

Please add your voice and share how you think we should address the many crises that our country faces
#Politics #Crises #Democracy #MedicareForAll #War #Pandemic #Economy #WorkingClass #NotMeUs #PowerToThePeople #BernieSanders #Petition

Please take a few minutes to write a short paragraph that addresses Bernie's concerns. Thanks!

"I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. We are living through the most difficult period in our lifetimes. If you are feeling anxious, depressed, overwhelmed, confused, angry — you’re not alone. Millions of others feel exactly the same way.

This pandemic has had a devastating impact upon our country. Over 900,000 people have died from COVID, and tens of millions have been made ill. Many thousands of workers have lost their lives simply because they went about doing their jobs, while millions of other workers have chosen to find new employment paths. The education of young people, from child care to graduate school, has been severely disrupted. Elderly people have become increasingly isolated, fearful of catching the virus from grandchildren, friends or family. Mental illness is on the rise, as is drug addiction, alcoholism and domestic violence.

But that’s not all.

Poll after poll shows Americans are not only giving up on democracy and establishment politics, but they have less and less faith in the media, the scientific community and other foundations of civil society. Conspiracy theories, with the aid of the internet, are on the rise. With Trump and many Republicans continuing to deny Biden’s victory and actively suppressing the vote in many states, the likelihood of the United States moving toward authoritarianism is growing more and more. This is accompanied by increased racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia.

Oligarchy and massive income and wealth inequality are getting worse. While the billionaire has class seen its wealth explode during the pandemic, a handful of giant Wall Street firms now control over $20 trillion in assets and many hundreds of companies. In recent years these Masters of the Universe have significantly increased their influence over media, banking, health care, housing and many other sectors of our economy. Never before have so few owned and controlled so much. Meanwhile, half of our people continue to live paycheck to paycheck and the high inflation rate is making life for the working class even more difficult.

And you know about the existential threat of climate change. The scientists tell us that we have only a few years to transform our energy system away from fossil fuel and into energy efficiency and sustainable energy if we’re going to avoid massive and irreversible damage to the planet. And yet our government, and governments throughout the world, are doing far too little to address the crisis.

And, oh yes, Putin has put 140,000 troops on Ukraine’s border and we may be looking at the most devastating war in Europe since WWII, which could well have global consequences.

So. If you’re feeling a little under the weather, there are some pretty good reasons for that.

But the answer to all that is not to bury our heads in the sand or wallow in despair. It is to fight back. It is to figure out how, in these enormously difficult and complicated times, we can save our country, save democracy and save the planet. Not easy to do. But we don’t have much of a choice. And we have to go forward together.

In that regard, I would very much appreciate hearing your ideas. In this unprecedented moment in American history, what is the best way forward? What should the President be doing? What should Congress be doing? What should the progressive community be doing?

In solidarity,


Please make your remarks as short as possible because I would like to publish as many thoughtful statements as we can in an upcoming email.


Let's help advance the Progressive agenda and facilitate a boost to the working class in America
#Politics #Progressive #PCCC #BernieSanders #NotMeUs #PowerToThePeople #Donate

We need to vote representatives such as Manchin and Sinema out and replace them with real Progressives. I am posting this as a variation of the experiment that the Progressive Change Campaign Committee emailed me.

Please donate whatever small dollar amount you can afford to help elect real Progressives across the nation.



#DrKing was a great #civil-rights #leader, but he was more than that. He was a #political #revolutionary who summoned the #nation to “undergo a #radical #revolution of #values” to #overcome “the #giant #triplets of #extreme-materialism, #racism, and #militarism.” Never forget his #vision.

#martinlutherkingjr #mlk #berniesanders #quote #democratic #socialism


Big Pharma ~ Time to End Their Greed


#BernieSanders: "The #pharmaceutical #industry has spent more than $4.5 billion on #lobbying and #campaign #contributions over the past 20 years. That's why we pay the #highest #prices on #earth for #prescription #drugs. #Enough-is-enough. Democrats must have the courage to defeat their #greed. The #business #model of the pharmaceutical industry is #fraud. Their greed is literally #killing #Americans. It is absurd that we have people in this country who every day must choose between being able to afford the #medicines they need to stay alive and being able to afford their groceries. It is no exaggeration to say the greed of the pharmaceutical industry is killing people.They have spent billions buying #politicians & several of their #executives became #billionaires during the #pandemic. Their days of calling the shots in #DC must come to an end."

