

fascism building up in Europe:Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has emerged as an unlikely kingmaker ahead of June's European elections, being wooed by both Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and France's far-right Marine Le Pen.

Ursula DeVil and female Mussolini, what a shocker.

#EU #Fascism #Europe #Politics


They want to create a #FASCIST alternative to #EU: #LePen to #Meloni: Let’s team up and form EU #Parliament’s No. 2 group

On the eve of next week’s EU #election, French far-right leader Marine Le Pen is inviting Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to team up and form a right-wing super-grouping that would be the second-biggest party bloc in the European Parliament.

The far right is projected to perform well in the June 6-9 election but there are still intense doubts about which parties would be able to work together as cross-border political groups — because many of the national parties are sharply divided — especially over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The latest projections suggest 68 seats for ID and 71 for ECR, making 139 lawmakers in the 720-seat chamber. #AfD is on course for 17 seats and the unaffiliated Hungarian Fidesz party currently has 12 MEPs. All together, something over 165 seats would seem to be in play for the (currently disunited) far right.

#France #Italy #Germany #Hungary #Fascism #Europe


A dark political atmosphere is swirling over the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, and grows more ominous by the day. Prime Minister Irakli #Kobakhidze has been told by an #EU commissioner he will suffer the fate of Robert #Fico, the Slovakian leader still fighting for his life after an assassination attempt by a #Ukraine proxy war ultra. #US lawmakers are moving to sanction members of the ruling Georgian Dream party, and in parliament on May 14, opposition MP Tako Charkviani threatened: “Believe me, there will be a color revolution in #Georgia.”

source and more


Wie die #EU mit Künstlicher Intelligenz ihre #Grenzen schützen will
Die #EU-Kommission hat in den letzten zehn Jahren massiv in die Forschung zu Künstlicher Intelligenz investiert – insgesamt über 3 Milliarden Euro. Smarte Grenzen sollen unter anderem das Sterben im #Mittelmeer verringern und die Kontrollen an den #EU-Außengrenzen automatisieren. #AlgorithmWatch und das #ZDF Magazin Royale haben recherchiert, was es mit einigen dieser von der EU geförderten Projekte auf sich hat. #AI #KI



#Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hadja Lahbib, and the top #EU Foreign Affairs and Security Policy official, Josep Borrell, of the Council of the EU, have jointly decided to convene an EU-Israel Association Council.

The purpose of this council is to assess compliance with the Association Agreement, which includes obligations to uphold human rights.
#ICJ #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Staatsbesuch: Macron und Steinmeier rufen zur Europawahl auf

Staatsbesuch in Berlin - Macron und Steinmeier rufen zur Europawahl auf

Demokratiefest und Staatsbankett - Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron ist von seinem Amtskollegen Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Berlin empfangen worden.#EmanuelleMacron #Frankreich #Staatspräsident #Europa #EU #Frank-WalterSteimeier #Staatsbesuch
Staatsbesuch: Macron und Steinmeier rufen zur Europawahl auf


Member of the #European Parliament Manon Aubry:

The scenes that occurred in #Rafah as a result of the deliberate bombing cannot be described, and they occurred two days after the International Court of Justice ruled to stop the war in #Rafah.

  • How many massacres must occur for us to impose sanctions on “Israel”?

  • The sale of weapons to “Israel” must be prohibited and the #Palestinian state must be recognized

⚡️ Press coverage: Al-Sisi ignores #Gaza’s call for help after the death of about 35 #Palestinians following the burning of a refugee camp in #Rafah as a result of bombing by occupation aircraft.

Despite his response to Netanyahu 5 years ago and his participation in extinguishing the fires that broke out in the occupied territories

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow #EU #RafahMassacare


Passports, criminal records leaked in EU Parliament data breach – Euractiv

Identity cards, passports, excerpts of criminal records, and work experience documents were among the personal data of European Parliament employees compromised in a data breach, according to an internal email sent on Wednesday (22 May) and seen by Euractiv.

And they want to store even more information...
#security #EU
