

A ascensão destas personagens ( #Trump #Bolsonaro e agora #Milei) é apenas o efeito colateral do mau uso do desenvolvimento das #tecnologias de comunicação, da centralização e sobretudo da monopolização da comunicação digital (redes sociais #twitter #WhatsApp etc...).

Source: https://diversispiritus.net.br/item/942f367a-addd-434f-a050-af12919a95f9


The rise of these characters (Trump Bolsonaro and now Milei) is just the side effect of the misuse of the development of communication technologies, the centralization and above all the monopolization of digital communication (social networks twitter WhatsApp etc...).

#politics #internet #propaganda #manipulation #problem #criticism #communication #freedom #democracy #society #future #journalism #press


Self-host Zulip

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Zulip is 100% free and open source, with no proprietary version.

Only #decentralized, #OpenStandards based on #OpenSource implementations will survive in the long term.

That is why #AIM, #ICQ and #Skype are dead, #WhatsApp and #Telegram are on the verge of extinction and why @matrix is only slightly less bad than #signalapp because it has #SelfHosting functionality just like #Zulip



Controversial and Unconfirmed :A French Citizen pretended to be a Jew, and infiltrated a #WhatsApp chat consisting of 540 Jews, most of them businessmen of clothing, food, and the likes industries.

Here, they are admitting to paying money to gangs to paint the #Swastika, which is a false flag and then reinterpreted as an anti-Semitic attack by French authorities, they also collect donations and send money to the #IDF, also hire people to clash with Pro-Palestine protestors, one of them is at least a member of the French Ministry of Interior.

This is under investigation and will be verified or put aside as misinformation soon.

#France #Antisemitism #Paris #Palestine #Politics #Gaza


Europese Commissie misleidt burgers met desinformatiecampagne en illegale advertenties

De Volkskrant

In haar jacht op criminelen heeft de Europese Commissie onlangs een controversieel voorstel gedaan waardoor de privacyrechten van EU-burgers ernstig worden aangetast. Landen die niet willen instemmen met het voorstel, worden nu met een discutabele campagne op X onder druk gezet om alsnog aan boord te komen. (...)

(Tekst loopt door onder de illustratie.)

De EU-vlag, weergegeven in bits en bytes. Beeld Getty Images.

De Europese Commissie wil digitale communicatie-apps, zoals WhatsApp, iMessage, Instagram, TikTok en X, veranderen in massasurveillance-instrumenten, zodat digitale communicatie van alle EU-burgers, inclusief hun livegesprekken, foto's en video's, automatisch kan worden gescand op strafbare feiten.

Dit voorstel voor de zogeheten ‘CSAM-verordening’ is door honderden wetenschappers, privacytoezichthouders, en zelfs door interne juristen van de Raad van de Europese Unie zelf veroordeeld vanwege de grove schending van de privacyrechten, maar ook omdat de technologie die gebruikt moet worden om het voorstel uit te voeren gebrekkig is. (...)

Om voor de hand liggende redenen is dat onverenigbaar met het recht op privacy en communicatievrijheid en de onschuldpresumptie. Op donderdag 14 september bleek dat er onvoldoende steun is in de Raad van de Europese Unie voor haar voorstel, de stemming is uitgesteld naar donderdag 19 oktober.

Zorgwekkend is dat de Eurocommissaris een dag later, op 15 september, een betaalde advertentiecampagne op X (voorheen Twitter) liet plaatsen gericht op Nederland, Zweden, België, Finland, Slovenië, Portugal en Tsjechië – landen die volgens een uitgelekt verslag van de vergadering op 14 september niet voor het huidige voorstel wilden stemmen.

De campagne, die meer dan vier miljoen keer is bekeken, gebruikt shockerende beelden van jonge meisjes naast sinister uitziende mannen, onheilspellende muziek, en pleegt een vorm van emotionele chantage door te suggereren dat tegenstanders van het wetsvoorstel kinderen niet zouden willen beschermen tegen misbruik.

