

Mehr Kontrollen auf Weihnachtsmärkten wegen möglicher Terrorakte

Weihnachtsmärkte - Mehr Sicherheitskontrollen wegen möglicher Terrorakte

Die Sorge vor islamistischen Anschlägen auf Weihnachtsmärkte ist groß. Bayerns Innenminister Joachim Herrmann rügt mangelnde Kontrolle der EU-Außengrenzen.#Weihnachtsmarkt #JoachimHerrmann #Terror #Anschläge #Sicherheit
Mehr Kontrollen auf Weihnachtsmärkten wegen möglicher Terrorakte


Blaming bin Laden First

Glance again at the trite statements I made at the beginning of this column. Could #OsamaBinLaden actually utter any of them? Certainly not. He doesn’t only oppose the entire Jewish presence in #Palestine; he opposes the Jewish presence in #America. He is the spoiled-brat son of one of our preferred despotisms and the proud beneficiary of the export of #violence. Why, then, do so many fools consider him as the interpreter of their “concerns,” let alone seek to appoint their ignorant selves as the medium for his?

Source: https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/blaming-bin-laden-first/

Now replace "bin Laden" with "Hamas" and try to understand. Then reconsider your opinion on #Israel and the #Gaza Strip. Only then write your thoughts in the comments.

#war #terror #usa #news #history #politics #military #MiddleEast #problem #conflict #humanRights


#Israel Knew #Hamas’s #Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html

The plan also included details about the location and size of Israeli #military forces, communication hubs and other sensitive information, raising questions about how Hamas gathered its #intelligence and whether there were leaks inside the Israeli #security establishment.

#war #terror #problem #politics #conflict #news #MiddleEast


Mowing the grass in #Gaza

Source: https://m.jpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/Mowing-the-grass-in-Gaza-368516

Instead, #Israel is acting in accordance with a “mowing the grass” #strategy. After a period of #military restraint, Israel is acting to severely punish #Hamas for its aggressive behavior, and degrading its military capabilities – aiming at achieving a period of quiet.


Those who forlornly ask “when is this going to end?” and use the cliché term “cycle of #violence” have psychological difficulties digesting the facts that there is no solution in sight and that the violent struggle against Hamas is not going to end anytime soon (not as long as the enemy’s basic ideological motivations remain intact). But still, important periods of quiet are attainable via military action, and this is what explains Israel’s current #offensive.

This article is from 2014...

#history #conflict #war #terror #MiddleEast #warfare #politics


How #Hamas exploited #Israel’s #reliance on tech to breach barrier on Oct. 7

source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2023/11/17/how-hamas-breached-israel-iron-wall/

Hamas exploited #vulnerabilities created by Israel’s reliance on #technology at the “Iron Wall” to carry out the deadliest single assault in Israel’s #history. The video details how Hamas fighters neutralized long-range cameras, sophisticated sensors and remote-control weapons — a tactic known inside the group as the “blinding plan” — to breach the high-tech fence.

#war #terror #conflict #Palestine #warfare #hightech #news #middleEast #military


What's Behind the Rising #Conflict in Eastern #DRC

Source: https://www.voanews.com/a/explainer-what-s-behind-the-rising-conflict-in-eastern-drc-/6690258.html

More than 100 armed groups operate in eastern DRC, an unsettled region where conflict has raged for decades but has escalated in recent months.


Fueling the #insecurity is a complicated brew of geopolitics, ethnic and national rivalries, and competition for #control of eastern DRC's abundant natural #resources.


"The DRC produces more than 70% of the world's #cobalt" and "holds 60% of the planet's #coltan reserves," the industry website #Mining #Technology reported in February, speculating that the DRC "could become the Saudi Arabia of the electric vehicle age."

#politics #crime #problem #war #terror #corruption #economy #finance #economy #capitalism #humanRights #environment #news #military #Africa


Islamisten in Deutschland: Der Nahostkrieg als Katalysator

Islamismus in Deutschland - Der Nahost-Krieg als Katalysator

Islamisten nutzen den Nahostkonflikt, um für sich zu werben – auf Demonstrationen und in den sozialen Medien. Experten warnen vor einem Erstarken der Szene.#NAHOST #ISLAMISMUS #Gefährder #TERROR #PROPAGANDA
Islamisten in Deutschland: Der Nahostkrieg als Katalysator


Demografische #Krise in #Russland : Dann sollen sie doch mehr gebären

#Demografieproblem ? Darauf kennen #Kreml und #Kirche die Antwort:
20-jährige #Frauen müssten eben das erste #Kind bekommen, statt zu studieren.

#taz #hartwich #Krieg #Terror #Gesellschaft #FuckPutin #Abtreibung


„Seien wir doch mal ehrlich“, sagt die Familienministerin der russischen Region Baschkortostan, Lenara Iwanowa in die Kamera, „qualitativ hochwertige Kinder gibt es, wenn eine Frau sie mit 20 Jahren zur Welt bringt. Kinder, die später geboren werden, sind Ausschussware.“

mir kommt das alles so bekannt vor..... irgendwo in Europa in den 30ern.....


Wann endet der 7. Oktober für Israel?

Der Tag - Fokus Nahost: Wann endet der 7. Oktober für Israel?

Warum sich die Israelis alleine und unverstanden fühlen, darüber sprechen wir mit dem Soziologen Natan Sznaider und ARD-Korrespondent Jan-Christoph Kitzler.#ISRAEL #POLITIK #HAMAS #TERROR #Geiseln #Gaza
Wann endet der 7. Oktober für Israel?


Radikaler Islamismus: Razzia gegen „Islamische Zentrum Hamburg“

Radikaler Islamismus - Bundesweite Razzia gegen das „Islamische Zentrum Hamburg“

Schon länger beobachtet der Verfassungsschutz das „Islamische Zentrum Hamburg“. Innenministerin Nancy Faeser sprach von schwerwiegenden Verdachtsmomenten.#ISLAM #ISLAMISMUS #TERROR #Hisbollah #IRAN #Razzia
Radikaler Islamismus: Razzia gegen „Islamische Zentrum Hamburg“


Israels Armee meldet Waffenfunde in Krankenhaus im Gazastreifen

Norden von Gaza - Israels Armee meldet Waffenfunde in Krankenhaus

In einer Kinderklinik im Norden des Gazastreifens hat die israelische Armee nach eigenen Angaben größere Mengen an Waffen gefunden.#Israel #Nahost #Hamas #Terror #Krieg
Israels Armee meldet Waffenfunde in Krankenhaus im Gazastreifen