"For years, the story has gone like this: the pharmaceutical industry spends billions lobbying #Congress to do nothing to #lower prescription drug prices, they get their way. 97% of #Democrats, 80% of #Independents and 61% of #Republicans want #Medicare to negotiate with the #pharma #companies to lower prescription drug prices. Our opponents are not only dead wrong on this #policy, they are also way out of touch with what the American people are demanding. Let me ask you a question. Are you satisfied with a #system that allows the pharmaceutical industry to charge you $98 for the same vial of #insulin that the #Canadian people get for about $12? Maybe I am a little bit of a radical, but I happen to think that in the richest country on the face of the #planet, people should not have to be cutting their pills in half or rationing their insulin." Time to end their greed.

#bigpharma #follow-the-money #KurtSchrader-Ore #ScottPeters-Calif #KathleenRice-NY #health #money #favors #quotes


Cuba ~ End the Embargo

‘If #JoeBiden or frankly any US politician #cared about the #Cuban #people, they’d push for an end to the US’s #crippling #economic sanctions on Cuba.’

‘All people have the right to #protest and to live in a #democratic #society. I call on the Cuban government to #respect opposition rights and refrain from violence. It’s also long past time to end the #unilateral #US #embargo on #Cuba, which has only #hurt, not #helped, the Cuban #people.’ …. #BernieSanders

‘It’s important to remember that before the #Cuban #Revolution, Cuba was a #colonial #piggy-bank for #American #capitalists to #exploit. The revolution stopped the United States from treating Cuba like its little plaything, which the United States has never been able to accept.’

‘The US continually punishes #Haiti & Cuba because these are nations that successfully #revolted against #white #supremacist #empires in generations past.’

‘The #whole #world has spoken against the US embargo against Cuba. In the #UN #GeneralAssembly, 184 countries voted to #condemn the #blockade. Only two, the US and #Israel, voted not to. Cuba loses $9.1 billion a year due to the blockade.’

‘Not only is the US blockading Cuba, they are claiming #veto #power over any other country which wishes to send Cuba #food and #medicine.’

‘The choice is clear. Which side are we on? The US, which continues to #violate #international #law by decades of crippling #sanctions even in the face of a #pandemic, or Cuba, which has created five different vaccines and sent thousands of #doctors to #heal #people around the world?’

‘Nobody is charged a dime in Cuba for their #treatment. But in the US, people are denied treatment unless they have tens of thousands of dollars to pay for medical bills. Again, which side are you on?’

‘In addition, Cuba has: – #Guaranteed #salaries; – #Nationalized #BigPharma; – #Distribution of #food, #electricity, and piped #water.’

‘The US is trying to create a #self-fulfilling #prophecy with Cuba. Cripple it with #decades of sanctions, then try to initiate an #astroturf #regime #change operation. This is typical M.O. for the #PoliceState.

'Never forget the explicitly stated goal of the US government’s murderous, #illegal, 60-year blockade on Cuba: to " #weaken the economic #life of Cuba," and " #decrease #monetary and #real #wages, to bring about #hunger, #desperation and #overthrow of #government."

#EndTheEmbargo #HandsOffCuba #VivaCuba! #VivaLaRevolucion! #VivaElPuebloCubano!



Bernie Sanders' Agenda

  • Physical Infrastructure
    • Broadband
  • Climate
  • Childcare
  • Pre-K
  • Paid Family & Medical [leave]
  • Home Health Care
  • Prescription Drugs
    • Expand Medicare
    • GME Expansion
  • Higher Ed
  • Housing
  • Prog[ressive] Taxation (I think)

The last item is difficult to make out but seems to fit with recent Sanders OpEds and lists of his policies.

From "The Ascension of Bernie Sanders" by Maureen Dowd https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/10/opinion/bernie-sanders-interview-maureen-dowd.html

The source image zooms up nicely.

It's disappointing that Dowd doesn't cover the list in her own text. There's the reporter's / opinion-writer's prerogative to not have an agenda established for them, but her own additions hardly flesh out the substance here.

I'd like to find my own list of items from earlier this year. (Again, Diaspora's lack of search is ... painful.)

#Politics #BernieSanders #Progresssivism #DemocraticSocialism #PoliticalAgenda #NYTimes