Net zo misleidend is de stelling van de Commissie dat het wetsvoorstel door de meerderheid van de Europeanen gesteund zou worden op basis van een enquête die alleen de voordelen maar niet de nadelen van de voorgestelde wetgeving benadrukte. Onderzoeken van onderzoeksbureaus YouGov en Novus, die de nadelen benadrukten, lieten juist vrijwel geen steun voor het voorstel zien onder de Europese bevolking.

Om de Europese publieke opinie naar haar hand te zetten ging de Europese Commissie nog een stap verder. Uit het Transparantierapport van X, dat tweemaal per jaar verschijnt en onder meer informatie biedt over verzoeken van overheden, blijkt dat de Europese Commissie ook ‘microtargeting’ heeft ingezet zodat de advertenties niet verschijnen bij mensen die privacy belangrijk vinden (mensen met interesse in Julian Assange) en eurosceptici (mensen met interesse in ‘nexit’, ‘brexit’ en ‘spanexit’ of in Viktor Orbán, Nigel Farage, of de Duitse politieke partij AfD). Om onduidelijke redenen zijn ook mensen met interesse in het christendom (mensen met interesse in ‘Christian’) uitgesloten. (...)

Als er onvoldoende steun is voor een wetsvoorstel, is de enige juiste democratische reactie om het in te trekken of, zoals Duitsland voorstelde, het voorstel aan te passen zodat het wel op voldoende steun kan rekenen. Dat betekent in dit geval: het ongrondwettelijke en orwelliaanse ‘telescherm’ niet invoeren. (...)

Daarom moet de Europese Commissie de advertentiecampagnes offline halen en houden en zich onthouden van toekomstige pogingen om de Europese publieke opinie naar haar hand te zetten met dergelijke desinformatiecampagnes via gerichte advertenties op sociale media.

Hele artikel

> Zie ook: Privacy-experts: EU-wetsvoorstel tegen digitaal seksueel kindermisbruik is ‘waanzin en grensoverschrijdend’

Tags: #nederlands #eu #europese_unie #kinderporno #kindermisbruik #privacy #whatsapp #gmail #outlook #facebook_messenger #telegram #signal #client-side_device_scanning #client_side_scanning #encryptie #achterdeur #hackers #desinformatie #desinformatiecampagne


Privacy-experts: EU-wetsvoorstel tegen digitaal seksueel kindermisbruik is ‘waanzin en grensoverschrijdend’


Europese Unie - De digitale verspreiding van kinderpornografisch materiaal is een groot probleem. Maar een wetsvoorstel waarmee de Europese Unie dat wil bestrijden, kleven fundamentele bezwaren, zegt een expertpanel tegen Kamerleden: „Een absurd idee.”

(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)

Foto van handen met smartphone
Volgens Europese overheden wordt steeds meer kinderporno gedeeld via chatdiensten als WhatsApp, Signal en Telegram. Foto Stephane Mahe / Reuters.

Terwijl het verspreiden van CSAM – Child Sexual Abuse Material, oftwel foto’s of video’s waarin minderjarigen seksueel worden geëxploiteerd – en grooming grote problemen zijn, slaat de Europese Unie met dit voorstel een verkeerde weg in, vinden alle vier de experts. Ze bevinden zich daarmee in een groeiend gezelschap van honderden vooraanstaande wetenschappers, Europese privacywaakhonden, de Nationaal Rapporteur Mensenhandel en Seksueel Geweld tegen Kinderen én kindermisbruikbestrijders zelf, zoals Offlimits, de organisatie achter het Nederlandse kinderpornomeldpunt. Vorig jaar ondernam het meldpunt actie tegen negenduizend afbeeldingen van minderjarigen. (...)

Voor Offlimits, de organisatie achter het Nederlandse Meldpunt Kinderporno, gaat het huidige voorstel te ver, zegt directeur Robbert Hoving in een schriftelijke verklaring. Het wetsvoorstel is niet in het belang van de kinderen die het zegt te beschermen. (...) „Meekijken in privécommunicatie draagt daarmee juist bij aan onveiligheid en zorgt voor een enorme inbreuk op privacy van gebruikers.” (...)

