


Generative #AI could be #listening to your #phone #calls and #hijacking them with fake biometric #audio for #fraud or #manipulation purposes, according to new research published by Security Intelligence. In the wake of a Hong Kong fraud case that saw an employee transfer US$25 million in funds to five bank accounts after a virtual meeting with what turned out to be audio-video #deepfakes of senior management, the biometrics and digital identity world is on high alert, and the threats are growing more sophisticated by the day.

A blog post by Chenta Lee, chief architect of threat intelligence at IBM Security, breaks down how researchers from IBM X-Force successfully intercepted and covertly hijacked a live conversation by using LLM to understand the conversation and manipulate it for malicious purposes - without the speakers knowing it was happening.

"Alarmingly," writes Lee, "it was fairly easy to construct this highly intrusive capability, creating a significant concern about its use by an attacker driven by monetary incentives and limited to no lawful boundary."


#Propaganda auf beiden Seiten der Nahostkriegsberichtserstattung.

Siehe (bitte bis zum Ende schauen. Es werden beide Seiten beleuchtet.): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNZ54qMJ0Wc

Hier haben wir das Hauptproblem für @nohopeone@joindiaspora.com und @faab64@diasp.org beide stecken zu tief in ihrer Filterblase und berichten nur was in ihr Weltbild passt. Über den Tellerrand schaut keiner wohlwissend, dass sie dadurch nur Öl ins Feuer schütten und den Konflikt am laufen halten in dem Glauben ihre Seite wäre die gerechte Seite die siegen muss.

Sehr zutreffend fand ich das Zitat am Ende der #Reportage aus Sicht der Israelischen Presse:

Was haben wir über die Russische Kriegsberichtserstattung aus der Ukraine gelacht. Das waren keine journalistischen Standards. Aber wir machen in Israel genau das selbe und bei uns ist es noch schlimmer. Die Russische Presse wird durch das Putin-Regime daran gehindert vernünftig zu berichten, wir in Israel machen das freiwillig. Dabei gilt unsere Presse als freiheitlich demokratisch.

#Krieg #Terror #Nahost #Israel #Palästina #Politik #Presse #Freiheit #Journalismus #Zensur #Hamas #Militär #Kriegsverbrechen #Menschenrechte #Konflikt #Gesellschaft #Problem #Zensur #Mainstream #Manipulation


Historiker über die Geschichte des Begriffs "Remigration"

Begriff "Remigration" - Historiker: Rassistische Geschichte geht weit zurück

In der Nutzung des Begriffs "Remigration" gibt es nach Angaben des Historikers Florian Wagner eine rechte Kontinuität, die weit zurückgeht.#Rechtsextremismus #Sprache #Manipulation #Framing
Historiker über die Geschichte des Begriffs "Remigration"


#Remigration ist Nazi aber #Rückführungsoffensive ist #Konsens

Liegt das jetzt an der Beliebtheit des Wortes #Führung oder will mensch mit dem Wort #Offensive gleichzeitig auch noch mal die Entschlossenheit an der Ostfront zum Ausdruck bringen?

Zu ihrer Entlastung braucht es unter anderem die von Ihnen angesprochene schnelle und effektive Rückführung von Menschen ohne Bleiberecht. Im Koalitionsvertrag haben wir eine #Rückführungsoffensive verabredet und festgehalten, dass der Bund die Länder bei Abschiebungen künftig stärker unterstützen soll.

Judith Skudelny (FDP)

#Heuchelei #umdreiEcken #Deutschland #Worte #Manipulation #Koalition #FDP


Dan #Ariely and Francesca #Gino became famous for their #research into why we bend the #truth. Now they’ve both been accused of fabricating data.

Source: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/10/09/they-studied-dishonesty-was-their-work-a-lie

She and a collaborator (who wished to remain anonymous, for fear of professional retribution) approached Data Colada. The team had had its own doubts about Gino since 2014, but had concluded that a full investigation was more trouble than it was worth. Now, however, they scrutinized her previous work, and found multiple instances of data that seemed to be misbehaving. #Ziani said, “The magnitude of the fraud was potentially so gigantic that they didn’t want to be merely one hundred per cent sure but one thousand per cent sure.”

#news #crime #science #scam #manipulation #statistics #research #education #problem


I have had an interesting new year and maybe its just me but patterns seem to emerge which I find interesting so I’m going to share these with anyone who cares.

I was about to embark on a great holiday around Asia until a doctor rang me and informed me that a CT scan I had just done showed I was about to die from heart failure. This was a bit of a surprise as I’m pretty fit and the only reason I did the scan was to try to find the reason for an arrhythmia I get after intense exercise.

So I stayed home in misery reading books and looking at heart problems on the internet hmmm.

