

The push for making Reza Pahlavi the leader of protests in Iran has failed miserably, now in desperation, their propaganda arm are turning into attack dogs targeting anyone reporting news from inside Iran that is different than the cherry picked one shared by Iran International and Radio Farda!

In their pathetic attempt, they are now calling Iran for "Islamic State" to associate Iran with ISIS in the minds of non Iranians.

#Politics #Iran #IranProtests #Propaganda #RezaPahlavi


Russische - oder US - #Propaganda. Wer ist schlimmer?

#Arte informiert uns in einer ganzen Beitragsreihe fleißig ĂŒber die schlimme rusdische Propaganda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Arya8y_0EG8

Dabei ĂŒbersieht man leicht, dass wir der selben genauso unglaubwĂŒrdigen Propaganda wĂ€rend des Irak-Krieges ausgesetzt waren und auch alles brav geschluckt haben.

Glaubt ihr nicht?

Da bemĂŒht mal eine Suchmaschine eures Vertrauens:

  • Jessica Lynch
  • BrutkastenlĂŒge
  • yellow cake Uno
  • Massenvernichtungswaffen
  • mobile Biolabore
  • mobile Skut-Raketen auf Frachtern ...

#geschichte #vergessen #Krieg #politik #manipulation #problem #Regierung #falseFlag


Das #ZDF will uns erzĂ€hlen, dass die Kosten fĂŒr die Waffen, die in die #Ukraine geliefert werden hauptsĂ€chlich vom US-amerikanischen Steuerzahler getragen werden...

Siehe: https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/waffenlieferung-usa-ukraine-krieg-russland-100.html

Ich distanziere mich selbstverstĂ€ndlich von der russischen #Propaganda aber dass die USA etwas selbstloses tun halte ich ebenfalls fĂŒr unglaubwĂŒrdig.

#Krieg #presse #Journalismus #Waffen #kosten #wirtschaft #MilitÀr #politik #finanzen #schulden #Geld #Bezahlung



I'm with Rickards on this one. WW3 has started do we have the courage to stand up and stop it before it goes nuclear.

Interesting he picks the US to fire the first nuke, I expect the same.

The US is the only country to ever use nuclear weapons in war and they do believe they can win a nuclear war and have written their nuclear protocols with this in mind.

#WW3 #war #ukraine #propaganda #empire #russia #europe #us


The Mass Media Used To Publish Perspectives On Ukraine That They Would Never Publish Today – Caitlin Johnstone

#politics #imperialism #propaganda #war

The other day I stumbled across a 2014 opinion piece in The Guardian titled “It’s not Russia that’s pushed Ukraine to the brink of war” by Seumas Milne, who the following year would go on to become the Labour Party’s Executive Director of Strategy and Communications under Jeremy Corbyn.

I bring this up because the perspectives you’ll find in that article are jarring in how severely they deviate from anything you’ll see published in the mainstream press about Ukraine in 2023. It places the brunt of the blame for the violence and tensions in that nation at that time squarely at Washington’s feet, opening with a warning that the “threat of war in Ukraine is growing” and saying there’s an “unelected government in Kiev,” and it only gets naughtier from there.

I strongly recommend reading the article in full if you want some perspective in just how dramatically the mass media has clamped down on dissenting ideas about Ukraine and Russia, beginning with the frenzied stoking of Russia hysteria in 2016 and exploding exponentially with the Russian invasion last year. I doubt there’s a single paragraph which could get published in any mainstream outlet in the media environment of today.




This is a change from the old days when green MPs were peaceniks

Now they want war my suspicion is that the CIA and various state actors own all the left. The honest people are on the street, pushed out by these state actors.

In new zealand their concern is on everything but our nuclear oblivion.

#WW3 #war #ukraine #propaganda #empire #russia #europe #nuclearwar



Here's a list of the good news.

I have always found it fun to work in litte disaster areas.

Where there are floods or earthquakes or wind but I think everything I have been involved with has been small and local.

I'm not enjoying watching the world explode.

I was hoping to live long enough to see the economy grind to a halt but I hope I don't see civilisation evaporate.

#WW3 #war #ukraine #propaganda #empire #russia #europe #economy #money #power #manipulation


The mysterious case of #HasanFirouzi the Iranian "protester" who's life in "imminent danger" and was sent to hospital as result of torture he was subjected during his time in custody, but the #IRI officials and judiciary say they have no idea who that person is!

The story has been one of the talking points of Iranian online activists and 1000s of people who re-share and repeat the story as the one attached here.

I can not find where the story was originated from, but the IRI officials have officially denied any knowledge of a person with that name being in prison, or awaiting execution.

Things has got even more bizarre lately as images of a man supposedly being Mr. Firouzi showing traces of torture. Even the French Francois Bechieau has posted a tweet in support of his case with some 10k people liking it, some 6500 people resharing it and it was viewed by over 130k people.

Can this be another fake story planted by IRGC to bait the opposition to discredit their authenticity and honesty? Or it is like the repeat of the sad story of #Neda, the innocent by stander woman who was killed by a stray bullet during the protest in Iran after the re-election of #Ahmadinejad where 1000s people (and fake accounts) re-shared a fake image of her "passport" photo.

No matter what the story is, for now, at least based on my little limited research on various social media and online sources, the name Hasan Firouzi is anything but real.

#Iran #Politics #FakeNews #DeathPenalty #IranProtests #IranUprising #Propaganda #Missinformation #Torture #Prison #Tehran


TikTok = ByteDance = CCP = Information warfare.

The CCP are using algorithmic manipulation, applied psychology and influence in Western academia and politics to push an anti-White agenda as part of their war on the West. White men have been the driving force of Western dominance in the world for a long time, which is why the CCP are attacking them specifically, in order to weaken the West and usurp Western hegemony for themselves.

#whitesupremacy #racism #antiwhiteracism #ccp #chinesecommunistparty #infowar #informationwarfare #waronthewest #algorithms #appliedpsychology #divideandconquer #chinesesupremacy #communism #propaganda #geopolitics



Russische #Propaganda : Putins Rache

Russlands PrĂ€sident Wladimir #fuckPutin knĂŒpft an die Tradition des stalinistischen Staats an.
Viele #Russen lassen das geschehen, aber nicht alle sind farbenblind.

#taz #wischnewski #terror


"...Die Menschen glaubten daran, dass die böse Nato 1968 die Tschechoslowakei einnehmen wollte und nur der Einmarsch von Truppen aus den LĂ€ndern des Warschauer Pakts diesen heimtĂŒckischen Plan vereitelte...."