

'THE #MARK OF THE #BEAST WAS #REMOTE #VIEWED IN THE 1980'S - THIS IS WHAT THEY FOUND.HE NAILS IT FROM OVER 20 YEARS AGO. IT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE EXPERIENCING RIGHT NOW"The mark of the beast turns out to be the AIDS vaccine." - #Edward A. #Dames (Major, US Army ret.) Major Edward A. Dames is a retired United States Army officer. He is also a decorated military intelligence officer. He is an original member of the U.S. Army prototype remote viewing #RV training program. In the 1980s

Dames served as both training and operations officer for the U.S. government's top secret psychic espionage unit. This Interview was conducted by #ArtBell on his #radio program "Caravan To Midnight". Original air date unknown (circa late 90s or early 2000s).

Per page 26 of #Moderna's patent no. US 10,703,789, the #Covid-19 vaccine. It contains "HIV" & "HIV-1." In 2008, President George W. Bush awarded Anthony Fauci the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States, for his work on the AIDS relief program PEPFAR. Fauci has been director of the NIAID since #1984 and has made contributions to HIV/AIDS research & other immunodeficiency diseases, both as a research scientist and as the head of the NIAID.

So here we are with most of us vaccinated as a child and God forgive us vaccinating our own children and or taking the Mark Of The Beast.--29/10/22--6 min--
Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video//bBQtfS2103d1/


#Remote #workers are wasting their #time proving they’re actually #working

source: https://www.vox.com/recode/2022/9/22/23360887/remote-work-productivity-theater-back-to-office

#Productivity #theater is when workers frequently update their status on #Slack or toggle their mouse to make sure the status light in #Microsoft #Teams is green. They say hello and goodbye, and they drop into different channels throughout the day to chitchat. They check in with #managers and just tell anyone what they’re working on. They even join #meetings they don’t need to be in (and there are many more meetings) and answer emails late into the night.

#work #labour #fail #economy #business #news #society #management #online #internet #wtf #omg


This is very very interesting! It's an interview with #remote #viewer Edward Riordan, and he looked at #QAnon and found out that they are a very intelligent group of people, but #Q is just a part of a larger plan, and the plan is to change #humanity. It will be hard to resist the promises they will offer - scanning the brain and fixing your problems so that you can be freed from your burdens - but even though it's a beautiful offer, there is potential for mind control that comes with it. Gets good around the 48 minute mark. https://trusttheq.com/remote-viewing-qanon-with-edward-riordan/ #remoteviewing #edwardriordan #luciferian #darktolight #falselight #future #nano #nanogel #satellite #AI #eventhorizon


Interesting read. You've probably heard the predictions of great loss of #population by the year #2025. Here's the author's educated guesses on what will cause the #depopulation. He believes #remoteviewing was used to see the future population. Remote viewing is more than just a talent - it can be taught and has been used by the military for many years now. Gets interesting almost halfway down. BlueNarWal has a lot to say. It's not a war between #china and US, but between the #globalist #elite and the populace. https://metallicman.com/the-shocking-2025-deagel-forecast-and-remote-viewing-the-future/ #remote #viewing #depopulation #vaccine #variants


The rise of #performative #work / It’s not what you do. It’s how ostentatiously you do it

source: https://www.economist.com/business/2022/01/08/the-rise-of-performative-work

In an episode of “Seinfeld”, a vintage tv sitcom, the character of George Costanza reveals the secret of pretending to work: act irritated. He shakes his head, frowns and sighs to demonstrate the technique. “When you look annoyed all the time, people think that you’re busy.” In comments posted below this clip on YouTube, visitors report with delight that the tactic really does work and offer a few tips of their own: walk around the office carrying manila envelopes, advises one.

Before the #pandemic turned everyone into remote employees, managers worried that #working from home would be a paradise for slackers like George. People would be out of sight and out of mind: starting late, clocking off early and doing nothing in between. The reality of remote working has turned out to be different. Days have become longer and employees are demonstratively visible. Work has become more performative.

The simple act of logging on is now public. Green dots by your name on messaging channels are the virtual equivalents of jackets left on chairs and monitors turned on. Calendars are now frequently shared: empty ones look lazy; full ones appear virtuous.

Communication is more likely to happen on open messaging channels, where everyone can see who is contributing and who is not. Emails can be performative, too—scheduled for the early morning or the weekend, or the early morning on the weekend, to convey Stakhanovite effort. Repeated noises like Slack’s knock-brush provide a soundtrack of busyness.