Anyway the book I read was The Fate of Civilization by Michael Hudson and as I read it and read about heart health I saw a common theme

I have not delved to much into health just no smoking, fit, moderate diet but as I dived into the heart I found out about Nitic oxide. You might know about it but I didn’t. Nitric oxide is produced by the bacteria in the mouth and stomach as well as within the body by various processes and it is a key component in health from circulation to the immune system

When they discovered my heart condition I was prescribe aspirin and an anticoagulant, statins, beta blockers and a vascular dilation drug. Each one of these drugs either sapped my energy, ruined my sleep, upset my stomach, made me anxious or upset my heart rhythm. I actually felt terrible even though this was for my health.

To top it of each one of these drugs inhibited the formation of nitric oxide.

In The Fate of Civilization Michael Hudson showed that it was unearned income that is destroying our economy and society as well as our ability to save our environment. There are a lot of things around this such as debt and the belief that all debt must be paid but this all revolved around the belief that unearned income was a legitimate income and the ability to extract this must be protected.

The extraction of unearned income in the form of rents, interest, resource use and intellectual property is the major cause of our wealth disparity, it is the reason countries are kept in poverty and why our environment is degraded.

So what do nitric oxide and unearned income have in common?

I have heard no discussion of either of these topics outside of the alternative media. I go to my doctor, do a blood test and am offered statins which are an industrial solution to a problem caused by the industrial nature of our food. I will have a stent which is more industrial solutions and each one adds to GDP. My ill health creates economic benefit according to economists but it is the industrial system and those who own this system who benefit.

With unearned income in the form of rents or interest people are made poorer, demand declines and the countries debt expands, the solution we are told is austerity or a reduction in public services or privatization of our resources. These are the solutions proposed by those who have extracted the unearned income form our countries and their solutions will only benefit them again.

You might say I was told to eat my greens but to be honest I never realised why or the process involved from the greens to my health, I was never told about the role Nitic oxide played and maybe its because my doctor was never taught. This is the same as our economy, most of our economists have probably never heard of unearned income as they are taught all income is earned.

I then read this article about our duty to speak honestly. Now totalitarianism might be some distance from nitric oxide but it is closely linked to unearned income as this is the key that puts the one percent in the one percent.

So read or listen to Michael Hudson and learn about unearned income and talk about unearned income to anyone and everyone. We need to make it part of our language. Oh and don’t forget to eat your kale and beets you need a healthy heart to keep the conversation going.


here’s a link to Michaels site to


I forgot my hash tags

#economics #money #power #war #inequality #income #rent #manipulation #hearthealth #nitricoxide


Was ist Propaganda?

Manipulation - Was ist Propaganda?

Mit Propaganda wird nicht nur in Diktaturen Stimmung gemacht. Auch in Demokratien wird Einfluss genommen. Wie funktioniert das und was kann man dagegen tun?#PROPAGANDA #FakeNews #Desinformation #Manipulation #Rhetorik #Kommunikation
Was ist Propaganda?



So, this maritime policy shift was logical two years ago: and I suspect in another two, it will be sailing ahead. Contrast that with a WSJ article about Europe’s military incapacity nearly two years into the Ukraine War: the UK still has only 150 deployable tanks and 12 pieces of long-range artillery; France has 90 of the latter, which Russia loses on the field in any month; and Germany’s army has enough ammunition for two days of battle, and can produce all of three tanks a month.

So Germany is at war with Russia with 3 days of ammunition and able to build 3 tanks a month.

If I was a German I would be considering a change of government.

#ukraine #war #money #power #manipulation


Le dernier dandy, un juif parle par Roger Dommergue

#juif #circonsision #sionnisme #banque #soros #manipulation

Là on est loin du consensuel, on n'est pas dans les demi-mesures. Il y a aura pour tout le monde un passage qui va le faire hurler. Faurisson est une dame cathéchiste à côté de lui. Cela mérite donc une écoute attentive, et une utilisation de son cerveau qu n'est plus guère à la mode.

Et le fait que cette vidéo soit encore en ligne, confirme que certaines choses ne peuvent être dites que par un juif...
@fouzi@diaspora-fr.org @hruotland@diasp.org ne manquez pas ça si vous ne connaissez pas déjà.



A ascensão destas personagens ( #Trump #Bolsonaro e agora #Milei) é apenas o efeito colateral do mau uso do desenvolvimento das #tecnologias de comunicação, da centralização e sobretudo da monopolização da comunicação digital (redes sociais #twitter #WhatsApp etc...).

Source: https://diversispiritus.net.br/item/942f367a-addd-434f-a050-af12919a95f9


The rise of these characters (Trump Bolsonaro and now Milei) is just the side effect of the misuse of the development of communication technologies, the centralization and above all the monopolization of digital communication (social networks twitter WhatsApp etc...).

#politics #internet #propaganda #manipulation #problem #criticism #communication #freedom #democracy #society #future #journalism #press