approximated re-enactment of a conversation among unknown number of voices...
What does that mean?
I know archy means ruled by...
By men?
So just by being a man, I rule?
I think it's more rule by fathers.
So I need to get someone pregnant, then I'm one of the rulers of society and you will all have to obey me.
I dont think it works like that.
I dont think it's patriarchy then.
Yeah, seems more like a divisive psyop.
Who rules more, the plutarchs or the patriarchs?
Money! Money rules. yeah. Way more.
But men have more money!
Each and all of us?
Bellcurve of wealth further into rulership than the the gender divide.
Like the princeton study!
Yeah, "Patriarchy" seems like an insidiously hateful divisive mislead.
Yeah, evokes and enflames misandry, making half the population objects to hate.
Are you sure? I still think we suffer under patriarchy?
We do, but only by a miniscule amount, and only as an aside to far greater archies.
Yeah, it's a mislead.
I think you guys still dont understand what it means.
I do indeed not understand Patriarchy.
I understand plutarchy... I have to. I can't afford not to.
So it has you think.
Yeah, money changes my thoughts and actions far more than the decrees of all men.
Just specific men!
Why then use a word that paints us each and all as the crooked archons?
Oh yeah.
Getting it.
Starting to.
Hey, but there's a double standard there.
Sure, not all men are the rulers,
By a long way.
But not all rich are rulers either.
Yeah, sure, maybe some billionaires care.
#patriarchy #etymology #epistemology #plutarchy #paternalism #psyop #archy #archies #awareness #consider #divideandconquer #naivety #curiosity #debate #manonthestreet #man #goodman #mankind #billionaires #billionaire #goodbillionaire
(aw, heck, i'm putting a #DigitsPoems tag on this too, so much of it created, rather than remembered faithfully, and it has a kind of interesting rhythm to it too)
#usurp | #Etymology, origin and meaning of usurp by etymonline
28 Sept 2017 ... USURP Meaning: "to (wrongfully) appropriate" (14c.), from Latin usurpare "make use of, seize for use," in later Latin…
#etymology #words
i've been looking for a word that means ruled by insane, government by insanity, an -archy word for insanity.
... #lunarchy?
other suggestions welcome.
the #reversedictionary i tried was surprisingly unhelpful.
Correlative Trend Between Percentage of National Irreligiousness & National Mean IQ for 241 Countries & Dependencies, plus Pearson Sample Correlation Coefficient demonstrating a 0.64 (strong) correlation.
Given the etymology of the word 'religion' being 'the repeated process of gathering & transitionally binding' minds to ideology, it seems to me that the higher the mean intelligence quotient expressed by a population, the less susceptible its minds are to being gathered & bound to ideology.
#correlation #intelligencequotient #ideology #religion #irreligion #irreligiousness #stats #data #analysis #pearsoncorrelation #usa #uk #abrahamism #judaism #christianity #islam #hinduism #buddhism #folkreligion #etymology #ontology #anthropology #un #religiousideology #info
#Etymology of Religion.
From Proto-Indo-European 'wert' or 'ure' via Latin via Old #French: back, turn, do again, further do, transition, restore.
From Proto-Indo-European 'leg' via #Latin 'legere' & Proto-Indo-European 'leig' via Latin 'ligare:' collect, gather, tie, bind.
From Latin '-ionem' used as a #word element forming nouns from verbs.
Religion is therefore repeated restoration of #transitional gathering & binding. #Religious ideology is therefore a restorative #system of #ideas that repeatedly gathers #human #minds & transitionally binds them to #ideology.
#God/s can exist regardless of #religion & pseudo-religions like #Marxism, #Scientism & #Transhumanism are equally concerned with gathering & binding minds to ideology.
#opinion | #Etymology, #origin and #meaning of opinion by etymonline
about 25 years ago, i was iffy on the word "authoritarianism", in seeing how it could be used/interpreted to mean the authority of any who author, and that we each and all could. ... and that of course stands in contrast to the disempowering impositional likely-centralised top-down monstrosity the word may more generally conjure, in corrupted power.
... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... [and maybe i'm due vocabulary improvements here]
... thought occurs after i found myself again fear-quoting "authoritarianism" in this comment: https://iviv.hu/posts/1504955#c4ccea303cef013ccab2723c915ba918
#authoritarianism #etymology #words
#politics #politicialphilosophy #sociology
[ps, also reminds of when sunyata wanted to get an even more pleasant spin word yet than authoritarianism, like they wanted to get a thicker curtain for the man to hide behind. lol, wat.]
#bless (v.)
Middle English blessen, from Old English bletsian, bledsian, Northumbrian bloedsian "to consecrate by a religious rite, make holy, give thanks," from Proto-Germanic *blodison
"hallow with blood, mark with blood," from *blotham "blood" (see blood (n.)). Originally a blood sprinkling on pagan altars.