De enige manier om mee te kunnen lezen met de berichten zonder de versleuteling te verzwakken door een speciale achterdeur voor opsporingsdiensten te creëren, is client side scanning. (...)

„Technisch gezien tast client side scanning de encryptie niet aan”, zegt Hoepman. „Maar dat is wel een heel nauwe interpretatie: versleuteling is een middel en geen doel op zich. Het doel is de vertrouwelijkheid van communicatie beschermen. Met client side scanning lees je gewoon mee over de schouders.” (...)

Het andere voorname kritiekpunt is de grote rol die de Europese Commissie weggelegd ziet voor kunstmatige intelligentie. (...) Kunstmatige intelligentie moet in de bergen foto’s en video’s het onderscheid maken tussen enerzijds onschuldige foto’s van peuters in bad of flirterige berichten tussen pubers en anderzijds grooming en kinderpornografisch materiaal.

Zo ver is de techniek nog lang niet, waarschuwde hoogleraar en internetveiligheidsexpert Michel Van Eeten (TU Delft) Kamerleden. „Voor het detecteren van onbekend kinderpornografisch materiaal en grooming is dit voorstel eigenlijk waanzin.” (...)

„Dit is geen wet die een klein beetje aangepast moet worden: we nemen voor vijfhonderd miljoen Europeanen in één keer de beslissing om die scanners toe te passen. Als wij hiermee instemmen, gaan we een grens over die we nog nooit over gegaan zijn. Namelijk dat iedere Europeaan gemonitord moet worden.”

Hele artikel

Tags: #nederlands #eu #europese_unie #kinderporno #kindermisbruik #privacy #whatsapp #gmail #outlook #facebook_messenger #telegram #signal #client-side_device_scanning #client_side_scanning #encryptie #achterdeur #hackers


#Russia plans to block #VPN services from March 2024

source: https://ria.ru/20231003/vpn-1900174800.html

The Russian communications regulator #Roskomnadzor plans to block all VPN services that allow users to access resources banned in Russia from March 1 next year. These include widely used platforms such as #Instagram, #Facebook and #Whatsapp.

It will be more difficult to get to the platforms, but #TOR via "Bridges" tunnels even through the Chinese #firewall, so Russia should not be a #problem.

#news #internet #censorship #politics #news #media


#Meta planning ad-free subscription or #tracking ads ‘choice’ in #EU

source: https://techcrunch.com/2023/10/03/meta-subscription-vs-consent/

Meta appears to be manoeuvring towards adopting the same approach in a bid to squeeze its #surveillance #business model past regulators again, meaning it would be able to keep tracking and profiling users in the EU — unless they #pay it for their #privacy

Privacy only exists for the rich who can afford it.

#Europe #internet #politics #economy #Facebook #Instagram #WhatsApp #news #advertisement #bigdata #bigbrother #fail



Le programme source des clients Olvid est libre et sous licence AGPLv3, le programme source du serveur est sous licence propriétaire.

L'application Olvid est disponible sur téléphone sur les plateformes Google Play et App store.

Et donc, pas sur F-Droid, de ce que je vois.

Olvid est-elle #OpenSource ?
-> Oui.

Olvid, la messagerie française plus sécurisée que WhatsApp et Signal

Mouais... #marketing, bienvenue ?
Voilà une appli de #messagerie qui est présentée comme étant plus sûr que #Signal (ou #Whatsapp, mais ça c'est pas dur).. Et notamment parce qu'il n'y a plus d'annuaire central.
Mais bien encore un serveur, qui lui est piloté par un .. logiciel propriétaire !!! (me plaît pas, ça !)

Votre avis ? Qui utilise ?

Ancien post, d'il y a 3 ans sur cette messagerie


WhatsApp will likely set the global standard for messaging interoperability: This is Why and possibly What

Blue Signal circle logo on the left, with green WhatsApp logo with telehone handset in middle, and on the right is the blue Telegram logo with a white paper aeroplane depicted in the logo
The world already has quite a few good open-source, E2EE and secure messaging protocols like XMPP, Signal, MTProto, Wickr, Wire, and more. But none have ended up dominating across messaging apps. Also, there is no defined W3C open standard for messaging, like there is ActivityPub for social networking interoperability.

