

19.02.2024 Bundeswehr "strategisch gescheitert"

Zwischenbericht zum Afghanistaneinsatz

Mit dem Urteil "strategisch gescheitert" hat die Enquete-Kommission des Bundestags heute ihren Zwischenbericht über die Bewertung des Bundeswehreinsatz in Afghanistan vorgelegt. Dies ist nach 18 Monaten insofern ein Zwischenbericht, als dass die Kommission in den nächsten 18 Monaten Verbesserungsmaßnahmen entwickeln und vorschlagen wird.

Der "größte, teuerste, opferreichste Kriseneinsatz der westlichen Staatengemeinschaft endete mit einem strategischen Scheitern." Die Mängelliste ist lang und beinhaltet für Deutschland vor allem folgende Punkte:

  • keine fortlaufende, selbstkritische Bestandsaufnahme hinsichtlich der sehr hoch gesetzten Ziele,
  • keine Abstimmung zwischen den zuständigen Ministerien - also Außen-, Innen-, Verteidigungs- und Entwicklungsministerium,
  • "Ressortegoismen" wurden gepflegt, (kritisiert die Dominanz des militärischen Teils ...)
  • Ausrüstung und Fähigkeiten der Bundeswehr wurden in Teilen nicht dynamisch genug an die Bedrohungslage in Afghanistan angepasst,
  • Personelle Ressourcen bei zivilen Einsatzkräften und bei der Polizei [waren] gemessen am Ziel des Staatsaufbaus nicht ausreichend,
  • bei der Verteilung von Geldern habe man die "Aufnahmefähigkeit und die Kapazitäten der afghanischen Partner" überschätzt, (deutet auf Korruption hin ...)

Positiv und negativ

Positiv ist nach immerhin 18 Monaten, dass überhaupt eine Bewertung des Kriegseinsatzes in Afghanistan durch eine Kommission des Bundestags erfolgt ist, negativ ist unserer Meinung nach, dass diese Arbeit hinter verschlossenen Türen stattgefunden hat. Ein öffentliches Tribunal nach 20 Jahren Krieg wäre angesichts der aufgewendeten Milliarden und des Leids der Zivilbevölkerung angemessener gewesen. Das Thema "Ressortegoismen" deutet an, dass die "Dominanz des Militärischen" die zivilen Projekte nur als Beiwerk gesehen hat und damit den gleichen Fehler gemacht hat, der auch am Ende des Hollywood Streifens "Der Krieg des Charlie Wilson" über den 1. Afghanistan Krieg des USA benannt wird: das Fehlen eines strategischen zivilen Ziels. Das Überschütten einer korrupten Elite mit Waffen wird nie eine starke Zivilgesellschaft entstehen lassen.

Das gleiche Fazit mit einigen regionalen Feinheiten lässt sich auch für die Bundeswehreinsätze in Mali und Niger vermuten. Auf einen entsprechenden Bericht müssen wir sicher noch ein Jahr warten. In der Zwischenzeit wird mit einem "robusten Einsatz" ohne jegliche Einbindung anderer Ressorts, wie etwa des Entwicklungsministeriums ein Einsatz gegen die Huthi Milizen im Jemen gestartet.

Es werden die gleichen Fehler wiederholt. Wie sagte kürzlich ein CDU Politiker zum Einsatz im Roten Meer: "Der Einsatz der Bundeswehr im Roten Meer sichert die Lieferketten und damit die Arbeitsplätze in Deutschland." Die Arbeitsplätze der jeminitischen Bevölkerung oder viel wichtiger, ihr Hunger spielen in der Strategie der Bundesregierung scheinbar keine Rolle.

Die fehlende öffentliche Diskussion müssen wir mangels Bereitschaft im Bundestag wieder selbst anstoßen und rufen schon mal dazu auf, damit bei den diesjährigen Ostermärschen zwischen dem 29. März und 1. April zu beginnen.

