarchy #Anarchism #Anarchist #Christian #MessianicJew #Scientism #Collectivism #Capitalism #AntiFacist #AntiFa #Civilization #Law #FightPropaganda #Propaganda #Truth #Corruption #Lies #ToxicCulture #ToxicConformity #Fascism #Fascist #Paternalism #Oppression #Persecution #Slavery #Nazi #Nazis #NoNazis #Tyranny #Coercion #KnowThyEnemy #Violence #Righteous #Righteousness #Vigilance #ReWild #ReWildorDie #Health #HealthCare #BigPharma #Pharma #BioWeapon #BioSecurity #BioTerror #Medical #Medicine #Wellness #WellBeing #Psychology #Psych #PsyOps #StaySane #Sociology #Power #Sustainability #Survival #Prepper #Prep #Preppers #DeColonize #DeAssimilate #KnowledgeIsPower #LegalLiteracyLiberation #LiberateLegalLiteracy #Science #BioTech #CBDC #OneWorldCurrency #OneWorldGovernment #Progressive #WEF #Eugenics #Genocide #Depopulation #GreatReset #Resistance #WHO #UN #StopTheTreaty #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WWIII #Privacy #DiedSuddenly #SADS