We now have the situation (a good one actually) that the EU is forcing WhatsApp to interoperate with other messaging platforms. That means WhatsApp must offer interconnectivity using some protocol. But that protocol was not defined by the EU, and there is no open standard recommended by a standards body yet (seems W3C is still busy developing its recommendation for WebRTC as a messaging API [which Facebook Messenger and Google Hangouts use] but that was not really created for this type of purpose, as I gather it was more intended for web applications).

In summary on the ‘Why’, WhatsApp can’t be expected to create a separate protocol API for every messenger out there, so they must choose one that others can also adopt and use. In the absence of an international standard, WhatsApp must make a choice, and because WhatsApp is by far the biggest messaging platform on this planet, what they decide to use will be adopted by many other messaging platforms as either their primary or secondary protocol as well. That in turn (should) allows them to interoperate with each other too, thereby effectively creating a common messaging standard through popular usage.

So, ‘What’ could WhatsApp decide on? Well, I’m speculating that as they already built WhatsApp using the modified Signal protocol, that it would make the most sense for them to actually adopt that. The API they expose would just have to be a standard Signal protocol. The Signal protocol would likely mean the least effort for WhatsApp, and it is very well established as a secure E2EE messaging protocol already.

Of course, WhatsApp may also take the low road approach out of spite, and just for compliance purposes, adopt something that uses plain open text like SMS, and limit it to the EU region only.

Neither iMessage nor RCS really qualify for use as they are both limited to separate OS ecosystems. Although an approach taken like Beeper did, with transparently using Matrix rooms and bridges could work, I don’t think WhatsApp will follow that approach as it is more complex than just exposing a standard messaging API, for others to do the work on connecting to. There is nothing wrong with XMPP and the other protocols, but I’m still thinking WhatsApp will stick to what they are more familiar with, and has the least effort involved.

If Apple had adopted RCS, then it may have been a different story, as RCS may have then made sense as it is designed for secure E2EE instant messaging with presence indication, etc. Or if Apple had opened iMessage up to Android, but now I’m just dreaming…

I am eager to witness WhatsApp’s next move, as it will usher in a new age of cross-platform communication for everyone. Currently, most ‘open’ messaging platforms remain isolated, because they have not gained widespread adoption by other parties, despite being open. WhatsApp has an opportunity to change that, thanks to the European Union.
#Blog, #interoperability, #messaging, #technology, #whatsapp


What is WhatsApp Plus, and how does it differ from WhatsApp?

Round blue logo with a thick white border, and a V-shaped teardrop at the bottom left. In the centre of the blue circle is a while outline of an old phone handle.
A concern over WhatsApp is the inability to control your public privacy (especially as it’s Terms of Service still include passing your metadata upstream to Meta). Contacts who pay close attention can learn more about your social routine (based on your online status and visible activity). Now, thanks to dedicated developers, it’s possible to overcome some of these issues with the help of third-party apps. One of the most well-known and popular third-party apps is WhatsApp Plus. But installing this mod comes with risks and reapable benefits, which we address in this guide.

WhatsApp Plus is not on the Google Play Store. It’s considered an unofficial app made by a third-party developer, Rafalete (a senior member of XDA, the creator of WhatsApp Plus). Any data you share will be affiliated with this developer. Also, it requires uninstalling the official app to run this mod. WhatsApp Plus uses the same source code as WhatsApp but adds some modifications. So, your privacy and safety cannot be guaranteed upon using this unofficial app. Another note is that you must also download the app from third-party sources, which brings another set of risks.

You also run into the risk of getting your WhatsApp account banned.

It also seems that the original article that was published about this at Android Police, has been “unpublished” so I’ll link instead to the cached version, as it is quite a good article covering how to install it etc.

Some of the features provided by Plus include:

  • Customizable themes and fonts
  • More emoticons styles from Google, Facebook, and Apple
  • Hide social status
  • Freeze last seen
  • Hide writing status
  • Pattern and PIN lock
  • Longer message recall duration
  • Improved file-sending limits
  • Anti-ban protection (?)