Mehr dazu bei https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/afghanistan-einsatz-bundestag-100.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3z4
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8687-20240219-bundeswehr-strategisch-gescheitert.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8687-20240219-bundeswehr-strategisch-gescheitert.html
Tags: #Zwischenbericht #Bundestag #Scheitern #Afghanistan #Mali #Niger #Jemen #Huthi #Militär #Bundeswehr #Aufrüstung #Waffenexporte #Drohnen #Frieden #Krieg #Friedenserziehung #Menschenrechte #Zivilklauseln


@kuchinster@hub.hubzilla.de wrote the following post 2 years ago.


As a result of the wars unleashed by the U.S. after September 11, 2001, 38,000,000 civilians were displaced.

This is the second highest result in world history. Only World War II resulted in more refugees.

Direct military aggressions, the so-called "war on terror" which led to the creation of ISIS, and economic strangulation have all led to disastrous consequences for the people of a number of states in the Middle East and North Africa, forcing ordinary people to flee their homes, cities, villages and states to other countries.

According to a report https://t.co/MLXyekTZTQ by the Watson Institute for International Studies (an interdisciplinary research center at Brown University, Rhode Island, USA) and with the assistance of Boston University:

  1. #Afghanistan - 5.9 million refugees
  2. #Pakistan - 3.7 million refugees
  3. #Yemen - 4.6 million refugees
  4. #Somalia - 4.3 million refugees
  5. #Philippines - 1.8 million refugees
  6. #Libya - 1.2 million refugees
  7. #Syria - 7.1 million refugees

The report is based on data from 2001 to 2020 + some data collected in 2021.

It is based on the UN data, U.S. documents and information from public sources.

However, the report itself states that 38,000,000 is a very conservative estimate and in reality, the figure can reach from 49,000,000 to 60,000,000, which actually reaches the figures of World War II.


To these processes can be added the huge number of refugees from #Ukraine after the U.S.-backed coup d'état and civil war that broke out there.


#nato #NATO #military #occupation #war #europe #eu #poland #USA #us #britain #germany #france #italy #canada #australia #qatar #refugees #poverty #Iraq #Libya #Afghanistan #western #warmongers #deepstate #history


The world is waging war on its children, in an obscene mockery of international law

The Guardian

From Gaza to Ukraine, from Sudan to Myanmar, youngsters are being raped, abducted, maimed, killed and even recruited as soldiers.

(Text continues underneath the photo.)

Photo of Palestinian child looking for food
A Palestinian child carries empty containers to get food distributed by charities as Israeli attacks continue in Rafah, Gaza, on 25 January. Photograph: Anadolu/Getty Images.

Callous disregard for civilian lives and safety is a disturbing feature of modern armed conflict. From Ukraine and Gaza to Sudan and Myanmar, respect for the “laws of war” is being eroded or is non-existent. Non-combatants are deliberately targeted. Most shocking, and unforgivable, is the wanton harm – the UN term is “grave violations” – done to children.

In his latest report on children and conflict, UN secretary general António Guterres warned that children “continued to be disproportionately affected” by war-related violence and abuses. By this, he meant killing and maiming, rape, sexual violence, abductions, school attacks and recruitment of child soldiers. All were on the rise, he said. (...)

How shaming all this is. How truly shocking. That adults and nations choose to fight each other is normal, though regrettable. But a world war on children? How did it come to this?

Complete article

Tags: #laws_of_war #international_law #Ukraine #Gaza #Sudan #Myanmar #isael #russia #children #Ethiopia #tigray #Boko_Haram #nigeria #Ecuador #Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo #Palestine #Somalia #Syria #Afghanistan #Yemen #Burkina_Faso #Mali


About the refuges and warmongers

Image/photokuchinster wrote the following post Tue, 04 Jan 2022 09:49:44 +0100


As a result of the wars unleashed by the U.S. after September 11, 2001, 38,000,000 civilians were displaced.

This is the second highest result in world history. Only World War II resulted in more refugees.

Direct military aggressions, the so-called "war on terror" which led to the creation of ISIS, and economic strangulation have all led to disastrous consequences for the people of a number of states in the Middle East and North Africa, forcing ordinary people to flee their homes, cities, villages and states to other countries.