This word was chosen in Old English bibles to translate Latin benedicere and Greek eulogein, both of which have a ground sense of "to speak well of, to praise," but were used in Scripture to translate Hebrew brk "to bend (the knee), worship, praise, invoke blessings." L.R. Palmer ("The Latin Language") writes, "There is nothing surprising in the semantic development of a word denoting originally a special ritual act into the more generalized meanings to 'sacrifice,' 'worship,' 'bless,' " and he compares Latin immolare (see immolate).
The meaning shifted in late Old English toward "pronounce or make happy, prosperous, or fortunate" by resemblance to unrelated bliss. The meaning "invoke or pronounce God's blessing upon" is from early 14c. No cognates in other languages. Related: Blessed; blessing.
#blessed (adj.)
late 12c., "supremely happy," also "consecrated, holy" (c. 1200), past-participle adjective from bless (v.). Reversed or ironic sense of "cursed, damned" is recorded from 1806. Related: Blessedly; blessedness.
#blessing (n.)
Middle English blessinge, from Old English bletsunga, bledsunge, "divine grace; protecting influence (of a deity, saint); state of spiritual well-being or joy;" also of a sanction or benediction of the Pope, a priest, etc.; verbal noun from bless. The meaning "a gift from God, that which gives temporal or spiritual benefit" is from mid-14c. In the sense of "religious invocation before a meal" it is recorded from 1738. Phrase blessing in disguise is recorded from 1746.
‘Rimmed with fire’: rare #butterfly #genus named after #Sauron in #LordOfTheRings | #EndangeredSpecies | The Guardian
The etymology of "antisemitism."
"Anti-" is a word-forming prefix meaning 'in opposition to.'
"Semitic" is a near/mid east Afroasiatic ethno-linguistic people-group.
"-ism" is a word-forming suffix meaning a 'system or practice.'
Whilst there can be any number of meanings for words in the vernacular, etymology shows us the root or literal meaning for words.
"Antisemitism" literally means 'opposition to the system or practice of the Semitic people-group.'
Opposition to any system or practice is perfectly legitimate & doesn't represent any form of moral transgression.
#semitism #antisemitism #etymology #linguistics #language #english #uk #usa #ideologicalcolonialism #truth #abrahamicideologicalcolonialism #socialengineering #manipulation #overtonwindow #control
Mathematically undeniable evidence is not "antisemitic." It's legitimate to identify connections & form hypotheses based on available evidence.
Free speech exists to protect all speech. This includes unpopular, fringe &/or offensive speech.
Free speech is protected by English Common Law, the US Constitution & is a fundamental human right that will be upheld by any society that characterises itself as free.
There are no privileged group rights. Only the Monarch has supralegal rights.
#ukparliament #rishisunak #covid #mrna #jews #jewish #antisemitism #mathematics #facts #freespeech #conspiricytheory #anthropology #etymology #history #law #humanrights #crime
So-called "fossil fuels" aren't made from #fossils. If they were, they wouldn't be able to be extracted below the fossil layer & Saturn's moon #Titan wouldn't have vast amounts of #oil inside it.
"Petroleum" is from the ancient #Greek petra + oleum which means rock + oil. Oil, or #petroleum comes from the Earth's geological processes, not fossils. "Fossil fuels" are more accurately called "hydrocarbons."
We've been conned by #BigOil, the #Rockefellers & #marketing agencies in order to create a false #perception of #scarcity to control #population & #economic development via artificial #energy scarcity & #price fixing.
#fossilfuels #hydrocarbons #gasoline #petrol #linguistics #usa #etymology #rockefeller #uk #artificialscarcity #geology #saturn #cartel #conspiracy
Today I think I finally came up with a way really remember how to write the #ChineseCharacter 立 [li4] which means to stand. It's also used as a component in some other characters such as 章 [zhang1] and 童 [tong2].
I can recognize it, but previously would often forget how to write it. The original character from thousands of years ago looks like a man standing. But the current current form of the character is harder for me to visualize. So I came up with a story: it's a man's head, him stretching his arms out, his torso, and him doing the full splits which is his strange way of standing. It's not etymologically accurate, but it's a #mnemonic that works for me. I think using #mnemonics is a much more efficient way to #memorize characters than rote #memorization #memory #Chinese #ChineseCharacters #Mandarin #LearnChinese #etymology #ChineseEtymology #langtwt #language #languages
Love - its power, pain and glory
luciferous (adj.)
"light-bringing, emitting light," 1650s, from Latin lucifer "light-bringing".
source: etymonline
#light #mystical #art #occult #weAreBeingLiedTo #etymology #luciferous #morning #star #true
#Etymology | #Origins of the Term 'Goodbye'
'The first documented use of the “Godbwye” appeared in a letter English writer and scholar Gabriel Harvey wrote in 1573. In it, he wrote, “To requite your gallonde of godbwyes, I regive you a pottle of howdyes.”'
#adieu #adios #bye #etymology #goodbye #greetings #language #meme #memes #mrbean #RowanAtkinson #themoreyouknow #tifo #todayifoundout #vocabulary #word #words
- Image source: "Hasta la vista memes," (Parry the Platypus Blog)