

#Turkey: Central Bank Chief Moves Into Parents’ #Apartment As #Inflation Hits #Istanbul Property

Source: https://www.theheritagetimes.com/turkey-central-bank-chief-moves-into-parents-apartment-as-inflation-hits-istanbul-property/

Turkey’s central bank head, #HafizeGayeRrkan says she has been priced out of Istanbul’s property #market by rampant inflation, leaving her with no choice but to move back her parents’ apartment.


“Is it possible that Istanbul has gotten more expensive than #Manhattan?” she said.

I've two questions:
1) What do normal people do with a normal job and without parents or friends in Istanbul? (Are they sleeping in their office or under the bridge?)
2) Is the apartment market now only for billionaires?

#fail #problem #news #living #money #finance #city #politics #economy #capitalism


The Strange $55 Million #Saga of a #Netflix #Series You’ll Never See

source: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/22/business/carl-rinsch-netflix-conquest.html

Soon after he signed the contract, Mr. Rinsch’s behavior grew erratic, according to members of the show’s cast and crew, texts and emails reviewed by The New York Times, and court filings in a divorce case brought by his wife. He claimed to have discovered #Covid-19’s secret transmission mechanism and to be able to predict lightning strikes. He gambled a large chunk of the money from Netflix on the stock market and cryptocurrencies. He spent millions of dollars on a fleet of Rolls-Royces, furniture and designer clothing.

Mr. #Rinsch and Netflix are now locked in a confidential arbitration proceeding initiated by Mr. Rinsch, who claims the company breached their contract and owes him at least $14 million in damages. Netflix has denied owing Mr. Rinsch anything and has called his demands a shakedown.

#47Ronin #movie #entertainment #money #finance #problem #conspiracy #fail #business #crypto #covid #health #Hollywood #streaming #epic #story


#China’s economic troubles will have global consequences

source: https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/world/china/64222/chinas-economic-troubles-will-have-global-consequences

This week, #Moody’s, the international ratings agency, downgraded its outlook for China’s #credit #rating from “stable” to “negative”, while maintaining the country’s A1 credit rating for now. The agency expressed concern about the weakening economic outlook and rising #debt capacity problems.

#economy #problem #capitalism #politics #trade #trouble #problem #crisis #future #finance #market #news




00:00 Introduction : Une #colonisation à marche forcée
04:48 L'écologie : justification ultime ? (spoiler : non)
08:55 La #vie des #riverains compte !
14:29 #Rappel : les piètres #performances de l' #éolien
16:50 Éolien : l'aveuglement #idéologique, et au delà ?
20:08 L' #Allemagne et les bases de la #realpolitik
22:58 Le #fiasco absolu de la #transition énergétique allemande
27:03 L'Allemagne contre la puissance #française
29:34 L' #UE, champ de #bataille énergétique
32:24 Le #travail de #sape idéologique des fondations allemandes
41:24 Quand l'Allemagne et #Blackrock infiltrent nos #ministères
45:23 Comment la Finance a fait main basse sur notre #électricité
51:21 Complicités au sommet de l' #État
56:59 Des #lois au #service des #promoteurs
1:01:52 Quand nos #impôts financent la #destruction des #campagnes
1:09:36 Les #campagnes #françaises : un nouveau #far-west
1:13:26 Derrière le #mythe de la #start-up
1:19:10 La #misère en milieu #rural : une #aubaine pour les promoteurs
1:23:53 #Location des #terrains : une pratique qui interroge
1:28:02 Les #élus #locaux pris au #piège
1:31:44 #Dissimulation et #propagande
1:35:54 Études d'impact falsifiées : une pratique courante
1:42:54 Le pot de terre contre le pot de fer
1:46:43 La #démocratie bafouée, la #population méprisée
1:52:31 La #corruption : un exemple concret
1:56:01 Une #colère qui monte...
1:58:03 Les élus locaux : le dernier rempart ?
2:01:21 Des #victoires qui en appellent d'autres
2:07:09 Ouverture : le secteur éolien face à son inéluctable effondrement
2:09:48 Remerciements et #soutien à la chaîne

#info #politique #macron #écologie #finance


‘Putting a number on #art’: #musicians nervous as #Spotify announces royalty changes

source: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/nov/22/spotify-announces-royalty-changes

“I think 1,000 is too much,” says LA-based independent musician Brandon Washington, who goes by the stage name Ando San. “To an extent it’s true that there’s an oversaturation of artists on Spotify. But without them there would be no Spotify – the platform only exists because of #artists and #music.”

#economy #news #finance #money #profit #platform #internet #streaming #future #change #capitalism #artist


Revealed: #KingCharles secretly profiting from the assets of #dead citizens

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/23/revealed-king-charles-secretly-profiting-from-the-assets-of-dead-citizens

Financial assets known as bona vacantia, owned by people who died without a will or known next of kin, are collected by the duchy. Over the last 10 years, it has collected more than £60m in the funds. It has long claimed that, after deducting costs, bona vacantia revenues are donated to charities.

However, only a small percentage of these revenues is being given to #charity. Internal duchy documents seen by the Guardian reveal how funds are secretly being used to #finance the renovation of properties that are owned by the #king and rented out for #profit.

Time for a #Revolution in #England!

#fail #crime #money #corruption #power #abuse #realestate #capitalism #monarchy #politics #justice


What's Behind the Rising #Conflict in Eastern #DRC

Source: https://www.voanews.com/a/explainer-what-s-behind-the-rising-conflict-in-eastern-drc-/6690258.html

More than 100 armed groups operate in eastern DRC, an unsettled region where conflict has raged for decades but has escalated in recent months.


Fueling the #insecurity is a complicated brew of geopolitics, ethnic and national rivalries, and competition for #control of eastern DRC's abundant natural #resources.


"The DRC produces more than 70% of the world's #cobalt" and "holds 60% of the planet's #coltan reserves," the industry website #Mining #Technology reported in February, speculating that the DRC "could become the Saudi Arabia of the electric vehicle age."

#politics #crime #problem #war #terror #corruption #economy #finance #economy #capitalism #humanRights #environment #news #military #Africa