According to a report https://t.co/MLXyekTZTQ by the Watson Institute for International Studies (an interdisciplinary research center at Brown University, Rhode Island, USA) and with the assistance of Boston University:

  1. #Afghanistan - 5.9 million refugees
  2. #Pakistan - 3.7 million refugees
  3. #Yemen - 4.6 million refugees
  4. #Somalia - 4.3 million refugees
  5. #Philippines - 1.8 million refugees
  6. #Libya - 1.2 million refugees
  7. #Syria - 7.1 million refugees

The report is based on data from 2001 to 2020 + some data collected in 2021.

It is based on the UN data, U.S. documents and information from public sources.

However, the report itself states that 38,000,000 is a very conservative estimate and in reality, the figure can reach from 49,000,000 to 60,000,000, which actually reaches the figures of World War II.


To these processes can be added the huge number of refugees from #Ukraine after the U.S.-backed coup d'état and civil war that broke out there.


#nato #NATO #military #occupation #war #europe #eu #poland #USA #us #britain #germany #france #italy #canada #australia #qatar #refugees #poverty #Iraq #Libya #Afghanistan #western #warmongers #deepstate


WATCH🚨- Senator Joe #Biden aggressively advocates for bombing 12-year-old Novak Djokovic.

Biden strongly supported bombing #Yugoslavia in #1999 without United Nations approval.

#Djokovic, who was 12 at the time, remembers how scary it was when Biden's bombs hit his home.

"My dad was carrying my brothers, and my mom was running with stuff, and I slipped, and I fell."

"As I turned around, I looked over the building, and I saw these stealth planes just flying and dropping things, and the ground was shaking."

"That's one of the most traumatic experiences and images in my childhood that stayed with me to this day."

In 1999, #NATO bombed Yugoslavia for 78 days without approval from the United Nations, dropping more than 28,000 bombs, including depleted uranium and cluster munitions, killing over 2000 civilians and displacing more than 250,000 people.

#NATO destroyed:
-25,000 residential buildings
-595 kilometers railroads
-470 kilometers roads
-44 bridges
-14 airports
-19 hospitals
-69 schools
-18 kindergartens
-176 cultural monuments

Senator Joe Biden criticized NATO for not being ruthless enough and suggested a harsher "Japanese German-style occupation."

If you look at every modern American war or conflict, from Yugoslavia to #Iraq, #Afghanistan, #Libya, #Syria, #Yemen, #Ukraine, or #Gaza, you'll find President Joe Biden's bloody fingerprints directly involved in increasing the bloodshed.

Supporting Joe Biden means supporting a never-ending cycle of war and a continuous flow of bloodshed.

#GenocideJoe #US-Israel


"The #Biden Administration has reportedly now Agreed with U.S. Defense Officials of the need for a Large-Scale Sustained Military Operation against the #Houthi Terrorist Group in Western #Yemen, following 10 Days of Missile and Airstrikes which have Failed to End the Houthi’s Attacks on Commercial Shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden; Officials have stated that they do not expect for the Operation to Drag-On for Years like previous Wars in #Iraq or #Afghanistan, but that they will not have a End Date set for the Operation."

Paywall version:

Open version:

#Politics #RedSea #TheRedSea


Pakistan military claims that their fighter jets flew 20km inside Iran before bombing their targets.

Iranian police and military have warned Pakistan of severe consequences of such actions in the future and IRGC iis on high alert in the region.

The border between Iran and Pakistan is open. Despite the roomers spread in social media but the planned naval exercise between the 2 countries was cancelled and Pakistan have summoned Iranian ambassador to make an official complain about the 2 attacks by missiles and drones against Pakistani targets on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Taliban and China have called the w countries to restran from any further escalation and offered to help solving the issues using diplomatic channels.

#iran #Pakistan #Baluchistan #Conflict #Politics #Terrorism #China #Afghanistan


Earlier today, IRI adjustes the number of casualties of the twin bombings in Kerman down to 89, but sadly an 8 years old boy and a 90 years old man died because of their injuries increasing the casualties to 91 deaths

The security forces have identified one of the suicide bombers to be a visitor from #Tajikistan but the identity of the second terrorist is still unknown.

It's now official that the ISIS of #Afghanistan was behind the dual bombs in Kerman.

#Terrorism #Iran #ISIS #Kerman #Politics