

20.02.2024 Mentale Kriegstüchtigkeit

Journalismus auf Abwegen

Tagtäglich arbeiten die Medien daran uns "kriegstüchtig" zu machen. Die Parole dafür hat der Generalinspekteur der Bundeswehr, General Carsten Breuer, erst wieder am letzten Freitag auf der SiKo in München verkündet: Nicht nur die Bundeswehr, sondern auch die deutsche Gesellschaft "müssen in fünf Jahren kriegstüchtig sein".

Carlo Masala, medienaffiner Professor für Internationale Politik an der Bundeswehrhochschule in München bestätigt das mit den Worten: "Kriegstüchtigkeit ist vor allem eine mentale Geschichte." (Nach zu hören ab 02:13) Telepolis fasst seine Aussage so zusammen: Wenn sich Leute über Wörter wie "kriegstüchtig" aufregen "und lieber Verteidigung sagen mögen". So sei es "noch ein langer Weg, bis eine Mehrheit der Gesellschaft auch wirklich diese Aufgabe versteht und sie unterstützt".
Propagandaschlacht hat begonnen

Telepolis berichtet dann über zwei Beispiele von "Nachrichten", die dieser Aufgabe entsprechen. So kam das ARD-Morgenmagazin letzte Woche mit dem Titel "Immer mehr Menschen wollen Reservisten werden" (Mediathek). Natürlich kann man den Menschen zum Frühstück nicht mit den Kriegsgräuel kommen, da geht es um Kameradschaft, Zusammenhalt und darum etwas Gutes zu tun. Beunruhigende kritische Nachfragen zu etwaigen Gefahren waren Fehlanzeige.

Auch der Bayerische Rundfunk berichtete kürzlich von der "Heimatfront" und den Personalnöten der Bundeswehr. In den Vordergrund werden dabei die braunen Haare der Stabsoffizierin, die sie zu einem Zopf geflochten hat und ihr dezentes Make-up zur Flecktarnuniform gestellt. Die Uniform ist natürlich brandneu und hat weder den Dreck und Staub eines Übungsplatzes noch die Waschmaschine hinter sich. Auch älteren Bürgern, sogar Ü-60, bietet die Bundeswehr als Reservist noch größere gesellschaftliche Aufgaben. Erwähnt werden natürlich auch die Sicherheit des Öffentlichen Dienstes und die geregelten Arbeitszeiten.

Da können wir uns nur Friedemann Vogel, Professor an der Universität Siegen, der Sprache, kollektives Wissen und strategische Kommunikation, anschließen, der dazu eindeutig feststellt: "Mit Journalismus hat das rein gar nichts mehr zu tun." Hier haben Journalisten ihren Berufsstand verraten und lassen sich für Propaganda benutzen.

Wir erinnern uns dunkel, wie wir vor mehr als 10 Jahren immer wieder vor Berliner Schulen gegen die Bundeswehr: 800 Einsätze in deutschen Schulen demonstriert haben, um die SchülerInnen auf die Gefährlichkeit dieses "Arbeitgebers" hinzuweisen.

Mehr dazu bei https://www.telepolis.de/features/Kriegstuechtigkeit-Die-Neuausrichtung-der-deutschen-Mentalitaet-9632468.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3z5
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8688-20240220-mentale-kriegstuechtigkeit.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8688-20240220-mentale-kriegstuechtigkeit.html
Tags: #MentaleKriegstüchtigkeit #Generalinspekteur #Medien #Propaganda #einseitig #Kriegsgräuel #parteiisch #geregelteArbeitszeiten #Kameradschaft #Reservisten #Personalmangel #Militär #Bundeswehr #Aufrüstung #Waffenexporte #Drohnen #Frieden #Krieg #Friedenserziehung #Menschenrechte #Zivilklauseln


Politics and science don't mix well.
Europe a continent, america a country... #europe #continent #geology #geopgraphy #science #myth #propaganda ">
The criterion of a discrete landmass is completely disregarded if the continuous landmass of Eurasia is classified as two separate continents (Asia and Europe). Physiographically, Europe and the Indian subcontinent are large peninsulas of the Eurasian landmass. However, Europe is considered a continent with its comparatively large land area of 10,180,000 square kilometres (3,930,000 sq mi), while the Indian subcontinent, with less than half that area, is considered a subcontinent. The alternative view—in geology and geography—that Eurasia is a single continent results in a six-continent view of the world. Some view separation of Eurasia into Asia and Europe as a residue of Eurocentrism: "In physical, cultural and historical diversity, China and India are comparable to the entire European landmass, not to a single European country. [...]." However, for historical and cultural reasons, the view of Europe as a separate continent continues in almost all categorizations.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continent


Glenn Greenwald sur X : "Also on this list: Professors John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs (who will be on @SystemUpdate_ tomorrow night). That the US Govt forces us to finance corrupt Ukraine, only to have that country issue black lists of Americans who question them, is audacity of the highest order:" / X

#geopolitics #disinformation #propaganda #war



The #propaganda in the west is so strong and insidious that i actively try to avoid taking it in, not letting these #narratives and false views into my mind. I see it as dangerous enough that i treat it in the same way that i do #commercials. If i happen to come in contact with it by accident i actively look away from images they present, and put my fingers in my ears when they are speaking. This is for my own safety.

How do i keep up to date on what is going on in the world? Someone here on diaspora suggested to me that we can follow individual journalists who we trust. But who can we trust and how to determine who to trust? One thing i look for is if a person has had opinions that have held up over time, for example people like Noam #Chomsky or John #Pilger (unfortunately he's now passed away).