Meetings, the office’s answer to the theatre, have proliferated. They are harder to avoid now that invitations must be responded to and diaries are public. Even if you don’t say anything, cameras make meetings into a miming performance: an attentive expression and occasional nodding now count as a form of work. The chat function is a new way to project yourself. Satya Nadella, the boss of Microsoft, says that comments in chat help him to meet colleagues he would not otherwise hear from. Maybe so, but that is an irresistible incentive to pose questions that do not need answering and offer observations that are not worth making.

Shared documents and messaging channels are also playgrounds of performativity. Colleagues can leave public comments in documents, and in the process notify their authors that something approximating work has been done. They can start new channels and invite anyone in; when no one uses them, they can archive them again and appear efficient. By assigning tasks to people or tagging them in a conversation, they can cast long shadows of faux-industriousness. It is telling that one recent research study found that members of high-performing teams are more likely to speak to each other on the phone, the very opposite of public communication.

Performative celebration is another hallmark of the pandemic. Once one person has reacted to a message with a clapping emoji, others are likely to join in until a virtual ovation is under way. At least emojis are fun. The arrival of a round-robin email announcing a promotion is as welcome as a rifle shot in an avalanche zone. Someone responds with congratulations, and then another recipient adds their own well wishes. As more people pile in, pressure builds on the non-responders to reply as well. Within minutes colleagues are telling someone they have never met in person how richly they deserve their new job.

#Theatre has always been an important part of the #workplace. Open communication is a prerequisite of successful remote working. But the prevalence of performative work is bad news—not just for the George Costanzas of the world, who can no longer truly tune out, but also for employees who have to catch up on actual tasks once the show is over. By extension it is also bad for productivity. Why, then, does it persist?

One answer lies in the natural desire of employees to demonstrate how hard they are working, like bowerbirds with a keyboard. Another lies in managers’ need to see what everyone is up to. And a third is hinted at in recent research, from academics at two French business schools, which found that white-collar professionals are drawn to a level of “optimal busyness”, which neither overwhelms them nor leaves them with much time to think. Rushing from meeting to meeting, triaging emails and hitting a succession of small deadlines can deliver a buzz, even if nothing much is actually being achieved. The #performance is what counts.

#work #labour #management #economy #remote #office #news #fail #wtf #omg


Photographing the Vibrant, Verdant Landscape of the Faroe Islands


Faroe Islands

Denver-based photographer Lazar Gintchin always dreamed of visiting the Faroe Islands. In 2021, he bit the bullet and booked his trip to photograph the remote but deeply-alluring archipelago that is tucked far away in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Originally from Bulgaria, Gintchin is now based in Denver, Colorado. Growing up, Gintchin was a stone's throw away from the Pirin Mountains, a picturesque mountain range with its own national park, hiking trails, and glacial lakes. From an early age, Gintchin "developed a deep appreciation for the beauty of nature," he tells PetaPixel.

Years later, he picked up photography and developed a creative eye to capture the wonders of the natural world around him, a passion that followed him after he moved to the United States.

A while ago, Gintchin came across a documentary about two Canadians traveling the world. As part of their journey, they went to the Faroe Islands and at the time, Gintchin hadn't heard about this place but was instantly fascinated by it's unusual beauty.

Faroe Islands Faroe Islands Faroe Islands

"I dreamed about photographing there one day, but it seemed like one of those far away dreams that never materialize," he says. "In 2021, I decided to pull the trigger and travel to the Faroes. I was attracted by several things: their unique natural beauty, the unusual landscapes, the remoteness, and the fact that still, very few people have traveled there. The trip was truly fantastic."

Although he had picked particular locations to visit, Gintchin gave himself the freedom to explore and photograph any scenes that he came across.

"This gave me a great combination of having both structure and freedom at the same time," Gintchin explains. "I believe this approach allowed me to create a very diverse collection of images from the Faroes."

Faroe Islands Faroe Islands Faroe Islands Faroe Islands Faroe Islands

For his photography trip, he used a Nikon D800 with a Nikon 24-120mm f/4 lens, attached to a Manfrotto tripod. Gintchin says he wanted to keep it simple and only chose one lens to bring along on the journey.

The shooting conditions outdoors can change in a matter of minutes. For that reason, Gintchin prefers a quick setup that doesn't "get in the way" and makes it easy to operate.

Faroe Islands Faroe Islands Faroe Islands

He recalls the first evening as "absolutely magic." Just a few hours after landing and seeing the beautiful landscape all around, he was mind-blown. That day he also shot his favorite image from the whole trip, titled Timeless. Gintchin also came across remote villages, seemingly situated on the edge of the earth.


"The quiet, the peace, and the lush green mountains were incredible," he says. " I parked the car outside of the village and decided to enter and explore on foot, very slowly."

"I took my time to explore, enjoy, marvel, and photograph. The experience was amazing. The feeling was that of being far removed from civilization and immersed in the peace of a remote island village."