Unfortunately, WhatsApp does have some rather stringent app requirements (and also no easy API that can be used in place of the mobile app). Basically, WhatsApp forces you to keep the app active on your phone, in order to use the service, so not even Beeper will help, as the WhatsApp app has to remain installed.

So, really, WhatsApp Plus is a WhatsApp user’s only hope to try to evade the monitoring and metadata leaking. But you do need to read the linked article to check the potential downsides.

See https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Qo_SrTKam3wJ:https://www.androidpolice.com/what-is-whatsapp-plus/&cd=22&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
#Blog, #privacy, #technology, #whatsapp


Thank You EU: WhatsApp working on cross-platform interoperability with other messengers

Smartphone screen showing time and icons along the very top, and just below that is a title saying "Third-party chats" with a back arrow to the left of it.
The European Union has recently reached an agreement on a significant competition reform known as the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which will impose strict rules on large tech companies that will have to offer users the ability to communicate with each other using different apps. WhatsApp has a 6-month period to align the app with the new European regulations to provide its interoperability service in the European Union. At the moment, it remains unclear whether this feature will also eventually extend to countries beyond the European Union.

Interoperability will allow other people to contact users on WhatsApp even if they don’t have a WhatsApp account. For example, someone from the Signal app could send a message to a WhatsApp user, even without a WhatsApp account. Third-party chat support is under development and it will be available in a future update of the app.

I, like quite a few others, completely deleted their WhatsApp accounts after the Cambridge Analytica scandal, and the then new Terms of Service that WhatsApp forced down on its users, allowing metadata to be passed upstream to Meta. As we all saw already, Meta could not be trusted at all with any metadata (the data relating to the usage of the app, locations, friends, and lots more behaviour data). Even now, I only recreated a Facebook account after getting the Beeper app, which would allow me to do Facebook Messaging without installing the Facebook app on my phone at all.

So, yes, I do have a few friends still stuck on WhatsApp, and who do not seem to realise they can also install other messenger apps like Signal, Telegram, etc. An interoperability will allow me to stay on Telegram and Signal, whilst being able to message some friends on WhatsApp (is this not really what Beeper also sort of offers, except that WhatsApp still requires the WhatsApp app to be installed, which is not an option for me at all).

I therefore welcome what the EU is trying to achieve. Just like e-mail can work between different e-mail domains, so should messaging. I realise there may be challenges, or limitations, to E2EE, but maybe this is why we need a standard too for this interoperability. Maybe if Matrix is used as the connecting medium, the chat message can be still E2EE between the parties using that Matrix room. Beeper is using Matrix as their interconnectivity (completely transparently to the user), and any Beeper-to-Beeper messages are fully E2EE. What they’ve done with Signal is to establish to separate E2EE channels from each client to the personal Matrix room in the middle, so yes it does break the full E2EE, but it may be acceptable for this purpose, if done in this way.

Ideally some new (or existing) protocol standard could be agreed on, and if that is supported in-app by WhatsApp and any of the other messaging services, it will be possible to do full E2EE messaging between end clients.

Why does this matter? Well, it is about that tracking and metadata. So, if I trust Telegram or Signal more than WhatsApp, then my metadata stops by my client, and that data does not travel over to WhatsApp, just the message and the friend contact who is already on WhatsApp. Like Beeper, my app will insulate me from WhatsApp.

The other big benefit will be that you use the app that you are most comfortable with, and do not have to install 7 other apps to communicate with everyone everywhere else (if their apps participate in the interoperability).

Users that want to stay on WhatsApp, can stay there. But yes, from a consumer point of view, they could now more easily move away from WhatsApp. That means WhatsApp must complete a bit harder to make their service really worthwhile to use (I doubt they’ll change their privacy stance!).

See https://wabetainfo.com/whatsapp-beta-for-android-2-23-19-8-whats-new/
#Blog, #EU, #interoperability, #privacy, #technology, #whatsapp