Russia is allegedly fighting with shovels and stealing washing machines to harvest computer chips for its collapsing army, and at the same time they can invade all of Europe and are now accused of building an all-powerful space weapon
- Simultaneously being hopelessly backward and an overwhelming threat to civilisation is a common feature of propaganda to demonise an adversary
- Viktor Klemperer, a Jewish writer living in Nazi Germany, noted that Hitler’s propaganda against the Jews was defined by two distinct styles of language – either “scornful derision” of the inferior race or “panic-stricken fear” of their threat to civilisation

--- Glenn Diesen on x/twitter, Feb 15

#GlennDiesen #WarPropaganda #propaganda


International disenfranchisement by the elites of the Judeo-Anglo-American establishment. Faux Hegelian dialectics, social engineering propaganda, psychological and economic warfare, including psychosocial manipulation though mass media and algorithms, done without the consent of the people and funded ostensibly by the people's taxes and consumption. Technocratic, neoliberal, globalist aristocracy.

#disenfranchisement #elites #algorithms #judeoangloamericanestablishment #usa #fauxhegeliandialectics #socialengineering #propaganda #psychologicalwarfare #uk #economicwarfare #massmedia #consent #psychosocialmanipulation #taxation #un #consumption #technocracy #globalism #neoliberalism #aristocracy #elitism #wef #klausschwab #davos #plutocracy #cia #mi6 #tavistock


#maiLab macht Werbung für ihre neue Staffel wo es um #Populismus geht und die #Presse fällt darauf rein...

Video hier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AV62rAyDc0

Die Presse mscht daraus ohne Recherche, dass sie eine neue Partei gründen will nur sagt sie das gar nicht.


Und viele andere vermelden es auch...

Das perfekte Experiment, um zu zeigen wie man die Presse manipuliert, um etwas zu berichten und zu spekulieren, was am Ende nur schnöde Werbung ist. Genauso arbeitet die #AfD und genauso wird sie von der Presse wichtiger gemacht als was sie politisch tut.

Leider merkt das niemand und regt keinen Journalisten zum Nachdenken an. Warum auch es geht um Klicks und die nächste Sau rennt morgen schon durchs Dorf.

#Werbung #propaganda #experiment #politik #Deutschland #Armutszeugnis #presse #Journalismus #problem #Populismus


Erasing Dresden

"The real story of what happened to the German people during World War II continues to be erased. In Dresden, a memorial inscription about the bombing of the city by the American and British Air Forces in February 1945 was removed. The firebombing of Dresden was the real holocaust. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were "burnt whole." ... "

#Shaban1445 #Dresden #Atrocity #Warcrime #Genocide #History #Jew #Judaism #Germany #Politics #NationalSocialism #Nazi #WWII #Holocaustianity #Holocaust #EMichaelJones #Propaganda #CultureWars #KulturKampf #Revisionism



Over the weekend, Putin and Donald Trump seem to have come to public agreement that, if elected in November, Trump would help Putin pursue Greater Russia.

In his session with Tucker Carlson, after all, Putin corrected the propagandist, informing him that, no, he didn’t invade Ukraine because of concerns about NATO expansion, but because he considers Ukraine — and much of Eastern Europe — part of Greater Russia. He subjected Tucker to a half hour lesson in his, Putin’s, mythology about Russia.


Putin's Bitch

#emptywheel #Putin #Trump #politics #propaganda #Russia #NATO #Ukraine


IDF claims that they rescues 2 hostages from south Gaza’s Rafah in daring nighttime operation, other sources say they were both killed by Israeli "friendly fire" only an hour after their release.

The Israeli military has said that 2 of the kidnapped Israelis from October 7 were "released" during a well planned and executed operation by IDF and shin bet in an apartment building located in northern Rafah.

The details of the Jessica Lynch type description is shared by almost all western media and the claims that the 2 are alive and one received "slight" injuries during the late night operation.

They also claim that they are both moved back and airlifted to an Israeli hospital before they can be released.

The stories shard on western media such as MSN, doesn't say anything about the 100 Palestinians murdered by IDF bombings, much less the over 500 injured, or the bombings of tent cities in Rafah, but says:

In its first statement after the operation, Hamas railed against “the massacre the Israeli army conducted in Rafah tonight” and blamed the US “for giving the green light to Netanyahu.”

The terror group called the operation a continuation of the “genocidal war” and the forced displacement attempts against the Palestinian people.

Then goes in with:

At the same time that the country woke to a hopeful morning with news of the rescue of two hostages, the IDF also announced the deaths of two soldiers during fighting in southern Gaza’s Khan Younis on Sunday.

It's not surprising, but still sickening to see such level of propaganda being posted by western media. And I am waiting to see if the stories about the death of the hostages are true or not.

#Rafah #Gaza #IDF #Propaganda #Hostages #Hypocrisy #SaveRafah
#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Opinion: Tucker Carlson visiting Moscow is like touring Berlin in 1940

#Carlson’s pro-Russia #Republican associates advance Putin’s interests in Congress. The self-proclaimed “free speech absolutist” himself normalizes the Russian dictator who spent a quarter century invading his neighbors, jailing his critics, and exterminating his opponents. Business as usual.

Instead of building on the momentum, helping Ukraine win the war, and aligning with the White House, the Senate, and America’s allies, pro-Russia Republicans repeatedly throw the Kremlin lifelines.


#RussianAggression #Imperialism #RussiaInvadedUkraine #pro-Russian #America #propaganda #WWII #StandWithUkraine