Faroe Islands Faroe Islands Faroe Islands Faroe Islands Faroe Islands

More of Gintchin's landscape work and prints can be found on his website and Instagram page.

Image credits: Photos by Lazar Gintchin.

#inspiration #spotlight #travel #faroeislands #landscape #landscapephotographer #landscapephotos #lazargintchin #nature #nikon #nikond800 #remote


What Will #Work Look Like in #2022? (Hint: Not the #Metaverse)

source: https://www.wired.com/story/the-future-of-work-2022/

For most knowledge-worker companies, hybrid work will become the central model, ...


#Remote working will no longer be seen just as a temporary #solution to #pandemic lockdowns or as an employee #benefit but as a hedge against #future #crises, ...

What makes me question economics and #capitalism is the fact that before the pandemic, entire #software teams were flying hundreds of kilometres across the US every week just to do on-site #programming for clients. All this could have been done remotely before the pandemic too and it would have been cheaper and more environmentally friendly.

#Development #labour #change #environment #economy #online #internet #news


So I have this Themometer/hygrometer sensor, it emits regularly around 433.9 MHz. (Bresser 5 ch)
I already had an older one like this from another brand, I had no problem reading it with rtl_433.
This new Bresser one is a pain in the ass. There is an older 3 channels version that is already in rtl_433 presets for decoding, but all I get is detection some times only, and when there is detection I get a dat packet with timestamp, SNR infos and such, and no data at all about temperature nor hygrometry.
I didn't found anything on this particular sensor online, I guess they subtly changed the protocol and I have to find the right settings, but I'm surprised rtl_433 does not succeed.
I use a sdr USB dongle for detection, I can see clearly the pulses when the sensor emits, I guess I should start deciphering the modulation from there.

Any thought on this ?

#sensor #temperature #rtl_433 #hack #domoticz #electronics #computing #radio #rf #remote #question


online coworking space - New Ways of Online Interaction and Cooperation - workadventu.re creative innovative fun format for Digital Online Conferences as RPG GAME! Nürnberger Digital Festival

update: join me @ online-coworking-space.com


  1. first of: the online conferecing as RPG game format is really fun and innovative idea to make online events more fun! 🙂 (it is accompanied by live streams via vimeo or youtube)
    • Corona will nerd us all! X-D
    • the art work and love for detail is amazing 🙂 someone really poured a lot of digital dev and design love into it 🙂 (thanks for that)
  2. BUT: the festival was a bit confusing… the overview over different rooms and rooms-of-tools and where what is happening, or was happening (link to recording of the session?) or is about to happen was not always immediately visible X-D
    • these infos should only be one-browser-click away
    • so the user is always on a quest: where is everybody? and what is going on? X-D




  • it has chat
  • it has voice and video chat (circles) (via jitsi or zoom)
  • it has tutorials
  • it has RPG

when walking at certain points, a side-frame will load, embedding different other websites/tools into the game

this could be a Vimeo or Youtube (LifeStream or pre-recorded) or Jitsi or Zoom presentation/conference.

or an Art Gallery painting tool:

or a poll:

  • it has… stuff… like virtual ball pits



tools… tools… tools… it’s hailing tools… X-D

also: pretty much against the “sharing of full first second and surname” kind of methology X-D (just go with a nickname, why does the whole world need to know that A. L. was there?)





embedding of audio video conferencing is great…

but should not autostart video A BIT PRIVACY INTRUSIVE! X-D

jitsi autostart video functionality is A BIT PRIVACY INTRUSIVE! (should never auto start...)

jitsi autostart video functionality is A BIT PRIVACY INTRUSIVE! (should never auto start…)


on the QUEST to find the accompaning LiveStream



here it is X-D https://vimeo.com/event/1122570/embed/ad7eee66b9


the game was made by: https://workadventu.re/

“show me the src” https://github.com/thecodingmachine/workadventure

“A collaborative web application (virtual office) presented as a 16-bit RPG video game”



“The WorkAdventure core source code is distributed under the AGPL license modified by the Commons clause.” (Link?)

“You can therefore take the source code of WorkAdventure and install it on your own server.”

“The self-hosted version contains everything that is available in the free-tier.”

“Do not hesitate to have a look at the Github repository (and give us some stars!)”

src: https://workadventu.re/pricing

https://hubs.mozilla.com/ – online conferencing in 3D!

and this is what such browser-3D virtual meeting rooms look alike…

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #nürnberg #digital #interaktiv #online #rpg #conference #wtf #coworking #remote #work #socialize #social

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2021/07/09/online-coworking-space-new-ways-of-online-interaction-and-cooperation-workadventu-re-creative-innovative-fun-format-for-digital-online-conferences-as-rpg-game-nurnberger-digital-festival/